True, but by completing the challenges in multiplayer, leveling up and even unlocking chests in the Uncharted: Fortune Hunter app, it can help earn more relics. Or there's the alternate option to use Uncharted Points to save some time, but that also costs money...
Have to say Im a little disappointed with the cost of DLC Vanity chests. 2000 relics? 3000 relics? thats 200 WINS or 300 WINS at 10 relics a win.,,,,bulllllshit
My problem is they have been advertising and saying "everything is free" when it's total bullshit. One daily challenge worth between 200-500 relics isn't a enough. Sometimes it could take up to two weeks to get the DLC chest (premium gameplay, premium vanity) that you want. The trials (which i've completed most of by now) would have been useful but there are only a few left totally around 1000 relics for me. Uncharted points are another thing that are ridiculously overpriced. 5$ for 500 points? You can't even get one of the new Pirate skins for that much, I mean think about that.....5 dollars doesn't get you a SKIN!?!?!?!
I'm just a little disappointed in Naughty Dog, and I didn't think they of all developers would make "micro"transactions so damn expensive.
True, but by completing the challenges in multiplayer, leveling up and even unlocking chests in the Uncharted: Fortune Hunter app, it can he… morelp earn more relics. Or there's the alternate option to use Uncharted Points to save some time, but that also costs money...
Me and my brother played Uncharted 4 together and we just beaten it. It was so much fun! Me and him were theorizing throughout the game as to what happened and what's about to happen. We took turns playing together between cutscenes but I let him finish the game as he started it. It was a great game and very conclusive. It's truly a thief's end. GOTY for me.
So i thought it would be best to ask for opinions over here -
I've finally saved enough money for a ps4 and was thinking about either just buying the uncharted 4 edition, or saving myself like $40.00 with buying the original ps4, and then renting uncharted 4.
What are your thoughts? Do you think its worth the extra money to actually own the game?
So i thought it would be best to ask for opinions over here -
I've finally saved enough money for a ps4 and was thinking about either jus… moret buying the uncharted 4 edition, or saving myself like $40.00 with buying the original ps4, and then renting uncharted 4.
What are your thoughts? Do you think its worth the extra money to actually own the game?
Eh, get the Uncharted edition. Owning the game would be much better than renting it for a period of time. This way you could have it indefinitely. There's plenty more DLC on the way for U4 in the coming months so owning it would be a better choice.
So i thought it would be best to ask for opinions over here -
I've finally saved enough money for a ps4 and was thinking about either jus… moret buying the uncharted 4 edition, or saving myself like $40.00 with buying the original ps4, and then renting uncharted 4.
What are your thoughts? Do you think its worth the extra money to actually own the game?
Just saw another new DLC pack called the Explorer's pack, which includes future access to the single-player expansion.
to quote Nate, "I'll take that, thank you."
Eh, get the Uncharted edition. Owning the game would be much better than renting it for a period of time. This way you could have it indefinitely. There's plenty more DLC on the way for U4 in the coming months so owning it would be a better choice.
I don't know why I didn't realize this sooner, but there are two things missing from this DLC batch. The "roadmap" mentioned that there would also be a new game mode and a cinema replay feature for the summer, yet neither have been included in the DLC update last week.
I don't know why I didn't realize this sooner, but there are two things missing from this DLC batch. The "roadmap" mentioned that there woul… mored also be a new game mode and a cinema replay feature for the summer, yet neither have been included in the DLC update last week.
Well, you can start playing multiplayer. Or you can play story mode again to collect any treasures, notes and optional conversations you may have missed.
Plus, now that you finished the story, you can now use Unlock Points to unlock some bonus stuff in the extras menu. Such as different skins for characters to wear throughout the game (Like Nate in his Scotland outfit while in the Auction House and Sam wearing street clothes in the Hector Alcazar chapter for example). You can even unlock weapons to spawn while caught in a gun fight, filters to change how the scenery looks and even game modifiers like slow-motion and infinite ammo. There's also the character gallery and concept art to unlock. Just by collecting treasures, notes and optional conversations, it earns you more Unlock Points.
There's still plenty to do in Uncharted 4; more trophies to unlock and more DLCs to look forward to each season.
Thanks for your reply by the way! I've been checking out a lot of the stuff you mentioned. I'm currently addicted to the multiplayer, although I suck at it!
If you have any tips, I could use them lol. Also, if anyone wants to add me and play sometime, my username is Suz_222
Well, you can start playing multiplayer. Or you can play story mode again to collect any treasures, notes and optional conversations you may… more have missed.
Plus, now that you finished the story, you can now use Unlock Points to unlock some bonus stuff in the extras menu. Such as different skins for characters to wear throughout the game (Like Nate in his Scotland outfit while in the Auction House and Sam wearing street clothes in the Hector Alcazar chapter for example). You can even unlock weapons to spawn while caught in a gun fight, filters to change how the scenery looks and even game modifiers like slow-motion and infinite ammo. There's also the character gallery and concept art to unlock. Just by collecting treasures, notes and optional conversations, it earns you more Unlock Points.
There's still plenty to do in Uncharted 4; more trophies to unlock and more DLCs to look forward to each season.
@AronDracula, two things that have been bothering me and I just wanted to point out. 1. You spelt Trilogy wrong in the description - you wrote "Triology" - 2. could you maybe shorten the amount of videos in the description? It's just that since the game is out, we might not need all the teasers for it, just some recent stuff, and maybe keep an E3 presentation or two. You don't need to change this stuff, I'm just giving a suggestion.
@AronDracula, two things that have been bothering me and I just wanted to point out. 1. You spelt Trilogy wrong in the description - you wro… morete "Triology" - 2. could you maybe shorten the amount of videos in the description? It's just that since the game is out, we might not need all the teasers for it, just some recent stuff, and maybe keep an E3 presentation or two. You don't need to change this stuff, I'm just giving a suggestion.
i believe so. but really the only really impactful thing that this game has is the built relationships between the old characters. there is really no real need to play the other games, its just to better know their past and relationships and some moments between them.
anyone want me to carry them to their desired rank on Ranked?? Kappa. anyone? anyone? Kappa
no but rank match making is a damn joke. you either with a good lobby were its competitive or they put you with a bunch of dumb-asses that play as if they were 5 year olds that barely started playing games and the other team is a bunch of seasoned players.. tf.
Now that I go back and look at the very first teaser, it seems that the person doing the voiceover is supposed to be Sam. I thought it was the villain, Rafe, but he wasn't "buried alive in that hellhole, losing 15 years of his life" as he says in the trailer. It makes a bit more sense for Sam, so, was he supposed to betray Nate at the end, originally?
anyone want me to carry them to their desired rank on Ranked?? Kappa. anyone? anyone? Kappa
no but rank match making is a damn joke. you … moreeither with a good lobby were its competitive or they put you with a bunch of dumb-asses that play as if they were 5 year olds that barely started playing games and the other team is a bunch of seasoned players.. tf.
There's been a lot of speculation and suspicions about that. Also, if you look at the concept art for "Avery's Descent", there's a picture of Sam closing the door in front of Nate and Elena rather than it closing itself behind them like in the game. So, maybe he was, but in the end, all he really did was tell a big lie, but never actually betrayed his little brother.
Now that I go back and look at the very first teaser, it seems that the person doing the voiceover is supposed to be Sam. I thought it was t… morehe villain, Rafe, but he wasn't "buried alive in that hellhole, losing 15 years of his life" as he says in the trailer. It makes a bit more sense for Sam, so, was he supposed to betray Nate at the end, originally?
Ooh, intense. I'm okay with how the story turned out though. I mean it could have ended in many different ways, each enjoyable, satisfying or shocking in their own way.
Saw this and figured I'd post it here.
uncharted 4 single player dlc five plot possibilities
And I also made a poll to go with it.
Which single-player DLC story plot would you prefer?
True, but by completing the challenges in multiplayer, leveling up and even unlocking chests in the Uncharted: Fortune Hunter app, it can help earn more relics. Or there's the alternate option to use Uncharted Points to save some time, but that also costs money...
My problem is they have been advertising and saying "everything is free" when it's total bullshit. One daily challenge worth between 200-500 relics isn't a enough. Sometimes it could take up to two weeks to get the DLC chest (premium gameplay, premium vanity) that you want. The trials (which i've completed most of by now) would have been useful but there are only a few left totally around 1000 relics for me. Uncharted points are another thing that are ridiculously overpriced. 5$ for 500 points? You can't even get one of the new Pirate skins for that much, I mean think about that.....5 dollars doesn't get you a SKIN!?!?!?!
I'm just a little disappointed in Naughty Dog, and I didn't think they of all developers would make "micro"transactions so damn expensive.
Me and my brother played Uncharted 4 together and we just beaten it. It was so much fun! Me and him were theorizing throughout the game as to what happened and what's about to happen. We took turns playing together between cutscenes but I let him finish the game as he started it. It was a great game and very conclusive. It's truly a thief's end. GOTY for me.
Just saw another new DLC pack called the Explorer's pack, which includes future access to the single-player expansion.
to quote Nate, "I'll take that, thank you."
So i thought it would be best to ask for opinions over here -
I've finally saved enough money for a ps4 and was thinking about either just buying the uncharted 4 edition, or saving myself like $40.00 with buying the original ps4, and then renting uncharted 4.
What are your thoughts? Do you think its worth the extra money to actually own the game?
I would get the Uncharted 4 edition if it were up to me. But, it's your decision.
Eh, get the Uncharted edition. Owning the game would be much better than renting it for a period of time. This way you could have it indefinitely. There's plenty more DLC on the way for U4 in the coming months so owning it would be a better choice.
Hmm, so, it's like an alternate Triple Pack?
Well, here's a article that explains it:
Sounds good. I think I'll buy the Uncharted 4 edition then
Thank you guys!
I don't know why I didn't realize this sooner, but there are two things missing from this DLC batch. The "roadmap" mentioned that there would also be a new game mode and a cinema replay feature for the summer, yet neither have been included in the DLC update last week.
Oh, really? Well maybe that's for later in the summer since this is their "Summer 2016" period and not "MP Pack 1" period.
Yeah, you're probably right. It is still Summer.
So i just finished Uncharted 4 in like less than 3 days cause it was that good.
Now what do I do with my life.. lol.
Well, you can start playing multiplayer. Or you can play story mode again to collect any treasures, notes and optional conversations you may have missed.
Plus, now that you finished the story, you can now use Unlock Points to unlock some bonus stuff in the extras menu. Such as different skins for characters to wear throughout the game (Like Nate in his Scotland outfit while in the Auction House and Sam wearing street clothes in the Hector Alcazar chapter for example). You can even unlock weapons to spawn while caught in a gun fight, filters to change how the scenery looks and even game modifiers like slow-motion and infinite ammo. There's also the character gallery and concept art to unlock. Just by collecting treasures, notes and optional conversations, it earns you more Unlock Points.
There's still plenty to do in Uncharted 4; more trophies to unlock and more DLCs to look forward to each season.
Thanks for your reply by the way! I've been checking out a lot of the stuff you mentioned. I'm currently addicted to the multiplayer, although I suck at it!
If you have any tips, I could use them lol. Also, if anyone wants to add me and play sometime, my username is Suz_222
I know. I'm excited for it, too. Only three - four months to go...
But, we've waited way longer for Uncharted 4 to come out. These next few months will fly by in no time.
YES i cant wait for that. I hope it comes out soon!
This ain't much, but it's a bit more details about the story DLC.
enter link description here
@AronDracula, two things that have been bothering me and I just wanted to point out. 1. You spelt Trilogy wrong in the description - you wrote "Triology" - 2. could you maybe shorten the amount of videos in the description? It's just that since the game is out, we might not need all the teasers for it, just some recent stuff, and maybe keep an E3 presentation or two. You don't need to change this stuff, I'm just giving a suggestion.
Would I be able to understand the story without playing 1-3? I want to get into this series but only have enough money for one game.
Well, there are many callbacks from the previous games in Uncharted 4 but it's up to you if you want to play Uncharted 4 or the previous ones.
Thanks. It'll really help to navigate through this thread in the future, and improve the loading of the page when I visit it..
i believe so. but really the only really impactful thing that this game has is the built relationships between the old characters. there is really no real need to play the other games, its just to better know their past and relationships and some moments between them.
anyone want me to carry them to their desired rank on Ranked?? Kappa. anyone? anyone? Kappa
no but rank match making is a damn joke. you either with a good lobby were its competitive or they put you with a bunch of dumb-asses that play as if they were 5 year olds that barely started playing games and the other team is a bunch of seasoned players.. tf.
Now that I go back and look at the very first teaser, it seems that the person doing the voiceover is supposed to be Sam. I thought it was the villain, Rafe, but he wasn't "buried alive in that hellhole, losing 15 years of his life" as he says in the trailer. It makes a bit more sense for Sam, so, was he supposed to betray Nate at the end, originally?
If you come across someone playing like a 5 year old.. its probably me lmao. I ranked to Bronze 2 ayyyyy
There's been a lot of speculation and suspicions about that. Also, if you look at the concept art for "Avery's Descent", there's a picture of Sam closing the door in front of Nate and Elena rather than it closing itself behind them like in the game. So, maybe he was, but in the end, all he really did was tell a big lie, but never actually betrayed his little brother.
lol man ive been demoted from bronze 2 two times lol
Ooh, intense. I'm okay with how the story turned out though. I mean it could have ended in many different ways, each enjoyable, satisfying or shocking in their own way.
Saw this and figured I'd post it here.
uncharted 4 single player dlc five plot possibilities
And I also made a poll to go with it.
Which single-player DLC story plot would you prefer?
I would like to play as captain Avery during the fall of Libertalia in the story DLC.
Better late than never.
Naughty Dog Livestream on August 30 Will Reveal a New Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Map
I miss the Co-op.
[And then immediately postpones it] Although it seems it's happening tomorrow now. yay.
Great news! Our new live stream time is set for tomorrow at 11:00am PT. Don't miss it:
After tomorrow, it'll only be a month or two left before it returns.
New map now available.
(Plus new DLC arriving in September)
The Village will return!
(How did I miss this trailer? I should really get back to this soon, then.)
Bounty Hunters DLC news. Naughty Dog is planning on live-streaming footage from the next Uncharted 4 multiplayer DLC pack next week.