Episode Three (Part Three):
There’s almost no point in worrying about Jesse’s oxygen level in the underwater sequence, since once Gabriel… more/Petra is under arm all it takes is a QTE to get them to safety.
“You seem like a person who appreciates cool stuff that’s cool for no reason.” Hipsters in a nutshell.
(Golems play baseball with other mobs) Golems cannot do this in a regular session of Minecraft.
“Oh, and feel free to help yourselves!” Yet all Jesse ever takes is gunpowder.
Axel doesn’t take anything in this scene, even though it would’ve been cool to see him grab some materials and build his own armor set in the fourth episode, since all he’s ever given alternatively is a fishbowl-helmet.
“Wait… but I thought super TNT was the Formidi-Bomb…” “Of course not! They’re two completely different words, aren’t they?” Super TNT and Formidi-Bomb are two different things in this episode, even though they were described as the same t… [view original content]
“Jesse! Jesse! Where are you?” Try looking a little to your right.
“Who’s Petra?” You’ve asked that before. You can probably guess the answer by now.
The endermen that just now get here ignore Jesse and the others to later reveal crucial plot information.
“They’re not gonna be able to outrun it- not on foot!” “Can we build a portal? If somebody had the right materials…” “We don’t!” Hey look! Horses!
“Whatever you do, don’t look back!” “Ah! …I looked.” “Axel, stop back-seat steering!” “I can’t help it- I’m getting horse-sick!” Such laugh. Much joke.
Running! Chasing! Explosions!
“There! We need to ride over that- …bridge.” “We gotta build a new one, like right now.” Sound familiar? “You better build- I dunno, the greatest thing in your life? Like, right now!” (~Episode 2).
(Building a bridge). Soren… what are you doing?
Depending on who you picked- Petra or Gabriel- you’ll have moments with both of them, but in different episodes. Therefore, a choice you made all the way back in episode one affects episodes three and four. As much as I enjoy this kind of “tailoring”, it’s a nightmare trying to find that choice and remake it to see the different possible outcomes. Though some may argue that that’s the point- you’re stuck with whatever choices you make- I don’t care, because I’m counting it as a wrong anyway. Spread that on a sandwich and eat it during your lunch break!
“She might have wither sickness, like me.” “I don’t think so. You’ve never acted the way she’s been acting.” So, the wither storm has the power to cause amnesia or wither sickness, but not both? How do these powers work? Why do they only work on the people they do? In the famous words of GCN, “Details, man! They are important!”
“Guys… it was my fault. I’m the one who took Ellegaard’s armor.” “But you couldn’t have known what was going to happen.” Pfffft hahaha! Aw, man… that’s a good one.
“So now we’ve gone from one wither storm to three! Our plan was a total failure! I should’ve cast that foul thing into the abyss! Why didn’t I destroy that cursed block ages ago?” Because we needed a plot for this game.
“That jacket… I recognize it! … there were other people wearing that very same jacket when I was thrown from the monster!” So what happened while they were in the wither storm? Why didn’t we see the Ocelots come out of the wither storm earlier? This episode is filling up with plot holes and we’re not even in the third chapter yet!
“Whoa… I suddenly feel really dizzy…” “Easy, easy, I gotcha…” AND THE SHIPPING CONTINUES- oh wait, I forgot to pinpoint when it began. Ah, well. Messed up that joke.
“Am I glad YOU came along. Just don’t tell Reuben I said that. He might get jealous.” Don’t worry about it too much, though. He’s going to need replacing at some point!
“You can’t just up and leave, Lukas- you’re a part of our team!” “And you saying that just reminds me that I left my team.” Sound familiar? “I think I need to go.” “To Atlanta?” “Yeah. I got friends there, and I just can’t stay here knowing they could be trapped in that city.” (~The Walking Dead: Season 1).
On the other hand, we actually get to keep Lukas around in this episode, so… minus one wrong!
“Man, if it wasn’t for Ivor, she wouldn’t even be like this!” “That’s… not exactly true. Ivor built the wither, sure… but he couldn’t have done it without that skull I gave him.” Petra has a point.
“Talk about Ellegaard.” “Ellegaard. Yes. She was… really something. Smart. Funny. Amazing with redstone. Heck, she was the one person among us who didn’t even need the… the…” AND THE SHIPPING CONTINUES… oh, I forgot to bring that one up earlier too.
Reuben runs off to move the plot forward.
“Reuben! … Don’t run off on me like that, okay? I don’t want to lose you. You understand?” Foreshadowing.
(Off in the distance) “That’s what I said, isn’t it?” Suddenly Ivor.
“Nothing can stop those things! Nothing even hurts them!” “…Except endermen.” How convenient!
“If I know my endermen, all we’d need to do is get them into the storm’s vicinity. In fact, there’s probably more than enough of them still in my fortress… an unintended side effect of you flooding the End!” First off, is that what we did? Flood the entire End? All we saw was your totally-artificial-happy-land go up in water as we went through a trapdoor before suddenly being spewed out of the End portal (which, being unexplained, is a wrong even of itself). Second, we flooded that place because you told us to with an invention you built, so why pin that on us? This wrong counts triple!
“This is just like the old days, Soren. You and your crazy ideas-“ “Hush, Ivor, for once!” “…” (Minus one wrong).
“Yes! They’ll be caught between a block and a hard place!” Roll credits.
“Actually, I… may have a solution to that. See, when I first took possession of the command block-” “You mean stole it!” When, from where, and how did Ivor steal the command block?
“It’s at my secret lab… which is… sort of far away.” “How far could it possibly be?” “Let’s just say that it’s the farthest a person can travel before being utterly-“ ...Bamboozled? Awestruck?
“Hello. My name is Gabriel.” “…Somebody pinch me.” No option to pinch Ivor exists in this scene.
“Hey, Jesse- let’s try our handshake again. Just once, for the road.” I thought no one would remember that.
Almost three minutes of introductory credits.
Total Wrongs: 31
Sentence: Stories from Magnus (“Now then… tell me more about this ‘Ellegaard’.” "Man, I don't even know where to begin...")
Yes, they must f**k for babies. There is no rubber though, so no protected. You can build whatever you want, much like how I can destroy whatever I want. The ladies probably have periods but all it does is drain their health constantly until it gets to half a heart. The items are just logic lol. They scoop up things with their blocky hands. They have no school, it probably got demolished by that antisocial guy.
People get hungry in this world, but do they need to poop? o.o where's the Minecraft toilet? Do the ladies get periods? Do men need to shave… more? Where are all the Minecraft children? Do people woo hoo and the expecting mother pops out a baby in 9 months, or do they just pop out of the ground like daisies fully grown and mentally matured without the need for a woo hoo? Are there even families? Do people fall in love? Do people get into relationships or get married or is everybody asexual?
Do they need planning permission first before building a structure, or do they need to pass a builder exam to get a builder's licence first before even applying for that? Do they need to study? Are there schools or colleges? What's stopping somebody from building a 1000 foot high giant block of dirt? Is it against the law? Will they go to prison for destroying the countryside by removing all the dirt and building it on a town because they thought 'hey, i'm wa… [view original content]
Episode Four (Part One):
Narration… again… sigh…
“Do I… know you?” Apparently so.
“Jesse! Jesse! Where are you?” Try looking a litt… morele to your right.
“Who’s Petra?” You’ve asked that before. You can probably guess the answer by now.
The endermen that just now get here ignore Jesse and the others to later reveal crucial plot information.
“They’re not gonna be able to outrun it- not on foot!” “Can we build a portal? If somebody had the right materials…” “We don’t!” Hey look! Horses!
“Whatever you do, don’t look back!” “Ah! …I looked.” “Axel, stop back-seat steering!” “I can’t help it- I’m getting horse-sick!” Such laugh. Much joke.
Running! Chasing! Explosions!
“There! We need to ride over that- …bridge.” “We gotta build a new one, like right now.” Sound familiar? “You better build- I dunno, the greatest thing in your life? Like, right now!” (~Episode 2).
(Building a bridge). Soren… what are you doing?
Depending … [view original content]
Missed a few sins: "Looks like that spire is where we'll find Magnus!"...Wait,up THERE!How does Magnus eat?.....or sleep?Does he...have a hidden food and bed storage?Or does he just not need food for some strange reason....
"And A Pig?Really?HARDLY stealthy"...Says the guy that's probably the loudest member of the Order of the Stone. (Excluding Soren when he is angry)
So Magnus has destroyed TONS of grievers in the Death Bowl?How come the Minecraft police haven't came over and arrested him already!Where is the law in this world!
Arrows do not light on fire when shot through lava.Instead they are destroyed.
"STOP EATING MY KINGDOM!!"...,,But....you're not king anymore..
"Who are you?And why did you bring HIM with you?"....Did Olivia not tell you we were getting Magnus?Or was she too busy fainting to do that?
"How could you have lost contact with him?" (Ellie nods and walks away) Geez Ellegaard,you deleted his phone number it's not that big of a-Oh wait,you didn't delete his phone number?Oops,sorry...eheheheheh
"He's just a little..crazy?destructive?egotistical?"...Magnus In a nutshell
"Even if you have Gabriel,the map does not show his light."
"How does Jesse know that was Ivor's light? He's only used the amulet once before this!"
"Background and World suddenly grows dark because an evil villain cliche"
"This mountain is not NEARLY big enough for it to hold this much stuff."
"Charming isn't it"...are you being sarcastic?...Or are you telling what you think?Sometimes it's really hard to tell with you nerds.
"Magnus if the artist painted inside your mind,he'd get the most beautiful desert landscape"...And what would he have if he painted inside YOUR mind..a piston going up and down?Redstonia?Levers?Lamps?A Repeater?Soren?!!!! (Ok I MAY have gone a littleeeeee overboard on that last one...)
I’ll try not to repeat wrongs or rights that were covered in the last run, unless any of them prove particularly pertinent. With that out of… more the way…
Episode Two (Boom Town, Gabriel):
Jesse can use a fishing rod, but only just before killing the ghast with a sword.
All ghasts in the Nether die with remarkable ease, and apart from them this place seems devoid of monsters.
“You were awesome, Jesse! With that ghast, and chasing the minecart…! That is, like, the perfect warmup for when we get to Boom Town!” How was that a good warmup for Boom Town? Boom Town is a place of explosions and chaos, not minecarts and ghasts.
I like the “Welcome to Boom Town” theme music. Minus one wrong!
“Wow- a cactus! You never see these back home!” “I’d take one as a souvenir, but I don’t wanna stick it in my pants.” And yet you would stuff feathers, cookies, blocks of wood, and other such oddities in your pants. Why worry about discomfort if your … [view original content]
“Details, man! They are important!”
Totally. Aren't we lucky Jesse isn't affected at all even after getting hit more times than Petra and Gabriel did combined?
Minecraft Storymode Episode 3 you have to choose between Magnus or Ellegard but.... Didn't Soren say the Enderman Suit was built with Durability in mind....
Episode Three (Part Three):
There’s almost no point in worrying about Jesse’s oxygen level in the underwater sequence, since once Gabriel… more/Petra is under arm all it takes is a QTE to get them to safety.
“You seem like a person who appreciates cool stuff that’s cool for no reason.” Hipsters in a nutshell.
(Golems play baseball with other mobs) Golems cannot do this in a regular session of Minecraft.
“Oh, and feel free to help yourselves!” Yet all Jesse ever takes is gunpowder.
Axel doesn’t take anything in this scene, even though it would’ve been cool to see him grab some materials and build his own armor set in the fourth episode, since all he’s ever given alternatively is a fishbowl-helmet.
“Wait… but I thought super TNT was the Formidi-Bomb…” “Of course not! They’re two completely different words, aren’t they?” Super TNT and Formidi-Bomb are two different things in this episode, even though they were described as the same t… [view original content]
Episode Three (Part Three):
There’s almost no point in worrying about Jesse’s oxygen level in the underwater sequence, since once Gabriel… more/Petra is under arm all it takes is a QTE to get them to safety.
“You seem like a person who appreciates cool stuff that’s cool for no reason.” Hipsters in a nutshell.
(Golems play baseball with other mobs) Golems cannot do this in a regular session of Minecraft.
“Oh, and feel free to help yourselves!” Yet all Jesse ever takes is gunpowder.
Axel doesn’t take anything in this scene, even though it would’ve been cool to see him grab some materials and build his own armor set in the fourth episode, since all he’s ever given alternatively is a fishbowl-helmet.
“Wait… but I thought super TNT was the Formidi-Bomb…” “Of course not! They’re two completely different words, aren’t they?” Super TNT and Formidi-Bomb are two different things in this episode, even though they were described as the same t… [view original content]
That's true... I guess the main point is that the way death works in Story Mode just isn't all that consistent. Maybe I should replace that wrong with: If Magnus is dead, then why doesn't he disappear in a puff of smoke like Reuben does? Why doesn't he leave any items behind, apart from his armor?
That's true... I guess the main point is that the way death works in Story Mode just isn't all that consistent. Maybe I should replace that … morewrong with: If Magnus is dead, then why doesn't he disappear in a puff of smoke like Reuben does? Why doesn't he leave any items behind, apart from his armor?
Jesse and company find themselves close to the Far Lands after a single montage.
“I’m telling you, we cannot go to the Far Lands!” Um, yes you can, and for the world's sake you kind of have to.
“Oh please. The Far Lands are a happy accident. Nature’s way of keeping life interesting.” They thought Pompeii would make a nice home, too.
“You know, I think I’ve heard of the Far Lands before.” “I’d be surprised if you hadn’t.” Considering they were brought up during the introduction of the first episode.
“The Far Lands lie at the very edge of all things, where logic gives way to chaos. They’re a dangerous place to visit… and a ridiculous place to construct a laboratory!” Funny. You’d think someone who’s been living in the End to study endermen for so long would be a little more open to the idea of building a laboratory in a strange and dangerous place.
“Do those two never stop arguing?” Apparently not.
“I don’t know. I’m too hungry to care.” “No kidding. I’m starving.” Now that I’m thinking about it, how long has it been since these guys have eaten? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I haven’t seen them eat anything but the cookies from way back in episode one. It's been days since then! How on earth are they still alive right now??
“Guys, we can’t turn back now. Not after coming so far.” (“They will remember that.”) What will they remember, exactly? That Jesse is somehow still alive, even though he/she might not have even had that cookie from episode one in his/her stomach to keep him/her going?
“A witch’s hut.” Oh, is that what it is? Good thing you teleported here to explain the presence of a random hut this close to the Far Lands.
“We should steer clear of it- nothing good ever happens when witches are involved.” Sexism…?
“Look, a cake!” Right after Ivor explains how dangerous the witch's hut is, a cake suddenly appears to derail his entire argument.
“It isn’t worth it, Jesse- witches hate trespassers.” Who doesn’t? Especially in Minecraft.
“Besides… there are plenty of potatoes around!” Potato power.
“Jesse, we shouldn’t be here. Witches are very strong.” Unless they exist in Story Mode.
“Ivor, I can’t pass this up. I need you to watch my back, okay?” Jesse trusts Ivor to watch his/her back. I suppose this is slightly blamable on the players who pick this option, but trusting Ivor to stick around in a dangerous situation clearly proves that Jesse has learned nothing from every time Ivor has elected to make a “tactical retreat”.
“I’ll keep watch. Just be quick about it.” Jesse isn’t in any danger until the cake is taken, meaning that Ivor’s advice to “be quick about it” is pointless.
Ivor won’t return until much later in the episode, but for some reason will still be seen as trustworthy.
Suddenly skeletons.
“Everyone, let’s get out of here, AY-SAP!” ASAP stands for As Soon As Possible, yet the subtitles read Ay-sap.
“Guys, I think we lost them for… wow.” “You lost them for wow? What does that- …Oh, wow.” I just lost it for wow.
“I think I like cake!” “Who doesn’t like cake?” If you ask the internet, no one. If you ask Aperture Science, you’ll find they have a love/hate relationship with the substance.
“Incredible.” “You can say that again.” “Incredible.” “My fault, should’ve seen that coming.” That last sentence is applicable to much of this series.
Ivor’s maze is a nice example of optional content. If you choose to enter before climbing up the walls, you’ll find that the maze section is almost over. If you choose to climb the walls immediately, you have the entire maze to figure out. Minus one wrong!
(Zombies show up in a dead end of the maze). Literal dead end. The only thing missing is for this to actually take place in the End.
(Another witch suddenly shows up). We interrupt your game to bring you Minecraft Witch 2: The Witchening.
“This layout doesn’t make any sense. What was Ivor thinking? …Or maybe it’s just me. I mean, Ellegaard herself said I don’t have what it takes to be a great engineer.” She did? And even if she did, what does it matter? She’s dead. ...I'm sorry, too soon?
“She was in the Order of the Stone!” So? What does that matter by this point? Surely you see by now that all of them are either total jerks or borderline insane people up close.
“Soren and Ivor are always at each other’s throats…” Except when Ivor bails on you.
“All I ever see Magnus do is argue…” Then you haven’t been around for his bedtime stories about Ellegaard.
“How are we supposed to do anything? We’re nobody. The Order of the Nothing.” The Order of the Nothing is not an optional team name.
Olivia can talk herself into figuring out Ivor’s machine if Jesse doesn’t say anything, even though it might’ve been more interesting to see Jesse figure it out and for Olivia to be humbled by Jesse’s determination. Sure, it’s nice to see her stand up for herself, but her character up to this point has been filled to the brim with self-doubt and dependence on what others think to define herself. This sudden motivation seems a bit inconsistent for her.
Olivia just so happens to have a piston in her inventory. Piston-Ex-Machina.
Also, why doesn’t Ivor keep the required piston in the same chest with the other materials necessary to repair the barge? Is there a piston in another part of the maze, or does Ivor just always keep a spare piston handy for whenever he visits this place?
Total Wrongs: 64
Sentence: Another Witch (“Nothing good ever happens when witches are involved.”)
Episode Four (Part One):
Narration… again… sigh…
“Do I… know you?” Apparently so.
“Jesse! Jesse! Where are you?” Try looking a litt… morele to your right.
“Who’s Petra?” You’ve asked that before. You can probably guess the answer by now.
The endermen that just now get here ignore Jesse and the others to later reveal crucial plot information.
“They’re not gonna be able to outrun it- not on foot!” “Can we build a portal? If somebody had the right materials…” “We don’t!” Hey look! Horses!
“Whatever you do, don’t look back!” “Ah! …I looked.” “Axel, stop back-seat steering!” “I can’t help it- I’m getting horse-sick!” Such laugh. Much joke.
Running! Chasing! Explosions!
“There! We need to ride over that- …bridge.” “We gotta build a new one, like right now.” Sound familiar? “You better build- I dunno, the greatest thing in your life? Like, right now!” (~Episode 2).
(Building a bridge). Soren… what are you doing?
Depending … [view original content]
Episode Four (Part Two):
Jesse and company find themselves close to the Far Lands after a single montage.
“I’m telling you, we cannot … morego to the Far Lands!” Um, yes you can, and for the world's sake you kind of have to.
“Oh please. The Far Lands are a happy accident. Nature’s way of keeping life interesting.” They thought Pompeii would make a nice home, too.
“You know, I think I’ve heard of the Far Lands before.” “I’d be surprised if you hadn’t.” Considering they were brought up during the introduction of the first episode.
“The Far Lands lie at the very edge of all things, where logic gives way to chaos. They’re a dangerous place to visit… and a ridiculous place to construct a laboratory!” Funny. You’d think someone who’s been living in the End to study endermen for so long would be a little more open to the idea of building a laboratory in a strange and dangerous place.
“Do those two never stop arguing?” Apparently not.
… [view original content]
“I’m proud of you, Olivia.” “Thanks, Jesse! And… thanks for everything you said just before. It really helped.” Even if Jesse doesn’t say anything, Olivia claims that something he/she said helped motivate her.
“Wait… I remember something. Didn’t Ellegaard build a machine like this once?” “Yes, in the Nether.” Ellegaard built a flying machine in the Nether that we’ll never get to ride on.
“I’m afraid of heights too, Soren.” “Really?” “Nah. I just wanted to see if you bite.” What a jer- …oh, wait.
“That was amazing! Get it? A-maze-ing?” …I’m taking a wrong off because amnesia Petra is just that adorable.
“If by ‘exciting’ you mean absurd and unnecessary.” You’re in the Far Lands, dude. Everything here is probably going to fall into categories of “absurd” or “unnecessary”.
“Any luck?” “Not really. Ivor has too many books, and there’s too few of us looking.” You’re looking for an enchanting book- not exactly the sort of thing you could hide on a bookshelf.
“How did we end up like this?” You just had a motivational moment back at the ledge, yet now you’re worried about the group being spread too thin.
“I miss how things used to be. That first night we all spent together? That was… kinda fun. Almost.” Yeah, kicking Lukas out of the mud-hut was great… I mean, what?
“Look, we might be spread thin, but we’re all still a team. That’s how teams work.” “You almost said ‘teamwork’.” “See? We’re still funny.” How was that a testament to your sense of humor?
“I guess being split up just means we can be in more places at once, right? Kinda… like… the Wither Storm…” The Wither Storms is not an optional team name.
And just like that, Olivia’s insecurity is gone.
(Speaking of Ivor) “If only he hadn’t gotten lost in that confounded swamp… he could tell us where the book is! Coming here is his idea. He should be here for it!” That’s actually a fair point.
“He was just doing what I asked.” Technically, no, he wasn’t. He ran off when you told him to stay put and watch your back.
“It wasn’t his fault we got separated.” Um, yes it was.
“There’s neither rhyme nor reason to how these books are stored. Finding anything here is impossible!” You are looking for an enchanting book, right? Did I miss something, or…?
“Fine. I will continue this monotonous search. But I reserve my right to grumble about it.” I guess I’d be annoyed too if I had to look in a place I knew I’d never find it.
“Reuben, what are you doing? Yeah, well, you’re gonna get yourself cooked. I’ve told you before: stay- away- from lava.” Like he did in the first episode?
If you made a lever in episode one, the chest containing the materials for a lever in this scene is absent, so that you have to use the lever you made all those episodes before to make progress. This is the only time said lever will be used, and after Jesse and Soren go through it will stop working for plot-related reasons.
“Wooden planks. Those’ll be useful.” Not as useful as the sticks you just pulled out of that chest, though.
“First, I’ll need some sticks.” Yeah- if only they came straight out of the chest, so you wouldn’t have to build them out of wooden blocks.
“Kay, got the sticks.” …Good.
“What the- ?” Suddenly wall.
“Are you guys okay?” “We’re fine! But the lever isn’t working anymore!” What does it matter? If you wanted to, you could probably just punch through the wall like you did with the floor in episode three.
“The treasures of the Order of the Stone! The stories I could tell about these dusty old things…” I may lack 20/20 vision, but those treasures don’t look all that dusty to me.
(The order of the Order puzzle). This puzzle… is awesome, so of course I’ll subtract a wrong for it.
The puzzle that comes right afterwards is another case of order memorization. In other words, Jesse must complete the same type of puzzle two times in a row.
“It was a fight for the ages! … the Ender dragon was stronger than even I had imagined. I realized it was drawing strength from the Ender Crystals … I hit the first with a perfectly placed arrow. The second, I destroyed by launching myself on the shockwave of Magnus’ TNT!” And no griefer has ever bothered to point out that this is impossible.
“Using only my strength and my wiles, I steered the foul beast towards the third crystal. I flew the dragon directly toward the final crystal! Only then did Gabriel deliver his famous final blow. We became heroes, and eventually, legends.” “Soren, you’re so full of it!” “Excuse me?” “You make it sound like nobody else mattered!” Not to mention that most of those things you say you did are things that literally can’t be done… in a regular session of Minecraft, that is.
“Give me a boost, Reuben.” Is pig-boosting a thing in Minecraft? Because I don’t think pig-boosting is a thing in Minecraft.
“Wait, aren’t those the Ender Crystals?” How did Ivor bring the Ender Crystals down here?
“We used that blip command block!” Soren is a jerk to command blocks.
“The others had no idea what I was doing, yet the more I used it the more we came to depend on it.” My precious…
“I knew it was only so long before someone would find out.” Which is why I decided that we should keep it a secret and look like even bigger frauds when we were found out. I am not very smart.
“…” (“Soren will remember that.”) I’m guessing Soren won’t remember Jesse’s silence any more than he’ll remember any of Jesse’s other available responses.
“You lied, even to your closest friends!” That is obviously not true. They all knew about the command block (at least after Soren used it on the ender dragon), and if they had wanted to they probably could’ve just re-summoned it for a proper battle.
“Soren, Gabriel, Magnus, Ellegaard… they agreed to keep this a secret.” “And you! You agreed to stay quiet too! In exchange for all our treasures!” “gasp!” Such shock. Much drama.
Total Wrongs: 97
Sentence: The Justin Bieber/One Direction Collaboration CDs (“He kept them… the fool actually kept them!”)
Episode Four (Part One):
Narration… again… sigh…
“Do I… know you?” Apparently so.
“Jesse! Jesse! Where are you?” Try looking a litt… morele to your right.
“Who’s Petra?” You’ve asked that before. You can probably guess the answer by now.
The endermen that just now get here ignore Jesse and the others to later reveal crucial plot information.
“They’re not gonna be able to outrun it- not on foot!” “Can we build a portal? If somebody had the right materials…” “We don’t!” Hey look! Horses!
“Whatever you do, don’t look back!” “Ah! …I looked.” “Axel, stop back-seat steering!” “I can’t help it- I’m getting horse-sick!” Such laugh. Much joke.
Running! Chasing! Explosions!
“There! We need to ride over that- …bridge.” “We gotta build a new one, like right now.” Sound familiar? “You better build- I dunno, the greatest thing in your life? Like, right now!” (~Episode 2).
(Building a bridge). Soren… what are you doing?
Depending … [view original content]
Episode Four (Part Three):
“I’m proud of you, Olivia.” “Thanks, Jesse! And… thanks for everything you said just before. It really helped.… more” Even if Jesse doesn’t say anything, Olivia claims that something he/she said helped motivate her.
“Wait… I remember something. Didn’t Ellegaard build a machine like this once?” “Yes, in the Nether.” Ellegaard built a flying machine in the Nether that we’ll never get to ride on.
“I’m afraid of heights too, Soren.” “Really?” “Nah. I just wanted to see if you bite.” What a jer- …oh, wait.
“That was amazing! Get it? A-maze-ing?” …I’m taking a wrong off because amnesia Petra is just that adorable.
“If by ‘exciting’ you mean absurd and unnecessary.” You’re in the Far Lands, dude. Everything here is probably going to fall into categories of “absurd” or “unnecessary”.
“Any luck?” “Not really. Ivor has too many books, and there’s too few of us looking.” You’re looking for an enchanting book- not e… [view original content]
XD I so easily forget that Petra's an official team member! I should probably address that at some point. On another note, I'm excited to almost be done with the wither storm arch! Just one more part...
“So this whole thing… this wither you unleashed… it’s all been to teach the Order a lesson?” “To teach the world a lesson! To show you who the Order really are!” Why did Ivor set up this entire elaborate tale-debunking museum in his basement way out in the Far Lands, where no one was likely to visit?
“Look, my wither plan obviously backfired.” “You think?” “I didn’t know we’d end up with three of those things tearing the world apart!” Revenge is typically like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die. Ivor’s revenge plan is more like triggering an active volcano and hoping for the best.
“Ivor… I’m sorry. About everything.” “Yes, well… it doesn’t matter now.” Um, yes it does.
Jesse can pick an armor set and craft almost any tool of his/her choosing. Minus two wrongs!
It doesn’t matter much what Jesse crafts, because he/she will only wind up with an enchanted sword by the next episode.
“All quite durable, and sturdy!” You basically said the same thing twice.
Axel’s fishbowl helmet.
“They’ve kept the wither storm busy, but one of the smaller ones started attacking us! And Magnus ran off to fight that thing, all by himself!” We will never see Magnus/Ellegaard for the rest of this episode, even though he/she is clearly better than the entire Order of the Stone put together.
“If a member of the… the…” “Order of the Stone?” “Is out there fighting… then I belong out there too. … My name… is Gabriel the Warrior!” (Screams and runs away). I thought Gabriel said he was going to “repay Jesse’s kindness”. This is probably the only real opportunity he has to do so, yet he runs off, proving that he’s no more loyal in times of stress than Ivor.
“I can’t let that idiot get himself killed!” Oh Ivor, quit insulting yourself.
Still… at least he’s not running away out of self-centered survival.
And Soren runs away also. To clarify, in case you’ve mistaken my meaning, I’m writing this out of relief.
“So much for the mighty Order of the Stone.” Did Ivor really need to go so far to prove the cowardliness of the Order?
(Provoking endermen). This QTE repeats until Jesse gets it right… just like most other quick-time-events in this series.
(Catapult building). Not only do you get to decide what to build in this scene, but you can also avoid building altogether if you kept the potion of leaping. Building Reuben is even given as an option. Minus one wrong!
“Jesse, look out!” “Ugh!” The wither storm almost looked at me! Better drop my potion! …Seriously though, Jesse has a problem with holding important objects.
“Ocelots… distract that Wither Storm!” The Ocelots become the good guys in this episode, yet go back to being the bad guys in the next. Character development!
“Jesse, you can do this! I know you can!” AND THE SHIPPING CONTINUES… for which timeline, I’ll let you decide.
(Within the belly of the beast, Reuben sees the butcher, freaks out, and runs away). Withered butchers haunt tiny pigs.
This scene of destroying the command block is awesome. Minus one wrong!
“Reuben! Remember how we used to play fetch?” This somehow works.
“You did it, Jesse! You actually did it!” Sound familiar? “You did it, Jesse! You actually did it!” (~Episode three).
“Hey, do you guys hear something?” That, Axel, is the sound that thousands of Story Mode players will resent until they’re old and grey… and even then, they’ll probably still feel bitter about it.
Reuben dies due to fall damage.
(Reuben turns into ham). Sniff …What? What are you looking at? Sniff …Stupid pig.
“Those people used to look at me that way, Jesse. Perhaps they deserve to know the truth about the Order.” By telling Gabriel not to tell everyone the truth about the Order, Jesse dismantles everything that Ivor has been working towards from the first episode. It’s not a wrong or anything- just pointing out that one’s motivation behind this choice may be determined solely by how much they don’t like Ivor.
“It’s crazy to think my friends and I started out in a treehouse… and now we’ve been to some of the weirdest places in the world.” You know what’s almost crazier? How boring the Nether was compared to all the other places, even though ideally it might’ve been more exciting than Boom town or Redstonia. Sure, those places were great, but in a regular session of Minecraft the Nether is the epitome of surviving the underworld. Honestly, this entire series could’ve taken place down there, and be arguably just as good as it is now.
“I mean, come on… we went to the End!” Which, ironically, is not where this season ends... as far as I can tell.
“We even made friends with some endermen! Which is… kind of a long story.” You “made friends with some endermen”? …Seems legit.
“And so it was that a new Order of the Stone was born.” Which is something I take issue with. Honestly, I’d almost prefer to disassociate myself with the original Order of the Stone as much as humanly possible.
Also, narration. For the final time.
“One who’s adventures were just beginning… For though the world had been saved, and the command block destroyed… there are many more worlds than just this one.” Which is why Telltale decided to tack on three more purchasable episodes, and create what essentially are two seasons in one. Money!
Total Wrongs: 120
Sentence: Another Wither Storm
So, that concludes the Wither Storm arch of the series, which I guess can otherwise be called Minecraft: Story Mode - Season One.
Episode Four (Part Three):
“I’m proud of you, Olivia.” “Thanks, Jesse! And… thanks for everything you said just before. It really helped.… more” Even if Jesse doesn’t say anything, Olivia claims that something he/she said helped motivate her.
“Wait… I remember something. Didn’t Ellegaard build a machine like this once?” “Yes, in the Nether.” Ellegaard built a flying machine in the Nether that we’ll never get to ride on.
“I’m afraid of heights too, Soren.” “Really?” “Nah. I just wanted to see if you bite.” What a jer- …oh, wait.
“That was amazing! Get it? A-maze-ing?” …I’m taking a wrong off because amnesia Petra is just that adorable.
“If by ‘exciting’ you mean absurd and unnecessary.” You’re in the Far Lands, dude. Everything here is probably going to fall into categories of “absurd” or “unnecessary”.
“Any luck?” “Not really. Ivor has too many books, and there’s too few of us looking.” You’re looking for an enchanting book- not e… [view original content]
Episode Four (Part Four):
“So this whole thing… this wither you unleashed… it’s all been to teach the Order a lesson?” “To teach the worl… mored a lesson! To show you who the Order really are!” Why did Ivor set up this entire elaborate tale-debunking museum in his basement way out in the Far Lands, where no one was likely to visit?
“Look, my wither plan obviously backfired.” “You think?” “I didn’t know we’d end up with three of those things tearing the world apart!” Revenge is typically like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die. Ivor’s revenge plan is more like triggering an active volcano and hoping for the best.
“Ivor… I’m sorry. About everything.” “Yes, well… it doesn’t matter now.” Um, yes it does.
Jesse can pick an armor set and craft almost any tool of his/her choosing. Minus two wrongs!
It doesn’t matter much what Jesse crafts, because he/she will only wind up with an enchanted sword by the next episode.
“All qui… [view original content]
The Blaze Rods get thrown into a prison far from home, for destroying a city.
Ivor nearly destroys the world and gets away scot-free.
Fair? I don't think so.
The Blaze Rods get thrown into a prison far from home, for destroying a city.
Ivor nearly destroys the world and gets away scot-free.
Fair? I don't think so.
Petra talks about discovering the Order's Temple in Ep. 5. She wasn't even there when they did that! Also, she teases Axel about how he was scared of the dispensers. Again, SHE WASN'T EVEN THERE!
Ellie: I am working on my greatest project , the command block!
(Soren hears her voice all the way from The End)
Petra talks about discovering the Order's Temple in Ep. 5. She wasn't even there when they did that! Also, she teases Axel about how he was scared of the dispensers. Again, SHE WASN'T EVEN THERE!
...Oh yeah! I forgot about those!
...Why don't they pick them up?? They probably would've granted efficiency and swiftness to all those mob encounters.
Total Wrongs: 92
Sentence: A Lotta Jams (and jellies!)
Great job!
Ready for Ep 5?
Thanks! It'd be nice to have an EWW for episode 4 done before episode 5's release, but either way I'm pretty stoked!
Episode Four (Part One):
Narration… again… sigh…
“Do I… know you?” Apparently so.
“Jesse! Jesse! Where are you?” Try looking a little to your right.
“Who’s Petra?” You’ve asked that before. You can probably guess the answer by now.
The endermen that just now get here ignore Jesse and the others to later reveal crucial plot information.
“They’re not gonna be able to outrun it- not on foot!” “Can we build a portal? If somebody had the right materials…” “We don’t!” Hey look! Horses!
“Whatever you do, don’t look back!” “Ah! …I looked.” “Axel, stop back-seat steering!” “I can’t help it- I’m getting horse-sick!” Such laugh. Much joke.
Running! Chasing! Explosions!
“There! We need to ride over that- …bridge.” “We gotta build a new one, like right now.” Sound familiar? “You better build- I dunno, the greatest thing in your life? Like, right now!” (~Episode 2).
(Building a bridge). Soren… what are you doing?
Depending on who you picked- Petra or Gabriel- you’ll have moments with both of them, but in different episodes. Therefore, a choice you made all the way back in episode one affects episodes three and four. As much as I enjoy this kind of “tailoring”, it’s a nightmare trying to find that choice and remake it to see the different possible outcomes. Though some may argue that that’s the point- you’re stuck with whatever choices you make- I don’t care, because I’m counting it as a wrong anyway. Spread that on a sandwich and eat it during your lunch break!
“She might have wither sickness, like me.” “I don’t think so. You’ve never acted the way she’s been acting.” So, the wither storm has the power to cause amnesia or wither sickness, but not both? How do these powers work? Why do they only work on the people they do? In the famous words of GCN, “Details, man! They are important!”
“Guys… it was my fault. I’m the one who took Ellegaard’s armor.” “But you couldn’t have known what was going to happen.” Pfffft hahaha! Aw, man… that’s a good one.
“So now we’ve gone from one wither storm to three! Our plan was a total failure! I should’ve cast that foul thing into the abyss! Why didn’t I destroy that cursed block ages ago?” Because we needed a plot for this game.
“That jacket… I recognize it! … there were other people wearing that very same jacket when I was thrown from the monster!” So what happened while they were in the wither storm? Why didn’t we see the Ocelots come out of the wither storm earlier? This episode is filling up with plot holes and we’re not even in the third chapter yet!
“Whoa… I suddenly feel really dizzy…” “Easy, easy, I gotcha…” AND THE SHIPPING CONTINUES- oh wait, I forgot to pinpoint when it began. Ah, well. Messed up that joke.
“Am I glad YOU came along. Just don’t tell Reuben I said that. He might get jealous.” Don’t worry about it too much, though. He’s going to need replacing at some point!
“You can’t just up and leave, Lukas- you’re a part of our team!” “And you saying that just reminds me that I left my team.” Sound familiar? “I think I need to go.” “To Atlanta?” “Yeah. I got friends there, and I just can’t stay here knowing they could be trapped in that city.” (~The Walking Dead: Season 1).
On the other hand, we actually get to keep Lukas around in this episode, so… minus one wrong!
“Man, if it wasn’t for Ivor, she wouldn’t even be like this!” “That’s… not exactly true. Ivor built the wither, sure… but he couldn’t have done it without that skull I gave him.” Petra has a point.
“Talk about Ellegaard.” “Ellegaard. Yes. She was… really something. Smart. Funny. Amazing with redstone. Heck, she was the one person among us who didn’t even need the… the…” AND THE SHIPPING CONTINUES… oh, I forgot to bring that one up earlier too.
Reuben runs off to move the plot forward.
“Reuben! … Don’t run off on me like that, okay? I don’t want to lose you. You understand?” Foreshadowing.
(Off in the distance) “That’s what I said, isn’t it?” Suddenly Ivor.
“Nothing can stop those things! Nothing even hurts them!” “…Except endermen.” How convenient!
“If I know my endermen, all we’d need to do is get them into the storm’s vicinity. In fact, there’s probably more than enough of them still in my fortress… an unintended side effect of you flooding the End!” First off, is that what we did? Flood the entire End? All we saw was your totally-artificial-happy-land go up in water as we went through a trapdoor before suddenly being spewed out of the End portal (which, being unexplained, is a wrong even of itself). Second, we flooded that place because you told us to with an invention you built, so why pin that on us? This wrong counts triple!
“This is just like the old days, Soren. You and your crazy ideas-“ “Hush, Ivor, for once!” “…” (Minus one wrong).
“Yes! They’ll be caught between a block and a hard place!” Roll credits.
“Actually, I… may have a solution to that. See, when I first took possession of the command block-” “You mean stole it!” When, from where, and how did Ivor steal the command block?
“It’s at my secret lab… which is… sort of far away.” “How far could it possibly be?” “Let’s just say that it’s the farthest a person can travel before being utterly-“ ...Bamboozled? Awestruck?
“Hello. My name is Gabriel.” “…Somebody pinch me.” No option to pinch Ivor exists in this scene.
“Hey, Jesse- let’s try our handshake again. Just once, for the road.” I thought no one would remember that.
Almost three minutes of introductory credits.
Total Wrongs: 31
Sentence: Stories from Magnus (“Now then… tell me more about this ‘Ellegaard’.” "Man, I don't even know where to begin...")
Yes, they must f**k for babies. There is no rubber though, so no protected. You can build whatever you want, much like how I can destroy whatever I want. The ladies probably have periods but all it does is drain their health constantly until it gets to half a heart. The items are just logic lol. They scoop up things with their blocky hands. They have no school, it probably got demolished by that antisocial guy.
Ellegaard.It's spelled Ellegaard.Geez you guys are dummies
Totally. Aren't we lucky Jesse isn't affected at all even after getting hit more times than Petra and Gabriel did combined?
Missed a few sins: "Looks like that spire is where we'll find Magnus!"...Wait,up THERE!How does Magnus eat?.....or sleep?Does he...have a hidden food and bed storage?Or does he just not need food for some strange reason....
"And A Pig?Really?HARDLY stealthy"...Says the guy that's probably the loudest member of the Order of the Stone. (Excluding Soren when he is angry)
So Magnus has destroyed TONS of grievers in the Death Bowl?How come the Minecraft police haven't came over and arrested him already!Where is the law in this world!
Arrows do not light on fire when shot through lava.Instead they are destroyed.
"STOP EATING MY KINGDOM!!"...,,But....you're not king anymore..
"Who are you?And why did you bring HIM with you?"....Did Olivia not tell you we were getting Magnus?Or was she too busy fainting to do that?
"How could you have lost contact with him?" (Ellie nods and walks away) Geez Ellegaard,you deleted his phone number it's not that big of a-Oh wait,you didn't delete his phone number?Oops,sorry...eheheheheh
"He's just a little..crazy?destructive?egotistical?"...Magnus In a nutshell
"Even if you have Gabriel,the map does not show his light."
"How does Jesse know that was Ivor's light? He's only used the amulet once before this!"
"Background and World suddenly grows dark because an evil villain cliche"
"This mountain is not NEARLY big enough for it to hold this much stuff."
"Charming isn't it"...are you being sarcastic?...Or are you telling what you think?Sometimes it's really hard to tell with you nerds.
"Magnus if the artist painted inside your mind,he'd get the most beautiful desert landscape"...And what would he have if he painted inside YOUR mind..a piston going up and down?Redstonia?Levers?Lamps?A Repeater?Soren?!!!! (Ok I MAY have gone a littleeeeee overboard on that last one...)
Gtg,I have no more memory of Episode 2 for this.
That it's getting a continuation.
Jesse probably has a shield under her/his skin
Minecraft Storymode Episode 3 you have to choose between Magnus or Ellegard but.... Didn't Soren say the Enderman Suit was built with Durability in mind....
I heard male Jesse's screaming (playing as female) when after destroying the command block.
I thought about something like that a long time ago. Good Idea!
Actually when you hit a tree with the back of your ....well,back,your spine can crack which can cause paralyzation and even death.
Soren somehow has not been to an insane asylum,despite the fact that he is,clearly,insane. (Sorry Soren!)
That's true... I guess the main point is that the way death works in Story Mode just isn't all that consistent. Maybe I should replace that wrong with: If Magnus is dead, then why doesn't he disappear in a puff of smoke like Reuben does? Why doesn't he leave any items behind, apart from his armor?
They might has well just title this: Minecraft Story Mode:With Real Life Physics Mashed In!
Episode Four (Part Two):
Jesse and company find themselves close to the Far Lands after a single montage.
“I’m telling you, we cannot go to the Far Lands!” Um, yes you can, and for the world's sake you kind of have to.
“Oh please. The Far Lands are a happy accident. Nature’s way of keeping life interesting.” They thought Pompeii would make a nice home, too.
“You know, I think I’ve heard of the Far Lands before.” “I’d be surprised if you hadn’t.” Considering they were brought up during the introduction of the first episode.
“The Far Lands lie at the very edge of all things, where logic gives way to chaos. They’re a dangerous place to visit… and a ridiculous place to construct a laboratory!” Funny. You’d think someone who’s been living in the End to study endermen for so long would be a little more open to the idea of building a laboratory in a strange and dangerous place.
“Do those two never stop arguing?” Apparently not.
“I don’t know. I’m too hungry to care.” “No kidding. I’m starving.” Now that I’m thinking about it, how long has it been since these guys have eaten? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I haven’t seen them eat anything but the cookies from way back in episode one. It's been days since then! How on earth are they still alive right now??
“Guys, we can’t turn back now. Not after coming so far.” (“They will remember that.”) What will they remember, exactly? That Jesse is somehow still alive, even though he/she might not have even had that cookie from episode one in his/her stomach to keep him/her going?
“A witch’s hut.” Oh, is that what it is? Good thing you teleported here to explain the presence of a random hut this close to the Far Lands.
“We should steer clear of it- nothing good ever happens when witches are involved.” Sexism…?
“Look, a cake!” Right after Ivor explains how dangerous the witch's hut is, a cake suddenly appears to derail his entire argument.
“It isn’t worth it, Jesse- witches hate trespassers.” Who doesn’t? Especially in Minecraft.
“Besides… there are plenty of potatoes around!” Potato power.
“Jesse, we shouldn’t be here. Witches are very strong.” Unless they exist in Story Mode.
“Ivor, I can’t pass this up. I need you to watch my back, okay?” Jesse trusts Ivor to watch his/her back. I suppose this is slightly blamable on the players who pick this option, but trusting Ivor to stick around in a dangerous situation clearly proves that Jesse has learned nothing from every time Ivor has elected to make a “tactical retreat”.
“I’ll keep watch. Just be quick about it.” Jesse isn’t in any danger until the cake is taken, meaning that Ivor’s advice to “be quick about it” is pointless.
Ivor won’t return until much later in the episode, but for some reason will still be seen as trustworthy.
Suddenly skeletons.
“Everyone, let’s get out of here, AY-SAP!” ASAP stands for As Soon As Possible, yet the subtitles read Ay-sap.
“Guys, I think we lost them for… wow.” “You lost them for wow? What does that- …Oh, wow.” I just lost it for wow.
“I think I like cake!” “Who doesn’t like cake?” If you ask the internet, no one. If you ask Aperture Science, you’ll find they have a love/hate relationship with the substance.
“Incredible.” “You can say that again.” “Incredible.” “My fault, should’ve seen that coming.” That last sentence is applicable to much of this series.
Ivor’s maze is a nice example of optional content. If you choose to enter before climbing up the walls, you’ll find that the maze section is almost over. If you choose to climb the walls immediately, you have the entire maze to figure out. Minus one wrong!
(Zombies show up in a dead end of the maze). Literal dead end. The only thing missing is for this to actually take place in the End.
(Another witch suddenly shows up). We interrupt your game to bring you Minecraft Witch 2: The Witchening.
“This layout doesn’t make any sense. What was Ivor thinking? …Or maybe it’s just me. I mean, Ellegaard herself said I don’t have what it takes to be a great engineer.” She did? And even if she did, what does it matter? She’s dead. ...I'm sorry, too soon?
“She was in the Order of the Stone!” So? What does that matter by this point? Surely you see by now that all of them are either total jerks or borderline insane people up close.
“Soren and Ivor are always at each other’s throats…” Except when Ivor bails on you.
“All I ever see Magnus do is argue…” Then you haven’t been around for his bedtime stories about Ellegaard.
“How are we supposed to do anything? We’re nobody. The Order of the Nothing.” The Order of the Nothing is not an optional team name.
Olivia can talk herself into figuring out Ivor’s machine if Jesse doesn’t say anything, even though it might’ve been more interesting to see Jesse figure it out and for Olivia to be humbled by Jesse’s determination. Sure, it’s nice to see her stand up for herself, but her character up to this point has been filled to the brim with self-doubt and dependence on what others think to define herself. This sudden motivation seems a bit inconsistent for her.
Olivia just so happens to have a piston in her inventory. Piston-Ex-Machina.
Also, why doesn’t Ivor keep the required piston in the same chest with the other materials necessary to repair the barge? Is there a piston in another part of the maze, or does Ivor just always keep a spare piston handy for whenever he visits this place?
Total Wrongs: 64
Sentence: Another Witch (“Nothing good ever happens when witches are involved.”)
A whole stack. Like in minecraft.
It's a surprising choice, yeah, but on the bright side, that money will hopefully be put towards improving Telltale's other future games as well!
Maybe sniff maybe.
So did I
Episode Four (Part Three):
“I’m proud of you, Olivia.” “Thanks, Jesse! And… thanks for everything you said just before. It really helped.” Even if Jesse doesn’t say anything, Olivia claims that something he/she said helped motivate her.
“Wait… I remember something. Didn’t Ellegaard build a machine like this once?” “Yes, in the Nether.” Ellegaard built a flying machine in the Nether that we’ll never get to ride on.
“I’m afraid of heights too, Soren.” “Really?” “Nah. I just wanted to see if you bite.” What a jer- …oh, wait.
“That was amazing! Get it? A-maze-ing?” …I’m taking a wrong off because amnesia Petra is just that adorable.
“If by ‘exciting’ you mean absurd and unnecessary.” You’re in the Far Lands, dude. Everything here is probably going to fall into categories of “absurd” or “unnecessary”.
“Any luck?” “Not really. Ivor has too many books, and there’s too few of us looking.” You’re looking for an enchanting book- not exactly the sort of thing you could hide on a bookshelf.
“How did we end up like this?” You just had a motivational moment back at the ledge, yet now you’re worried about the group being spread too thin.
“I miss how things used to be. That first night we all spent together? That was… kinda fun. Almost.” Yeah, kicking Lukas out of the mud-hut was great… I mean, what?
“Look, we might be spread thin, but we’re all still a team. That’s how teams work.” “You almost said ‘teamwork’.” “See? We’re still funny.” How was that a testament to your sense of humor?
“I guess being split up just means we can be in more places at once, right? Kinda… like… the Wither Storm…” The Wither Storms is not an optional team name.
And just like that, Olivia’s insecurity is gone.
(Speaking of Ivor) “If only he hadn’t gotten lost in that confounded swamp… he could tell us where the book is! Coming here is his idea. He should be here for it!” That’s actually a fair point.
“He was just doing what I asked.” Technically, no, he wasn’t. He ran off when you told him to stay put and watch your back.
“It wasn’t his fault we got separated.” Um, yes it was.
“There’s neither rhyme nor reason to how these books are stored. Finding anything here is impossible!” You are looking for an enchanting book, right? Did I miss something, or…?
“Fine. I will continue this monotonous search. But I reserve my right to grumble about it.” I guess I’d be annoyed too if I had to look in a place I knew I’d never find it.
“Reuben, what are you doing? Yeah, well, you’re gonna get yourself cooked. I’ve told you before: stay- away- from lava.” Like he did in the first episode?
If you made a lever in episode one, the chest containing the materials for a lever in this scene is absent, so that you have to use the lever you made all those episodes before to make progress. This is the only time said lever will be used, and after Jesse and Soren go through it will stop working for plot-related reasons.
“Wooden planks. Those’ll be useful.” Not as useful as the sticks you just pulled out of that chest, though.
“First, I’ll need some sticks.” Yeah- if only they came straight out of the chest, so you wouldn’t have to build them out of wooden blocks.
“Kay, got the sticks.” …Good.
“What the- ?” Suddenly wall.
“Are you guys okay?” “We’re fine! But the lever isn’t working anymore!” What does it matter? If you wanted to, you could probably just punch through the wall like you did with the floor in episode three.
“The treasures of the Order of the Stone! The stories I could tell about these dusty old things…” I may lack 20/20 vision, but those treasures don’t look all that dusty to me.
(The order of the Order puzzle). This puzzle… is awesome, so of course I’ll subtract a wrong for it.
The puzzle that comes right afterwards is another case of order memorization. In other words, Jesse must complete the same type of puzzle two times in a row.
“It was a fight for the ages! … the Ender dragon was stronger than even I had imagined. I realized it was drawing strength from the Ender Crystals … I hit the first with a perfectly placed arrow. The second, I destroyed by launching myself on the shockwave of Magnus’ TNT!” And no griefer has ever bothered to point out that this is impossible.
“Using only my strength and my wiles, I steered the foul beast towards the third crystal. I flew the dragon directly toward the final crystal! Only then did Gabriel deliver his famous final blow. We became heroes, and eventually, legends.” “Soren, you’re so full of it!” “Excuse me?” “You make it sound like nobody else mattered!” Not to mention that most of those things you say you did are things that literally can’t be done… in a regular session of Minecraft, that is.
“Give me a boost, Reuben.” Is pig-boosting a thing in Minecraft? Because I don’t think pig-boosting is a thing in Minecraft.
“Wait, aren’t those the Ender Crystals?” How did Ivor bring the Ender Crystals down here?
“We used that blip command block!” Soren is a jerk to command blocks.
“The others had no idea what I was doing, yet the more I used it the more we came to depend on it.” My precious…
“I knew it was only so long before someone would find out.” Which is why I decided that we should keep it a secret and look like even bigger frauds when we were found out. I am not very smart.
“…” (“Soren will remember that.”) I’m guessing Soren won’t remember Jesse’s silence any more than he’ll remember any of Jesse’s other available responses.
“You lied, even to your closest friends!” That is obviously not true. They all knew about the command block (at least after Soren used it on the ender dragon), and if they had wanted to they probably could’ve just re-summoned it for a proper battle.
“Soren, Gabriel, Magnus, Ellegaard… they agreed to keep this a secret.” “And you! You agreed to stay quiet too! In exchange for all our treasures!” “gasp!” Such shock. Much drama.
Total Wrongs: 97
Sentence: The Justin Bieber/One Direction Collaboration CDs (“He kept them… the fool actually kept them!”)
Petra wasn't there. Remember, Olivia?
XD I so easily forget that Petra's an official team member! I should probably address that at some point. On another note, I'm excited to almost be done with the wither storm arch! Just one more part...
I noticed that too
Episode Four (Part Four):
“So this whole thing… this wither you unleashed… it’s all been to teach the Order a lesson?” “To teach the world a lesson! To show you who the Order really are!” Why did Ivor set up this entire elaborate tale-debunking museum in his basement way out in the Far Lands, where no one was likely to visit?
“Look, my wither plan obviously backfired.” “You think?” “I didn’t know we’d end up with three of those things tearing the world apart!” Revenge is typically like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die. Ivor’s revenge plan is more like triggering an active volcano and hoping for the best.
“Ivor… I’m sorry. About everything.” “Yes, well… it doesn’t matter now.” Um, yes it does.
Jesse can pick an armor set and craft almost any tool of his/her choosing. Minus two wrongs!
It doesn’t matter much what Jesse crafts, because he/she will only wind up with an enchanted sword by the next episode.
“All quite durable, and sturdy!” You basically said the same thing twice.
Axel’s fishbowl helmet.
“They’ve kept the wither storm busy, but one of the smaller ones started attacking us! And Magnus ran off to fight that thing, all by himself!” We will never see Magnus/Ellegaard for the rest of this episode, even though he/she is clearly better than the entire Order of the Stone put together.
“If a member of the… the…” “Order of the Stone?” “Is out there fighting… then I belong out there too. … My name… is Gabriel the Warrior!” (Screams and runs away). I thought Gabriel said he was going to “repay Jesse’s kindness”. This is probably the only real opportunity he has to do so, yet he runs off, proving that he’s no more loyal in times of stress than Ivor.
“I can’t let that idiot get himself killed!” Oh Ivor, quit insulting yourself.
Still… at least he’s not running away out of self-centered survival.
And Soren runs away also. To clarify, in case you’ve mistaken my meaning, I’m writing this out of relief.
“So much for the mighty Order of the Stone.” Did Ivor really need to go so far to prove the cowardliness of the Order?
(Provoking endermen). This QTE repeats until Jesse gets it right… just like most other quick-time-events in this series.
(Catapult building). Not only do you get to decide what to build in this scene, but you can also avoid building altogether if you kept the potion of leaping. Building Reuben is even given as an option. Minus one wrong!
“Jesse, look out!” “Ugh!” The wither storm almost looked at me! Better drop my potion! …Seriously though, Jesse has a problem with holding important objects.
“Ocelots… distract that Wither Storm!” The Ocelots become the good guys in this episode, yet go back to being the bad guys in the next. Character development!
“Jesse, you can do this! I know you can!” AND THE SHIPPING CONTINUES… for which timeline, I’ll let you decide.
(Within the belly of the beast, Reuben sees the butcher, freaks out, and runs away). Withered butchers haunt tiny pigs.
This scene of destroying the command block is awesome. Minus one wrong!
“Reuben! Remember how we used to play fetch?” This somehow works.
“You did it, Jesse! You actually did it!” Sound familiar? “You did it, Jesse! You actually did it!” (~Episode three).
“Hey, do you guys hear something?” That, Axel, is the sound that thousands of Story Mode players will resent until they’re old and grey… and even then, they’ll probably still feel bitter about it.
Reuben dies due to fall damage.
(Reuben turns into ham). Sniff …What? What are you looking at? Sniff …Stupid pig.
“Those people used to look at me that way, Jesse. Perhaps they deserve to know the truth about the Order.” By telling Gabriel not to tell everyone the truth about the Order, Jesse dismantles everything that Ivor has been working towards from the first episode. It’s not a wrong or anything- just pointing out that one’s motivation behind this choice may be determined solely by how much they don’t like Ivor.
“It’s crazy to think my friends and I started out in a treehouse… and now we’ve been to some of the weirdest places in the world.” You know what’s almost crazier? How boring the Nether was compared to all the other places, even though ideally it might’ve been more exciting than Boom town or Redstonia. Sure, those places were great, but in a regular session of Minecraft the Nether is the epitome of surviving the underworld. Honestly, this entire series could’ve taken place down there, and be arguably just as good as it is now.
“I mean, come on… we went to the End!” Which, ironically, is not where this season ends... as far as I can tell.
“We even made friends with some endermen! Which is… kind of a long story.” You “made friends with some endermen”? …Seems legit.
“And so it was that a new Order of the Stone was born.” Which is something I take issue with. Honestly, I’d almost prefer to disassociate myself with the original Order of the Stone as much as humanly possible.
Also, narration. For the final time.
“One who’s adventures were just beginning… For though the world had been saved, and the command block destroyed… there are many more worlds than just this one.” Which is why Telltale decided to tack on three more purchasable episodes, and create what essentially are two seasons in one. Money!
Total Wrongs: 120
Sentence: Another Wither Storm
So, that concludes the Wither Storm arch of the series, which I guess can otherwise be called Minecraft: Story Mode - Season One.
Total Wrongs in the Wither Storm arch: 394
Sentence: Reuben (…Sandwich!)
Also, Petra and Gabriel's sicknesses just magically disappear.
I wanted more Bigby and Bufkin than Jesse
...Oh yeah!
Total Wrongs: 121
Sentence: A Withering Epidemic
Are u gonna do ep 5?
Just asking. Nice series
The Blaze Rods get thrown into a prison far from home, for destroying a city.
Ivor nearly destroys the world and gets away scot-free.
Fair? I don't think so.
I literally never thought of that.... Main character exceptions I gues...
"Welcome... To Build Club."
Petra talks about discovering the Order's Temple in Ep. 5. She wasn't even there when they did that! Also, she teases Axel about how he was scared of the dispensers. Again, SHE WASN'T EVEN THERE!
Ellie: I am working on my greatest project , the command block!
(Soren hears her voice all the way from The End)
Thanks! I'm seriously considering it- next week or the week after or so on.
Someone could have told her.
Or maybe if you save Petra in Episode 1, then she appears in Episode 2 and someone in The Order Temple told her