Which do you Like More: FTWD or TWD?
I've been watching TWD for a while & with the comics being released it's like we already know much or at least 80% of what's gonna happen in the TV series. While in FTWD, there just seems to be a different flavor to the genre. I can't really tell if i'm going to follow the series but from the previous season, i'm really craving for more.
With that said, which series do you like watching more, FTWD or TWD?
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TWD is so much better than FTWD imo. The acting presented in Fear seems very cheap and unbelievable. Seriously, does Madison ever change her facial expression? I do have hopes that it'll get better though, especially with the recent trailer for season 2B.
I prefer TWD. But FTWD is pretty good also from what I've watched (just first Season), some of the characters aren't too great at acting though, but I find FTWD a lot more intense and thought provoking.
I like TWD better because I really connect with the characters, it isn't always thought provoking but it doesn't need to be, you have been with these characters for 6 seasons and it's good to just follow the journey, I actually prefer the really slow episodes to the action filled ones, the acting and character development is just too damn good.
I like them both, but I like TWD better since I've followed it longer. But I definitely love FTWD since they cast Alycia Debman-Carey and she's one of my favorites sine I watched The 100. Tears.
Aren't they the same?
FTWD is shit! I swear that is the only show where I wish all the characters would become zombies/die. All of them come off as weak and just stupid.
I prefer, The Walking Dead. I enjoy both.
But what pisses me off about Fear is how incompetent the group is. I kept trying to tell myself that they were gonna get better and grow up but good GOD. They're at the point where their ignorance will be their end.
I cannot take Fear The Walking Dead seriously after it did the exact same as Michonne. Nothing can convince me that this is a coincidence.
The brother of the leader of an antagonistic float is captured and taken hostage.
He tells a main character that his father used to abuse of him.
He is killed and unexpectedly reanimates.
He is put a brown bag in the head.
A trade is arranged via walkie-talkies.
The trade is relatively succesful for the protagonists, while unfavorable to the antagonist. The antagonist is bitten, leading us to think that they are dead.
Both antagonistic groups use flare guns for fuck's sake.
Besides, the writers screwed over Celia and the people of the house, and some might know that I factor in morality when it comes to liking characters, so this didn't make me like Daniel more one bit, and it's all but confirmed that he'll pull off a Kenny.
I'll stay with my The Walking Dead, thank you very much. The only thing holding me back from stopping watching is Nick, and Strand to a degree.
Nope. Fear features a different cast and different story in a different time and location than Walking Dead.
I really love both of them, but to choose one of them, I'd probably say Fear honestly.
Who cares?
Their both about zombies, so I can't say the drama is on the same par as Hunger or Biutiful or something actually insightful or meaningful.
…says the person in a sub-forum about a post-apocalyptic video game.
...Says the person to a person in a sub-forum about a post-apocalyptic video game.
Your point?
Definitely FTWD. I finished watching TWD at S4, because it just got boring to me. I still have to watch S2 of FTWD.
You came to the conclusion that their drama is not up to par with other genres or pieces of work because they're both about zombies. As far as I and most of others know, you spend a notable amount of time discussing a franchise with cheap drama instead of another franchises that are "insightful" and "meaningful." This strikes me as a strange lack of synchronization between how you feel about different franchises and what you actually discuss.
How would you know what I discuss outside of the forums? I enjoy many different forms of entertainment, and many different types of drama. Even those stories I am very akin to aren't above being mocked and even ridiculed.
I like aspects of TWD, but have always found a severe lack or consequence in the narrative that wasn't death. There's no real weight to be explored.
And I don't know why it's a bad thing to be able to criticize something you like. Zombie stories are, for the most part, a one trick pony with little in the way of interesting conflict anyway.
I don't, and I know that I don't. That's why I bolded the part where I explicitly say that I'm only going by what I knew that far.
I kind of agree with this point. A narrative set in a zombie apocalypse limits what you can do as a writer, which makes it difficult for any form of media with that genre not to appear a rehash of something done in the past.
It not bad to do so, at all! I personally encourage it.
Completely agree. Nick and Strand are the best characters.
I like TWD much more than Fear. If I'm being honest, I've pretty much lost all interest in Fear
Both are good. I think I like TWD better.
I think I like FTWD a little bit more than TWD, but mostly because I can tolerate FTWD's characters a heck of a lot more than TWD's.
Honestly, I stopped watching TWD after Season 4. (Been trying to get back into it though.)
I have watched TWD in its entirety and will watch the coming season as well. I tried to get into FTWD but it was too much of a rehash and a soap opera to stomach. I only made it to the second episode. Whereas TWD had me on the edge of my seat in the opening scene. I may give FTWD another chance at some point though because .....Stephen's Dillane's son. :-P
TWD, I just really hate FTWD, everybody's acting sucks.
Never seen FTWD, so I'll go with TWD.
TWD by far. Fear seems like filler to me.