Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • An obviously admirable job, both technically for the modding as artistically for the design and plot. You probably have the developer skills to "transform" the 3D cartoon into a alternate Season 2 AU Game Series. I would not be surprised to see Telltale propose you a job without you even asking for it :D. You invest yourself more into this than any of their developers, which apparently have temporarily abandoned GoT. Perhaps you could even make a partnership contract with them so that the fan work you're doing actually becomes your beloved job. Because the game series have a lot of potential, and so do you.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Family tree #5, the Warricks: I hate-love these pieces of shit because of how ridiculous they are. They're all so over-the-top - you'

  • Family tree #6, the Boles.

    enter image description here

  • bursts into the thread screaming YES HELLO. These are my children.

    Greta is my favorite OC -- like one character I've created I love more than anything. She's basically my daughter at this point. I've raised her from a tiny idea to something bigger than I ever imagined ;-; I'm so happy to have her included in the AU. I didn't actually think she'd be in it, so I was so thrilled to see her in that first Highpoint scene being the dork she is. And then she made another appearance in Part Two and I actually got to help write her lines???? SO GREAT! Writing these Boles has been such a experience for me, and I hope I can continue to do so in the future : D

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Family tree #6, the Boles.

  • edited June 2016


    Hello people of the forum! You may have seen me posting on here recently. I introduced myself before, but you can call me Cassie! I go by "peggyoung" on tumblr, if you have one of those. I'm also the creator of characters like Greta Bole and Aaren and Oriele Greyson! I help Jake out with the AU from time to time, usually being a soundboard for him to bounce ideas off of. I've been following the project since it started last summer, and it's been so exciting seeing it grow into something people seem to enjoy. I've written quite a few things concerning characters that have featured in the AU and since we're at a mini-hiatus between parts I figured it might be nice to share some of my writings with you all. A lot of them focus on Torrhen and his family because I'm, of course, obsessed with them. It should be noted that none of these stories need to be read to understand events in the AU. They're more like outtakes or side stories -- extra content!


    This is a three part series written by both me and Jake concerning Greta and Torrhen's backstories. Or at least, certain events in these characeter's lives that made an impact on them in the current AU!

    GRETA STORY: A fic about Greta and her childhood/adolescence. Warning for rape and other possibly triggering themes.

    TORRHEN/ROSLIN STORY: This was written by Jake (not me!). If anyone wondered how Torrhen came into custody of his daughter, Roslin. There's also some interesting things about the Whitehill family mentioned.

    HUGH STORY: If you'd like to read this one, the first two stories would also have to read to understand what's going on. This was written by both Jake and I, and takes place during the three month period before the AU begins. Warning for extreme gore and violence.

    MORE WHITEBOLE GARBAGE!! (it's all i write trust me)

    So I've written something that explains how Torrhen actually met his wife, Greta -- if anyone was interested in that?? I actually adore them together. Such a strange couple... Anyway, the story is actually around 20k words, so I split it up into parts which will be posted every day starting today! It gets pretty NSFW later on so I'm not sure if forum TOS would let me link to it? Or if people can handle two adults having sex with each other... (i've seen some of the threads on this forum lol). Anyway, I'll link part one if anyone is interested :D (Also please look at this beautiful art tumblr friend Sonja made for me of these two).

    PART ONE: This part takes place probably around season one of the show (?) and before season one of the game. Special thanks to Jake for helping me out proofreading and with characterization.

    I hope some people find this interesting? There's a lot more fic I've written for this AU, but these are most recent and best ones I think I've done? I'm not a professional writer by any means, but I do try my best. (Also please look at this beautiful art tumblr friend Sonja made for me of these two).

    -Cassie ♥

  • ^ These fics are all fully endorsed by me and they're canon to the au. Canon to the fanon hahahaa.

    BUT YEAH -- while you guys wait for the next instalments of the AU I'd say it'd be good to give all of these stories a read. Given how little Greta has appeared in the AU, you'd be surprised how much of a rounded and deep character she is, but Cassie has thought her out very very well and it's what inspired me to write the story where Torrhen is given Roslin in the first place.

    Torrhen's relationship with his wife - something I'd like to touch on more in the au but can't really because Torrhen isn't a POV and the format doesn't really allow for too much depth - is a very strong one, and I think it's also very powerful.

    Definitely worth a read -- just make sure you're equipped to handle some very dark themes.

    FANFICTION DUMP AHEAD Hello people of the forum! You may have seen me posting on here recently. I introduced myself before, but you

  • Awesome! I might have a look at some point. And btw... Greta's the best! ^_^

    FANFICTION DUMP AHEAD Hello people of the forum! You may have seen me posting on here recently. I introduced myself before, but you

  • Here's the Elliver family tree - interesting to note that Torrhen killed Arving Elliver (the previous Lord) during the Red Wedding, and Marcyn - the new Lord - had his leg hacked off by Bolton men when they arrived to see him bend the knee. He refused and the leg went to force him to kneel to them.

    I think they actually fared the worst of all the Wolfswood houses. The only remaining members are Marcyn, his sister Emely and their Maester. They have like maybe two guards, and their general household members like the cooks and stuff.

    enter image description here


    I should be posting a promo for the remade beginning of Part One soon, so stay tuned for that : D

  • Marianne Degore? Is that a deceased member of Royland family?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Here's the Elliver family tree - interesting to note that Torrhen killed Arving Elliver (the previous Lord) during the Red Wedding, and Marc

  • Royland's mother, elder sister of Arving Elliver. Technically Royland was a cousin of Marcyn and Emely, but he never really knew them and they would have only been about 6 and 5 when the Degores all died.

    MrEggplant posted: »

    Marianne Degore? Is that a deceased member of Royland family?

  • enter image description here

    Remade intro for Part One is coming soon - this will be a great opportunity for new people to start reading : D

  • Awesome! It's gonna be great!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Remade intro for Part One is coming soon - this will be a great opportunity for new people to start reading : D

  • It's a pity that ser Royland doesn't met them

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Royland's mother, elder sister of Arving Elliver. Technically Royland was a cousin of Marcyn and Emely, but he never really knew them and they would have only been about 6 and 5 when the Degores all died.

  • edited June 2016

    enter image description here

    Family tree #7, the Ashwoods.

    I'm sorry it's taking so long, but I'm getting very close to the point where I can start the new Part 1 Intro.

  • Family Tree 8, the Brownbarrows.
    enter image description here

    The Brownbarrows, despite not being in the AU physically, are a pretty interesting house. Lord Barrish was a good friend of Errol Glenmore - almost more of a brother to him. Barrish's actual younger brother, Willem, took an interest in the Faith of the Seven and eventually left their ancestral home to join up with the Whitehills, and eventually became one of Torrhen's Elite.

    Barrish and his sons Cedryk, Orland and Tobas ventured south with Robb Stark and were slain at the Twins like so many other northern Lords. Barrish took an axe to the back of his head but managed to keep on fighting for a little while before he was basically torn apart by his enemies, while Cedryk and Orland were shot to death with crossbow bolts - Cedryk in the chest, Orland in the back - by none other than their uncle Willem. Tobas, meanwhile, fled at the first sign of trouble and took refuge with his aunt Lysa who had married a lord from the Riverlands, traumatised and guilt-ridden.

    Meanwhile, Meghan - the only daughter - married Namond Glenmore (she's had two or three mentions in the AU). The fourth son, Hallis, remained at home and became Lord after his father's, Cedryk's, Orland's and Tobas's (presumed) deaths. Meghan usually lives at Rillwater Crossing with the youngest brother, Rickard, who is currently Namond's page and will later squire for him when he's old enough.

    This is where things get complicated - you've probably noticed Meghan and Rickard haven't appeared in the AU. This is because they have their own little story arc happening. Their traitorous Uncle Willem was there when the bodies were first loaded onto corpse carts, and noticed Tobas wasn't there. After some deliberation he worked out Tobas had survived and when he returned to Highpoint he faked his death while travelling between the Whitehills' keep and the Dreadfort. Returning to the Brownbarrow's seat, the Oldbarrow, he found Meghan (who was visiting) and told her that she could have him hanged for his kinslaying, but she decided he deserved to live a full life knowing what he'd done. Willem then told her about Tobas's potential survival and they ventured to the Riverlands to find him.

    They succeeded in finding the 'rightful' Lord, but he was in no place to lead. Tobas was wasting away, sitting by a fireplace for hours on end, barely eating or sleeping, chanting the names of the houses who had betrayed his family during the Red Wedding, and chanting the names of the brothers and father he had lost.

    That's about where we are in the timeline - Meghan finding Tobas would occur around the time Talia & Co arrive at Timberwatch - but while Meghan will eventually persuade Tobas to return to the Oldbarrow, he'll ultimately refuse to take up lordship and it's likely he'll never be the same again.

  • New parts start tomorrow - the first few scenes from Part 1 remade. Though it might not be Part 3, it's still brand new scenes for the most part, so it's not like people who have been reading from the start will be bored or anything. It will also be the perfect opportunity for new readers to get into the story ; )

  • This should be interesting! I'm intrigued to see what you've done. :)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    New parts start tomorrow - the first few scenes from Part 1 remade. Though it might not be Part 3, it's still brand new scenes for the most

  • edited June 2016

    Part 1.01 (The remade intro is finally here, starting with the aftermath of the siege)

    The Whitehills have won, but Ludd is dead. The men have started pulling out and returning to the encampment and Highpoint, and Torrhen is next in line to Lordship. Rodrik and Royland and Elissa are missing, and Talia's apparently the only person still around.

  • Love it! I really like that you showed Gryff's reaction to Ludd's demise and his realization of how Torrhen would take his place.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.01 (The remade intro is finally here, starting with the aftermath of the siege) The Whitehills have won, but Ludd is dead. The men

  • Part 1.02 (Things just get worse and worse for poor Talia)

    Because the battle occurred slightly differently in the AU (due to the AU being started before Episode 6 came out), some things are moved around. That's why Rodrik's wounds aren't as bad, Royland is missing an eye, Ludd and Gryff both fight in the courtyard, Harys survives and - as shown in this post - Elissa died with Talia by her side instead of Rodrik. (Which kind of sucks for her because she always seemed pretty neglectful of Talia).

  • Poor Talia...

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.02 (Things just get worse and worse for poor Talia) Because the battle occurred slightly differently in the AU (due to the AU bein

  • Hi! How's the AU going? :)

  • Still going, I just haven't posted the last 3 parts as the feedback I get on here doesn't seem to warrant it -- feels like I'm spamming the thread each day.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Hi! How's the AU going?

  • I get it. I have noticed the thread isn't as active as it used to be.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Still going, I just haven't posted the last 3 parts as the feedback I get on here doesn't seem to warrant it -- feels like I'm spamming the thread each day.

  • True

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I get it. I have noticed the thread isn't as active as it used to be.

  • This is kind of a shame, since this thread is really a better place to leave long replies than tumblr. And you certainly aren't just spamming it, in fact, this thread is the only thing that keeps ttgot section of forums alive (aside from memes & fanart, but they are more about the show than game). Maybe the lack of comments to latest posts was because it were family trees & for people who aren't acquainted with the expanded fanon it's harder to discuss them? Everything's up to you, obviously but it's kinda sad that the thread isn't active. It has some great discussions, I found out lots of interesting details I never saw on your blog or wiki here & I believe it still has potential. The more people have the chance to see the au - the better, after all, and folks that don't hang on tumblr must've only learned about it here.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Still going, I just haven't posted the last 3 parts as the feedback I get on here doesn't seem to warrant it -- feels like I'm spamming the thread each day.

  • Epic, so much epic!

    I was expecting Royland to have his hood though.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Here are the parts from the last few days: * Part 1.04 * Part 1.05 * Part 1.06 * Part 1.07 * Part 1.08 * Part 1.09 * Part 1.10 * Part 1.11

  • This is really good!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Here are the parts from the last few days: * Part 1.04 * Part 1.05 * Part 1.06 * Part 1.07 * Part 1.08 * Part 1.09 * Part 1.10 * Part 1.11

  • I always thought the hood looked kinda bad, which is why I removed it.

    He has that beard, at least XD

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Epic, so much epic! I was expecting Royland to have his hood though.

  • I personally liked it, still looks great though!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I always thought the hood looked kinda bad, which is why I removed it. He has that beard, at least XD

  • Okay, as much as I appreciate Talia's offended™ expression (seriously, au has hundred times more flawless character's expressions than the whole game does), people need to stop hurting Derrock (aka my precious son). Seriously, now that I know how it's all going to end for him, I'm just innerly screaming "LET THE MAN GO!!!" at Talia & Royland as I see new pictures.

    By the way, why do you think Royland chose knock him out right before he was about to say something? I agree with Talia here, wouldn't it make more sense to wait until he says whatever he was going to say?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.12

  • By the way, why do you think Royland chose knock him out right before he was about to say something?

    Roy's anger got the better of him after he realised Derrock had both mocked Ethan and participated in the murder of Asher. His anger will continue getting the better of him over the course of the night as his fists meat Derrock's head several times after he wakes up.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Okay, as much as I appreciate Talia's offended™ expression (seriously, au has hundred times more flawless character's expressions than the w

  • I think that's a Glenmore soldier/scout. Maybe part of a search party for Elaena.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.13

  • You may well be correct ;)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I think that's a Glenmore soldier/scout. Maybe part of a search party for Elaena.

  • Hubbub?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.14

  • Something like turmoil I think.

    AgentZ46 posted: »


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