"In Episode 2, ‘Give No Shelter,’ a daring escape from the floating colony of Monroe sees Michonne, Pete, and Sam running for their lives. A… moren all too brief reprieve is soon shattered; the leaders of Monroe don’t forgive and don’t forget. With memories of her daughters bleeding ever further into Michonne’s blurred reality, her world is becoming increasingly fractured… just at the point when she’ll need all of her skills to survive."
Spoiler much?
So, do you guys think this episode will have its own opening too? I hope so. Thanks to Telltale I'm finding new awesome songs to costantly listen to. I probably wouldn't listen to Gun In My Hand and Wolf otherwise.
On another note, in the game files for episode 1, there was a sound file called "Monroe_Mayhem"
It was a soundscape of small scattered explosions, people clamoring in the background, and the sound of boats speeding away
I guess the key-art pretty much explains that, then.
Also, that's one cool benefit of having a water/boat-based community (in theory) when you think about it; the boats can just go somewhere else and regroup later if worse came to worst. A little bit of plywood, lights, and anchors, and the community is mostly rebuilt again. You can't move buildings, so if you get attacked and blown open in a land-based community, you can't just drive your homes away.
Still though, kinda sucks that communities are 0 for 3 in the game. Crawford? Overrun. Howe's? Overrun. Monroe? Set on fire and blown up, apparently. I would like for just one community of people to not somehow end up destroyed.
So, do you guys think this episode will have its own opening too? I hope so. Thanks to Telltale I'm finding new awesome songs to costantly listen to. I probably wouldn't listen to Gun In My Hand and Wolf otherwise.
Possible, but I don't know if they'll be using the same opening again or not though. Likely they'll use a different credit song, maybe another one by First Aid Kit again?
So, do you guys think this episode will have its own opening too? I hope so. Thanks to Telltale I'm finding new awesome songs to costantly listen to. I probably wouldn't listen to Gun In My Hand and Wolf otherwise.
Why u guys didn't posted a link for this thread in michonne episode 1 waiting thread like "if u want to discuss episode 2 discuss it here" like u guys do? i just found out this thread lol i was checking that episode 1 thread like everyday and i was like what happened why no one is talking bout episode 2 .... i am sorry but i thought u guys will update that thread or will give link for the new one... now i have so many comments to read im very late xD
On another note, in the game files for episode 1, there was a sound file called "Monroe_Mayhem"
It was a soundscape of small scattered ex… moreplosions, people clamoring in the background, and the sound of boats speeding away
I guess the key-art pretty much explains that, then.
Also, that's one cool benefit of having a water/boat-based community (in theory) when you think about it; the boats can just go somewhere else and regroup later if worse came to worst. A little bit of plywood, lights, and anchors, and the community is mostly rebuilt again. You can't move buildings, so if you get attacked and blown open in a land-based community, you can't just drive your homes away.
Still though, kinda sucks that communities are 0 for 3 in the game. Crawford? Overrun. Howe's? Overrun. Monroe? Set on fire and blown up, apparently. I would like for just one community of people to not somehow end up destroyed.
You know Deltino, I believe that the Monroe residents in the end of Episode 1 were actually yelling because of the group attacking, not because of the shots fired inside Jonas's room. That means that Michonne and Sam will be dragged along during the escape and regrouping of Monroe's ships.
On another note, in the game files for episode 1, there was a sound file called "Monroe_Mayhem"
It was a soundscape of small scattered ex… moreplosions, people clamoring in the background, and the sound of boats speeding away
I guess the key-art pretty much explains that, then.
Also, that's one cool benefit of having a water/boat-based community (in theory) when you think about it; the boats can just go somewhere else and regroup later if worse came to worst. A little bit of plywood, lights, and anchors, and the community is mostly rebuilt again. You can't move buildings, so if you get attacked and blown open in a land-based community, you can't just drive your homes away.
Still though, kinda sucks that communities are 0 for 3 in the game. Crawford? Overrun. Howe's? Overrun. Monroe? Set on fire and blown up, apparently. I would like for just one community of people to not somehow end up destroyed.
So, do you guys think this episode will have its own opening too? I hope so. Thanks to Telltale I'm finding new awesome songs to costantly listen to. I probably wouldn't listen to Gun In My Hand and Wolf otherwise.
So, do you guys think this episode will have its own opening too? I hope so. Thanks to Telltale I'm finding new awesome songs to costantly listen to. I probably wouldn't listen to Gun In My Hand and Wolf otherwise.
I'd love it if they used this song for the next credits scene:
enter link description here
It's got that great badass hard bluesy sound that fits Michonne's character so perfectly.
I think that is very likely to be the case. It's very faint, but you can sort of make our sentences at the end like "Shit, what was that?" which was in response to the gunshot and later I can hear "What's happening?" and "we're screwed". So maybe...
You know Deltino, I believe that the Monroe residents in the end of Episode 1 were actually yelling because of the group attacking, not beca… moreuse of the shots fired inside Jonas's room. That means that Michonne and Sam will be dragged along during the escape and regrouping of Monroe's ships.
Why u guys didn't posted a link for this thread in michonne episode 1 waiting thread like "if u want to discuss episode 2 discuss it here" l… moreike u guys do? i just found out this thread lol i was checking that episode 1 thread like everyday and i was like what happened why no one is talking bout episode 2 .... i am sorry but i thought u guys will update that thread or will give link for the new one... now i have so many comments to read im very late xD
I'd love it if they used this song for the next credits scene:
enter link description here
It's got that great badass hard bluesy sound that fits Michonne's character so perfectly.
Why u guys didn't posted a link for this thread in michonne episode 1 waiting thread like "if u want to discuss episode 2 discuss it here" l… moreike u guys do? i just found out this thread lol i was checking that episode 1 thread like everyday and i was like what happened why no one is talking bout episode 2 .... i am sorry but i thought u guys will update that thread or will give link for the new one... now i have so many comments to read im very late xD
I know we already have release date but Michonne has now been rated by New Zealand.
Not really. We knew from the preview at the end of episode 1 that they escaped.
I applaud you.
So, do you guys think this episode will have its own opening too? I hope so. Thanks to Telltale I'm finding new awesome songs to costantly listen to. I probably wouldn't listen to Gun In My Hand and Wolf otherwise.
On another note, in the game files for episode 1, there was a sound file called "Monroe_Mayhem"
It was a soundscape of small scattered explosions, people clamoring in the background, and the sound of boats speeding away
I guess the key-art pretty much explains that, then.
Also, that's one cool benefit of having a water/boat-based community (in theory) when you think about it; the boats can just go somewhere else and regroup later if worse came to worst. A little bit of plywood, lights, and anchors, and the community is mostly rebuilt again. You can't move buildings, so if you get attacked and blown open in a land-based community, you can't just drive your homes away.
Still though, kinda sucks that communities are 0 for 3 in the game. Crawford? Overrun. Howe's? Overrun. Monroe? Set on fire and blown up, apparently. I would like for just one community of people to not somehow end up destroyed.
Honestly, I think the intro will be the same one as in the first Episode.
Possible, but I don't know if they'll be using the same opening again or not though. Likely they'll use a different credit song, maybe another one by First Aid Kit again?
Why u guys didn't posted a link for this thread in michonne episode 1 waiting thread like "if u want to discuss episode 2 discuss it here" like u guys do? i just found out this thread lol i was checking that episode 1 thread like everyday and i was like what happened why no one is talking bout episode 2
.... i am sorry but i thought u guys will update that thread or will give link for the new one... now i have so many comments to read im very late xD
Population slaughtered by Clementine.
You know Deltino, I believe that the Monroe residents in the end of Episode 1 were actually yelling because of the group attacking, not because of the shots fired inside Jonas's room. That means that Michonne and Sam will be dragged along during the escape and regrouping of Monroe's ships.
Clementine: [sneezes]
[Wellington bursts into flames]
Edith: This is all YOUR doing!
Clementine: Come on, really!?
I'd quite like it if they used a different verse of Gun in my Hand for the intro of each episode, that'd be cool, but I doubt it.
I'd love it if they used this song for the next credits scene:
enter link description here
It's got that great badass hard bluesy sound that fits Michonne's character so perfectly.
Wow, this was quick!
they should make this as the opening of episode 2
enter link description here
Fair enough.
I think that is very likely to be the case. It's very faint, but you can sort of make our sentences at the end like "Shit, what was that?" which was in response to the gunshot and later I can hear "What's happening?" and "we're screwed". So maybe...
We have a sticky thread at the top of the Walking Dead section where we link to all the waiting threads.
You can find it here!
That's actually a pretty great song choice for a Michonne episode.
I didn't
I'm sure there's some reason why Pete carries around that knife, possibly sentimental... idk. But damn dude get a bigger weapon for all our sakes.
You didn't watch the preview?
Nope. Spoiler free all the way
Clementine: [coughs]
[Howe's Hardware collapses]
Clementine: Fuck..
Yep, season 3 episode 1 plot confirmed.
Clementine: Takes a step
AJ has died of dysentery
Every new Zer0 profile picture gets better and better
god dammit blind I thought we went over this
Huh? You mean vague thread titles, or "SOON"?
aprilish should be used instead.
(?) Alex will remember that.
Alex: You killed the baby!
Clementine: It was an accident, I swear!
[Alex is devoured by a teleporting walker.]
BLIND! We went over this! No more of that word >:l
Trailer for season 3
Announcer: Watch as Clementine's world crumbles around her
Clementine: Kenny!
[Kenny is struck by lighting]
Clementine: Hi Jane!
[Jane is hit by a car]
Because thats the episode 1 waiting thread not the episode 2 one?
I know we already have release date but Michonne has now been rated by New Zealand.
Really now?
Love how they still say your choices impact the story, we know it's not true, they know it's not true.
Don't you mean for Pete's sake? Pun intended.
Weird placement of ''The'' is weird.