A secret for you in my opinion of season 2.
I disliked around 95% of characters, besides Clem, Rebecca (maybe), and Christa. Most everyone else was disposable... oh, and Sam and Omid were cool too I guess.
It was just different sites that had extensive translations of Arvo's scenes, including a few from this very community. I didn't really think to credit them when I did my own Arvo-related topic(which I'm gonna have to partially reedit) back in July, though. Sorry.
Also, I would like to point out that Buricko's line there was a general sum up of the gist. It works just as well though: it's still a nutty line.
This piece of dialogue pretty much proves that Arvo and his crew are not bandits.
Not necessarily. After all, Buricko and Vitali both seem a bit too hostile and shady to just be average joes. I honestly go back and forth on whether they are/aren't myself because there's just as much evidence for as against that notion(read:little). Plus, the bandits from Season 1 weren't exactly executives of the trade...
I used to think that both Arvo and Natasha were just sticking with them out of convenience but Natasha's actions gives her an air of intimidation that would go against that thought a little bit. So, while I wouldn't say they are bandits, they aren't exactly Jehovah's witnesses either. And I always took people just saying "they're bandits" to be a cheap handwave, to be honest.
I wasn't aware of this, so thank you!
Have you saved the sources by any chance, DabigRG? If this is a discussion about Arvo, I would like… more to know for certain what his group said during the ambush, so as to have the right idea. I would appreciate it a lot.
Arvo: What exactly do you want to take from them?
Buricko: Well, shit, I don't know! Just anything useful, I guess.
This piece of dialogue pretty much proves that Arvo and his crew are not bandits. They could barely pull off this half-assed attempt of robbery, and they had not talked about what they were going to take. It is all improvised. If Buricko really did say "I guess," that seals the deal for me. This sounds too unexperienced for it not to be the first time they had done something like that.
Isn't that what I said? The only other time was if you chose to leave Kenny his space at the station - and he only did it in response to Arvo's bloody screaming that would attract walkers.
Actually, Kenny beats and pushes around the boy and there is a scenario where if you don't get Ken back to the fire and when Arvo yells at Mike to leave him alone, Kenneth actually beats Arvo unconscious.
I can almost agree with that. The development of season 2 characters were so so poor compared to S1. Even Chuck seemed more developed than virtually any of the cabin survivors
A secret for you in my opinion of season 2.
I disliked around 95% of characters, besides Clem, Rebecca (maybe), and Christa. Most everyone else was disposable... oh, and Sam and Omid were cool too I guess.
No, actually I hate Jane. I was just referring to the concept of Clementine building her own community.
My eventual third playthrough(which I am not looking forward to for various reasons) will likely end at Howe's.
Yeah, but Clementine's group getting out relatively unscathed doesn't mean that they were the ones that started it.
Also, I meant that someone on Clementine's side made the first aggressive move against Arvo and the fact that his group got wiped out while they're side got out with only a bullet in Luke's leg is kinda pouring salt in the wound--of a slug.
That's just plot being full of holes.
Unlike the characters!
Seriously, though, I already argued that Sarah (and possibly Nick) should've still been around to die in that scene so that it actually has an immediate consequence for Clementine's side.
The murder of a child and her group seems like a steep and disproportionate reaction to Jane merely threatening him.
To be fair, Arvo and the Russians(I assume, anyway, given Vitali's dialogue) never planned on murdering them. Honestly, the attempted robbery was more of an on the spot eye for an eye sort of thing to punish them for what Jane did.
Doesn't mean it was right either, but alas, that's gray vs. grey morality for you.
Yeah, but Clementine's group getting out relatively unscathed doesn't mean that they were the ones that started it. That's just plot being f… moreull of holes. Realistically everyone in Clem's group could and should have died right then and there at such close range. The murder of a child and her group seems like a steep and disproportionate reaction to Jane merely threatening him. Overreaction is definitely what it was.
I still think they should be the ones to be considered the start of the conflict, because it would have been a determinately harmless interaction otherwise. While I think Jane was a little harsh, I think it was right to jump on him - he's a stranger with a gun around the group dealing with a pregnant woman. She couldn't take chances.
If I was constantly being abused by said guy, yeah, I would tell him to fuck off (probably the only time I'm gonna use that word in this thread...). That's standing up for yourself when being poorly mistreated.
(And yeah, no, I wouldn't know because I've never been held hostage and I don't plan on that happening for the longest time..., Ever...)
I think what she's getting at is that people look at Arvo's action(s) and use that to hate on him in general, kinda like how people reacted to Lilly snapping at Carley/Doug.
It does get a tad annoying sometimes when people just relentlessly hate on a character/person and bash any opinion suggesting otherwise because of a single thing they did, regardless of what good deeds or intentions that had before or after that point.
No, he's a video game character - fictional, not real; why do you ask if I've met him in real life unless YOU think he's real?
No, I'm not, but I can imitate one hell of a Russian accent!
I'm connected and sensitive to almost any character I come across in these types of games, especially the misunderstood ones. People tend to not relate to fictional characters and that can often lead to misunderstanding and the like, so I try my best to relate to characters as I play these games. It helps me make the better decisions. (Example: because I related to Walter, I was able to keep Nick from dying at the Lodge ((this is a determinant, because if you lie to Walter then Nick dies at the Lodge)) and because I related and was sensitive to Carver at the Lodge, I was able to keep Alvin from getting shot because Kenny would've shot at the Lodge).
Relating and being sensitive to characters (especially in RPG's) in video games can give you a bit more of an edge and it can keep you from making mistakes or bad decisions. That's just my opinion on that.
Do you know Arvo in real life? Are you his voice actor? Because you seem really connected and sensitive to this minor character, I just never nor will ever like him, he wasn't friendly to Clem in my gameplay, I just don't like him.
Dude, you're not 'zombified' the instant you die! You're 'zombified' when you actually reanimate!
Same goes to you, mate - where in the game did it say that Arvo was trying to hide the medicine from his group?
No, he wasn't afraid to do it in the moment, he was afraid AFTER he murdered Larry because he knew that either Lee or Lilly could murder him in his sleep.
Excuse you, sir, but it's not embarrassing to start up a thread like this; it's fun to see how y'all interact with one another. It was a thread meant for friendly debate as well as to clear things up for Arvo. Some people take it seriously, some people don't and some people take things too far.
The Ambush was on Arvo, it could had been avoided. He didn't have to tell his group what had happen at the Civil war deck. He indirectly caused his Sister and Group's death.
If he hadn't told them what really happened, it's probable that he would have been frowned upon and punished by his group because of losing a revolver and determinantly a bag full of medicine. Why would he hide the truth before even knowing that Buricko and Vitali would want to ambush our group?
The Ambush was on Arvo, it could had been avoided. He didn't have to tell his group what had happen at the Civil war deck. He indirectly caused his Sister and Group's death.
And, plus, don't you think calling Natasha his inspiration and motivation a bit overboard? Yes, he tried to look after her and loved her and whatever, but still..
That is an offshoot of what we learn about his character before he is tied up: Arvo traveled about a day's journey from his barely completed home, despite looking like an easy target, with a bag filled with medicine for her and tries to stash it away in a recycle bin. Ignoring the logical issues there for a second, why would he go to all that trouble? Why would he risk being shot by Jane, who in all honesty came off like a bit of a psycho bandit towards him, trying to protect it for his sister? Why, after going back home defenseless (and determinately medicine-less), would he head back in that direction with the entire group following him if he was still afraid of Clementine and Jane? And finally, the fact that he forms a grudge against Clementine and becomes very withdrawn and even more submissive after her death suggests that she was his only stake in anything.
Also, the inspiration comment came from the fact that she seemed to have been the one who decided they should go after Clementine and Jane. And if Clementine tries to convince Arvo to calm his group down when tensions start getting high, he freezes for a bit with uncertainty before Natasha encourages him to stand his ground and (presumably) make his own call.
If you try comforting him around the fire when everyone is drinking and if you try being nice to him later on. The sentence pretty much speaks for itself dude...
To be fair, as far as I remember, Clementine coming to determinately apologize for what happened to Natasha has his simply cry to himself and say nothing; talking to him afterwards has him quietly request that she leave him alone. Its only when Mike approaches him afterwards that he freaks out for whatever reason. Now that I think about it, I think the game just assumes Clementine did talk to him already because him getting riled up like that is basically him asserting that he wants to be left alone
What do you mean if you try being nice to him later on? As far as I remember, he doesn't really respond much to what she says to him the next day and his glaring at her when Luke dies and Kenny beats him down seemed more like basic scorn for the fact that, from his perspective, karma seems to be catching up to her. And his drawing the rifle on her that very night should speak for itself, since she also had her gun drawn and he's clearly just trying to cover Mike, who originally could be killed in this scene. Him shooting Clementine if she is docile, on the other hand, is something I won't defend because not only is she mostly defenseless but its also the moment when he crosses the line into official villain territory regardless of what she does.
puff...! you are ridiculous! you are sooo in love with him, i get it! but you are acting as if he were a f*cking angel! as if he were 100% not guilty for everything he caused! only a moron would deny his guiltiness!
If kenny would have killed him after the gunfight, many disgraces would've been avoided! luke's death! (if arvo wouldn't have appeared..... luke and the entire group never would have been in that position!) For the ambush! (a women stole my pistol.... ohh.... boo... hoo....! Lets go rob her and her entire group! and if they refuse, lets kill them! is that justified??) you should get an arvo poster for your lonely nights
Your points are kinda stupid, considering most of what happened were causes from other characters. Seriously the only bad thing Arvo ever directly does is shoot Clementine, his group could of been the ones who wanted to rob them. Plus Luke's death was from Bonnie/Clementine.
you should get an arvo poster for your lonely nights
Your points are kinda stupid, considering most of what happened were causes from other characters. Seriously the only bad thing Arvo ever di… morerectly does is shoot Clementine, his group could of been the ones who wanted to rob them. Plus Luke's death was from Bonnie/Clementine.
you should get an arvo poster for your lonely nights
You're an asshole. Like, actually. People are sharing their opinions of a fictional character over the internet and you're calling them laughable and pathetic. You're being an asshole. Don't do that shit. That's childish.
damn! you and the guy who started all this thread should start a club: "arvo's lovers" or "arvo's fanboys" the guy is totally guilty and you… more still defend him, if kenny would've killed him after the firefight, many disgraces would've been avoided.
He is not even interesting character, on the contrary..... he is scum! i dont know if your loyalty and love for him is admirable or completely laughable and pathetic. I dont know wich one.......
Okay, dude, this is getting into some serious bullying/harassment territory. CHILL! OUT!
Again, I don't know who you are or what type of person you strive to be, but if you are going to post, comment, and reply to the other people of this community, make sure that what you're saying is constructive, not destructive, and that you express your opinions in a manner that doesn't attack anybody's individuality. Please and Thank you.
Now with that out of the way, let's have an actual discussion, please.
but you are acting as if he were a f*cking angel! as if he were 100% not guilty for everything he caused!
I didn't want to go this route, but might as well considering the character in question: Is any character truly blameless and completely innocent? Is Clementine not disobedient for allowing the Stranger to take her despite Lee's warnings? Did Kenny and determinately Bonnie not tear into her for her part in Sarita and Luke's deaths? Was Carver really evil because he wanted to be there for his potential baby's birth or is it because of everything else he did including trying to achieve that goal? Could Alvin have known that doing whatever it was he did to George would've killed him and/or given Carver another reason to go after him? How was Nick or Carlos or even Arvo's actions any worse than what Kenny did years beforehand for the same basic reasons?
Like it or not, all of these characters are human beings with feelings, thoughts, and instincts that drive them to do the things that define their personalities. They have their values, they make mistakes, and they do whatever they deem necessary to achieve their goals in life. If they have any positive traits that serve to humanize them or negative traits that serve to condemn them, then fine: let that serve to define them and try to appreciate it!
Your points are kinda stupid, considering most of what happened were causes from other characters. Seriously the only bad thing Arvo ever di… morerectly does is shoot Clementine, his group could of been the ones who wanted to rob them. Plus Luke's death was from Bonnie/Clementine.
you should get an arvo poster for your lonely nights
his group could of been the ones who wanted to rob them.
They were. Even without a translation, Buricko and Arvo speak with each other for a bit with Buricko motioning towards the Howe's Ski Cabin group with his, before Clementine receives her answer from Arvo that his friends are telling him to have them lay down their weapons so he can take their things.
If you were kind towards Arvo up to this point and tell him that he's not, he simply states that they are not telling him to ask and laments that he and Clementine didn't meet under nicer circumstances because her kindness isn't common--as Buricko impeccably proves.
Your points are kinda stupid, considering most of what happened were causes from other characters. Seriously the only bad thing Arvo ever di… morerectly does is shoot Clementine, his group could of been the ones who wanted to rob them. Plus Luke's death was from Bonnie/Clementine.
you should get an arvo poster for your lonely nights
No, he's a video game character - fictional, not real; why do you ask if I've met him in real life unless YOU think he's real?
No, I'm no… moret, but I can imitate one hell of a Russian accent!
I'm connected and sensitive to almost any character I come across in these types of games, especially the misunderstood ones. People tend to not relate to fictional characters and that can often lead to misunderstanding and the like, so I try my best to relate to characters as I play these games. It helps me make the better decisions. (Example: because I related to Walter, I was able to keep Nick from dying at the Lodge ((this is a determinant, because if you lie to Walter then Nick dies at the Lodge)) and because I related and was sensitive to Carver at the Lodge, I was able to keep Alvin from getting shot because Kenny would've shot at the Lodge).
Relating and being sensitive to characters (especially in RPG's) in video games can give you a bit mo… [view original content]
That's fine by me, North. ^_^ - I didn't come here to try and make people like him. In fact, that's not what this is about at all - I just made this thread as a form of a debate thread as well as something to just help people see the other side of things.
That's fine by me, North. ^_^ - I didn't come here to try and make people like him. In fact, that's not what this is about at all - I just m… moreade this thread as a form of a debate thread as well as something to just help people see the other side of things.
Stop this, IMMEDIATELY! You are borderlining harassment and bullying with what you are saying. Everyone's opinions on here are valued! I only made this thread as a debate thread as well as just showing the other side of things; I did not, in any way, mean to have people bash each other or harass each other over a simple video game character.
I am not saying he's an "angel" - I am only saying the facts about him and most of those make him seem like less of a bad person. (Note: this does not mean that I have completely forgiven the dude for shooting Clementine; I'm still pissed about that).
I am aware, love. What I mean by being able to relate to Arvo is that I'm able to empathize with him as some of the things he's been put through (being verbally abused/bullied, judged by his race, etc). Being able to empathize (or whatever the word is) with the characters can make some things easier to understand and can make them easy to relate to.
True, but I think anyone would've told their group "I am lucky I have these because someone tried to rob me" or "I don't have them cuz someone robbed me" (before anyone can quote me on this, I am generalizing and theorizing about what could've been said and this is not what actually happened).
The Ambush was on Arvo, it could had been avoided. He didn't have to tell his group what had happen at the Civil war deck. He indirectly caused his Sister and Group's death.
No, actually I hate Jane. I was just referring to the concept of Clementine building her own community.
My eventual third playthrough(which I am not looking forward to for various reasons) will likely end at Howe's.
Even Jane, Kenny, Nick, Sarah, and Pete?
It was just different sites that had extensive translations of Arvo's scenes, including a few from this very community. I didn't really think to credit them when I did my own Arvo-related topic(which I'm gonna have to partially reedit
) back in July, though. Sorry.
Also, I would like to point out that Buricko's line there was a general sum up of the gist. It works just as well though: it's still a nutty line.
Not necessarily. After all, Buricko and Vitali both seem a bit too hostile and shady to just be average joes. I honestly go back and forth on whether they are/aren't myself because there's just as much evidence for as against that notion(read:little). Plus, the bandits from Season 1 weren't exactly executives of the trade...
I used to think that both Arvo and Natasha were just sticking with them out of convenience but Natasha's actions gives her an air of intimidation that would go against that thought a little bit. So, while I wouldn't say they are bandits, they aren't exactly Jehovah's witnesses either. And I always took people just saying "they're bandits" to be a cheap handwave, to be honest.
Isn't that what I said? The only other time was if you chose to leave Kenny his space at the station - and he only did it in response to Arvo's bloody screaming that would attract walkers.
I can almost agree with that. The development of season 2 characters were so so poor compared to S1. Even Chuck seemed more developed than virtually any of the cabin survivors
Exactly yeah
There is no good reason to like him
Oh, I see. Clem building her own community would be sick.
Also, I meant that someone on Clementine's side made the first aggressive move against Arvo and the fact that his group got wiped out while they're side got out with only a bullet in Luke's leg is kinda pouring salt in the wound--of a slug.
Unlike the characters!
Seriously, though, I already argued that Sarah (and possibly Nick) should've still been around to die in that scene so that it actually has an immediate consequence for Clementine's side.
To be fair, Arvo and the Russians(I assume, anyway, given Vitali's dialogue) never planned on murdering them. Honestly, the attempted robbery was more of an on the spot eye for an eye sort of thing to punish them for what Jane did.
Doesn't mean it was right either, but alas, that's gray vs. grey morality for you.
He shot Clementine and put the group at risk. So fuck Arvo.
Not saying people should like the kid - I'm saying people should get off his back at least a LITTLE bit.
(That, and this thread was meant more for debate)
But do you truly understand his reasons and intentions? Have you put anything about Arvo and what he went through into consideration?
I can make witty comments but they often don't work or they're poorly timed. That, and I'm trying my best to be serious in this thread.
If I was constantly being abused by said guy, yeah, I would tell him to fuck off (probably the only time I'm gonna use that word in this thread...). That's standing up for yourself when being poorly mistreated.
(And yeah, no, I wouldn't know because I've never been held hostage and I don't plan on that happening for the longest time..., Ever...)
Oh ok. Still, a witty comment that still well voices your opinion can be a double win.
Yeah, well, this thread really isn't about winning. It's kinds just to help clear things up about Arvo.
I think what she's getting at is that people look at Arvo's action(s) and use that to hate on him in general, kinda like how people reacted to Lilly snapping at Carley/Doug.
It does get a tad annoying sometimes when people just relentlessly hate on a character/person and bash any opinion suggesting otherwise because of a single thing they did, regardless of what good deeds or intentions that had before or after that point.
No, he's a video game character - fictional, not real; why do you ask if I've met him in real life unless YOU think he's real?
No, I'm not, but I can imitate one hell of a Russian accent!
I'm connected and sensitive to almost any character I come across in these types of games, especially the misunderstood ones. People tend to not relate to fictional characters and that can often lead to misunderstanding and the like, so I try my best to relate to characters as I play these games. It helps me make the better decisions. (Example: because I related to Walter, I was able to keep Nick from dying at the Lodge ((this is a determinant, because if you lie to Walter then Nick dies at the Lodge)) and because I related and was sensitive to Carver at the Lodge, I was able to keep Alvin from getting shot because Kenny would've shot at the Lodge).
Relating and being sensitive to characters (especially in RPG's) in video games can give you a bit more of an edge and it can keep you from making mistakes or bad decisions. That's just my opinion on that.
Dude, you're not 'zombified' the instant you die! You're 'zombified' when you actually reanimate!
Same goes to you, mate - where in the game did it say that Arvo was trying to hide the medicine from his group?
No, he wasn't afraid to do it in the moment, he was afraid AFTER he murdered Larry because he knew that either Lee or Lilly could murder him in his sleep.
Excuse you, sir, but it's not embarrassing to start up a thread like this; it's fun to see how y'all interact with one another. It was a thread meant for friendly debate as well as to clear things up for Arvo. Some people take it seriously, some people don't and some people take things too far.
The Ambush was on Arvo, it could had been avoided. He didn't have to tell his group what had happen at the Civil war deck. He indirectly caused his Sister and Group's death.
If he hadn't told them what really happened, it's probable that he would have been frowned upon and punished by his group because of losing a revolver and determinantly a bag full of medicine. Why would he hide the truth before even knowing that Buricko and Vitali would want to ambush our group?
That is an offshoot of what we learn about his character before he is tied up: Arvo traveled about a day's journey from his barely completed home, despite looking like an easy target, with a bag filled with medicine for her and tries to stash it away in a recycle bin. Ignoring the logical issues there for a second, why would he go to all that trouble? Why would he risk being shot by Jane, who in all honesty came off like a bit of a psycho bandit towards him, trying to protect it for his sister? Why, after going back home defenseless (and determinately medicine-less), would he head back in that direction with the entire group following him if he was still afraid of Clementine and Jane? And finally, the fact that he forms a grudge against Clementine and becomes very withdrawn and even more submissive after her death suggests that she was his only stake in anything.
Also, the inspiration comment came from the fact that she seemed to have been the one who decided they should go after Clementine and Jane. And if Clementine tries to convince Arvo to calm his group down when tensions start getting high, he freezes for a bit with uncertainty before Natasha encourages him to stand his ground and (presumably) make his own call.
To be fair, as far as I remember, Clementine coming to determinately apologize for what happened to Natasha has his simply cry to himself and say nothing; talking to him afterwards has him quietly request that she leave him alone. Its only when Mike approaches him afterwards that he freaks out for whatever reason. Now that I think about it, I think the game just assumes Clementine did talk to him already because him getting riled up like that is basically him asserting that he wants to be left alone
What do you mean if you try being nice to him later on? As far as I remember, he doesn't really respond much to what she says to him the next day and his glaring at her when Luke dies and Kenny beats him down seemed more like basic scorn for the fact that, from his perspective, karma seems to be catching up to her. And his drawing the rifle on her that very night should speak for itself, since she also had her gun drawn and he's clearly just trying to cover Mike, who originally could be killed in this scene. Him shooting Clementine if she is docile, on the other hand, is something I won't defend because not only is she mostly defenseless but its also the moment when he crosses the line into official villain territory regardless of what she does.
The cringe is real.
Your points are kinda stupid, considering most of what happened were causes from other characters. Seriously the only bad thing Arvo ever directly does is shoot Clementine, his group could of been the ones who wanted to rob them. Plus Luke's death was from Bonnie/Clementine.
When Arvo is secretly Vaughn from TFTB.
So your sister died and then you shot an 11 year old girl in the shoulder?
(btw this was a joke)
You're an asshole. Like, actually. People are sharing their opinions of a fictional character over the internet and you're calling them laughable and pathetic. You're being an asshole. Don't do that shit. That's childish.
Okay, dude, this is getting into some serious bullying/harassment territory. CHILL! OUT!
Again, I don't know who you are or what type of person you strive to be, but if you are going to post, comment, and reply to the other people of this community, make sure that what you're saying is constructive, not destructive, and that you express your opinions in a manner that doesn't attack anybody's individuality. Please and Thank you.
Now with that out of the way, let's have an actual discussion, please.
I didn't want to go this route, but might as well considering the character in question: Is any character truly blameless and completely innocent? Is Clementine not disobedient for allowing the Stranger to take her despite Lee's warnings? Did Kenny and determinately Bonnie not tear into her for her part in Sarita and Luke's deaths? Was Carver really evil because he wanted to be there for his potential baby's birth or is it because of everything else he did including trying to achieve that goal? Could Alvin have known that doing whatever it was he did to George would've killed him and/or given Carver another reason to go after him? How was Nick or Carlos or even Arvo's actions any worse than what Kenny did years beforehand for the same basic reasons?
Like it or not, all of these characters are human beings with feelings, thoughts, and instincts that drive them to do the things that define their personalities. They have their values, they make mistakes, and they do whatever they deem necessary to achieve their goals in life. If they have any positive traits that serve to humanize them or negative traits that serve to condemn them, then fine: let that serve to define them and try to appreciate it!
I want ten high definition copies!
They were. Even without a translation, Buricko and Arvo speak with each other for a bit with Buricko motioning towards the Howe's Ski Cabin group with his, before Clementine receives her answer from Arvo that his friends are telling him to have them lay down their weapons so he can take their things.
If you were kind towards Arvo up to this point and tell him that he's not, he simply states that they are not telling him to ask and laments that he and Clementine didn't meet under nicer circumstances because her kindness isn't common--as Buricko impeccably proves.
Yeah. But.
I (I) just don't like him
That's fine by me, North. ^_^ - I didn't come here to try and make people like him. In fact, that's not what this is about at all - I just made this thread as a form of a debate thread as well as something to just help people see the other side of things.
Yeah, usually I do that to for certain characters but Arvo just wasn't it for me
Stop this, IMMEDIATELY! You are borderlining harassment and bullying with what you are saying. Everyone's opinions on here are valued! I only made this thread as a debate thread as well as just showing the other side of things; I did not, in any way, mean to have people bash each other or harass each other over a simple video game character.
I am not saying he's an "angel" - I am only saying the facts about him and most of those make him seem like less of a bad person. (Note: this does not mean that I have completely forgiven the dude for shooting Clementine; I'm still pissed about that).
Knock it off!
I am aware, love. What I mean by being able to relate to Arvo is that I'm able to empathize with him as some of the things he's been put through (being verbally abused/bullied, judged by his race, etc). Being able to empathize (or whatever the word is) with the characters can make some things easier to understand and can make them easy to relate to.
True, but I think anyone would've told their group "I am lucky I have these because someone tried to rob me" or "I don't have them cuz someone robbed me" (before anyone can quote me on this, I am generalizing and theorizing about what could've been said and this is not what actually happened).
And that's alright. ^_^