Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • I wanted to ask - till which point of the story is "chapter on redux" going to go? Screenshots seem to have become more detailed since Talia's nightmare about Ramsay at Rillwater Crossing, so are you going to post pictures of what happened before that, or afterwards too?

  • At the moment I'm thinking of going up to the point Torrhen first walks through the doors. There's a lot of things I want to alter and add more to, such as the scene in the cell. Shouldn't take too long, and I'm hoping people don't get tired of it. We'll be on part three before you know it.

    Krapinka posted: »

    I wanted to ask - till which point of the story is "chapter on redux" going to go? Screenshots seem to have become more detailed since Talia

  • I'm, personally, not tired of it at all. We'll get to see Glenmores more, like, this is essentially the best part of the whole redux thing for me, bc I believe, the first part of the story, till Torrhen appears, was always supposed to be a chance to show them to people? I'm hyped for the Rillwater stuff that is to come.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    At the moment I'm thinking of going up to the point Torrhen first walks through the doors. There's a lot of things I want to alter and add m

  • Yep, in the Rillwater scenes I've remade so far (because I'm ahead) I've focused on giving more personality to Errol and Syrena (the latter of whom didn't even speak in the originals), as well as showing their relationships with the kids. Edmure and Valeris aren't mentioned at all, though, if only for the reason that Talia doesn't know who they are when she meets them in Part Two.

    Krapinka posted: »

    I'm, personally, not tired of it at all. We'll get to see Glenmores more, like, this is essentially the best part of the whole redux thing f

  • Seeing this guy again made me wonder how he got along with Gregor.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.15

  • edited July 2016

    I think it was more of a formal relationship than a friendship, as Errol's great-uncle and Gregor's grandfather set up the Forrester-Glenmore alliance. Errol always got on with Lord Brownbarrow more as they fostered at House Ryswell together as kids.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Seeing this guy again made me wonder how he got along with Gregor.

  • I'm starting to take a liking to Errol at this point, and man, with how warm & welcoming he is, especially despite being reminded of Arthur's death, the thing Namond does later makes me cringe even more. It's such a shame that at this point we already know what is going to happen next, because it would be such an emotionally powerful moment: when all hope seems to be lost, Talia & Royland stumble upon a guy willing to help & all in all treating them kindly without getting anything out of it himself - only for their newly found hope to be crushed by the harsh reality, represented by Namond & his plans, again. That kind of emotional stuff, getting different kind of feelings out of us, must be the best thing about the au. I envy people who'll only get to know about it when chapter one redux is finished & can start it from the very beginning so much. Making it definitely wasn't a mistake, it makes the au feel more "whole", in a very good way.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.16

  • Talia looks so happy. ^_^

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.16

  • Errol's a good guy - he just gets influenced by his kids too much. Everyone has their weaknesses, I suppose.

    Krapinka posted: »

    I'm starting to take a liking to Errol at this point, and man, with how warm & welcoming he is, especially despite being reminded of Art

  • SO, I just finished producing all of the Chapter One Redux... now I can either sit back and relax, try and learn something new or start part 3 straight away and have a huge backlog to work through while the 20+ posts I have for the Redux slowly publish each day.

  • I'd recommend a break from it. It's great, don't get me wrong but you don't want to exhaust yourself.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    SO, I just finished producing all of the Chapter One Redux... now I can either sit back and relax, try and learn something new or start part

  • I like how this is similar to how Gared examines the Forrester family tapestry in Ep. 1.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.18

  • That was definitely the inspiration - I found it was a quick and easy way to introduce the player/readers to a particular family.

    I like how this is similar to how Gared examines the Forrester family tapestry in Ep. 1.

  • "Come here, you big, silly lump."

    Ha, okay, I actually got a chuckle from that.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.19

  • It really is a tell-all quote about Lyarra's personality, haha.

    "Come here, you big, silly lump." Ha, okay, I actually got a chuckle from that.

  • I love Royland's description of Lyarra. "touchy feely"

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.19

  • Part 1.20

    Believe it or not, these are Lady Glenmore's first lines. She didn't speak once in the original scenes.

  • Part 1.21

    Really loved showing Errol's relationship with his kids in this post.

  • I love Namond even when he's moody. ^_^

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.21 Really loved showing Errol's relationship with his kids in this post.

  • I think you're Namond's number one fan at this point XD

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I love Namond even when he's moody. ^_^

  • Probably :p

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I think you're Namond's number one fan at this point XD

  • Peasants? That's a bit harsh.

    And it seems like Ser Royland isn't keen on dressing up for dinner.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.22

  • The "peasants" thing was hyperbole - the Glenmores are very exaggerative.

    Peasants? That's a bit harsh. And it seems like Ser Royland isn't keen on dressing up for dinner.

  • OMG, is Royland about to wear formal attire? XD

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.22

  • Part 1.23

    This could have been a montage of Talia coming out from behind the screen wearing a ton of different things and Lyarra shaking her head. All to 80s music.

  • I loved Talia's face when she got sassy.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.23 This could have been a montage of Talia coming out from behind the screen wearing a ton of different things and Lyarra shaking her head. All to 80s music.

  • Part 1.24

    There's going to be at least two posts today because I did a good thing IRL and am proud of myself, which is a rare occasion.

  • Part 1.25

    Second part for today!

  • Royland looks even more than dashing

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.24 There's going to be at least two posts today because I did a good thing IRL and am proud of myself, which is a rare occasion.

  • "To poor decisons" Namond, why so salty? :p

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.25 Second part for today!

  • I'm just so, SO happy the redux was made. Look at this. Look at Namond being a drama queen, look at lord Errol's relationship with his daughters, look at Roy getting a new outfit. Though Glenmore characters in the au were always very alive & believeable, THIS is an introduction they deserve. It makes what's going to happen to Errol even worse, I want him to eventually wake up so badly :(

    Also, the fact "Kyra" is pronounced "Kye-ra" was a shock I still haven't recovered from. I've only ever pronounced it "Kee-ra", and yes, my life will never be the same.

    And what's that thing you did irl that made you proud? You don't have to tell, of course, but well, I just wanna be proud for you as well ;) Whether you tell us or not, I'll still be, though.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.25 Second part for today!

  • edited July 2016

    Ouch, what's that, Namond? A lil upset that your sister can get away with joking about your love interest, are we now? Well there, my friend, after you've gotten away with letting your soldiers beat her love interest & overall were a pain in the ass for those two, I can't say I really see your point, m8 ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 1.26

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