The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Oh my gosh that is amazing! It's all great, but I especially like that hair. You are just so talented and skillful! All the art you post here is just awesome. :)

    . @NoGoingBack @Blind Sniper So I got it to work. I smashed a bunch of buttons and used a different computer. Thanks for your help, though

  • Thank you!!! The hair was probably the part I wanted to be done with the most, honestly. It's certainly not one of my favorite parts to draw but I'm glad you like it!

    Kenny726 posted: »

    Oh my gosh that is amazing! It's all great, but I especially like that hair. You are just so talented and skillful! All the art you post here is just awesome.

  • edited August 2016

    The episodes are part of the game though, it's part of the canon.

    I know that, I'm just saying if the episodes never came out, it would keep less people from wanting a sequel.

    And Episode 2's ending was in fact, bullshit.


    The episodes are part of the game though, it's part of the canon. And Episode 2's ending was in fact, bullshit.

  • 10/10

    . @NoGoingBack @Blind Sniper So I got it to work. I smashed a bunch of buttons and used a different computer. Thanks for your help, though

  • Has anyone ever heard of a YouTuber named ChristopherOdd?

  • Oh well, anyway, my bloodline started there.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Not anymore. It fell apart, just like Yugoslavia.

  • Yes.

    Has anyone ever heard of a YouTuber named ChristopherOdd?

  • I like his playthroughs. I rememeber watching his first playthrough on YouTube back in late-mid 2012.

    TheFurryOne posted: »


  • I am sorry Bro , I lost my grandmother and grandfather long time ago before I was born , Didn't get the chance to meet them :(

    My grandmother has died today.

  • Simply outstanding! This is what I call a masterpiece

    . @NoGoingBack @Blind Sniper So I got it to work. I smashed a bunch of buttons and used a different computer. Thanks for your help, though

  • This is amazing! You're so talented! :o

    . @NoGoingBack @Blind Sniper So I got it to work. I smashed a bunch of buttons and used a different computer. Thanks for your help, though

  • Thank you, InGen.

    Sorry about that.

  • Thanks, Dan.

    Season Three has me very excited indeed!

    dan290786 posted: »

    Sorry dude. I know the feeling, lost my grandparents many years ago now. Had many deaths in my family including my dad 4 years ago. You neve

  • Thank you, Blind.

    Sorry for your loss.

  • Thank you, @Kenny726.

    Kenny726 posted: »

    I'm sorry for your loss.

  • Thank you, @ihatemycat.

    ihatemycat posted: »

    I am sorry Bro , I lost my grandmother and grandfather long time ago before I was born , Didn't get the chance to meet them

  • This GIF... Garrus dancing...


  • Sorry for your loss ,My grandfather died last year and seeing my family and relatives very unhappy made it even worse.

    My grandmother has died today.

  • If it's a forum staff member, send a PM.

    If it's something for Telltale Support, send mail to You can ask them to forward it to those in charge of forums. I have had success with this in the past.

    If you just want someone to tell you you're wrong, there's lot of ways to accomplish that.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Whatever's On Your Mind... Last month I wanted to contact Telltale's forum staff. There are few email addresses. I tried every one. Matter w

  • edited August 2016

    I think between the horrid site update, the broken Batman PC release and yet another year going by without The Wolf Among Us, 2016 is gonna be the year of Telltale-Based PTSD.

  • From what I have checked up on upon asking, they already did respond to you when you had first reached out to them. Please do not use this thread as a venue to air your dirty laundry by passively complaining about your disagreements with previous instances of forum moderation. As WarpSpeed said, you can contact Support with feedback, but the Support team does not manage activity in regards to the forums, or moderators.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Whatever's On Your Mind... Last month I wanted to contact Telltale's forum staff. There are few email addresses. I tried every one. Matter w

  • Doesn't your version of Movie Maker let you save it as an MP4 file? Mine does and I use it for all my videos.

    With Movie Maker it saves to your device as a WLMP file. Youtube can't upload your video from that. It needs to be a MP4, MOV, AVI, or WMI.

  • edited August 2016

    I just noticed, Dead Space has some similarities with John Carpenter's The Thing.

    • Humans transforming into aliens, and the transformation processes looks quite gruesome.
    • Sci-fi setting
    • The feeling of complete Isolation

    Speaking of Dead Space, did you guys know Carpenter wants to make a film about it?

  • edited August 2016

    Don't forget their brilliant idea of publishing 7 Days to Die on consoles. A fucking alpha build (after 3 fucking years since it was first released) of an early access game, and giving no indication to the general consumer that they are buying an unfinished product. Not hard to imagine why it's sitting at an average of 35 on Metacritic, for the XBone port, and 45 on the PS4 (because one dude liked it). And you can also add the current gen ports of Batman being pretty horrid as well. I'm still curious to see the last gen ports. Expecting resolutions lower than some of the PS3 COD games (960x544 I believe), at cinematic 5 frames per second.

    I think between the horrid site update, the broken Batman PC release and yet another year going by without The Wolf Among Us, 2016 is gonna be the year of Telltale-Based PTSD.

  • But the children will starve!

    There is no government.

  • The children can eat aliens.

    But the children will starve!

  • The Metroid 2 fan remake is pretty awesome. It's too bad that it was shut down and now there is no way you can get it. At least Nintendo waited(or just didn't find out about it) until the game was actually released. I mean the demo came out months ago and they could have pulled their muscle then.

  • Perfection.

    . @NoGoingBack @Blind Sniper So I got it to work. I smashed a bunch of buttons and used a different computer. Thanks for your help, though

  • There are no words to describe this masterpiece.

    . @NoGoingBack @Blind Sniper So I got it to work. I smashed a bunch of buttons and used a different computer. Thanks for your help, though

  • So how is everyone?

  • Fine. You?

    So how is everyone?

  • Yeah im - enter image description here XD

    Fine. You?

  • Has anyone ever watched Spectacular Spider-Man? And what's your opinion on it?

  • It's so brilliant it leaves me speechless. From hair, eyes to shirt -- everything is equally beautiful and realistic. I am glad you exist.

    . @NoGoingBack @Blind Sniper So I got it to work. I smashed a bunch of buttons and used a different computer. Thanks for your help, though

  • enter image description here

    . @NoGoingBack @Blind Sniper So I got it to work. I smashed a bunch of buttons and used a different computer. Thanks for your help, though

  • edited August 2016

    An explosion of emotions is echoing throughout my body. In a good way.

    How's it hanging?

    So how is everyone?

  • Is that the one with the intro that goes "Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can..."?

    If so it's okay. Not my favourite version but when there's nothing else on TV it's better than nothing.

    Has anyone ever watched Spectacular Spider-Man? And what's your opinion on it?

  • As promised, here's a WIP of that drawing!

    enter image description here

    Once I finish drawing what is outlined with Javier, I'll adjust their heights and add more to Javi. Clem's face was a little tough, I kept making her look 20 years old at first before the face here. xD

  • This is the level I'm trying to reach with my drawings, simply amazing :)

    . @NoGoingBack @Blind Sniper So I got it to work. I smashed a bunch of buttons and used a different computer. Thanks for your help, though

  • oh, what time is it again?


    When you ask for NyanCat on the local radio and they actually play it in three versions. (^・ω・^)

    ~=[,,_,,]:3 *piano, remix, heavy metal - nyan nyan!*

    and the whole bus you sit in goes wtf, priceless

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