Uncharted Thread



  • I don't think it's debatable on this forum remotely.

    That I would say is debatable.

  • they're nuclear in the ways they act and react.

    Is that not true of high profile anti feminists?

    I can agree that they're not as numerous as feminists on the whole, it's just I think their numbers get misrepresented because many of them

  • Well, we weren't specifying only on this forum.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I don't think it's debatable on this forum remotely.

  • It happens on both sides. People overreact and get angry.

    Flog61 posted: »

    they're nuclear in the ways they act and react. Is that not true of high profile anti feminists?

  • edited May 2016

    About Chloe and Cutter. How do you guys imagine things would be if they were both involved in the journey to Libertalia and Henry Avery's treasure?

    For Chloe, I think that she would be happy that there is another Drake and occasionally flirt with Sam while also pairing up with him whenever they split up. For example, the scene where Sam acts like nothing was in the cross and takes out the paper inside

    Nate: "Oh, you such an asshole."

    Sully: "He's your brother."

    Chloe: "And damn lucky that he's good looking."

    And for Cutter, I imagine him being Chloe's plus-one to the auction, participating in trying to outbid Rafe for the cross, mentioning at one point during the journey how he met Nate and also "Bollocks".

  • edited May 2016

    So Druckmann has finally responded in a way to those who didn't like the Nadine fights:


    You have some sexist focus testers who were really upset by Nadine beating up Nate, and really upset at the end when it was Nate's daughter. To the point where we had to ask one guy to leave. In his core, it just affected him. He was cursing, "Not you, too, Naughty Dog! Goddammit. I guess I'm done with Uncharted, if you guys ever make another one, with his daughter. This fucking bullshit."

    And I was like, Wow, why does that matter?

  • edited May 2016

    What? People didn't like playing as Drake's daughter? What was wrong with it?

    JetLee posted: »

    So Druckmann has finally responded in a way to those who didn't like the Nadine fights: http://links.eml.glixel.com/a/84/preview/1191726/

  • It was one of the many The Last of Us gameplay segments that was forced into Uncharted 4.

    AronDracula posted: »

    What? People didn't like playing as Drake's daughter? What was wrong with it?

  • Omg. People hate that because of references and similar sequences from a previous games? Then why aren't TWAU, TFTBL, GOT and MCSM hated? Their gameplay mechanics are obviously similar to TWD.

    JetLee posted: »

    It was one of the many The Last of Us gameplay segments that was forced into Uncharted 4.

  • I really liked it. It's no Uncharted 3 but it was fun and the ending was really satisfying. I missed the original Nate's Theme in the menu screen though. The easter eggs and references to other games were the best part. My ranking would be: 3>4>2>1>GA

    I'm really curious about how TLOU2 will turn out.

  • edited May 2016

    Anyone else here try replaying the game while giving everyone different outfits?

    I've switched all main characters into their Scotland outfits when I started replaying and during the auction, it was kinda amusing how they don't look fancy but still mention how sharp they look and no one else seem to care. XD

    But then there are moments where some scenes don't work with the costume change. Like, for the cutscenes, instead of fading into the next scene, it just cuts to black and then the next scene starts two seconds later. Also, in Nate and Elena's home, I go to the mirror with the Scotland outfit on, there was only his head. O_o
    Plus, inside the tower in the middle of the Madagascar city and you have to take a picture of the sigils, but you can also take a picture of Sully; I tried that while he was also in his Scotland outfit, and he didn't show up on camera. Like a vampire! O.O

  • Oh, cool! No, I haven't experimented with the outfits yet, but I have started a crushing playthrough just yesterday, all these features are going to be fun... hehehe...

  • Dat ending tho.


  • Not the same thing mang.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Omg. People hate that because of references and similar sequences from a previous games? Then why aren't TWAU, TFTBL, GOT and MCSM hated? Their gameplay mechanics are obviously similar to TWD.

  • Best ending of a series. No more sequels, please lol. <3

    Dat ending tho.

  • I'm happy to see a thread about this amazing game series. I know it's a telltale forum but thanks to the OP for mentioning it. Uncharted is one of my all time favourite series. The sense of adventure, the wonderfully written characters, the relationship between Nate and Elena and Sully, the beautiful soundtrack and locations in each game, brilliant antagonists. Everything about each game had something unique. I'm man enough to admit i cried my eyes out at the end of Uncharted 4. I was sad knowing it is the last game with Nathan Drake but was so pleased that the game (all of them in fact) had a happy ending and it's nice knowing these characters are alive and living their lives. There will never be a game series like this again. Naughty Dog and Telltale are the two best game developers ever in my opinion. I'd love to see the two join forces one day to make a game :)

  • Same thing, mate. I cried of happiness at the end, seeing how amazing this game ended, Nathan Drake giving up on treasure hunting forever and having a normal life, a happy family. I really thought someone was going to die, but didn't. Naughty Dog made so many moments we were never expecting. For example, I didn't expect Elena to be in action anymore, she was more developed and loveable in the last game than the previous games. So sad this was the end but I really don't think it needs anymore sequels, this is the best way to end this series, a happy ending with no one dying. I'm gonna miss those series so much. Naughty Dog is the best. Now I'm just waiting for their future games like The Last of Us 2 or a new franchise.

    dan290786 posted: »

    I'm happy to see a thread about this amazing game series. I know it's a telltale forum but thanks to the OP for mentioning it. Uncharted is

  • edited May 2016

    Its like you are thinking the exact same thing as i am! Totally agree and yes i thought on many occasions that Elena and Sully or even Nate would die. The scene where Elena pretended to be dead for a joke I actually thought she was for a second and several other scenes during their conversations how Nate said "im worried i'll lose you" or words to that effect, I actually was preparing myself for the worst. Even at the end where it looked like Sam was going to die, they surprised me and he didn't die either. Honestly it couldn't have ended more perfect. The thing that got to me the most was the wedding and baby pictures and the final thing we see is Nate, Elena and Sully from uncharted 1 in that picture. Beautiful

    AronDracula posted: »

    Same thing, mate. I cried of happiness at the end, seeing how amazing this game ended, Nathan Drake giving up on treasure hunting forever an

  • Nathan could appear still if Cassie Drake is the main character of Uncharted 5.

    dan290786 posted: »

    I'm happy to see a thread about this amazing game series. I know it's a telltale forum but thanks to the OP for mentioning it. Uncharted is

  • If it meant seeing Nate and Elena again even just a cameo, i would accept that

    Flog61 posted: »

    Nathan could appear still if Cassie Drake is the main character of Uncharted 5.

  • Very good. Very good game.

    Rope system is very fun, plus that you can shoot rifles on them is wicked.

    Epilogue took me off guard.

    Too bad there is no skins feature in this game though, cause that's the only reason I play the hard mode.

  • Actually there is a skin feature. Once you complete the game, you can use Unlock Points to unlock skins worn from different chapters and choose which ones you want the characters to wear during the game.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Very good. Very good game. Rope system is very fun, plus that you can shoot rifles on them is wicked. Epilogue took me off guard. Too bad there is no skins feature in this game though, cause that's the only reason I play the hard mode.


    I love you.

    Now I'm gonna go put blood, sweat, and tears into the hardest difficulty.

    Actually there is a skin feature. Once you complete the game, you can use Unlock Points to unlock skins worn from different chapters and choose which ones you want the characters to wear during the game.

  • One thing that's bothered me was Sully. Not because of his character because that is top, but his age. How old is the dude? Like late 60's or something? And he's STILL kickin' it? Damn.

  • Yeah, the most badass elder character ever.

    One thing that's bothered me was Sully. Not because of his character because that is top, but his age. How old is the dude? Like late 60's or something? And he's STILL kickin' it? Damn.

  • I completed my first playthrough on hard and I was dissappointed with the last quarter or so of the game. My issue with it is we spent too long in Madagascar, there was no supernatural element and the final battle was odd. the epilogue was too sugar sweet it was nice but maybe too nice I also wasn't sure about what I though about the marriage they keep things from eachover that they shouldn't like nates brother or elenas plan to buy the business, they dont seem to know anything about one another I like them both but I wasn't sure about the relationship.

    Overall I enjoyed it ive started a crushing play and I love the cel shade effect, im interested in the gravity effect but im on the second chapter and nothings happened so I guess its for enemies. Oh yeah and online ive been putting that off to avoid spoilers.

  • My same problem with the ending. It's too sweet. I'm happy everyone lived happily ever after, but I feel like it would've been better if it went more dark. Remember the teaser for the game? I literally thought A Thief's End meant Drake or Sam would die. Other than that, the game is still great.

    I completed my first playthrough on hard and I was dissappointed with the last quarter or so of the game. My issue with it is we spent too

  • I literally thought A Thief's End meant Drake or Sam would die. Other than that, the game is still great.

    Well, you're messing with Naughty Dog. They are so smart to make situations which no one would ever expect. For example: Sully fakely died twice. Shot by Roman but Francis Drake's journal saved him and shot by Talbot but it was just a hallucination. Such an unexpected experience.

    My same problem with the ending. It's too sweet. I'm happy everyone lived happily ever after, but I feel like it would've been better if it

  • Some might consider those examples plot twists while other might call them cop outs.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I literally thought A Thief's End meant Drake or Sam would die. Other than that, the game is still great. Well, you're messing with

  • I was happy Sully survived tho. Didn't want to see him die.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I literally thought A Thief's End meant Drake or Sam would die. Other than that, the game is still great. Well, you're messing with

  • Unlocked Tenzin and I'm quite happy

  • Yes! Tenzin Power!! You know, if you have some free time every now and then, get the Uncharted: Fortune Hunter app. By completing levels and earning keys to open treasure chests, you can earn those purple relics much faster. I know because in the span of about 4 days a few weeks ago, I got about 3500 relics in total transferred to my Ps4 account. (but I guess I was pretty lucky.) I got all the characters now.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Unlocked Tenzin and I'm quite happy

  • I love how Naughty Dog's microtransactions aren't necessary to get nice things in the game. I'll definitely check out that app, thanks man.

    AChicken posted: »

    Yes! Tenzin Power!! You know, if you have some free time every now and then, get the Uncharted: Fortune Hunter app. By completing levels and

  • I feel like a scrub whenever I go into a lobby as normal Sully or Rafe and see everyone decked out with special outfits and shit.

    How do you unlock special clothes for your characters? I know of those purple points and Uncharted points, but I can only unlock with the Uncharted points apparently?

  • There's two ways to unlock different outfits in multiplayer. One is earning enough Relic Points to purchase vanity chest and unlock them to receive random things like outfits for the characters, sidekicks, taunts, ect. The second is to buy Uncharted Points from the PSN store and use them buy the outfits you want for each character.

    I mostly just use the Relic Points since they are free.

    I feel like a scrub whenever I go into a lobby as normal Sully or Rafe and see everyone decked out with special outfits and shit. How do

  • edited June 2016

    Naughty Dog's fanbase is different from Telltale's fanbase. Some of them don't even consider Telltale's games to be 'real' games. You should really visit their forums.

    Personally I think Telltale went downhill after TWD S1. They keep recycling their formula instead of innovating and that just saps the fun out of playing their games.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Omg. People hate that because of references and similar sequences from a previous games? Then why aren't TWAU, TFTBL, GOT and MCSM hated? Their gameplay mechanics are obviously similar to TWD.

  • The Summer DLCs will be released on the 29th.

  • edited June 2016

    So happy they've listened to the fans for real. They've added a leveling system.

    The trailer is hilarious though, all the taunts and stuff. And all the pirate stuff looks awesome

  • Have to say Im a little disappointed with the cost of DLC Vanity chests. 2000 relics? 3000 relics? thats 200 WINS or 300 WINS at 10 relics a win.,,,,bulllllshit

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