Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • Of course your neck is sore Edmure! You slept in a chair while everyone else got a cosy bed. Poor guy. :(

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.83 (Goodbye, Glenmore Camp.)

  • edited May 2016

    Part 2.84 (I'm actually pretty hyped for House Greyson, so I hope you guys are too)

    Also worth noting that last night while I was suffering coughing fits that kept me awake until 5am (hence the slightly late post time for today's part), I have actually completely wrapped up 'production' of Part Two! I'm gonna take a little break, then get to work on those remade scenes from Part One. Then, it's onto Part Three (which I'm fairly sure will be the last part, and maybe the longest?)

  • I too am excited, but I'm also sorry that you're feeling under the weather right now. Hopefully you be feeling 100% very soon.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.84 (I'm actually pretty hyped for House Greyson, so I hope you guys are too) Also worth noting that last night while I was sufferi

  • You people are too hard on Namond.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.85 (People gotta cut Namond a break)

  • I know ;A; This poor man. I am a very big proponent of Namond being shit on less. I did like that we could see him regret his choices. It'd be easy to hate on him since he caused some pretty bad stuff to happen, but when you consider his motivations, you can drum up at least some sympathy for the man. I just want all my children to be happy, but in Westeros this is sort of an impossibility :/

    Also hello people of the thread! My name's Cassie! I figured I should maybe comment on here more since I have a lot of feelings about this AU. I can't shut up about it.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You people are too hard on Namond.

  • Part 2.86 (A new face (to us), a familiar face (to Lyarra))

    I suppose this calls for a little infodump on House Riverstone:

    enter image description here

    The Riverstones are an incredibly small and minor house, situated in the lands of House Glenmore and protected by them. As the map above suggests, they're situated only a small way away from Rillwater Crossing (but closer to Timberwatch, hence why Ostyn could get there first). Founded by a landed knight named Ser Wyllam who was on good terms with the Glenmores, the house was build around an old keep further up the Rillwater that was refurbished and made into a seat of its own. The surname 'Riverstone' was chosen by Ser Wyllam himself and has been passed down ever since.

    The Riverstones are poor compared to many houses and are not exactly numerous, having to rely on the Glenmores and hedge knights to defend them from forest bandits. Their knowledge of the Rillwater along with the supplies it bears further upriver are what maintain their alliance with the larger house, along with Lord Riverstone's personal friendship with Lord Glenmore.

    And then, who is "Ostyn"? Well, he's a former stable boy for House Glenmore. At some point, the Glenmores decided to venture into the Rillwater Forest with some men to drive back some forest bandits that had made their camp there, and Ostyn - along with a small peasant force - offered to accompany them and help. The leader of the smallfolk group was killed in the attack on the bandit and Ostyn took up his place, turning out to be a somewhat promising warrior provided he received training in future. But then, that's where things get ugly. Ostyn has a strong bond with Lyarra Glenmore (effectively verging on the romantic) and Lord Glenmore, Namond and allllll the Glenmore soldiers have taken a strong dislike of him. Soldiers have cornered him several times and beaten him, threatening to hurt him more if he doesn't stay away from Lyarra, but that doesn't seem to stop him.

    Following his show of skill during the Forest bandit attack, however, Lord Glenmore (and probably Namond, whispering in his ear) saw it as an opportunity to keep the peasant away from his daughter for good and sent him away to squire for Lord Riverstone.

  • I swear this section of the story is like anti-Namond.

    I chose stay away. To avoid trouble and unecessary fights.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.87 (Another choice)

  • ;A; I'm having so much trouble deciding what to choose for this one. It shouldn't be that difficult of a choice, honestly, but after seeing Namond's manly weeps it breaks my heart to once again go against him. Talia and Lyarra have been friends for a pretty long while -- Talia's probably heard a lot about Ostyn and knows he's a good guy, at least from the things Lya's told him. Plus Talia and Gared were probably friends back at Ironrath, and she knows he was a good person, so why would Ostyn be so bad? On the other hand, Talia knows what sort of stress Namond is under, and as Agent put it --- staying away would probably help avoid more trouble and drama. Such a hard choice for me!! Even looking at the poll, it seems like this might be a close one (it's 14 to 8 in favor of Ostyn rn, but idk man). I will have to consider this more...

  • The characters are anti-Namond because they haven't seen that he's on the verge of a complete nervous breakdown and don't understand his motivations. Not to mention Ostyn has previous experience with Namond and his men.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I swear this section of the story is like anti-Namond. I chose stay away. To avoid trouble and unecessary fights.

  • Oh I completely understand why they're treating him like this. Just felt like pointing it out.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    The characters are anti-Namond because they haven't seen that he's on the verge of a complete nervous breakdown and don't understand his motivations. Not to mention Ostyn has previous experience with Namond and his men.

  • I feel like the best thing for Namond would be to break his comfort zone and learn to trust others again, especially after that breakdown.

    I say lets bring Ostyn. It'll be someone new to have around the talia Pov and it could definitely benefit us down the road.

  • Oh boy. I don't like the way that guy was looking at Talia. Are we gonna be expecting trouble from him soon?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.88 (Who's that guy?)

  • He looks like he is going to strike at any minute 0-0

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.88 (Who's that guy?)

  • CleganeBowl confirmed?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.88 (Who's that guy?)

  • Parallel to Grag in S1? I'm referring to the scene when Rodrik's trying to get into the great hall and Grag is blocking his way.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.88 (Who's that guy?)

  • Pretty awesome job. Must be time consuming. But it's awesome! Allows me to wait for S2! :D Keep it up if you can ;)
    Thanks for all the work!strong text

  • edited May 2016

    Part 2.89 (Greysons, ho!!!)

    Little known fact, what Lyarra is referring to when she says Kyra can't distinguish faces very well, she's referring to the fact Kyra has prosopagnosia. Poor kid can't catch a break.

  • The scene of Namond crying was probably one of the most powerful scenes of the au as whole, tbh, and it almost made me forgive the man for most of the things he's done & want to wrap him in blankets. Almost. Here is a tip for you, Namond, if you want to regain your family's love, you might consider trying, how shall I put this, not being a dick towards people your family members care about? That information about Namond's soldiers beating Ostyn pissed me off so much, if he ordered it or/and did nothing about it, I'm giving up on him, seriously, I'll never try to justify or respect him again, I'm fucking disgusted as fuck.

    Also, him praying was a very nice detail, I like how you brought religion into the play, because that's a very interesting subject & religions are a major part of GoT universe, they should certainly be at least mentioned sometimes.

    Timberwatch, however, is full of surprises. I'm hyped af for all the stuff that will be taking place there. I already adore Ostyn, I hope he is here to stay & play a part in the story (mentally smacks Namond, STAY AWAY, ARE WE CLEAR, M8?). And of course the Greysons. Hugar's the one I'm most hyped for, since he had never partaken in the roleplaying, but from the description on the wiki, he'll be my favorite one of them. Oriele, Rhaesa, Nestor & Aaren (especially Aaren, gods, I admire him) are great too. Wiki says there is one more Greyson though, Jonah, the one who is with their mother now, which is kinda worrying, given the condition she's in. I hope he won't grow up to be Robyn Arryn 2.0 with her, that's quite a possibility, with what the wiki has to say about Sybil.

    I'm also looking forward to seeing house Greyson's maester, if you know what I mean, hehe...

    And the stranger, of course. Judging by the shield he has, he serves house Thornton, am I right? From what I know, they're allied with Boles through marriage, and the Boles, in their turn, are allied with Whitehills the same way... Yet, Warricks, Whitehill bannermen, have caused havoc & destruction at Stillport lately, so I wouldn't jump to any conclusions for now. It's yet to be discovered what he is doing at Timberwatch in the first place.

  • He better not touch Talia or I'll have his head!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.90 (complications of what sort?)

  • edited June 2016

    Jesus this is a good one!

    Talia thinks she's the only Forrester left, so all the pressure is on her to truly lead her house.

    We will forgive the Greyson's

    In talias eyes, everything went downhill after the red wedding, and their allies were never their when they needed them. And they are not strong and don't seem strong enough to keep talia and everyone safe.

    But they are all we got right now. And they have already done something that most haven't, so for now we forgive them.

    But we won't forget @JakeSt123

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.91 (Another choice )

  • Part 2.92 (This is the first of two parts today)

    Also that choice was a landslide which I sort of expected. The Greysons might not have much, but personally I think it's better to make alliances rather than break them.

  • Could you remind me how Talia got that cut?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.92 (This is the first of two parts today) Also that choice was a landslide which I sort of expected. The Greysons might not have much, but personally I think it's better to make alliances rather than break them.

  • Oh yeah. The maseter. The maester's the best thing that awaits us at Timberwatch... Hehehe. I hope Hugar gets some dialogue or anything like that though, bc he is the boss & my ultimate king on the Iron Throne.

    Also, I forgot to ask. You said you & Cassie came up with a subplot about Gryff, since he won't be appearing in this part. Will you show it to us in any way? As an additional scene, like the Highpoint council meeting maybe? Or just tell us what's going on at Ironrath? I just want some Gryff, in any form possible, lol.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.92 (This is the first of two parts today) Also that choice was a landslide which I sort of expected. The Greysons might not have much, but personally I think it's better to make alliances rather than break them.

  • That would be during this post, when Talia was fighting Derrock. He punched her in the face and split her eyebrow.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Could you remind me how Talia got that cut?

  • hope Hugar gets some dialogue or anything like that though

    He has a little bit in the next post, but that's about as far as it goes for part 2. I do want to expand on him more than the other Greysons, though, because he's the only one who hasn't been featured in RP and as such has more need for characterisation.

    You said you & Cassie came up with a subplot about Gryff, since he won't be appearing in this part. Will you show it to us in any way? As an additional scene, like the Highpoint council meeting maybe?

    Exactly like the Highpoint scene - it'll come as an 'epilogue' of sorts after the 'official' ending of Part 2.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Oh yeah. The maseter. The maester's the best thing that awaits us at Timberwatch... Hehehe. I hope Hugar gets some dialogue or anything like

  • For some reason, I get the feeling that that Oriele girl doesn't like Talia because of the way she kept looking at her.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.92 (This is the first of two parts today) Also that choice was a landslide which I sort of expected. The Greysons might not have much, but personally I think it's better to make alliances rather than break them.

  • Part 2.93 (Today's second part)

    There's still an 'epilogue' scene after this, but once that's over it's back to work on the remake of the first few scenes of part 1. Then, part 3.

  • whOA

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.93 (Today's second part) There's still an 'epilogue' scene after this, but once that's over it's back to work on the remake of the first few scenes of part 1. Then, part 3.

  • Uh-oh...

    enter image description here

    This ain't gonna end well.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.93 (Today's second part) There's still an 'epilogue' scene after this, but once that's over it's back to work on the remake of the first few scenes of part 1. Then, part 3.


  • I just hope you don't follow the original game's example and make Ebbert a generic two dimensional asshole just because he's a Whitehill. That's one thing I love about this AU you gave the antagonists real personalities.

    Oh and that was an awesome twist! Good job.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.93 (Today's second part) There's still an 'epilogue' scene after this, but once that's over it's back to work on the remake of the first few scenes of part 1. Then, part 3.

  • I just hope you don't follow the original game's example and make Ebbert a generic two dimensional asshole just because he's a Whitehill.

    No need to worry, we've discussed Ebbert many, many times and he's definitely not gonna be a 2d asshole : )

    I just hope you don't follow the original game's example and make Ebbert a generic two dimensional asshole just because he's a Whitehill. Th

  • Yes! Didn't expect this.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.93 (Today's second part) There's still an 'epilogue' scene after this, but once that's over it's back to work on the remake of the first few scenes of part 1. Then, part 3.

  • Kinda saw that coming, although I'm happy it happened

    I like how he most resembles Ludd out of the brothers.

  • edited June 2016

    Part 2 Epilogue Pt1

    So the show, which the game is in canon to, decided not to use the fake Arya/Jeyne Poole story arc. So naturally I ripped it off because Gryff is completely mental.

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