The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • 'Cause it's not something she initially considered, but now he's put the idea into her head, and you know, late at night that big ol' house gets lonely. This is likely an experiment on her part to see what happens. Good luck, @pandoranwanderer!

    But how would she develop feelings so quickly?

  • Happy Canada Day, peeps!

    o canada

  • Thanks to steam sales I had the occasion to play tales of Borderland and I just finished it today.

    So I just thought I will finally go to the telltale forum to see the amazing threads.

    enter image description here

  • Wondering why this torrent has over 100 seeders but the DL speed is 3 kb/s

  • Yup, brothah Garrus is my profile.

    I'll be on steam tomorrow however as very shortly I will be going out for Canada Day with family. I'll see ya on there tomorrow though!

    joshua007 posted: »

    I have send you a friend request question Garrus profile right?

  • Today. We celebrate. Our. Dominion Day!

    AChicken posted: »

    Happy Canada Day, peeps!

  • enter image description here

    AChicken posted: »

    Happy Canada Day, peeps!

  • Oh hey, there's Wimbledon on too. Nice.

  • Johro posted: »

    Oh hey, there's Wimbledon on too. Nice.

  • swiggity swooty you getting dat booty

    so that girl who rejected me i thinkshe may actually be developing feelings for me shes also invited me over to her place to stay round the nkght next week

  • Nope. Ah I miss McEnroe.

    You see this?

  • edited July 2016

    Usually I keep my beard trimmed, but i'm temped to unleash the beast and just let it grow, but my family tell me I look scruffy

  • I'm all in the spirit with my beautiful avatar.

    AChicken posted: »

    Happy Canada Day, peeps!

  • Maybe she's a tsundere.

    But how would she develop feelings so quickly?

  • ;)

    Just be you!

    so that girl who rejected me i thinkshe may actually be developing feelings for me shes also invited me over to her place to stay round the nkght next week

  • edited July 2016

    You are the champ! the ''keyhole'' games have begun make a D-link with her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    so that girl who rejected me i thinkshe may actually be developing feelings for me shes also invited me over to her place to stay round the nkght next week

  • New to the forum
    thought I might as well introduce myself.
    I just recently purchased the TellTale Games collection of games off PSN (ps4)
    think it had Walking Dead Season 1-2, Game of Thrones - along with a few other of their titles.

    Any recommendations on what order I should hit these through the holiday weekend?

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2016

    Welcome! I hope you stick around.

    I assume you got the Telltale Collection, so that's The Walking Dead Season 1 & 2, The Wolf Among Us, Tales From the Borderlands, and Game of Thrones.

    In my opinion, you have to play The Walking Dead Season 1 first. It's the first of that kind of format of Telltale games, and from playing that the other Telltale games are based on. Make sure you play the 400 Days DLC that's included, because it's a fun little episode.

    You want to play Season 2 of the Walking Dead after that, obviously. It's not as good as the first, but there's some neat stuff.

    From there you can probably decide. I would play The Wolf Among Us next, just because that's a great game. Tales From The Borderlands is fun too, I would play that next. Then Game of Thrones.

    Hope you enjoy them!

    Also, I would avoid the subforums for the games until you play them, because there's spoilers everywhere. Same with the avatars.

    New to the forum thought I might as well introduce myself. I just recently purchased the TellTale Games collection of games off PSN (ps4)

  • I was beaten by a door today.

    I went to this place nearby where I live to ask about job vacancies. It's a really fancy hall place, sort of upper class where they do weddings and have people stay there, and even this cafe too. I'd been meaning to go there for a while to inquire. So, I finally walk down there with my parents, but when we arrive, it doesn't look like anything is open. My parents say 'just go in and we'll wait out here' and then there it is, the door, this big ass old door, the sort that they have for those old fancy houses. It's closed, there's no windows to see onto the other side, and it feels more like stepping up onto royalty's doorstep than walking into somewhere like a store. Having my mom present probably wasn't the best idea either; she's not what I'd call a confidence booster.

    Yup, I let a door beat me. I couldn't do it, and now my parents probably think I'm being silly. Living with anxiety is so much fun.

  • Doors are scary.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I was beaten by a door today. I went to this place nearby where I live to ask about job vacancies. It's a really fancy hall place, sort o

  • Looking forward to the 4th of July big weekend coming :)

  • Thank you for the warm welcome! You make some great points on what order to play these games in. I honestly can’t wait – I’ve cleared up my weekend and pretty much it’ll be me and the ps4 alllll night long lol
    I'll also steer clear of any spoilers on the forum - the fact that I've managed to stay ignorant to all things TellTale related thus far is a miracle

    I’ll report back with my findings!

    Welcome! I hope you stick around. I assume you got the Telltale Collection, so that's The Walking Dead Season 1 & 2, The Wolf Among U

  • Nah I have an Nvidia card already, though I do have an AMD processor, so maybe that's it? Do you have an Intel or AMD processor?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Sadly I dont think there is a fix. At the time I was using a new computer I bought, the game didnt work on that one, but then I tried on my

  • I also have an AMD processor. Like I said though, it really makes no sense, if you get the error I dont think there much you can do, the fix for me was changing parts out.

    Green613 posted: »

    Nah I have an Nvidia card already, though I do have an AMD processor, so maybe that's it? Do you have an Intel or AMD processor?

  • edited July 2016

    enter link description here
    My childhood:)

    I don't care if it's 65% modern day and 35% past if they want a trilogy they need to develop the Modern Day first and it has become kinda shitty after AC3 and remember this is the movie version

  • I will never take a beard it just doesn't suit me

    Usually I keep my beard trimmed, but i'm temped to unleash the beast and just let it grow, but my family tell me I look scruffy

  • edited July 2016

    @Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy I know your favorite movie of all time... Resident Evil: Retribution right:)

    enter image description here

  • I'm sorry to hear that you have anxiety.

    Here's hoping that you will find the support that you need in the near future.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I was beaten by a door today. I went to this place nearby where I live to ask about job vacancies. It's a really fancy hall place, sort o

  • Academy Award Nominee Michael Fassenbender

    Academy Award Winner Marion Cotillard

    Academy Award Winner Jeremy Irons

    .......... Brendan Gleeson........ And Michael who?

    joshua007 posted: »

    enter link description here My childhood:) I don't care if it's 65% modern day and 35% past if they want a trilogy they need to develop the Modern Day first and it has become kinda shitty after AC3 and remember this is the movie version

  • So what did you think of it? Who was your favorite character? What was your favorite episode? Which ship did you choose?

    Euron posted: »

    Thanks to steam sales I had the occasion to play tales of Borderland and I just finished it today. So I just thought I will finally go to the telltale forum to see the amazing threads.

  • edited July 2016

    Really good. This game is fast paced concerning the action, with a lot of humor, really well written and it even had awesome soundtracks.It put me in the whole Borderlands franchise, actually playing the second now.

    Favorite character? It's really hard to choose so I will choose three: Loader Bot, Handsome Jack and Vasquez.

    My favorite episode is the first. It's the one which put me in the whole game. I played it on my phone while I was making an internship in a lawyer's office, at the meal break. It was in a nice village so I usually seeked a nice spot, having some tasty sandwich while playing it. Good memories. The second favorite was the fourth, a lot of actions and closure/reunion with some characters, and these unicorn and shooting scene lost me. :')

    Concerning the ships.. In the end I chose none for Rhys, seeing Sasha still seems pissed with that Handsome Jack stuff. I admit I had some Fiotter back in E4 though.

    So what did you think of it? Who was your favorite character? What was your favorite episode? Which ship did you choose?

  • Might as well put a spoiler tag so no one else has too.


    You mean Scooter and Fiona?

    I think that's Scona or something. Still, what happened to Scooter was definitely heart breaking. I was really sad at that.

    seeing Sasha still seems pissed with that Handsome Jack stuff.

    Did you trust Jack in episode 2? And didn't apologize? That usually does your relationship in.

    What was your Vault Team in Episode 5?

    Euron posted: »

    Really good. This game is fast paced concerning the action, with a lot of humor, really well written and it even had awesome soundtracks.It

  • It put me in the whole Borderlands franchise, actually playing the second now.

    Cool, the 2nd is definitely my favorite in the main series, but TFTBL is my favorite overall.

    Favorite character? It's really hard to choose so I will choose three: Loader Bot, Handsome Jack and Vasquez.

    Yeah, Loader Bot and Handsome Jack are probably everybody's favorite, including mine. Jack is just one of those guys you love to hate, you know he's an evil psychopath, but he's a funny evil psychopath, which makes it alright. Loader Bot, there are just no words to describe how awesome he is, he was (to me) the shining star of the game.

    Concerning the ships.. In the end I chose none for Rhys, seeing Sasha still seems pissed with that Handsome Jack stuff. I admit I had some Fiotter back in E4 though.

    Well that's what you get for trusting Handsome Jack. I may love him, but I would never trust his word or put my faith in him, chances are he's going to fuck you over, and as it turned out, he did, whether you trust him in Episode 2 or chose to rule in Episode 4. Worked out for me, considering how Sasha seemed to like my Rhys. Obviously, you need to have Gortys x Loader Bot, because come on, how can you resist those two, they are just so cute together. As for Fiotter, I can definitely understand, considering Scooter had a crush on Fiona and that you can give him a cheek kiss before he dies (always remember Step Three). To me though, Fiona seemed to be either asexual or possibly gay, and if it wasn't for Athena and Janey, I could see her and Athena working well together.

    Euron posted: »

    Really good. This game is fast paced concerning the action, with a lot of humor, really well written and it even had awesome soundtracks.It

  • edited July 2016
  • Yes, Scona! Fiotter sounds better though. :p

    Scotter's death was imo the most heart breaking even happening in TftB with Loader Bot's "death" as close second.

    seeing Sasha still seems pissed with that Handsome Jack stuff.

    Did you trust Jack in episode 2?

    Does it have a link with Sasha's ship? If you're talking about the last choice of episode 2, even if Handsome Jack is a maniac, trusting him seemed the most logical option. I still can't see where Fiona wanted to go with this grenade. I don't see when I had a moment to apologize; when was it?

    I chose Zer0, Athena and August as my Vault team. Pretty common choices, but these are the ones I chose. I hesitated to put Cassius in, I heard he had awesome moves.

  • Does it have a link with Sasha's ship? If you're talking about the last choice of episode 2, even if Handsome Jack is a maniac, trusting him seemed the most logical option. I still can't see where Fiona wanted to go with this grenade. I don't see when I had a moment to apologize; when was it?

    Yeah, when you trust him in Episode 2, he'll take over in 3 and slap Sasha's behind when he's controlling Rhys. That doesn't happen if you trust Fiona.

    I think it was worth it because of Jack-o-pedia.

    I chose Zer0, Athena and August as my Vault team. Pretty common choices, but these are the ones I chose. I hesitated to put Cassius in, I heard he had awesome moves.

    Cassius was surprisingly good. I chose him originally and I had quite a bit of fun.

    Do you know about the mystery Vault Hunter?

    Euron posted: »

    Yes, Scona! Fiotter sounds better though. Scotter's death was imo the most heart breaking even happening in TftB with Loader Bot's "deat

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Does it have a link with Sasha's ship?

    It does, if you don't trust Jack he doesn't take control of your body in episode 3, so he doesn't slap Sasha's butt and she's not as mad at Rhys in the episode.

    I don't see when I had a moment to apologize; when was it?

    Episode 4 after you buy clothes, Rhys walks in with the severed face of Vasquez.

    I hesitated to put Cassius in, I heard he had awesome moves.

    I got him on my original playthrough and let me say I had no regrets putting him on the team.

    Euron posted: »

    Yes, Scona! Fiotter sounds better though. Scotter's death was imo the most heart breaking even happening in TftB with Loader Bot's "deat

  • edited July 2016

    Jack-o-pedia was awesomeeeee! I read everything with it. I don't regret my choice. The worst thing Handsome Jack does while controlling your body is slapping someone else ass. 10/10 would trust Handsome Jack again.

    Do you know about the mystery Vault Hunter?

    Yeah, I found it on the forum it was CT. Is its scene worth it though?

    Does it have a link with Sasha's ship? If you're talking about the last choice of episode 2, even if Handsome Jack is a maniac, trusting him

  • Episode 4 after you buy clothes, Rhys walks in with the severed face of Vasquez.

    Oh, uh.. that explains everything.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Does it have a link with Sasha's ship? It does, if you don't trust Jack he doesn't take control of your body in episode 3, so he doe

  • Also, if you told Fiona and Sasha about Jack earlier in Episode 4, when you apologize to Sasha, Rhys will apologize for both not telling you about Jack and slapping her ass.

    Euron posted: »

    Episode 4 after you buy clothes, Rhys walks in with the severed face of Vasquez. Oh, uh.. that explains everything.

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