i dont think so... thats too stupid. although they've done some stupid shit before but i dont think so. i think we might not see him for a while maybe a whole season. i still think he is gonna bring down a city or something with that greyscale.
-Jorah: "It is better to go. I love you, I Will always love you-
-Daenerys:" No, you can't die, now I command you to find a cure!
Hodor's story is one of the most dramatic I've ever seen on got, to be honest I never was very attached to him, but his story is very tragic and what happened to him is heartbreaking.
I think the theater stuff was pretty much how people acted in Medieval times. If we look at it with modern eyes, we will of course find it c… moreringeworthy at the bad acting, I was too when I watched it. But people in Medieval time didn't know or cared about good acting, they just want entertainment. So I can understand them from that point of view.
But they could have spared us from showing the Joffery actor's...uhrm...sword...If you know what I mean.
I think there is no debate about who will be the Beautiful Death of this week... "Hold the Door!"
Well actually there weren't deaths outside of Bran's storyline anyway so it's 100% sure. Though the poster might be for all of those who died in that cave.
Honestly everyone that died in Brans storyline went out beautifully. From Leaf, to the Blood Raven, to even Summer.
Oh man, I honestly stopped the episode and almost balled when Summer stayed behind. I was yelling at my phone like "NO DONT STOP!! BAD DOG! TURN AROUND AND GO!! DONT DO THIS SUMMER"
I'm still pretty heartbroken about the episode right now. Man
And the way the blood Raven died. I was honestly thinking there may be some connection between the nights King and this versions blood Raven. and then he just, poof gone.
I think there is no debate about who will be the Beautiful Death of this week... "Hold the Door!"
Well actually there weren't deaths outs… moreide of Bran's storyline anyway so it's 100% sure. Though the poster might be for all of those who died in that cave.
And all this because Bran was bored and couldn't wait for Bloodraven to wake up... I'm pretty sure he feels like shit after this, his carelessness caused the deaths of his direwolf, Hodor who had served him loyally since season 1, his mentor and (apparently) the last Children of the Forest. Nice one, Bran
Honestly everyone that died in Brans storyline went out beautifully. From Leaf, to the Blood Raven, to even Summer.
Oh man, I honestly st… moreopped the episode and almost balled when Summer stayed behind. I was yelling at my phone like "NO DONT STOP!! BAD DOG! TURN AROUND AND GO!! DONT DO THIS SUMMER"
I'm still pretty heartbroken about the episode right now. Man
And the way the blood Raven died. I was honestly thinking there may be some connection between the nights King and this versions blood Raven. and then he just, poof gone.
I need a tissue
And all this because Bran was bored and couldn't wait for Bloodraven to wake up... I'm pretty sure he feels like shit after this, his carele… moressness caused the deaths of his direwolf, Hodor who had served him loyally since season 1, his mentor and (apparently) the last Children of the Forest. Nice one, Bran
Soo, I know we are all still mourning Hodor (and Summer, and Bloodraven, and Leaf...), but are you ready to get hyped for Brynden "Blackfish" Tully? A legend as Davos would put it Not sure if we get him next week, but I gotta agree with Davos - taking Riverrun back is work of a fookin legend for sure. Can't wait to see him again, and possibly Edmure.
Soo, I know we are all still mourning Hodor (and Summer, and Bloodraven, and Leaf...), but are you ready to get hyped for Brynden "Blackfish… more" Tully? A legend as Davos would put it Not sure if we get him next week, but I gotta agree with Davos - taking Riverrun back is work of a fookin legend for sure. Can't wait to see him again, and possibly Edmure.
So it seems they'll finally do something about the Sparrow. How do you think that shriveled piece of shit will get what's coming to him? If not in the attack then I'd guess by Dany
I dont think he is working for them but I never gor this sense of loyalty to Dany from him either. He gets to be bedmate to a beautiful young queen but he is no Jorah who would literally lay his life down for her. At this point, nothing would surprise me either way.
I didn't think that was a quirky convo. Maybe I'm just getting more paranoid of Daario day by day, but I thought he was calling her out.
… moreIs it just me, or am I very suspicious of Daario? Ever since he's gotten in the show he has always proclaimed that he came from slavery, and maybe I'm off here but I don't think slaves and magic mesh well. Ex: Varys.
I know I've heard some ppl talk about maybe he's working for the Sons of the Harpy, and I definitely think that he doesn't react the same way to magic as Jorah or the Dothraki do.
I think he'll try to kill her very soon. That's what will bring Jorah back.
This was an awesome episode. It had a different feel to it, because Bran's storyline took the front seat, and his storyline is the most "hig… moreh fantasy" of the show. It kinda caught me off guard and with the first viewing the last sequence felt so chaotic that I couldn't quite digest it all. However, with second viewing it was much better, and I could really feel the tragedy of it all. Some no doubt complain about Summer's death, and it's probably true that they are quite eager to kill the wolves off because how hard it is to do them, but his death was also symbolic. He died protecting Bran, and it was winter that killed Summer. And Hodor... sorry, Wylis, he is the true hero here. I also read someone mentioning that 3ER death had a bit of Obi-Wan in it, and I can certainly agree.
The theater troupe was amazing! Pretty much as I imagined it from the book - the way they act I mean, not the theater itself or the plot of the parody. It brought m… [view original content]
Me too, lol. I gasped out loud when that thing was pretty much shoved in my face, lol. I bet the writers were like, "You wanted to see some dong. There you go. Like it? Now shut up."
Probably cuz we barely see him, but my heart broke when he started yelping. Im not even a dog person. I want all those white walkers taken out. Theyre just killing machines.
Dont be so hard on Bran. If I had to lay around a cave day in and day out, I would get bored too. He didnt face anything like this before so I dont think he understood the dire consequences.
And all this because Bran was bored and couldn't wait for Bloodraven to wake up... I'm pretty sure he feels like shit after this, his carele… moressness caused the deaths of his direwolf, Hodor who had served him loyally since season 1, his mentor and (apparently) the last Children of the Forest. Nice one, Bran
So it seems they'll finally do something about the Sparrow. How do you think that shriveled piece of shit will get what's coming to him? If not in the attack then I'd guess by Dany
I may be a fan of the villains in this show, but I feel like ppl like Jaime (and even Tyrion in some ways) Lannister, Jorah, Sandor Clegane,… more and last but not least Littlefinger (there are probably much more that fit the bill, whether major or minor but this is of the top of my head).
These are all characters that (in my
Opinion) started if on a very dark path but somethi happened to them early that turned them to a side of honor and virtue. Tyrion and Jaime are easy and favorable examples, as they were both (in different degrees but similar ways) rich assholes that did what they wanted no matter who it hurt. But when it hurt the wrong person, they almost hit a 180. Sandor Clegane is an easy example also, I mean you see how he was with Arya at the end.
I don't know about anyone else, but think Littlefiger changed the day that Ned was executed. And even more so when Cat and Robb died. But when Ned died, LF finally understood that the gam… [view original content]
Well I can safely safe this season is awesome and a huge step up from season 5 which was arguably the worst season of the show. Even though I thought it was good still
Season 5 was more of a build up to this season, such as getting Tyrion to Dani, Jorahs grey scale, Jons death, Dani finding the new army, Stannis losing, Sansa escaping, Ramsey becoming more powerful and SHAME (High sparrow)
Well I can safely safe this season is awesome and a huge step up from season 5 which was arguably the worst season of the show. Even though I thought it was good still
In the midst of all of this, I am wondering what Dorne is doing. I kinda feel that the writers simply dropped everything in Episode 1 so we don't have to think about Dorne anymore. At least for the moment.
Shhh! Don't jinx it lol. I'm hoping that was just their way of writing them off, but no something tells me they help the sparrows against the Lannisters
In the midst of all of this, I am wondering what Dorne is doing. I kinda feel that the writers simply dropped everything in Episode 1 so we don't have to think about Dorne anymore. At least for the moment.
Where the hell is Bronn? I mean he has to be doing something. I know the actor and Lena Headey have bad blood with each other so I hope that isn't why we haven't seen him
You both are heartless bastards arent you?
i dont think so... thats too stupid. although they've done some stupid shit before but i dont think so. i think we might not see him for a while maybe a whole season. i still think he is gonna bring down a city or something with that greyscale.
Just think about it guys.
Summer is Dead. There's only one conclusion to draw from this.
Winter is almost here! And it's creepin up fast!
edit: Sorry for double posting. I had bad wifi and now it posted both of my comments.
-Jorah: "It is better to go. I love you, I Will always love you-
-Daenerys:" No, you can't die, now I command you to find a cure!
Hodor's story is one of the most dramatic I've ever seen on got, to be honest I never was very attached to him, but his story is very tragic and what happened to him is heartbreaking.
Wowowow, we don't know that. Medieval times isn't as wild as one would think it is.
Fuck. That was sad.
I fucking hate Bran now. He never fucking listens! -.-
I can handle Ned, Oberyn and even the Red Wedding. But HODOR?! That's too far.
Also why do a lot people forget about Summer?
I think there is no debate about who will be the Beautiful Death of this week... "Hold the Door!"
Well actually there weren't deaths outside of Bran's storyline anyway so it's 100% sure. Though the poster might be for all of those who died in that cave.
No one will forget Summer.
It's the Grmm sign. Winter is finally here. Summer was probably the more important death when it comes to the Starks...
But oh Hodor!!!! And even Leaf.
Honestly everyone that died in Brans storyline went out beautifully. From Leaf, to the Blood Raven, to even Summer.
Oh man, I honestly stopped the episode and almost balled when Summer stayed behind. I was yelling at my phone like "NO DONT STOP!! BAD DOG! TURN AROUND AND GO!! DONT DO THIS SUMMER"
I'm still pretty heartbroken about the episode right now. Man
And the way the blood Raven died. I was honestly thinking there may be some connection between the nights King and this versions blood Raven. and then he just, poof gone.
I need a tissue
And all this because Bran was bored and couldn't wait for Bloodraven to wake up... I'm pretty sure he feels like shit after this, his carelessness caused the deaths of his direwolf, Hodor who had served him loyally since season 1, his mentor and (apparently) the last Children of the Forest. Nice one, Bran
that's why destiny or fate or whatever they call it sucks. The idea that something is going to happen, and you have no control over it is stupid.
"Everything is the Lord's will."
Soo, I know we are all still mourning Hodor (and Summer, and Bloodraven, and Leaf...), but are you ready to get hyped for Brynden "Blackfish" Tully? A legend as Davos would put it
Not sure if we get him next week, but I gotta agree with Davos - taking Riverrun back is work of a fookin legend for sure. Can't wait to see him again, and possibly Edmure.
I'm hyped for Blackfish, but I'm more hyped for another character Brienne will meet near the Riverlands... Get Hype!
So it seems they'll finally do something about the Sparrow. How do you think that shriveled piece of shit will get what's coming to him? If not in the attack then I'd guess by Dany
Happy reunion...
Best of friends...
I dont think he is working for them but I never gor this sense of loyalty to Dany from him either. He gets to be bedmate to a beautiful young queen but he is no Jorah who would literally lay his life down for her. At this point, nothing would surprise me either way.
I forget how much Arya doesnt know about her family. I thought she knew about Sansa and Tyrion.
Me too, lol. I gasped out loud when that thing was pretty much shoved in my face, lol. I bet the writers were like, "You wanted to see some dong. There you go. Like it? Now shut up."
I bet Christian Nairn was begging to be killed off to spare his back.
I thought it was funny in a bawdy, toilet humor way.
Probably cuz we barely see him, but my heart broke when he started yelping. Im not even a dog person. I want all those white walkers taken out. Theyre just killing machines.
Dont be so hard on Bran. If I had to lay around a cave day in and day out, I would get bored too. He didnt face anything like this before so I dont think he understood the dire consequences.
RIP Summer and Hodor
Im way more hyped for Blackfysh than possible monk Hound.
As long as Cercei gets hers first.
I wouldnt put Jorah in the same category as those guys. He was never a villian, just made some really bad choices.
Now I'm going to be sad every time I hold a door open for someone.
I think cersei is lasting at least this season and maybe to the end of the next. Shes way more interesting and developed than the sparrow
Well I can safely safe this season is awesome and a huge step up from season 5 which was arguably the worst season of the show. Even though I thought it was good still
Season 5 was more of a build up to this season, such as getting Tyrion to Dani, Jorahs grey scale, Jons death, Dani finding the new army, Stannis losing, Sansa escaping, Ramsey becoming more powerful and SHAME (High sparrow)
In the midst of all of this, I am wondering what Dorne is doing. I kinda feel that the writers simply dropped everything in Episode 1 so we don't have to think about Dorne anymore. At least for the moment.
Shhh! Don't jinx it lol. I'm hoping that was just their way of writing them off, but no something tells me they help the sparrows against the Lannisters
Where the hell is Bronn? I mean he has to be doing something. I know the actor and Lena Headey have bad blood with each other so I hope that isn't why we haven't seen him