Bu-But I do... except for the things I don't remember. I'm not that senile that I would have forgotten the whole year 2014, so most of the FOTD members are in my mind archives, taken that everyone didn't use fake pics/actors/whatever lol.
Why are my so nervous doing this, like I'm actually sweating, wow okay wow...
This is me walking my dog, Yowie. I'm 90% sure he hates me.… more
But it's cool. Me and Bunyip are buds. We understand each other.
And here's your standard selfie, just so I'm covering all the bases...
Ah yes, good times. I still can't believe people voted to jump out the window lmao. It was a trick vote and people fell for it.
And yeah everyone was good except for one, but good thing they're gone now.
Lol and tbh you've never looked like a white Sarah to me. For those wondering, DLB looks similar to Millie Bobby Brown A.K.A Eleven from Stranger Things. With longer hair, of course.
Lol and tbh you've never looked like a white Sarah to me. For those wondering, DLB looks similar to Millie Bobby Brown A.K.A Eleven from Stranger Things. With longer hair, of course.
DLB looks like a slightly older version of her.
Although the picture is two years old , i was 15 back then , i haven't changed much , exept for the fact that i got a little taller and grew a little bit more facial hair .
P.S :The Beard is real .This picture was not retouched in any way , the ones who tells so are just jealous i have a shirt that cool .
Hi everyone !
Here's my selfie ,
Although the picture is two years old , i was 15 back then , i haven't changed much , exept for the… more fact that i got a little taller and grew a little bit more facial hair .
P.S :The Beard is real .This picture was not retouched in any way , the ones who tells so are just jealous i have a shirt that cool .
I do have a magnificent beard ! worked really harder than i should have on it ^^ . Thank you very much sir !
And to answer you question
I recently reached 17 , i'm starting my fourth year in one week .
It's really rare to hear that i look older .
usually people are surprised when i tell them i'm passing my baccalaureate this year .
most of them think i just started my first year .
It's really refreshing to hear that i look older .
though It's probably the beard tricking you ;D
What about you ? You're going through your fourth year too ?
I don't have the balls (literally) to post a pic of me, because every good picture of me is uploaded online somewhere. And I'm not in the mood to take another pic.
I was shocked too, I thought he was older then me...
That... uh... doesn't look like a very friendly hug...
Maybe they like it that way
I one from these guys.

I know you and everything Don't_Look_Back.
I know what you did Summer 2014
Maybe one day I will do It.
Sexy beard!
Aaaand how old are you?
When you say extremely long I imagine Rapunzel's hair.
Don't worry I'll just post all those embarrassing pics of you, DLB.
Ah yes, good times. I still can't believe people voted to jump out the window lmao. It was a trick vote and people fell for it.
And yeah everyone was good except for one, but good thing they're gone now.
Go on and slay buds
I can't believe you changed your a(ppearance)vatar, you hot piece of giraffe.

Be my China and I'll be ur cheap plastic they make there
I thought you were a giraffe what the lying flying spaghetti monster
You never know what happens in someone's PMs though...
At least it was meant to be so, couldn't pass an option to jump out of window! : D
Right back at ya.
I have been called Rapunzel countless times actually, haha.
Oh, yeah...

Lol and tbh you've never looked like a white Sarah to me. For those wondering, DLB looks similar to Millie Bobby Brown A.K.A Eleven from Stranger Things. With longer hair, of course.
DLB looks like a slightly older version of her.
I look 12
I think It's more 16-17
Hi everyone !
Here's my selfie ,
Although the picture is two years old , i was 15 back then , i haven't changed much , exept for the fact that i got a little taller and grew a little bit more facial hair .
P.S :The Beard is real .This picture was not retouched in any way , the ones who tells so are just jealous i have a shirt that cool .
Ohhhh this beard, damn! 15? Hell no, you look over 20!
So, how old are you now?
Thanks pham!
She was a sweet lady!
I absolutely lost my shit when she broke out the Clementine voice
15+2, still drunk or something
I do have a magnificent beard ! worked really harder than i should have on it ^^ . Thank you very much sir !
And to answer you question
I recently reached 17 , i'm starting my fourth year in one week .
It's really rare to hear that i look older .
usually people are surprised when i tell them i'm passing my baccalaureate this year .
most of them think i just started my first year .
It's really refreshing to hear that i look older .
though It's probably the beard tricking you ;D
What about you ? You're going through your fourth year too ?
This was me on vacation last year. Lots of fun.
Oh, vacation, vacations are so cool !
Hmm.. Not much older...
You look very similar to Sia
Soo.. I'm guessing you've been sent nude pics then?
Time to kill the competition with my raw sexiness...
people thought I was lying about my age when I showed a pic of me. at least you didn't have that happen to you.
I thought she was trolling at first because of that.
lol, it actually did happen on skype. people then thought I was using a voice changer. it was horrible.
I don't have the balls (literally) to post a pic of me, because every good picture of me is uploaded online somewhere. And I'm not in the mood to take another pic.