It's gonna be Rated M, so what should I expect?
They said it's gonna be at the same paremeters as TWAU and TWD, so what am I supposed to aspect? Are they going to say 1 F word every 5 mins like in both of those games? Wouldn't that be out of character for most Batman characters?(I hope they tone down the swearing), Will Batman kill? (I hope we get the chance to), is it Drama or Comedy?
That's all my doubts for now
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Probably other characters saying the F word, a lot of gore and maybe a little nudity. Why would it be a comedy? Are they going for an Adam West style Batman, but with mature themes?
God I hope so.
Im guessing theres going to be alot of F words, maybe more like Walking Dead terms of F word though, I feel like almost every sentence in Wolf had an F bomb
No, there probably won't be huge amounts of swearing, just a small bit. Maybe some of the villains or I could see mostly the police officers swearing every time they see Batman, or a gruesome murder. And I do think that there'll be quite a bit of gore and violent themes (at crime scenes), considering we know TTG wants to focus on Batman's detective side. Pretty sure it'd be a very dramatic game.
I hope so.
Wouldn't that be kinda out of character for most people?
Hated Adam West's Batman
Im not saying Batman is swearing
Two words. Bat butt.
I would expect it to be similar to The Wolf Among Us in terms of language and themes.
You should expect this:
langue and violence?
This is gonna be rated M? Why? Arkham Knight was rated M for one scene, and even then it was pushing it.
Two more. Bat Nipples.
It's probably going to be dark. I expect there to be some torture scenes. Maybe some gore and probably some sex scenes.
Was funny the first time.
Not sure..

But i know what NOT to xpect:
Two more. Bat codpiece.
Batman Incorporated in AC has good one too.
Makes sense that it would be.
As long as we get either a Kim Basinger styled Vicki Vale, or a Michelle Pfeifer styled Catwoman, and have a couple of nude scenes with them, I'm way in.
Those two are SMOKING HOT! Even now.
TWAU was extremely brutal with the swearing and content, more than TWD in terms of content, so I don't think it will be as bad as TWAU content wise.
It's not game of thrones
As long as this series doesn't slip into All Star Batman & Robin territory (I'm the goddamn Batman etc.), it'll be fine. :P
Sunshine and Lollipops
...jokes aside, I expect it will be heading for a darker interpretation. If you check the Pre-Season News thread, you will see that one of the writers for Minecraft over heard the writing process for Batman and compared it to something out of a CSI episode.
...and Batman isn't known for sex scenes.
Rated M for magnificent.
All I know that's gonna happen is Alfred will remember that
it was rated M for which scene?
1 word. AWESOME. This is the kind of game I expected from TT.
TFTB style swearing
TWAU style mystery and suspense
GOT style drama
The Professor Pyg sidequest, other then that, there is nothing worse then the previous 2 games.
That was one of the worst written things I've ever seen.
It still cracks me up every time.
You retarded or something? I'm the goddamn Batman.
I can see it being like the Daredevil Series on Netflix. Really friggin dark and Brutal
Arkham Knight was M rated too and the only M rated thing I found in the game is Batman's hallucination of Barbara killing herself.
What was that quest about? And Barbara killing herself was another factor.
Hey not as bad as the Lego Batman or the HISHE Batman who say "I'm Batman".