The Vent/Help Thread



  • Be yourself, and assume what you are and what you say.

    Ooh, that's hard for me, I have trouble determining what is me. I feel as if it all is apart of me, realistically, if you fake something for long enough then it starts to become a part of you.

    That's cheesy and certainly unuseful to say, but be yourself and don't live as others people would want you to

    No, not really, it's pretty helpful. Any sort of motivation can be helpful in these situations, even if it is a little cheesy. Throughout all of this, I still have a goal in mind for myself and truthfully, it's what is helping push me through all of this.

    Thank you.

    Euron posted: »

    Be yourself, and assume what you are and what you say. You say you're in the middle, trying to be the cool kid or be totally cold, meaning y

  • Maybe he thought you did something that you had not and there was a misunderstanding? With what you shared so far, it seems odd that he would just drop contact for no reason unless he just grew apart for you for some reason - but even then, that's an awfully strong reaction.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm pretty fuckin' mad today, so obviously I'm going to vent that frustration here. Back when I was about 4 years old, I met this kid, hi

  • That's just the next thing parents think about when you leave. After that it's marriage, and then grandkids. So if you're feeling snarky, you say, "No, I'm not dating. This is a recording." Otherwise, just "Mom/Dad, I promise I will tell you if I start dating anyone seriously, but I would appreciate it if you don't ask anymore."

    It usually takes a while to find someone you really click with and not their just-started-dating personality.

    MosesARose posted: »

    I am tired of my parents calling me just about everyday asking me if I am dating again. They are always comparing me with my older sister wh

  • The people they help really appreciate it. That's what keeps them going.

    I would certainly treat her with respect if I ever ran across her.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    My favorite cousin is a social worker and struggling to make ends meet, always on the brink of eviction. She sees some of the worst society

  • Hmm, as if you cling onto the first impression/s. I doubt you are the only ome, you can hit up the google for more info.

    Don't expect them to be the person you first meet, that is pretty wrong. The more time you spend with her, the more you'll know her. Just don't compare her personality from the 1st week to 3rd month of knowing her. I think it is beautiful getting to know someone, it feels as if they bloom once again just for you.

    MosesARose posted: »

    Yes, I'm attracted to women. It's when I get into serious relationships issues arise. Within a month it's as if they morph into a different person and I have to break it off. Don't know, maybe it's just me.

  • I don't know if it's the case for everyone but I had trouble to knew who I was too, and it was a big deal for me. But with every day, confronting differents situations, if you think what you want/need to do, you will finally end up knowing what you are. Use your mind to know the difference.

    Don't think of who you were, but who you are now. Think of the present.

    Honestly, if I could have helped you in anyway, I'm glad then.

    Be yourself, and assume what you are and what you say. Ooh, that's hard for me, I have trouble determining what is me. I feel as if

  • Don't think of who you were, but who you are now. Think of the present.

    Some times I think of the past, only to regret. I am coming to understand that regret is worthless, you can't change the past so why should you worry about it? Learn from the mistakes and move on. Easier said than done.

    Honestly, if I could have helped you in anyway, I'm glad then.

    Merely taking an interest and talking to me helped, thank you for that.

    Euron posted: »

    I don't know if it's the case for everyone but I had trouble to knew who I was too, and it was a big deal for me. But with every day, confro

  • I really hate myself in this point in my life. I used to be so social and popular amongst my peers but since I came to college(UCLA) i've just sunk into a hole, I started getting really bad acne, i now have scarring. and To make everything worse I'm struggling with BV on and off which makes me feel very ugly about myself. School is so much harder, I've become a pot head, and honestly questioning if i want to pursue med school any more (if I think I'm even capable). I didn't place into a high sorority so that was a blow to my self esteem and on top of everything i come from a dirt poor background, I'm completely reliant on financial aid and have no extra money to spend with my friends(if i even know what they are doing since they are all in a group chat that I'm not in cuz I'm too poor for an iPhone).

    I really hate myself in this point in life. i used to be so confident and i still have reason to be. Im at a great school, i have a loving bf of two years, i have a great future. I just can't help but let my current situation interfere with my tract to success. I just really need help right now.

  • Aw, that's probably exactly it...since it felt like easy math you just blew right through it and probably had a lot of stupid errors. You know you are smarter than that, you just gotta be more cautious.

    I prepared for my job interview at Six Flags for weeks, got all dressed up and went in. I'm really good at math, I have A's across the board

  • i am really annoyed recently as the job i signed a contract for still havent contacted me to tell me when i start i chased it up first week and was told they would call me the week after so i waited still nothing chased it up again same response but for the week after its getting stupid for a low paid 16 hour a week job all im wanting to do is work and no one is letting me

  • edited May 2016

    The door handle broke so I'm currently stuck in my room, relaxing on my bed whilst my Dad try's to smash the door down. Good times!

    I'm finally free!! But now the door frame's fucked and my Dad is pissed.

  • Yeah, it just kills me to know that she's struggling to get by, when she puts so much love and effort into her job.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    The people they help really appreciate it. That's what keeps them going. I would certainly treat her with respect if I ever ran across her.

  • Don't hold too much onto the future either, it can make you very anxious. Try as you go to bed to forget all your insecurities, predictions, overthinking etc. Let them go, they don't do you much good so why would you even need them to be within you? They'll eventually become a part of you, shich you don't want. In the morning when you wake up, take a deep breath and make best of yoir day and opportunities.

    Appreciate everything you have, write it down and think about it, not everyone has the chance as you do. Your heart is beating every second telling you "You are alive." "You are alive.".

    Don't hate yourself, you did nothing wrong, you are a person too. At the end of the day, having extra money is good but having extra moments spent with everyone you like is much better. You change your future by changing your thoughts, remember it.

    Onlyou posted: »

    I really hate myself in this point in my life. I used to be so social and popular amongst my peers but since I came to college(UCLA) i've ju

  • I always imagine you talking real fast because there is no punctuation, lol.

    My imagination aside, try finding some other job/s too, as a plan B or they can turn out to be the plan A.

    i am really annoyed recently as the job i signed a contract for still havent contacted me to tell me when i start i chased it up first week

  • Ahh, at least it's nothing serious. :)

    The door handle broke so I'm currently stuck in my room, relaxing on my bed whilst my Dad try's to smash the door down. Good times! I'm finally free!! But now the door frame's fucked and my Dad is pissed.

  • yeah im looking for other jobs now yeah i dont use much punctuation because im using a ps vita and it just takes forever to put in the marks lol

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I always imagine you talking real fast because there is no punctuation, lol. My imagination aside, try finding some other job/s too, as a plan B or they can turn out to be the plan A.

  • i had something like this happen a few years ago my dad just unscrewed the handle and managed to open the door that way

    The door handle broke so I'm currently stuck in my room, relaxing on my bed whilst my Dad try's to smash the door down. Good times! I'm finally free!! But now the door frame's fucked and my Dad is pissed.

  • You really seem to have trust issue, to the point you're hating yourself. For your acne consult a doctor if you didn't already (captain obvious here); check also what you eat. Use things against your scars; it seems propolis is a good natural one.

    Having a bad appreciation of yourself will make you worry too much, hence acne too. It's a bad circle over there so you've got to deal with it.

    My advice: be stoical. There are things you can change and things you can't. Think about it, and find which ones you can change.

    If you don't want to go in college anymore because of your physical think about your future in the long term: do you want to miss a job you would like doing because of physical problems?

    PS: Iphone sucks.

    Onlyou posted: »

    I really hate myself in this point in my life. I used to be so social and popular amongst my peers but since I came to college(UCLA) i've ju

  • What the actual fuck?

    There were around like ten fights at my high school today. The school had to get the police involved. They were all mostly girls, too. I tend to stay of out the drama so I didn't know why they were fighting. There was just random, sporadic brawls breaking out around the day. Oh, and apparently two boys stole a golf cart! I'm surrounded by crazy people!

  • edited May 2016

    So an argument struck in the girls changing rooms at P.E, it was pretty pathetic actually, all of it started because the biggest bullshitter in the school spreaded lies about the new girl.

    I honestly feel bad for her, she's just started and already majority of the class is giving her shit.

    And also in the news people think me and one of my friends are dating...

    H E L P M E

  • A kid at my school brought in a knife for "Self defense" and then a week later tried to decapitate with a metre stick because I told him Khajiit were better than Nords.

    What the actual fuck? There were around like ten fights at my high school today. The school had to get the police involved. They were all

  • Seriously, everyone in our schools need to chill! xD

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So an argument struck in the girls changing rooms at P.E, it was pretty pathetic actually, all of it started because the biggest bullshitter

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited May 2016

    As well he should've, furface!

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    A kid at my school brought in a knife for "Self defense" and then a week later tried to decapitate with a metre stick because I told him Khajiit were better than Nords.

  • edited May 2016

    Reminds me of an old friend I had from my first elementary school I went to, she gets into a lot of shit with people now that she moved to my school.

    I also got bad news from one the shittest high schools near my county

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So an argument struck in the girls changing rooms at P.E, it was pretty pathetic actually, all of it started because the biggest bullshitter

  • If you already have a boyfriend, and he doesn't care about your "acne-enhanced" looks, then you don't need to worry about what anyone else thinks about them, either. A few imperfections make you look more real and relatable, anyway.

    College is a big life change, and you may very well realize that med school isn't the right path for you. And these may not be the right friends for you, either. Try something new to see what happens. This is the right time to do it.

    Onlyou posted: »

    I really hate myself in this point in my life. I used to be so social and popular amongst my peers but since I came to college(UCLA) i've ju

  • I'd love to give advice, but all I can think of is, I'm glad I'm not in school anymore. Which isn't too useful.

    Maybe say you broke up with your friend but are still remaining friends. :)

    And let the new girl know that not everyone is out to get her, as long as she doesn't think you're hitting on her, now that you've broken up with your non-girlfriend.

    Argh, all this stuff is way too complicated!

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So an argument struck in the girls changing rooms at P.E, it was pretty pathetic actually, all of it started because the biggest bullshitter

  • You would melt in our deserts, snowman!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    As well he should've, furface!

  • Let them bully you. Those guys have no future ahead of them. But they're gonna keep doing that shit. And then, you're gonna be the one who has the last laugh.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So an argument struck in the girls changing rooms at P.E, it was pretty pathetic actually, all of it started because the biggest bullshitter

  • Fuck. I've got to imagine a cultural/artistic event for an obligatory option in order to get my licence bachelor of law (?) but I have not a single idea of what I could do; it's been 3 hours I'm thinking about it with no result.

    Next to that I've got 6 exams next week and I'm losing too much time on this.

  • Study for an exam or do something else and come back to it. Sometimes your best ideas come when you're not thinking about them.

    Euron posted: »

    Fuck. I've got to imagine a cultural/artistic event for an obligatory option in order to get my licence bachelor of law (?) but I have not a

  • It's a good advice, the problem is that's been four days I'm leaving/coming back to it and still,I find anything when thinking about it :/

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Study for an exam or do something else and come back to it. Sometimes your best ideas come when you're not thinking about them.

  • At my school, you can't walk around with someone of the opposite sex without someone asking if you're dating them.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So an argument struck in the girls changing rooms at P.E, it was pretty pathetic actually, all of it started because the biggest bullshitter

  • So I'm starting work experience tomorrow. Wish me luck, because I'll probably need it.

  • Good luck! What job?

    So I'm starting work experience tomorrow. Wish me luck, because I'll probably need it.

  • Can you specify exactly what you mean when you say 'a cultural/artistic event for an obligatory option'?

    Euron posted: »

    It's a good advice, the problem is that's been four days I'm leaving/coming back to it and still,I find anything when thinking about it

  • Any event linked culturally or artistically. Basically anything.

    The option has no link so far with what I study (law), but I'm forced to take 6 options on three years of study because.. European union asked for it.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Can you specify exactly what you mean when you say 'a cultural/artistic event for an obligatory option'?

  • Oops, wrong thread. Anyway, I'm doing a customer service job at my local council. I start in a few hours, and they'll give me an induction on the first day so I know exactly what I'll be doing. I'm actually not as nervous as I expected, for some reason.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Good luck! What job?

  • I guess we don't know what you mean by "imagine." There are lots of cultural events in the world. Just go to Wikipedia and keep hitting the "Random article" link until you find one you like. If you need to invent your own, start with a real one and change it in some major way, like the Running Of The Frogs or some such.

    Euron posted: »

    Any event linked culturally or artistically. Basically anything. The option has no link so far with what I study (law), but I'm forced to take 6 options on three years of study because.. European union asked for it.

  • I know everyone here has experienced this, but crushes are very profound feelings. On one hand, I feel alive and motivated over the thought of this certain girl. But on the other hand, there's a pessimistic side that's telling me she'll never feel the same, and that I'm just wasting my time. I have a mix of happiness and utter sadness at the same time, and I feel like I'm simply going to explode! Don't worry, this isn't some creepy shooter esque mentality that I'm portraying.

    It is simply a feeling that a lonely man hasn't experienced in a long time. Here's hoping.

  • I know where you're coming from dude, I'm in the same situation now.

    I know everyone here has experienced this, but crushes are very profound feelings. On one hand, I feel alive and motivated over the thought

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