Am I the only one that hated Tales from the Borderlands
Now before people start getting mad at me I do have reasons as to why i don't like the game. Now this is just my opinion so if you loved the game good for you. But the setting the goofy story line and characters, was just something i didn't like, also the elements of comedy that were in the game just weren't funny to me. But then again I'm used to more serious games like the walking dead, wolf among us, game of thrones, also I'm not a fan of borderlands and have never played those games.
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my bad, for the grammar mistakes in the tittle
Nope, Im sure its not everyones cup of tea.
yeah i just couldn't get into it
I don't hate it, but it's not my favorite either. At least compared to other Telltale games, like TWD S1 or GoT (I think the latter is criminally underrated). I gave Tales a 7/10.
yeah how people rated tales form the borderlands higher than the walking dead season 1 is beyond me.
I may faint.
Im just kidding.
Its okay to like things and its okay to not like things. Its just not to your taste. As long as your not one of those people who thinks because you dont like it, its a undeniable fact that it sucks.
You probably aren't, but TFTB is personally my favorite Telltale game, one of my favorite games of all time in fact.
the game just wasint for me i mean i tried to get into it because i like telltale games specifically the mature ones but i guess the humor in it really made it unpleasant for me.
then why the fuck are you on this thread? you said yourself "you like the game good for you" yea ok but if you dont like the game keep that to yourself i mean is it really hard to stay away from something you dont like?
He has a right to speak his mind, don't be rude. This forum is enough of a vacuum of positivity as-is, learn to respect the perspective of other people every now and then.
i can respect his perspective but he also needs to repect mine (or probably a lot of others opinions) so that we are equal on what we are doing, if he says "oh yeah i hate tftb, but if you love it youre not allowed to speak" like seriously dude?
Till which point you even played it?Did you,like,finish at least the first episode before stating your opinion,or you just marked the game bad after 30 minutes in?
Welp,the guy is banned nevermind
Jeez I'm the last person to criticize someone's spelling but couldn't you have at least spell checked the title?
Are you the only one that hates Tales from the Borderlands?
Most likely. The game is perfect.
Okay, so you didn't like it. I don't know why you created an all caps title thread saying you hated it, though. It doesn't even come off like you hated it that strongly, just that you prefer different genres.
It honestly sounds like you took his comment the wrong way. I think he was just trying to open the game up to more thoughtful criticism so that the thread would be less "well i like the game so you're wrong" and more "well i like the game but it does have a problem with ______."
I mean, if I made this thread and the comments were just "I like the game", my response would probably also be "Okay, good for you." There's no room for discussion there.
Wouldn't go as far as to say I hated it but I didn't really get into it as some others on the forums did. I preferred Game of Thrones far more even though admittedly both have their flaws.
Rhys: strangles bandit with all his might
Bandit: Eric. Is that you?
Game of Thrones Fans arent into it either.
This is what you get
This is what you get
This is what you get when you hate TftB
That doesn't make sense to me, why not say "im new to the franchise"
I feel like op didn't want to like it. I am a fan of borderlands but tftb isn't for me I like borderlands for the cooperative gun play and randomised weapons the quests are fun I love the graphics and voice acting but this adaption wasn't my cup of tea.
Whoah, someone is mad over their favorite game.
Learn to respect their fucking opinion. Everyone can share whatever they feel like in any thread.
Haven't you noticed telltale haters get banned, its the law in these parts, so smile enjoy the games or gtfo
How is that acceptable in any way? They only share their opinions.
I didn't know this fucking forum was North Korea.
Its just a running joke on here.
I think the bans actually come from the insults people throw at each other not their game preferences. The offending comments get deleted but its usually something like "your a idiot to think that" and I believe warnings are put in place first. We aren't allowed to actually discuss details of specific bans (like most forums) but its not a dictatorship lol.
That's abit too far to not be able to talk about banned users.
That's actually fucked up when you think about it.
Sure, they do deserve it. But it should work like this.
"Only people that are permanently banned should not be talked about."
Not nice. It was irony. I was banned multiple times here.
I take things seriously, that is sorta my thing.
Well this is one of the regulations from the forum guideline. I think it's an acceptable rule.
Please refrain from talking about current or past user bans. This guideline is in place for several reasons... For privacy reasons, moderators cannot disclose this extra information that affects ban length. Since regular users discussing bans will not know the full context behind the reasoning of a ban, we do not want discussions of current/past user bans to result in misinformation, off topic thread derailments, arguments, or hostility - especially if a user is not there to defend themselves while they are under a ban. Please note that the "Banned" badge does not distinguish if a user ban is permanent or temporary.
It's pretty much there to make sure there aren't large scale arguments and that the person who's been banned isn't talked about with no way to defend themselves. If you like to see more of the guidlines, here's the link.
I've never played Borderlands because it didn't interest me back then. Then I started playing Tales from The Borderlands after finishing The Wolf Among Us because it's amazing. Now, this game became my most favourite game, it's a masterpiece! Everything is done so right, plot, characters, settings, tones, EVERYTHING. And it got me play Borderlands which I never thought I wanted to play it, weirdly enough I actually enjoy it so much it hurts.
No .No sir you are not.
In my opinion Tales from the Border lands is a big steaming pile of horse shit.Which is an insult to horse shit .
I give it a D.
Full of cheap laughs and cliches .And lets not forget that horrible finger gun fight.
Same here
It's not for everyone but it's better than some naysayers would have you believe.
Not even liking the finger gun fight? Damn, haven't seen that before.