I honestly wish his story about the battle in the show was as convoluted as it is in the books. Granted there is no actual telling of what happened, but Bran makes us believe that Eddard told the story like he destroyed Sir Dayne. Show Eddard and Book Eddard would never do that, so if anything that was on the writers.
Ramsay has none, so it isn't difficult at this stage. :^)
I confused myself with Eddard from the book then, who mentions Howland saved his ass against Dayne.
You havent been on the forums I have. People were up in arms about the Dany and Crypt scene too. But mostly because those things happened in… more the books differently and they felt the show made them more "rapey". As if having sex on your dead son's body practically is not disgusting enough.
People don't "pick" what are they outraged by. And, as you noted, some do see all sexual violence in the series as wrong, but most people need something more clearly violent to make them riot, and some people draw and repost pin up pictures of Sansa in ripped wedding dress. No fandom can do as you would like them to, they aren't one person with straight opinion on such things.
He doesn't really say it was Eddard who told him the story "thousand times". Think about it, could you really see Ned bragging about how he won Ser Arthur Dayne and tell the story over and over again? All we know that Ned said to Bran was that Arthur Dayne was the greatest swordsman he ever knew. The story about the fight itself could've been told to him by Old Nan for example.
at this point he has negative honor.
I honestly wish his story about the battle in the show was as convoluted as it is in the books. Gran… moreted there is no actual telling of what happened, but Bran makes us believe that Eddard told the story like he destroyed Sir Dayne. Show Eddard and Book Eddard would never do that, so if anything that was on the writers.
I hope not. I love Sam to death but I cant stand watching people throw up. I do love him with baby Sam. I hope his mother and sister are kind. We know his father is an asshole.
Balon Greyjoy is dead
Wait, he was a villain? You just wait until Euron starts to shine in all his glory, you're gonna want that dried up cuttlefish back into saddle.
She means sam's dad who we havnt really met yet. Sam doesn't like him because he sent him to the wall because he thought he was weak. Will have to see for myself before I judge, I mean sam is pretty pathetic at times.
She means sam's dad who we havnt really met yet. Sam doesn't like him because he sent him to the wall because he thought he was weak. Will have to see for myself before I judge, I mean sam is pretty pathetic at times.
He doesn't really say it was Eddard who told him the story "thousand times". Think about it, could you really see Ned bragging about how he … morewon Ser Arthur Dayne and tell the story over and over again? All we know that Ned said to Bran was that Arthur Dayne was the greatest swordsman he ever knew. The story about the fight itself could've been told to him by Old Nan for example.
She means sam's dad who we havnt really met yet. Sam doesn't like him because he sent him to the wall because he thought he was weak. Will have to see for myself before I judge, I mean sam is pretty pathetic at times.
Oh, i know Im not complaining really. Just sharing my thoughts.
I appreciate the show for what it is, and to be completely honest, i'm more than a little relieved that it isnt the most faithful to the books. I don't want to be spoiled for everything
It's such an intricate story, that so many details get left by the wayside each time a character gets cut (small or large) or a storyline ge… morets changed for the show. It's sad really.
I get that but it really is unavoidable. They cant put every character in the show, its too much work and over complicated. Many casual watchers struggle as it is
"They think you're some kind of god"
"I'm not a god"
"I know. I've seen your pecker. What kind of god has a pecker so small?"
I thought this exchange was hilarious
Some Dothraki might burn. Couple Faith Militants might get crushed by FrankenGregor, as you said maybe Lancel as one of them. And that's pretty much it, unless Osha is killed already, though I doubt it.
Some Dothraki might burn. Couple Faith Militants might get crushed by FrankenGregor, as you said maybe Lancel as one of them. And that's pretty much it, unless Osha is killed already, though I doubt it.
Oathbreaker was a great episode. I think how they decided to handle Jon's death was great. To really convince us that he wasn't coming back, they even convinced the actor, and I just say bravo. All the while with every next quiet shot inside the room, I was expecting Jon to reach out and assault someone, or that his eyes would open and be blue. After all, we haven't seen Coldhands, and I was wondering if maybe the writers for the show decided to introduce him after all, with a different(and revealed) identity and origin.
I feel bad for the kid, but in Jon's place, I wouldn't trust him, not in that day and age. It might have been cold, but you could feel the fire behind his stare. Worse that Jon decided to leave. Will this set a precedent for men who volunteered when they joined, or will Sansa and Brienne convince him to return? Because that's a reunion just begging for it.
And now Ramsay's just as his deadbeat father said he was, a mad dog. He's going to use Rickon as bait, and either Jon's going to fall for it, or he's going to have his friend Lord Commander bring the wildling army to Winterfell(or a small team) and we'll get a different version of the rescue readers will remember from the book, with perhaps a wildly different possible outcome.
Just one thing to say about Melissandre, I'm glad she realizes how overzealous she's been, if for no other reason besides weirwood country wouldn't stand for kinslaying. Azor Ahai brought them fair weather, but the Old Gods had their vengeance.
Wish they would have showed Stannis's head rolling away. The reason given for not showing his beheading is pure bullshit. The kind treatment for that scene was misplaced and misguided, and antithetical to the horrors we've witnessed up to that point.
Some Dothraki might burn. Couple Faith Militants might get crushed by FrankenGregor, as you said maybe Lancel as one of them. And that's pretty much it, unless Osha is killed already, though I doubt it.
Uuuuummm. Hate to break it to you, but Everyone knew Jon was coming back. It's pretty clearly and heavily foreshadowed that his arc was not over at his 'death'.
Oathbreaker was a great episode. I think how they decided to handle Jon's death was great. To really convince us that he wasn't coming back,… more they even convinced the actor, and I just say bravo. All the while with every next quiet shot inside the room, I was expecting Jon to reach out and assault someone, or that his eyes would open and be blue. After all, we haven't seen Coldhands, and I was wondering if maybe the writers for the show decided to introduce him after all, with a different(and revealed) identity and origin.
I feel bad for the kid, but in Jon's place, I wouldn't trust him, not in that day and age. It might have been cold, but you could feel the fire behind his stare. Worse that Jon decided to leave. Will this set a precedent for men who volunteered when they joined, or will Sansa and Brienne convince him to return? Because that's a reunion just begging for it.
And now Ramsay's just as his deadbeat father said he was, a mad … [view original content]
at this point he has negative honor.
I honestly wish his story about the battle in the show was as convoluted as it is in the books. Granted there is no actual telling of what happened, but Bran makes us believe that Eddard told the story like he destroyed Sir Dayne. Show Eddard and Book Eddard would never do that, so if anything that was on the writers.
It seems so
People don't "pick" what are they outraged by. And, as you noted, some do see all sexual violence in the series as wrong, but most people need something more clearly violent to make them riot, and some people draw and repost pin up pictures of Sansa in ripped wedding dress. No fandom can do as you would like them to, they aren't one person with straight opinion on such things.
He doesn't really say it was Eddard who told him the story "thousand times". Think about it, could you really see Ned bragging about how he won Ser Arthur Dayne and tell the story over and over again? All we know that Ned said to Bran was that Arthur Dayne was the greatest swordsman he ever knew. The story about the fight itself could've been told to him by Old Nan for example.
Yeah, Craster. Fuck that guy. Uh, not literally of course.
He was one of the perpetrators of the Red Wedding.
She means sam's dad who we havnt really met yet. Sam doesn't like him because he sent him to the wall because he thought he was weak. Will have to see for myself before I judge, I mean sam is pretty pathetic at times.
Me too
Okay lol.
True very true.
It could've been Robert Barantheon that told all those stories for all we know. So yeah, the Starks continue to exude honor
Yeah, I meant Randyll Tarly who didnt appreciate what a bright, lovely son he had because he is a terrible person.
Craster was also the worst.
Oh, i know
Im not complaining really. Just sharing my thoughts.
I appreciate the show for what it is, and to be completely honest, i'm more than a little relieved that it isnt the most faithful to the books. I don't want to be spoiled for everything
dayne was beastin tho
yaaa boyyy
Aemon Targaryen said it,
'Kill the boy'
true true
I actually liked Alliser. He was a dick, I know. But a brave one, though.
This week's Beautiful Death! Alliser definitely deserves this poster, even if he was a dickhead.
The artist is awesome!
Any guess on who (if anyone) dies next week?
I don't think anyone will but if I had to I'd guess Lancel.
Some Dothraki might burn. Couple Faith Militants might get crushed by FrankenGregor, as you said maybe Lancel as one of them. And that's pretty much it, unless Osha is killed already, though I doubt it.
Pretty much the same thoughts. I think they'll leave Osha alive for a bit.
They will sacrifice a chicken to the many faced god.
Oathbreaker was a great episode. I think how they decided to handle Jon's death was great. To really convince us that he wasn't coming back, they even convinced the actor, and I just say bravo. All the while with every next quiet shot inside the room, I was expecting Jon to reach out and assault someone, or that his eyes would open and be blue. After all, we haven't seen Coldhands, and I was wondering if maybe the writers for the show decided to introduce him after all, with a different(and revealed) identity and origin.
I feel bad for the kid, but in Jon's place, I wouldn't trust him, not in that day and age. It might have been cold, but you could feel the fire behind his stare. Worse that Jon decided to leave. Will this set a precedent for men who volunteered when they joined, or will Sansa and Brienne convince him to return? Because that's a reunion just begging for it.
And now Ramsay's just as his deadbeat father said he was, a mad dog. He's going to use Rickon as bait, and either Jon's going to fall for it, or he's going to have his friend Lord Commander bring the wildling army to Winterfell(or a small team) and we'll get a different version of the rescue readers will remember from the book, with perhaps a wildly different possible outcome.
Just one thing to say about Melissandre, I'm glad she realizes how overzealous she's been, if for no other reason besides weirwood country wouldn't stand for kinslaying. Azor Ahai brought them fair weather, but the Old Gods had their vengeance.
Wish they would have showed Stannis's head rolling away. The reason given for not showing his beheading is pure bullshit. The kind treatment for that scene was misplaced and misguided, and antithetical to the horrors we've witnessed up to that point.
This one is literally perfect!
I'm sorry this is random, but I could totally see a fight between our profile picture characters this season.. haha
Most likely, and mine will probs die 
Btw, I realize how ironic my nickname is next to this profile pic xD
I absolutely love it, never change it:p
I wonder when we will get to the Riverlands, since it is said that Edmure and the Blackfish will appear this season.
Best line of the episode!
Closely followed by Tormund's '...No God would have such a small pecker', lines.
Lol, fuck i love Tormund.
Uuuuummm. Hate to break it to you, but Everyone knew Jon was coming back. It's pretty clearly and heavily foreshadowed that his arc was not over at his 'death'.
Just a guess, but I'd say episode 6 or 7.
Im guessing jamie finds out about lancel being with cersei and leaves
So far despite the first episode, season 6 is already way better than last season
Agreed, and I don't even hate season 5. 'Home' especially has been a very strong episode.
I never even taught about that but I can so see Tormund vs Smalljon at Snowbowl.
Plus Walder Frey is back (hopefully just to die).