The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread




  • edited June 2016

    Woohoo! I finally got my battery (for real now) and I can do shit on my laptop again! :D

    Now I need to catch up on a birthday card, Icarus Mines, my comic, fanfics and... (looks at my list of things to do) oh god.

  • enter image description here

    Make sure not to post any online, Blizzard is on martial law mode. >.> (sirens wail in the distance) SHIT, THEY'RE ONTO US! HIDE THE GOODS!

  • Well, yeah. Trigger issues lol. Sorry!

    Bit uncalled for.

  • Steam Summer Sale is now live!

  • ...and I can't access it :(

    Steam Summer Sale is now live!

  • I really want to watch Under the Skin, but don't think I'd be able to stomach some of the more intense scenes.

    enter link description here

    One of the most terrifying instrumentals for a film I've ever heard.


    Thanks @Dont_Look_Back for making this amazing Batman drawing! It looks like it could be straight out of the comics. Check out her speed art link of it. She takes requests if anyone is interested and if you want to see more just subscribe to her channel.

    Here's her deviantart as well so you can see some more of her art.

  • Just got back from leafletting reminding people to vote in the EU referendum in Britain today. Reception was encouraging - encountered 2 Brexiters and 11 Bremainers, and didn't see any 'Out' campaigners doing the legwork by going round peoples' houses and reminding them to vote which is often how referenda are won.

    Also coincidentally met a fellow Oxford graduate who has set up a charity arranging art sessions for people with autism that I can (and will) get involved with so a good days work!

    Now the wait begins...

  • What the hell is art even anymore?

    This artist's whole Instagram gallery is just watercolors of skulls and animal intestines!

    Who draws this stuff?!?

  • As an artist myself I'm very intrigued by that work, honesty.

    What the hell is art even anymore? This artist's whole Instagram gallery is just watercolors of skulls and animal intestines! Who draws this stuff?!?

  • I never knew art could offend someone so much.

    What the hell is art even anymore? This artist's whole Instagram gallery is just watercolors of skulls and animal intestines! Who draws this stuff?!?

  • edited June 2016

    Maybe I just don't get the meaning behind it, or surrealism is just not my thing.

    If you'd like, I could PM you the link to his gallery. If you'd be interested in seeing more of his work.

    As an artist myself I'm very intrigued by that work, honesty.

  • Meh...

    I'm not really offended. Probably, more grossed and creeped out than offended.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    I never knew art could offend someone so much.

  • enter image description here

    Oh now we're talking this is fantastic. I never knew rachel could draw. If she stays this path the potential is endless looks like something out pro comic :)

    Thanks @Dont_Look_Back for making this amazing Batman drawing! It looks like it could be straight out of the comics. Check out her speed art

  • It's their talent, technically. So I guess they can use it however they'd like.

    And yes! Please send it.

    Maybe I just don't get the meaning behind it, or surrealism is just not my thing. If you'd like, I could PM you the link to his gallery. If you'd be interested in seeing more of his work.

  • edited June 2016

    There is much, much more artwork that people make that's a lot more.... gross and just wrong. The one you posted doesn't even compare.

    Meh... I'm not really offended. Probably, more grossed and creeped out than offended.

  • I really don't get art. I suppose this has some deep meaning behind it, or it's just a skull with strawberries for eyes holding a fish's intestines. I see the latter.

    What the hell is art even anymore? This artist's whole Instagram gallery is just watercolors of skulls and animal intestines! Who draws this stuff?!?

  • I hope vote out

    But really respect effort you did for remain put ur passion into action

    What friend doing is amazing to what wonderful person only more people were like this

    Flog61 posted: »

    Just got back from leafletting reminding people to vote in the EU referendum in Britain today. Reception was encouraging - encountered 2 Bre

  • As award winning artist myself

    Yes I won award in senior infants for.drawing football match B}

    This I don't find gross or shocking just stupid not my kind of art. I don't mind weird as long as I find it intriguing this art not so much kind of boring too

    What the hell is art even anymore? This artist's whole Instagram gallery is just watercolors of skulls and animal intestines! Who draws this stuff?!?

  • Yeah I love how badass my profile picture looks lol. She mostly does a realistic art style and she's just getting started so I see a good future for her if she keeps this up. She has amazing talent.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Oh now we're talking this is fantastic. I never knew rachel could draw. If she stays this path the potential is endless looks like something out pro comic

  • This all positive stuff I approve :)

    Now we wait for the leethepro batman drawing doet

    Yeah I love how badass my profile picture looks lol. She mostly does a realistic art style and she's just getting started so I see a good future for her if she keeps this up. She has amazing talent.

  • the road near my house is flooded just what i need after returning from work

  • Jesus christ that's amazing. Good job Dont_Look_Back.

    Thanks @Dont_Look_Back for making this amazing Batman drawing! It looks like it could be straight out of the comics. Check out her speed art

  • I saw that, I know I should feel bad, but all I can do is laugh my ass off.

    joshua007 posted: »


  • Good Lord that was amazing I wish I could do that

    Thanks @Dont_Look_Back for making this amazing Batman drawing! It looks like it could be straight out of the comics. Check out her speed art

  • Took me like an hour to actually purchase a game. Got it done, though!

    ...and I can't access it

  • Wow! It really is just a bad month for you!

    the road near my house is flooded just what i need after returning from work

  • enter image description here

    Thanks @Dont_Look_Back for making this amazing Batman drawing! It looks like it could be straight out of the comics. Check out her speed art

  • Ahhhhh, shit kids, it's time for the Summer Sale!

    enter link description here

  • Steam Sale


    Ahhhhh, shit kids, it's time for the Summer Sale! enter link description here

  • My bracket was broken for a whole week before my orthodontist appointment. Now one of my tooth have shifted to its original spot. Why me?!

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Apparently I was a meme at school for about a week this year and I didn't even know.

  • Is that good or bad?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Apparently I was a meme at school for about a week this year and I didn't even know.

  • I like pie

  • I mean steak pie

    Rocked03 posted: »

    I like pie

  • edited June 2016

    Hey, can I have a little bit of advice? Sorry to bother, there's just an issue that's been bugging me for a bit.

    So for the last few weeks, I've had an extreme amount of thirst. I used to go through maybe a 16 ounce bottle of water a day, if that. Now, I've been going through somewhere between 4 and 7 of those a day, even if I'm not sweating or outside (which is rare). Along with the thirst is the obligatory frequent urination; of course, I have a functionally small bladder, so that's kind of normal. I've also been feeling rather sick, somewhere between fatigue and nausea, for the last week. My legs feel like they're numb, and my arms have begun to join them (though this has been on/off). Since late April, I have dropped nearly 20 pounds. Was I trying to lose weight? Yeah, but not that hard, and I'm about 90% sure that I have an under active thyroid. And my vision has been oddly blurry - worse than usual. It worries me.

    Every time I google this stuff, one of the first things that pops up is diabetes. I'm 15, so I'm not exactly sure how that works; I seem to be almost too old for T1 and too young for T2. I'm scared to bring this up to my parents because they have already accused me of being a hypochondriac (I'm not. I just like to be normal and make sure I'm not dying. They seem to believe everything is allergies and stress).

    Does anyone, you know, have any advice? Please and thank you.

    EDIT: Talked to my parents. They think my symptoms are due to poor diet and over exercise. My dad said he'll check my blood sugar when he gets home, just in case, and we will go from there.

    EDIT 2: My blood sugar level seems to be normal. I don't even know anymore, man. Thank you all for your help.

  • Yes. Why the heck are you still asking advice over here instead of seeing doctor like months ago?

    People who tend to lose weight fast even when they don't try have tumor (which could easily affect your vision too.)

    Hey, can I have a little bit of advice? Sorry to bother, there's just an issue that's been bugging me for a bit. So for the last few week

  • edited June 2016

    I've found a website that lets you look up symptoms and conditions associated with them. I had a look around and I'm not sure how it works, but it might be a good place to start.|fatigue|increased-thirst|numbness-or-tingling&symptomids=306|98|124|164&locations=66|66|66|45

    I don't know how the healthcare system in the U.S works, but have you considered visiting a doctor some other way, or considered telling another adult? When it comes to your parents, I think they should be glad that you're taking your own health seriously, since a lot of teenagers think nothing bad can happen to them. If you can, try to visit a doctor if the symptoms persist.

    Hey, can I have a little bit of advice? Sorry to bother, there's just an issue that's been bugging me for a bit. So for the last few week

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