Yeah, and I'm sure Ramsay will torture Rickon or eventually kill him. I'm not looking forward to that if it happens because what's the point in bringing him back just to kill him? I hope Sansa and Arya get some form of revenge for the wrongs done to them later in the season.
Yeah, and I'm sure Ramsay will torture Rickon or eventually kill him. I'm not looking forward to that if it happens because what's the point… more in bringing him back just to kill him? I hope Sansa and Arya get some form of revenge for the wrongs done to them later in the season.
I know Jon Snow was the most betrayed by Olly. You could see in his eyes how much it hurt him. Still, I thought he might take into account O… morelly's history with the Wildlings and him being manipulated by older men. I think if Olly showed any kind of remorse, he might have spared him. But then, this whole thing has probably hardened Jon and he's taking the Rick Grimes "I dont take chances anymore" tactic.
ok now that that is out the way, lets break this shit down, Kappa.
the intro- i love the acting in this part, everything was solid but the dialog was kinda ehh imo. since when did Davos just stared to cuss like that? Also a lil thing like how did everyone outside knew about Jon? i guess someone just ran and told everyone while he was getting dressed, i mean shit has to take a while to get dress with those type of clothes. but over all i liked it. Love Melissandre's reaction, but i think all of their dialogs, when they spoke, was a bit better. love how jon said there was nothing, just like Beric. also whats with the dick jokes? lol..
Tower of Joy- ok, i really liked it but i think it could have been better. i wanted to see the 3 King's Guards there, and just see the bad-ass himself Arthur Dayne just use Dawn. yes he used it you could tell by the design it has, but i just wish there could have been more focus, not too much, on how unique the sword was. also that other guard went out like a bitch lol, he didnt last shit. i guess they did it so they can show how much of a bad motherfucker was Ser Arthur Dayne. there was some moments where i just didnt buy the fight but then there was some real cool moments in the way the fight went where i believed it. now the one thing that i find VERY interesting is how Bran affected the vision. i mean Ned definitively heard him. there is more going..
Meeren- at first i didnt know what to think of it but as it went on i really liked it. it was pretty good. loved Varys as usual and then Tyrion with messinde and grey worm was pretty nice too see. light hearted tyrion is always nice to see. but i can already tell most book snobs are gonna bitch on how "fast" Tyrion has gotten so happy *cough Preston Jacobs *cough.. also we find out a lil more info on the sons of bitches.
Sam and Gilly- just what i wanted to see. just enough screen time of them and not focusing too much on their romance. also its nice too see that lil shit was gotten older lol. what i like was the lil twist that they are gonna stop at where Sam used to live. maybe we will see Randyll??
Vaes Dorakt- it was cool what they showed us. i know what most probably are gonna talk about.. no Emilia nudity. and i have to say im disappointed, not cuz i just wanted to see bewbs but because it was censored. ok this will be to long so ill explain it later and maybe separately. i liked how the older bitch, sorry i dont know how to spell what ever their title is, and dany have a lil something in common. over all it was nice to see Dany.
Kings landing- i really liked how they are setting up their own little system of little birds, shit is getting good down in that shit-hole. lol jaime be careful with monster lol, shit was hilarious. also the small counsil scene was awesome. while i laughed, was it really necessary to have made a fart/shit joke? lol i mean i probably WOULD have shitted myself and both Pycell and Mace are old so i guess... anyways it was pretty nice scene. kinda want to and kinda dont want to see dorne again, but the Bad pussies took over dorne... ok.
the North.... sigh why... just why... why didnt they do that to shaggydog.. omg why D,: !?!!? FUCK, JUST STOP KILLING the wolves! goddamn it... BRING BACK NYMERIA! OMG.. ok now that i got my little sad/ mad rant about the wolves... this was also good.. i knew it was gonna be them. lets start an new hashtag #FUCKTHEUMBERS, FUCK THEM ALL!! really all my hate really is based on them killing shaggy.. and of course turning over Rickon and osha.. and betraying the Straks.. i really dont think that rickon will die, maybe osha, god i dont want that to happen.. i really do believe that the Starks kids are very important to the story, i will be SHOCKED if one of them die.. fuck the umbers.. RIP Shaggydog :,(
Arya- shit is getting solid, its getting really good. love this part and i was legit scared when she drank that water. but shes not blind anymore! but i just hope she's getting really good at lying and still becomes Arya STARK. btw how awesome was that moment when she was talking about her list? OH SHIT!
and last back at the wall- FUCK OLLY!! LMAO. man it was so satisfying to see them all die, so good. and Jon dropped the motherfucking mic! PEACE!
Soo, we got yet another new sitcom spinoff: Ramsay, Karstark and Umber, or ''The Cunts''
Poor Shaggy that was one of the shitiest things to do, not show or mention those 3 characters for 2 fucking seasons, then simply give it all to fucking cunt Ramsay... I have a feeling, that they wont be alive when Jon defeats the Boltons... Or maybe that won't happen at all, Ramsay will kill about 3000 wildings with his little knife and he'll leave the rest to the Goodmen...
Now, besides this stuff, i liked the rest of the episode... I'm mostly excited to see the rest of that Bran flashback and for Arya's story
I sincerely doubt he's going back. He doesn't need to be at the Wall anymore. He needs to unite as much of the North as he can against the Boltons, so he can build up a force strong enough to fight the Whitewalkers. He has the Wildlings, Davos and Melisandre with him, so he'll march south, collect whatever northern houses he can along the way (the Mormonts, the Glovers and the Manderleys perhaps), reunite with Sansa, and retake Winterfell. Then the Wall will come down.
I'm sure Jon Snow will come back to Castle black. He just needs some time to realize what the Fuck the just happened. Meanwhile, I'm glad those traitors are dead. Fucking shits. I'm just sad they didn't suffer more.
Not as exciting as last week's episode, but a good one nonetheless. I continue to like Bran's story. It is really cool to see the past through him. I have more interest in the North storyline. Damn Umbers...Those bloody traitors and oathbreakers. I fear that something bad is going to happen to Rickon and Osha.
However, I don't feel too good about the King's Landing. While I generally like the Lannister part, I don't like the Faith Militant part as much. Am I the only one feeling slightly bored when the High Sparrow kept preaching about the Gods and the Faith. I know it is his character and he is a highly religious man, but I do sometimes find his preaching repetitive.
Tyrion trying to get the conversation going was so great
Dany once again getting shut down is satisfying
Rickon! And Osha
/Sam and Gilly are back, her baby finally aged at least
-Sparrow continues to be a creep
Bran needs to stop being a whiny bitch
I hope this really is the end of aryas training
Anyway I'm wondering if the northern houses have legit handed over rickon or its all a ploy. I mean the fact the wolf is dead suggests so however Rickon didnt seem that bothered about it and im not sure why Osha is even there. So yeah it could go either way.
After the awesomeness of last week this was again a bit slower episode, but still good. I'd say all the scenes at Castle Black, Tower of Joy and Arya's montage were the highlights of this episode. I also liked the scene with Varys and that bitch that worked for the Harpies. The other scene from Meereen was a bit meh, but I like that we are seemingly building up for Siege of Meereen. KL had a bit weaker episode, though it was nice to see Kevan and Olenna again. It was sad that Umbers sided with Ramsay and gave him Rickon and Osha, but tbh I saw that coming for a while now, and I had also figured out their motive for it. However I had not thought about what happens to Shaggydog, so seeing that severed head was a shocker.
Is anyone getting tired of the High Sparrow constantly getting the one-up on Tommen and tricking him into not fighting? Like I know Tommen is supposed to be naive, but its getting kinda ridiculous at this stage.
Is anyone getting tired of the High Sparrow constantly getting the one-up on Tommen and tricking him into not fighting? Like I know Tommen is supposed to be naive, but its getting kinda ridiculous at this stage.
I guess, but I think Tommen is so easily tricked to not use violence because inside he doesn't want to use violence - he is still a sweet and innocent boy.
Is anyone getting tired of the High Sparrow constantly getting the one-up on Tommen and tricking him into not fighting? Like I know Tommen is supposed to be naive, but its getting kinda ridiculous at this stage.
I think i just found a leaked picture of kid (possibly rickon ) being on a cross and burned ..I dont know if it's legit but the decor looks exactly like the decor from that leaked photo of jon snow during the battle of winterfell .
But i just can't accept that smalljon is willing to give off ned's son , Some book characters dont exist in the show , some have their journey altered , shortered or longered but deep down , the character's personality is the same as the books , Smalljon was one of the bodyguards of robb stark and died protecting him during the red wedding .
they may have mixed his plotline with Hother Umber ...but still ...
I hope it's just all part of the northern conspiracy, and that it isnt shaggy dog's head And that this scene was shot for us to think that the umbers are traitors .
Can I just say that Davos continues to become one of my favorite character? He have a more noteworthy presence in this current Season. And he continues to be a good person who gives his allies goodnatured advice.
Also when Tormund gives Jon a man hug. You really get that they have become friends after so much they have been through.
I think i just found a leaked picture of kid (possibly rickon ) being on a cross and burned ..I dont know if it's legit but the decor look… mores exactly like the decor from that leaked photo of jon snow during the battle of winterfell .
Here it is if you want to see it :
But i just can't accept that smalljon is willing to give off ned's son , Some book characters dont exist in the show , some have their journey altered , shortered or longered but deep down , the character's personality is the same as the books , Smalljon was one of the bodyguards of robb stark and died protecting him during the red wedding .
they may have mixed his plotline with Hother Umber ...but still ...
I hope it's just all part of the northern conspiracy, and that it isnt shaggy dog's head And that this scene was shot for us to think that the umbers are traitors .
I dont know i guess we'll have to wait and see
A little rough on Bran, arent you? I can understand his frustration.
And Arya, Ive never been that interested in her training, not even in the books, but I actually liked this scene. Its like something out of a kung fu movie with learning to see without seeing.
Good episode
* Bran flashback was cool again: Not so noble Ned
* Arya training finished
* Traitors hung (lol see ya olly… more)
* Small council meeting
* Tyrion trying to get the conversation going was so great
* Dany once again getting shut down is satisfying
* Rickon! And Osha
/Sam and Gilly are back, her baby finally aged at least
* -Sparrow continues to be a creep
* Bran needs to stop being a whiny bitch
* I hope this really is the end of aryas training
Anyway I'm wondering if the northern houses have legit handed over rickon or its all a ploy. I mean the fact the wolf is dead suggests so however Rickon didnt seem that bothered about it and im not sure why Osha is even there. So yeah it could go either way.
I guess, but I think Tommen is so easily tricked to not use violence because inside he doesn't want to use violence - he is still a sweet and innocent boy.
I hope thats the case, that its a trick. I cant imagine that the show would do that the Rickon. Torture a Stark child to death? That would be too much. Yes, the show pushes the envelope but you saw people were practically rioting over what happened to Sansa.
I think i just found a leaked picture of kid (possibly rickon ) being on a cross and burned ..I dont know if it's legit but the decor look… mores exactly like the decor from that leaked photo of jon snow during the battle of winterfell .
Here it is if you want to see it :
But i just can't accept that smalljon is willing to give off ned's son , Some book characters dont exist in the show , some have their journey altered , shortered or longered but deep down , the character's personality is the same as the books , Smalljon was one of the bodyguards of robb stark and died protecting him during the red wedding .
they may have mixed his plotline with Hother Umber ...but still ...
I hope it's just all part of the northern conspiracy, and that it isnt shaggy dog's head And that this scene was shot for us to think that the umbers are traitors .
I dont know i guess we'll have to wait and see
I hope thats the case, that its a trick. I cant imagine that the show would do that the Rickon. Torture a Stark child to death? That would b… moree too much. Yes, the show pushes the envelope but you saw people were practically rioting over what happened to Sansa.
A little rough on Bran, arent you? I can understand his frustration.
And Arya, Ive never been that interested in her training, not even i… moren the books, but I actually liked this scene. Its like something out of a kung fu movie with learning to see without seeing.
Tommen once again being a pussy. Anyone with balls would have had the kingsguard seize the old fuck right there and keep him prisoner. I kind of hope Rickon and Osha are the flayed burning corpses just to fuck with Jon's head
And Tormunds hug! Love it. Also, am I the only one that actually felt bad for Alliser? I felt, YES OLLYS DOWN, but Alliser, i Don't know. Always liked him!
This new generation of the Northern lords, and their lack of honor is an interesting thing to think about. I think Roose betraying Robb had a bigger impact on the athmosphere of the North than we expected. Tradition and honor was pretty much thrown out the window in that moment and now the bigger houses are all just driving their own agenda. Jon (and Sansa?) has a hard task of bringing honor and order back to the North.
Tommen once again being a pussy. Anyone with balls would have had the kingsguard seize the old fuck right there and keep him prisoner. I kind of hope Rickon and Osha are the flayed burning corpses just to fuck with Jon's head
Edit: Whoops
I really think Smalljon is faking it... Calling Roose a c*nt, making fun of the Karstarks, refusing to bow, these are all hints ... But it could also just be the famous Umber personality...
Probably just wishful thinking... Why would he hand over Rickon to the Boltons? ;_;
I really think Smalljon is faking it... Calling Roose a c*nt, making fun of the Karstarks, refusing to bow, these are all hints ... But it c… moreould also just be the famous Umber personality...
Probably just wishful thinking... Why would he hand over Rickon to the Boltons? ;_;
I guess I really shouldn't be surprised Tommen was successfully manipulated by the High Sparrow. Tommen is just going to make things worse and help cause the downfall of his family, I just know it. The kid needs to go.
I really think Smalljon is faking it... Calling Roose a c*nt, making fun of the Karstarks, refusing to bow, these are all hints ... But it c… moreould also just be the famous Umber personality...
Probably just wishful thinking... Why would he hand over Rickon to the Boltons? ;_;
He's a coward. He's allowed fanatics to run King's Landing and the Lannister name. Joffrey and Tywin would have started burning the Faith's hideouts and hanging it's members from the moment Cersei was imprisoned. Tommen's the biggest puss in the series
I guess I really shouldn't be surprised Tommen was successfully manipulated by the High Sparrow. Tommen is just going to make things worse and help cause the downfall of his family, I just know it. The kid needs to go.
Yeah, and I'm sure Ramsay will torture Rickon or eventually kill him. I'm not looking forward to that if it happens because what's the point in bringing him back just to kill him? I hope Sansa and Arya get some form of revenge for the wrongs done to them later in the season.
You and me both
And he really shouldn't. He has given a lot for the Night's Watch. Olly not only killed a Brother, but a friend and in the end he paid the price.
ok now that that is out the way, lets break this shit down, Kappa.
the intro- i love the acting in this part, everything was solid but the dialog was kinda ehh imo. since when did Davos just stared to cuss like that? Also a lil thing like how did everyone outside knew about Jon? i guess someone just ran and told everyone while he was getting dressed, i mean shit has to take a while to get dress with those type of clothes. but over all i liked it. Love Melissandre's reaction, but i think all of their dialogs, when they spoke, was a bit better. love how jon said there was nothing, just like Beric. also whats with the dick jokes? lol..
Tower of Joy- ok, i really liked it but i think it could have been better. i wanted to see the 3 King's Guards there, and just see the bad-ass himself Arthur Dayne just use Dawn. yes he used it you could tell by the design it has, but i just wish there could have been more focus, not too much, on how unique the sword was. also that other guard went out like a bitch lol, he didnt last shit. i guess they did it so they can show how much of a bad motherfucker was Ser Arthur Dayne. there was some moments where i just didnt buy the fight but then there was some real cool moments in the way the fight went where i believed it. now the one thing that i find VERY interesting is how Bran affected the vision. i mean Ned definitively heard him. there is more going..
Meeren- at first i didnt know what to think of it but as it went on i really liked it. it was pretty good. loved Varys as usual and then Tyrion with messinde and grey worm was pretty nice too see. light hearted tyrion is always nice to see. but i can already tell most book snobs are gonna bitch on how "fast" Tyrion has gotten so happy *cough Preston Jacobs *cough.. also we find out a lil more info on the sons of bitches.
Sam and Gilly- just what i wanted to see. just enough screen time of them and not focusing too much on their romance. also its nice too see that lil shit was gotten older lol. what i like was the lil twist that they are gonna stop at where Sam used to live. maybe we will see Randyll??
Vaes Dorakt- it was cool what they showed us. i know what most probably are gonna talk about.. no Emilia nudity. and i have to say im disappointed, not cuz i just wanted to see bewbs but because it was censored. ok this will be to long so ill explain it later and maybe separately. i liked how the older bitch, sorry i dont know how to spell what ever their title is, and dany have a lil something in common. over all it was nice to see Dany.
Kings landing- i really liked how they are setting up their own little system of little birds, shit is getting good down in that shit-hole. lol jaime be careful with monster lol, shit was hilarious. also the small counsil scene was awesome. while i laughed, was it really necessary to have made a fart/shit joke? lol i mean i probably WOULD have shitted myself and both Pycell and Mace are old so i guess... anyways it was pretty nice scene. kinda want to and kinda dont want to see dorne again, but the Bad pussies took over dorne... ok.
the North.... sigh why... just why... why didnt they do that to shaggydog.. omg why D,: !?!!? FUCK, JUST STOP KILLING the wolves! goddamn it... BRING BACK NYMERIA! OMG.. ok now that i got my little sad/ mad rant about the wolves... this was also good.. i knew it was gonna be them. lets start an new hashtag #FUCKTHEUMBERS, FUCK THEM ALL!! really all my hate really is based on them killing shaggy.. and of course turning over Rickon and osha.. and betraying the Straks.. i really dont think that rickon will die, maybe osha, god i dont want that to happen.. i really do believe that the Starks kids are very important to the story, i will be SHOCKED if one of them die.. fuck the umbers.. RIP Shaggydog :,(
Arya- shit is getting solid, its getting really good. love this part and i was legit scared when she drank that water. but shes not blind anymore! but i just hope she's getting really good at lying and still becomes Arya STARK. btw how awesome was that moment when she was talking about her list? OH SHIT!
and last back at the wall- FUCK OLLY!! LMAO. man it was so satisfying to see them all die, so good. and Jon dropped the motherfucking mic! PEACE!
Sorry for the long-ass post..
Either Tommen has a fat head or that is the smallest crown ever. Where is the crown stretcher when you need it?
Gotta say, I was pretty pissed when Jon came back, but now this is like a dream come true to me. So much Jon Snow badassery in so little time.
He died at the red wedding.
Soo, we got yet another new sitcom spinoff: Ramsay, Karstark and Umber, or ''The Cunts''
Poor Shaggy
that was one of the shitiest things to do, not show or mention those 3 characters for 2 fucking seasons, then simply give it all to fucking cunt Ramsay... I have a feeling, that they wont be alive when Jon defeats the Boltons... Or maybe that won't happen at all, Ramsay will kill about 3000 wildings with his little knife and he'll leave the rest to the Goodmen...
Now, besides this stuff, i liked the rest of the episode... I'm mostly excited to see the rest of that Bran flashback and for Arya's story
Ooooh maybe that powder she put in that bottle was an antidote? Good call.
No, I dont think so.
I sincerely doubt he's going back. He doesn't need to be at the Wall anymore. He needs to unite as much of the North as he can against the Boltons, so he can build up a force strong enough to fight the Whitewalkers. He has the Wildlings, Davos and Melisandre with him, so he'll march south, collect whatever northern houses he can along the way (the Mormonts, the Glovers and the Manderleys perhaps), reunite with Sansa, and retake Winterfell. Then the Wall will come down.
Not as exciting as last week's episode, but a good one nonetheless. I continue to like Bran's story. It is really cool to see the past through him. I have more interest in the North storyline. Damn Umbers...Those bloody traitors and oathbreakers. I fear that something bad is going to happen to Rickon and Osha.
However, I don't feel too good about the King's Landing. While I generally like the Lannister part, I don't like the Faith Militant part as much. Am I the only one feeling slightly bored when the High Sparrow kept preaching about the Gods and the Faith. I know it is his character and he is a highly religious man, but I do sometimes find his preaching repetitive.
Good episode
/Sam and Gilly are back, her baby finally aged at least
Anyway I'm wondering if the northern houses have legit handed over rickon or its all a ploy. I mean the fact the wolf is dead suggests so however Rickon didnt seem that bothered about it and im not sure why Osha is even there. So yeah it could go either way.
After the awesomeness of last week this was again a bit slower episode, but still good. I'd say all the scenes at Castle Black, Tower of Joy and Arya's montage were the highlights of this episode. I also liked the scene with Varys and that bitch that worked for the Harpies. The other scene from Meereen was a bit meh, but I like that we are seemingly building up for Siege of Meereen. KL had a bit weaker episode, though it was nice to see Kevan and Olenna again. It was sad that Umbers sided with Ramsay and gave him Rickon and Osha, but tbh I saw that coming for a while now, and I had also figured out their motive for it. However I had not thought about what happens to Shaggydog, so seeing that severed head was a shocker.
Overall, I'd rate it 8/10
Is anyone getting tired of the High Sparrow constantly getting the one-up on Tommen and tricking him into not fighting? Like I know Tommen is supposed to be naive, but its getting kinda ridiculous at this stage.
agreed, the high sparrow needs to go down. he always lucks out winning at the last min.
I guess, but I think Tommen is so easily tricked to not use violence because inside he doesn't want to use violence - he is still a sweet and innocent boy.
I think i just found a leaked picture of kid (possibly rickon ) being on a cross and burned ..I dont know if it's legit but the decor looks exactly like the decor from that leaked photo of jon snow during the battle of winterfell .
Here it is if you want to see it :
But i just can't accept that smalljon is willing to give off ned's son , Some book characters dont exist in the show , some have their journey altered , shortered or longered but deep down , the character's personality is the same as the books , Smalljon was one of the bodyguards of robb stark and died protecting him during the red wedding .
they may have mixed his plotline with Hother Umber ...but still ...
I hope it's just all part of the northern conspiracy, and that it isnt shaggy dog's head And that this scene was shot for us to think that the umbers are traitors .
I dont know i guess we'll have to wait and see
Can I just say that Davos continues to become one of my favorite character? He have a more noteworthy presence in this current Season. And he continues to be a good person who gives his allies goodnatured advice.
Also when Tormund gives Jon a man hug. You really get that they have become friends after so much they have been through.
Two flayed bodies will burn on cross.
Make your bets.
To secrety heal herself? I dont think so. Jaquen would know.
A little rough on Bran, arent you? I can understand his frustration.
And Arya, Ive never been that interested in her training, not even in the books, but I actually liked this scene. Its like something out of a kung fu movie with learning to see without seeing.
I agree, he doesnt really need to be "tricked". He's more like his sister than the rest of his family.
I hope thats the case, that its a trick. I cant imagine that the show would do that the Rickon. Torture a Stark child to death? That would be too much. Yes, the show pushes the envelope but you saw people were practically rioting over what happened to Sansa.
Odds for Rickon and Osha: 1.01
If it happens I'm pretty sure it will happen offscreen and we will just see the flayed body on the cross.
He is pretty whiny, I also find his attitude towards others pretty snobby/uncaring at times, its all about him.His story line is interesting though.
Actually in the second trailer there are more than 2 crosses.
Tommen once again being a pussy. Anyone with balls would have had the kingsguard seize the old fuck right there and keep him prisoner. I kind of hope Rickon and Osha are the flayed burning corpses just to fuck with Jon's head
Edit: Whoops
I love Davos so much!
And Tormunds hug! Love it. Also, am I the only one that actually felt bad for Alliser? I felt, YES OLLYS DOWN, but Alliser, i Don't know. Always liked him!
This new generation of the Northern lords, and their lack of honor is an interesting thing to think about. I think Roose betraying Robb had a bigger impact on the athmosphere of the North than we expected. Tradition and honor was pretty much thrown out the window in that moment and now the bigger houses are all just driving their own agenda. Jon (and Sansa?) has a hard task of bringing honor and order back to the North.
I guess you mean Rickon.
I really think Smalljon is faking it... Calling Roose a c*nt, making fun of the Karstarks, refusing to bow, these are all hints ... But it could also just be the famous Umber personality...
Probably just wishful thinking... Why would he hand over Rickon to the Boltons? ;_;
His reasoning is that it is because Jon let thousands of Wildlings through the Wall.
I am not sure that this is part of the so-called Northern Conspiracy, but considering how Dorne turned out, I am not so certain.
Yeah, Bran is pretty arrogant. He's like that in the books too.
I guess I really shouldn't be surprised Tommen was successfully manipulated by the High Sparrow. Tommen is just going to make things worse and help cause the downfall of his family, I just know it. The kid needs to go.
I don't know. It's more likely than not just his prickly Umber attitude. Greatjon was the same way
He's a coward. He's allowed fanatics to run King's Landing and the Lannister name. Joffrey and Tywin would have started burning the Faith's hideouts and hanging it's members from the moment Cersei was imprisoned. Tommen's the biggest puss in the series