The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Found a Grimer on my local beach. Sad, but definitely believable!

  • I don't play that, but my cousin does, and we were 20 miles out at sea and he caught a Charmander.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Found a Grimer on my local beach. Sad, but definitely believable!

  • I heard they found a Koffin at the Holocaust Museum....

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Found a Grimer on my local beach. Sad, but definitely believable!

  • edited July 2016

    So I'm gonna tell my story how I was brought home by the police and it has to do with my depression This story is not ment for people who are sensitive to depressive thoughts ''this was a week ago and a few days'' it has to do with my exam also and you don't have to read it no one forces you.

    Morning- I wake up in the morning and I'm still tired and I have thoughts in my head that I don't deserve anything and I don't know why I think those thoughts I take my concetration pills for my head so everything is calm. I learn a bit for my English exam and my father brings me to school, I sith there in a hall on a chair with my fellow students, they talk to each other. I wear a sweather to hide my scars of course, I start to get horrible thoughts and they get worse but I get distracted fast by my fellow students and I enjoy talking to them. Finally my exam English begins... PASSED!!! PASSED!!!

  • edited July 2016

    But it felt like I didn't deserve it and I don't know why and I didn't cheat. I tell everyone I passed and buy a cake:)

    Now actually I don't know what really happened because I can't remember. I haven't taken my pills and it is 4 PM do you follow?

    My head and thoughts are a mess so I decide to walk outside to chill ALONE. I have weird thoughts and I... Sith and lay down on the train rails far far away from home... Everyday trains pass by on these rails and I wanted to leave and I didn't want to leave either. A car drove by me and I kinda woke up if you knew what I mean and I started walking towards home and put my hands against my head and I just didn't knew what to think I was kinda half dead inside.

    And the car came back the exact same car that drove by me. I was shocked and the driver asked me everything was alright I said yes but the driver noticed something was wrong with me, this girl on a bike between 16 and 19 got to hear it from the driver and they didn't let me walk back home alone. I was free to walk but they wouldn't let me alone. Than you find out the girl on the bike WORKED AT YOUR APPRENTICESHIP YOU GO BACK AFTER THE SUMMER -__-

    I told the girl on the bike nothing about my apprenticeship because I don't want to lose my apprenticeship. I told her I just have these thoughts... Weird thoughts... Than the police appeared called by the driver. I step in the car after shaking there hands and a bit of talking, the girl and driver tell everything they knew and I was escorted home.

    So my parents get to hear everything and got upset but THANK GOD not angry. They don't really want me to leave the house without knowing I'm alright and somebody from the goverment I think came to my door and gave me sleeping pills and he asked my questions and I have depression and after a while I got anti depression medicine which help but I forgot to take them sometimes so my parents remind me.

    Everything is alright now but still I have these thoughts kinda in me but I have friends and family

  • I am deeply sorry for you going through that, but you are visiting a psychologist or a professional, right? If NOT, I bet you'd visit a doctor if your leg or anything hurt. Many people are ashamed and scared of visiting help for their mind because other people can be primitive, if you know what I mean..

    I am glad you met those two people, and that they cared enough. Also, it's great that your parents are caring too. For every bad thought make a good one, e.g. "My parents love me." etc etc. Maybe for every bad one try thinking of 3, 5, I dunno, it tires you a bit so that could help..?

    joshua007 posted: »

    But it felt like I didn't deserve it and I don't know why and I didn't cheat. I tell everyone I passed and buy a cake:) Now actually I do

  • edited July 2016

    I feel like the only one who dosen't like Overwatch, Firewatch or Oxenfree.

  • When I look at the comment section of the videos with "Everything wrong with Life is Strange", I find a lot of fanboys and fangirls getting butthurt for no reason and criticize GCN and Dartigan for making these videos. This is why I fucking hate Life is Strange the most.

  • edited July 2016

    I have more help now:)

    But I don't really care if I die maybe that will change

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I am deeply sorry for you going through that, but you are visiting a psychologist or a professional, right? If NOT, I bet you'd visit a doct

  • edited July 2016

    I think I'm gonna do a decline in story telling for Assassin's Creed soon and why I think it was declined I'm the person who did a 2 hour AC unity rant so:)

  • I hope it will. :)

    joshua007 posted: »

    I have more help now:) But I don't really care if I die maybe that will change

  • edited July 2016

    My wallet is going to die this year

    1. Resident Evil Revelations enter link description here
    2. Final Fantasy XV Trumps wall September 30 enter link description here
    3. The Last Guardian Oktober 25 enter link description here
    4. I have interest in Deus Ex Mankind Divided enter link description here
    5. Dark Souls 1 enter link description here
    6. Rise of the tomb raider enter link description here
    7. Detroit become Human enter link description here
    8. Zelda Wii U... If I had one enter link description here
    9. Rocket League maybe enter link description here
    10. Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue DECEMBER enter link description here

    Maybe a TTG but I still don't have my Michonne Episodes when I paid for it so untill that is fixed I will not pay for another game

  • Back from a pretty decent holiday in the canary islands, although sadly, I'm burnt to a crisp...Just my luck.

  • I get it Aqua you are hallucinating Kingdom Hearts 3 don't worry it happens

  • Sabaton is no where near NJ in September, are you traveling?

    I'm seeing Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, and Volbeat in August. I'm seeing Trivium and Sabaton in September. Megadeth announces a coup

  • They're playing in Baltimore on September 16th at the Baltimore Soundstage, that's where I'm seeing them. I go to school in DC so a trip to Baltimore is only about an hour away.

    Sabaton is no where near NJ in September, are you traveling?

  • Which games from E3 2016 are you looking forward to? Here is what I'm waiting for (Excluding Batman and TWD Season 3 because they are obviously the most wanted):

    • Detroit: Become Human. After watching this trailer, I started to be excited for this game. The graphics are gorgeus, choices affect a lot of outcomes etc. I loved Heavy Rain but dislike Beyond Two Souls

    enter link description here

    • Death Stranding. It's made by the same developers who made P.T. that was cancelled lately where it had Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon from TWD Show) as the PC, this game involves Norman as well. I hope they don't cancel this one. Let Norman Reedus have another game.

    enter link description here

    • Insomniac's Spider-Man. I'm very surprised that this game is exclusive for PS4. I really feel bad for PC and XBOX players. Hopefully this will be better than the Amazing Spider-Man games.

    enter link description here

    • Resident Evil 7. I played the demo of this game and it looked so good. I've never actually played any Resident Evil games. This game reminded me a lot of P.T. I love horror games.

    enter link description here

    • Watch Dogs 2. Yeah, Watch Dogs was a disappointing game to many people. I hated this game. But, after watching the trailers of WD 2, I think I should give it a chance. Didn't you see how Assassin's Creed 2 worked? The first AC game was SHIT, it had repetetive missions, the combat system was soo annoying, the climbing system was sooo slow and crap. When releasing AC 2, it improved everything. The story, the gameplay, the characters etc. Hopefully Ubisoft learned from their mistakes.

    enter link description here

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2016

    May I recommend visiting some of Baltimore's finest attractions?

    I don't live there, but I can get around Baltimore.

    They're playing in Baltimore on September 16th at the Baltimore Soundstage, that's where I'm seeing them. I go to school in DC so a trip to Baltimore is only about an hour away.

  • The only one I'm looking forward to is Spider-Man. The other ones either suck or they don't interest me.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Which games from E3 2016 are you looking forward to? Here is what I'm waiting for (Excluding Batman and TWD Season 3 because they are obviou

  • Let me guess which game might suck to you.......... Watch Dogs 2

    The only one I'm looking forward to is Spider-Man. The other ones either suck or they don't interest me.


    AronDracula posted: »

    Let me guess which game might suck to you.......... Watch Dogs 2

  • I've been to Baltimore many times in the past, so I've already seen most of the places to visit. Plus, I'm not going to have a lot of time to go sight seeing, but thanks anyway.

    May I recommend visiting some of Baltimore's finest attractions? I don't live there, but I can get around Baltimore.

  • Watch Dogs + LSD & Hipsters = Watch Dog 2



  • Haha, no problem :P

    AChicken posted: »

    Yes, I did. I just seems strange that it still says "A New Hope" before revealing "Rogue One" when technically, wouldn't "Rogue One" happen

  • Then you haven't gone out much :p

    I've seen tons of people who absolutely hate those games (I love them though).

    I feel like the only one who dosen't like Overwatch, Firewatch or Oxenfree.

  • Then you haven't gone out much :p

    Probably not :/

    I've seen tons of people who absolutely hate those games

    Well, it seems I might be in the minority

    I love them though

    Well, I don't, but I respect your opinion :)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Then you haven't gone out much I've seen tons of people who absolutely hate those games (I love them though).

  • I like Spider-Man as well, but there's no need to discredit some really major and awesome shit that unveiled. Also, no matter how cool Spider-Man PS4 will be, nothing we beat the return of Hideo FUCKING Kojima. That mother fucker is gonna make some good shit.

    The only one I'm looking forward to is Spider-Man. The other ones either suck or they don't interest me.

  • I meant to say so far that's the only one I'm looking forward to.

    Sorry if I confused you guys.

    I like Spider-Man as well, but there's no need to discredit some really major and awesome shit that unveiled. Also, no matter how cool Spide

  • edited July 2016

    I'm pretty excited for Detroit: BH. It looks really unique and awesome. I'm excited for the Crash remakes, that extreme sports game that EA revealed, the new Spider-Man, DEAD RISING 4, Death Stranding and I think I'm most hyped for Breath of the Wild right now, from the looks of it, that game is a contender for best video game of all time. Nothing Bethesda revealed impressed me though and while ResE 7 looks alright, I'm not quite sure it'll live up the hype.

    Edit: Also...

    I've never actually played any Resident Evil games.

    I would highly suggest you do, they're all really fucking awesome except for ResE Survivor and ResE 6. You'd enjoy them I think.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Which games from E3 2016 are you looking forward to? Here is what I'm waiting for (Excluding Batman and TWD Season 3 because they are obviou

  • Well, my opportunity to rant on how much I enjoy the Aquarium and like Fort McHenry is done.

    I've been to Baltimore many times in the past, so I've already seen most of the places to visit. Plus, I'm not going to have a lot of time to go sight seeing, but thanks anyway.

  • I don't think a fanbase is necessarily a reason to hate something. Sonic's fanbase is fucking disgusting, but I still love Sonic.

    AronDracula posted: »

    When I look at the comment section of the videos with "Everything wrong with Life is Strange", I find a lot of fanboys and fangirls getting

  • You didn't like Overwatch? I mean, I get Firewatch and Oxenfree since those are very love it/hate it games, but Overwatch is pretty cool. May I ask what you didn't enjoy?

    I feel like the only one who dosen't like Overwatch, Firewatch or Oxenfree.

  • I just don't like PVPs :P

    You didn't like Overwatch? I mean, I get Firewatch and Oxenfree since those are very love it/hate it games, but Overwatch is pretty cool. May I ask what you didn't enjoy?

  • The Aquarium I've seen, but unfortunately, Fort McHenry is one of the places I haven't been to yet, so you can rant on that if you want.

    Well, my opportunity to rant on how much I enjoy the Aquarium and like Fort McHenry is done.

  • Oh, it's alright! No need to apologize since you didn't do anything wrong man!

    I meant to say so far that's the only one I'm looking forward to. Sorry if I confused you guys.

  • Ah, I can see that's a valid complaint of the game. I enjoy PvP but I can understand that people who don't would have preferred a single player experience. Here's to hoping Blizzard actually does that, because there's an awesome story that can be told using Overwatch's lore.

    I just don't like PVPs :P

  • enter image description here

    I heard they found a Koffin at the Holocaust Museum....

  • I actually saw your comments in Dartigan's video. They were very accurate. Especially when you were talking to that Erich Martens guy.

    AronDracula posted: »

    When I look at the comment section of the videos with "Everything wrong with Life is Strange", I find a lot of fanboys and fangirls getting

  • Jesus Christ, I've been on these forums for...5 months, and I already have almost 200 threads, over 2500 comments, and almost 3500 likes!

  • Yeah it is. It's even annoying to hear them saying "Life is Strange is the best game, so fuck off".

    I don't think a fanbase is necessarily a reason to hate something. Sonic's fanbase is fucking disgusting, but I still love Sonic.

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