Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • Wait, is Gryff so far off the deep end that he got a replacement Talia? That's insane.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2 Epilogue Pt1 So the show, which the game is in canon to, decided not to use the fake Arya/Jeyne Poole story arc. So naturally I ripped it off because Gryff is completely mental.

  • Fear of Torrhen makes the guy do some pretty crazy things.

    Wait, is Gryff so far off the deep end that he got a replacement Talia? That's insane.

  • Yes! So glad to see Gryff again. Such an epic character.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2 Epilogue Pt1 So the show, which the game is in canon to, decided not to use the fake Arya/Jeyne Poole story arc. So naturally I ripped it off because Gryff is completely mental.

  • Part 2 Epilogue Pt2

    Gryff's gonna be sad when that thing rots away, that's for sure.

  • edited June 2016

    This was very GoT-like. Good job. Hope there's another choice of what to do or say to that Whitehill. :D

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I just hope you don't follow the original game's example and make Ebbert a generic two dimensional asshole just because he's a Whitehill.

  • These hijinks are getting insane. Someone's gonna slip on a banana peel in the next part.

  • What the...that's competely fucked up. Asher ;-;

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2 Epilogue Pt1 So the show, which the game is in canon to, decided not to use the fake Arya/Jeyne Poole story arc. So naturally I ripped it off because Gryff is completely mental.

  • That's a good question Harys.

    Also quite disturbing scene. :(

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2 Epilogue Pt2 Gryff's gonna be sad when that thing rots away, that's for sure.

  • edited August 2016

    Alright... Alright.

    I'm not going to ask what Derrock's body is doing at that table (hello, Derrock, you should be aware that I still love you with all my heart). I'm not going to ask why what Gryff & fake Talia (who should immediately be rescued & given some hot chocolate btw) are eating looks like slightly marinated pieces of cecum (I do believe Gryff's men have done their best though; where do people at Ironrath even get their food from nowadays?). I'm not going to ask about that man hanging from the ceiling or the "visitors" (who would want to visit Ironrath now anyway? I have a bad feeling). I believe, all those questions will be answered at some point. I think, I'll just appreciate that rat I think I noticed in one of the pictures. Does it have a name? Will it have some role in the future plot? I feel emotionally connected with it, you know.

    This is so much mess, that I can't help but lamely try to be funny, it's the defensive mechanism of my brain. I have a physical urge to hug Gryff & get him somewhere where he can be safe from Harys-the-threacherous-motherfucker & Torrhen-the-scary-asshole. I think, I've mentioned that I think Gryff's going to die by the end of the au? I was wrong. Harys probably will, Gryff though, I'm convinced you got better stuff you can do to him. I won't say, don't wanna give you an idea you might like, bc it's too horrible...

    Well, at least he is functioning semi-normally for now. Fake Talia does look a lot like the real one, and he even bothers with details like highborn manner of speech. Who the heck added "Gryff the Feckless" as his name at the wiki? I'm offended. He is my son, treat him with respect. Which character thought up "Feckless"? I'm going to fight them.

    All in all, I'd just like to thank you for making this epilogue. I need Gryff too much, even in this kind of state, even though something horrible will surely happen to him. It'll also be interesting to see him & Harys interact, they've been in the same picture before, but never really talked or anything.

    Oh, and, why does Gryff have fresh scratches above his eyepatch? I must've forgotten, where did he get those?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2 Epilogue Pt2 Gryff's gonna be sad when that thing rots away, that's for sure.

  • I hope he gets eaten alive by overgrown rats while burning alive, I hope that he has his eye and tongue torn out by a freaking hound, I hope he'll be forced to eat his own shit and thank for it. This slimy goblin fuck has lived for far too long.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2 Epilogue Pt2 Gryff's gonna be sad when that thing rots away, that's for sure.

  • I think, I'll just appreciate that rat I think I noticed in one of the pictures. Does it have a name? Will it have some role in the future plot? I feel emotionally connected with it, you know.

    It's not a rat, it's a wine flagon lying on its side haha

    Oh, and, why does Gryff have fresh scratches above his eyepatch? I must've forgotten, where did he get those?

    Did them himself. That eye gets itchy, and it's developed into a nervous tic of sorts because he's paranoid as all hell.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Alright... Alright. I'm not going to ask what Derrock's body is doing at that table (hello, Derrock, you should be aware that I still lov

  • Wow, Gryff really does look like a goblin, doesn't he?

    I hope he gets eaten alive by overgrown rats while burning alive, I hope that he has his eye and tongue torn out by a freaking hound, I hope he'll be forced to eat his own shit and thank for it. This slimy goblin fuck has lived for far too long.

  • Part 2 Epilogue Pt3

    These guests are my favs.

  • edited June 2016

    ...You must be kidding me. Gryff. Having an "arrangement". With house Ashwood. Which Torrhen (I guess?!?!?!) doesn't know about (FOR NOW, thanks to Harys-the-two-faced-cunt, * glares * ). I'm so confused. What's in it for them? And why is Gryff so submissive? What did they promise him? Or what threats did they make? Or what lies did they tell him? And, again, what for? And what does fake Talia have to do with all that, how does Ashara even know her? What the fuck has Gryff been up to all this time we didn't see him? I am so confused.

    (Also, pray for Jacaerys's survival, people. Pray your hearts out.)

    OH YES, one more thing. Why did Gryff take his eyepatch off to greet the visitors?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2 Epilogue Pt3 These guests are my favs.

  • It's not a rat, it's a wine flagon lying on its side haha

    Well, didn't I just embarass myself. Totally looked like a neat butt of a healthy handsome fat rat & it's long tail. I feel like it's still safe to assume Ironrath's currently infested with rats.

    Did them himself. That eye gets itchy, and it's developed into a nervous tic of sorts because he's paranoid as all hell.

    I wonder, does anything ever go right in Gryff's life? I don't think it does, even the sudden "alliance" (I'm not even sure that's the case) with Ashwoods looks quite suspicious. I like how you just add small details that don't seem like much & but are really an indication of how bad the situation is.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I think, I'll just appreciate that rat I think I noticed in one of the pictures. Does it have a name? Will it have some role in the future p

  • Part 2 Epilogue Pt4

    And that's the end of Part Two!

  • WOAH! What a twist!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2 Epilogue Pt4 And that's the end of Part Two!

  • I see that Mira shoutout.

    Makes me sad for someone that was gonna hurt my Talia.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2 Epilogue Pt4 And that's the end of Part Two!

  • Any Mira shoutout was unintentional but now I see it is sort of similar to the Morgryn marriage thing.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I see that Mira shoutout. Makes me sad for someone that was gonna hurt my Talia.

  • Honestly forced marriage isn't really a new topic, I guess I thought of Mira because it was another Whitehill forcing someone to either marry him or die.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Any Mira shoutout was unintentional but now I see it is sort of similar to the Morgryn marriage thing.

  • Heh. I thought you meant that she looked a bit like Mira.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Honestly forced marriage isn't really a new topic, I guess I thought of Mira because it was another Whitehill forcing someone to either marry him or die.

  • Between now and the remade scenes from Part 1, I'm gonna post 12 family trees from the AU. If you want any info on a given character, just ask here.

    enter image description here

  • So you've thought up a mother for North Grove bastards? Man, isn't this great. Is there any info about her?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Between now and the remade scenes from Part 1, I'm gonna post 12 family trees from the AU. If you want any info on a given character, just ask here.

  • Is Gregor's expression edited? I don't recall him making that face.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Between now and the remade scenes from Part 1, I'm gonna post 12 family trees from the AU. If you want any info on a given character, just ask here.

  • Mods, bro. Mods.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Is Gregor's expression edited? I don't recall him making that face.

  • Yrelsa is confirmed dead? Are Catrin and Genna Forrester still alive?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Between now and the remade scenes from Part 1, I'm gonna post 12 family trees from the AU. If you want any info on a given character, just ask here.

  • Yrelsa's dead, yeah. Meanwhile, Catrin and Genna were only Gregor's half sisters and were like 15-20 years older than him so they didn't have much loyalty to him. Gregor was never really close to any of his siblings, and they had both left Ironrath by the time Gregor got married so they never even met his kids. Genna was married to a member of House Yronwood from Dorne (likely a fifth born son or something given the difference in reputation between the Yronwoods and Forresters), and Catrin was exiled as she was kind of the Asher of her generation (Thorren had a lot of bad blood in him and Gregor was pretty much the only good kid out of the bunch).

    Genna's down in Dorne with her family, Catrin might be in Essos somewhere but she's probably dead. Both would be about 70 now.

    Yrelsa is confirmed dead? Are Catrin and Genna Forrester still alive?

  • I feel like she raised the twins for a time at the North Grove (considering how they have kinda sorta scandanavian accents instead of northern english), but she isn't around when Gared arrives and the twins don't mention her which makes me think she died a long time ago.

    Krapinka posted: »

    So you've thought up a mother for North Grove bastards? Man, isn't this great. Is there any info about her?

  • Here's the second family tree, House Whitehill:

    enter image description here

  • Lucas looks like a big teddy bear ^_^

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Here's the second family tree, House Whitehill:

  • edited June 2016

    My FAVES. Look at them. The best and worst family to ever exist.

    Edit: I forgot I have two accounts on here lmao...

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Here's the second family tree, House Whitehill:

  • He was -- till Thorren Forrester killed him.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Lucas looks like a big teddy bear ^_^

  • So in the AU Thorren was a bit shitty and Lucas was a generally good dude? Interesting.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    He was -- till Thorren Forrester killed him.

  • I genuinely freaked out when I saw Ramsay, holy shit man... D:

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.80 (Goddamn nightmares, man)

  • I just went through all the chapters in one sitting, and I must say I am extremely impressed!

    I've seen your works on the forum before and I just love the way you combined your own story with pre-existing models from the game as well as your own versions of characters.

    Thank you for making this series, I can see how dedicated you are and it's truly admirable. :)

  • Third family tree of the bunch, House Glenmore:

    enter image description here

  • Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Comments like these always make my day : )

    SerMarve posted: »

    I just went through all the chapters in one sitting, and I must say I am extremely impressed! I've seen your works on the forum before an

  • Family tree #4, House Greyson (who we recently met in the story).

    enter image description here

  • Aww shit! Alanna's from this House. Cool. :)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Family tree #4, House Greyson (who we recently met in the story).

  • Family tree #5, the Warricks:

    enter image description here

    I hate-love these pieces of shit because of how ridiculous they are. They're all so over-the-top - you've got kinslayers, rapers, murderers, burned faces, dumb facial tattoos. They're westeros's equivalent of trailer trash multiplied by a billion.

    ALSO in terms of the actual AU plot, I've started making the first scene of Part 3, and I'm on the third scene of the remade intro to Part 1. Shouldn't be too long before I start posting again.

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