The Vent/Help Thread



  • Girl troubles?

    Relationships... Need I say more?

  • You know it, man.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Girl troubles?

  • wait, it is a criminal offence in the US to leave kids alone?

    They seriously couldn't take the kid with them? Maybe even show him how to play to make bonding time? Fucksticks.

  • If you don't mind me asking, what happened?

    You know it, man.

  • 10 hours of sleep is way too much, your body doesn't need that much at all. 8 hours is a good amount, 7 isn't bad either.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    School starts in about a week for me: I suddenly need 10 hours of sleep instead of 8, so if I want to wake up early enough I'll apparently h

  • tfw you get 12 hours of sleep during summer


    10 hours of sleep is way too much, your body doesn't need that much at all. 8 hours is a good amount, 7 isn't bad either.

  • Now I haven't played or watched any of the batman game yet and only the first episode is out so I can't give my opinion on that right now, but I haven't been hearing a lot of great things like I did with some of telltale other series like TFTB, TWAU, TWD. Seems reception is mixed and is getting mostly 7's which isn't bad by any means, but it certainly isn't great.

    Really? Everywhere I looked the reviews were great, people were saying it's a very great start to a series. The bad reviews are because of the shit PC port, I guess they were borrowing some ideas from arkham knight haha.

    Okay this is random as hell and I am undoubtedly piss people off or I will get censored or something, but this is a gods honest question/opi

  • That's way more than you need, sleeping too much increases your chances of heart disease, obesity and diabetes. It also shortens your life span. It's a lot worse than sleeping too little.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    tfw you get 12 hours of sleep during summer ...

  • edited August 2016

    Well, the abridged version of the story is pretty much a whole lot of me being lead on.

    What really got me was being told not to worry because I was "Still in her equation."

    Which was basically a polite way of telling me that I was a backup plan if things go to hell with the guy she actually likes. Those weren't her words, but that's exactly what the fuck she meant.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    If you don't mind me asking, what happened?

  • My computer screen is fucking disgusting right now. Like, I don't know how. My desk space is the cleanest shit ever, how the fuck is there a bunch of gross weird shit all over my god damn screen?

    Tsk, tsk. You've been looking at too much food porn have you?

    I could totally complain about recent mental issues I've been having, my creativity failing in almost every aspect, how often I see things t

  • Well, shit.

    That's way more than you need, sleeping too much increases your chances of heart disease, obesity and diabetes. It also shortens your life span. It's a lot worse than sleeping too little.

  • :(

    Well, the abridged version of the story is pretty much a whole lot of me being lead on. What really got me was being told not to worry b

  • It also shortens your life span.

    Looks like I'm dying next week.

    That's way more than you need, sleeping too much increases your chances of heart disease, obesity and diabetes. It also shortens your life span. It's a lot worse than sleeping too little.

  • Sorry. If you're not going to be her priority, she shouldn't be yours, either.

    Well, the abridged version of the story is pretty much a whole lot of me being lead on. What really got me was being told not to worry b

  • Noticed that I rarely post, anyways, this new website design is triggering me.

    jk, I'll probably "come back" (post regularly) when Season 3 of TWD releases, since I'm hyped as fuck.

  • Nah man, it's on the outer screen, not the inner. It's really fuckin' weird because I treat this thing like a human being.

    My computer screen is fucking disgusting right now. Like, I don't know how. My desk space is the cleanest shit ever, how the fuck is there a

  • Need I say more?

    Not at all, I know the feel man.

    Relationships... Need I say more?

  • I never heard of this, both my parents were in healthcare and they said long sleeps are healthy and result in longer life.

    That's way more than you need, sleeping too much increases your chances of heart disease, obesity and diabetes. It also shortens your life span. It's a lot worse than sleeping too little.

  • edited December 2021

    2021 edit: ummm sweaty I know better than doctors my qualification is dn

    joriandrake posted: »

    I never heard of this, both my parents were in healthcare and they said long sleeps are healthy and result in longer life.

  • Time for 5 all nighters in a row.

    It also shortens your life span. Looks like I'm dying next week.

  • or perhaps you don't, or perhaps medicine is still thought differently in nations, on different continents

    or perhaps it depends on health and age of people,,20459221,00.html

    Or perhaps no one really still figured it out and just love to declare things which in future once again get dismissed as false, which is often the case. Even now you can find also on the issue of 'sleeping naked' both supportive and dismissive research results. Also considering my parents and grandparents live(d) for a long time I would trust rather them. Having 3 people in your family who went above 100 in the last 3 generations is a good enough evidence for what they said might be true.

    2021 edit: ummm sweaty I know better than doctors my qualification is dn

  • The design is not final; the web team has implied that they eventually want to update the appearance of the forums as well, but that is coming later.

    Noticed that I rarely post, anyways, this new website design is triggering me. jk, I'll probably "come back" (post regularly) when Season 3 of TWD releases, since I'm hyped as fuck.

  • maybe that was meant to be a teasing/playful remark

    Well, the abridged version of the story is pretty much a whole lot of me being lead on. What really got me was being told not to worry b

  • edited December 2021

    2021 edit: I am so super smart

    joriandrake posted: »

    or perhaps you don't, or perhaps medicine is still thought differently in nations, on different continents or perhaps it depends on healt

  • edited August 2016

    my mother was a Doctor in Hungary before she retired, my father an Associate Professor. Our medical professionals are sought after and work all over western Europe

    Your statistics can be just as full of failures as dozens of other statistics in the US.


    also your very own western statistics and research results contradict each other

    Sleep range widened by one hour to 11-14 hours (previously it was 12-14)
    Preschoolers (3-5): Sleep range widened by one hour to 10-13 hours (previously it was 11-13)
    School age children (6-13): Sleep range widened by one hour to 9-11 hours (previously it was 10-11)
    Teenagers (14-17): Sleep range widened by one hour to 8-10 hours (previously it was 8.5-9.5)
    Younger adults (18-25): Sleep range is 7-9 hours (new age category)
    Adults (26-64): Sleep range did not change and remains 7-9 hours
    Older adults (65+): Sleep range is 7-8 hours (new age category)

    even so, I did write earlier that:

    or perhaps it depends on health and age of people

    and I assume that sums it up best

    2021 edit: I am so super smart

  • Real annoying, huh? Probably worse at a club.

    As someone who works at a club I can fucking agree with this. Fucking entitled customers and lazy coworkers...

  • It's not so much the website design that triggers me. It's more the commenters and mods lol

    Noticed that I rarely post, anyways, this new website design is triggering me. jk, I'll probably "come back" (post regularly) when Season 3 of TWD releases, since I'm hyped as fuck.

  • edited August 2016



    edit: nah, no issues with mods, but the meme would be so easy to get triggered here

    It's not so much the website design that triggers me. It's more the commenters and mods lol

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2016

    It's more the commenters and mods lol

    Something on your mind?

    It's not so much the website design that triggers me. It's more the commenters and mods lol

  • Fuck her, you're not someone's backup.

    Well, the abridged version of the story is pretty much a whole lot of me being lead on. What really got me was being told not to worry b

  • I am so depressed right now my girlfriend called me asking if i would actually kill myself if she broke up with me i said no but shes talking about how she dosent seem to love me as much as i love her and i knew things were starting to go downhill but i didnt think it would be this quick i wanted to spend the rest of my life with her why does everything go wrong for me nothing ever turns out rigt if she leaves i probably will kill myself because there will be nothing to live for sorry for any spelling errors my eyes keep tearing up

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2016

    It sounds like she is only staying with you because she feels guilty about the idea of abandoning you because of what you might do, which is not a good place to be in with a relationship. I'm not saying that as an insult towards you so please do not take it as such, but it sounds like you might need to focus on becoming more independent and assertive outside of the relationship. She probably asked that as she might feel you rely on her (or other people) for support than you do on yourself, which is not a good position to be in. If she is not happy, than staying in a relationship like that will only prolong such negative feelings. Unfortunately, it sounds like you should probably either call it off and/or undergo some major soul searching. People on a message board cannot know the full extent of your personal problems, but it seems that something has rubbed her the wrong way for quite a while, and you should probably take the time to figure out what that is.

    EDIT: I forgot to add, asking her for blunt and honest feedback of what she feels is wrong might be a good place to start if you are willing to hear her out and take such feedback. It will suck in the short run, but it will help you in the long run if you are willing to take up the idea of being honest and looking at yourself and your situation as I proposed above.

    I am so depressed right now my girlfriend called me asking if i would actually kill myself if she broke up with me i said no but shes talkin

  • A few days on the job and I've already destroyed our image.

    It's not so much the website design that triggers me. It's more the commenters and mods lol

  • edited August 2016

    Well said. I can't even remember how many times people have told me to just "get over it" when I've been feeling really down. I have never really considered suicide thank god.. but I feel like I can empathise with those who have thought about it. Life can be so depressing sometimes and you can never take things like ability to endure anything for granted.

    Edit: Oh I didn't realize it was you! Damn changing avatars..

    You can't force someone to live just because of the others, we have one life and you can be as selfish as you want when it comes to that. It

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2016

    First Johro's coffee and now this?!?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    A few days on the job and I've already destroyed our image.

  • From what shes texting it seems its over great just frikikn marvellous the future i had planned is gone and everything me and her had is gone i thought things were going well then she leaves me i asked her about what is wrong and she dosent know except she only feels that seeing eachother once a week isnt goodenough i dont have a car and i work late and its an hours bus ride to get there i had a feelinh things werent going to last but i was hoping i was wrong but i guess not

    It sounds like she is only staying with you because she feels guilty about the idea of abandoning you because of what you might do, which is

  • ...oh, so I guess it's more circumstantial then. Well, on the upside, it isn't as personal as I had gotten the impression. In which case, it seems like you might just need to find someone that would be more understanding of your situation in regards to working late and not having a car.

    From what shes texting it seems its over great just frikikn marvellous the future i had planned is gone and everything me and her had is gon

  • I really appreciate it, you guys. You're all the best. :)

    Fuck her, you're not someone's backup.

  • Just wait and test out what I can do in one hour

    dojo32161 posted: »

    A few days on the job and I've already destroyed our image.

  • Well, don't kill yourself over her. She's not worth that. And she may come back around later, anyway.

    Just concentrate on establishing your independence. Make enough money to live on your own, and get that driving thing taken care of.

    I am so depressed right now my girlfriend called me asking if i would actually kill myself if she broke up with me i said no but shes talkin

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