The Way I see it, Ben had some great potential as a character, the way he told off Kenny showed some serious character development as Ben wasn't just a spineless coward. Not to mention his family life would've been interesting to delve into. The way he died in episode 5 was...disappointing, as it seem Ben was actually getting somewhere as a character. Had he survived to Season 2 somehow, I would've loved discovering more about him as a Well-seasoned Survivor, not just as a Detriment.
Chuck and Pete easily. Sarah also would have been a great character in due time. I agree that Christa and Omid were killed off too soon. Carley, Matthew, and Walter were also missed opportunities. Carley should have been in Christa's place in season 2.
I don't know about Troy. Wasn't he third in command after Talia ? He would have been a wild card in the group, not to be trusted. I don't like Jane, yet I agree with her killing Troy. He would have started shooting them and he was a walker distraction for a little while. He made Jane please him in his room to give her moments of freedom, so he was as dastardly as Carver was.
I don't know about Troy. Wasn't he third in command after Talia ? He would have been a wild card in the group, not to be trusted. I don't li… moreke Jane, yet I agree with her killing Troy. He would have started shooting them and he was a walker distraction for a little while. He made Jane please him in his room to give her moments of freedom, so he was as dastardly as Carver was.
Talia has her own office and is given lots of freedom to act as a second Carver and by the strong belief that Carver is a good leader, both Talia and Troy remind the group constantly to not question Carver. They probably have nice rooms from Carver.
Talia has her own office and is given lots of freedom to act as a second Carver and by the strong belief that Carver is a good leader, both Talia and Troy remind the group constantly to not question Carver. They probably have nice rooms from Carver.
Talia had her office were the walkie talkies were. Vince and the rest did not share living spaces with the group, neither did Bonnie. This leads me to believe that trust and success is rewarded from Carver. This is similar to how a store manager of a retail store will reward good employees.
Talia had her office were the walkie talkies were. Vince and the rest did not share living spaces with the group, neither did Bonnie. This l… moreeads me to believe that trust and success is rewarded from Carver. This is similar to how a store manager of a retail store will reward good employees.
Anyway, having Troy, Mike, and Jane(and arguably Sarah...) on the team at once would help bring forward more moral complexity to the team by having many of them be untrustworthy. Whereas Mike is a mystery due to dummied out plot elements and Jane is just suspicious in general, Troy had made little to no attempt to make friends with any of the Cabin, Ski Lodge, and Howe's Hardware group members(with the possible "exception" of Jane) and would be the token evil teammate who would have to earn the trust of the group and learn to interchange respect with others without fear and domination being the motivator. Given that he has the distinction of actually having some decent interaction with Clementine(grumpily saving her from walkers, slapping her for going into the comic shot after he caught her doing so before, butting her/Sarita in the face for attempting to stop Carver), it would call her willingness to trust, forgive, or begrudge into question.
He's a genuinely weak person, yet he struggled so hard to fit into Carver's definition of strength. It would have been interesting to see that characterization expanded on.Instead of killing Troy, take him prisoner and strip him of his gun and of the power Carver gave him. It would have been a breath of fresh air to see this cocksure, bullying lapdog given a taste of his own medicine rather than just killed off in the blink of an eye. Who knows, maybe it would have even changed him for the better.
I'm only thinking of this now because of a model swapped video I saw, but it would have been a much more morally compromising and imo fascinating scenario to have Troy in Arvo's position. Instead of just using Arvo to exist solely as an object to make you question your loyalty to Kenny, you could use this genuinely unpleasant person who, post Howe's, is rendered into essentially a non-threatening prisoner, with maybe some (?) Troy will remember that moments to tease possible future usefulness or maybe even a change of heart--and he's getting the shit kicked out of him in a manner that you know isn't a fair fight. So do you support Kenny, your friend who's mercilessly beating an unarmed man, or do you support Troy, who's harmless now, but has done horrible things and may or may not do horrible things should he ever come into that kind of power again?
I don't know about Troy. Wasn't he third in command after Talia ? He would have been a wild card in the group, not to be trusted. I don't li… moreke Jane, yet I agree with her killing Troy. He would have started shooting them and he was a walker distraction for a little while. He made Jane please him in his room to give her moments of freedom, so he was as dastardly as Carver was.
Despite this, I am against replacing Arvo with Troy. If the general of people reacted how they did to a crippled young adult with a sick sister, no wonder how they would have reacted to a man who was shown to be violent and bidimentional in the previous episode.
Anyway, having Troy, Mike, and Jane(and arguably Sarah...) on the team at once would help bring forward more moral complexity to the team by… more having many of them be untrustworthy. Whereas Mike is a mystery due to dummied out plot elements and Jane is just suspicious in general, Troy had made little to no attempt to make friends with any of the Cabin, Ski Lodge, and Howe's Hardware group members(with the possible "exception" of Jane) and would be the token evil teammate who would have to earn the trust of the group and learn to interchange respect with others without fear and domination being the motivator. Given that he has the distinction of actually having some decent interaction with Clementine(grumpily saving her from walkers, slapping her for going into the comic shot after he caught her doing so before, butting her/Sarita in the face for attempting to stop Carver), it would call her willingness to trust, forgive, or begrudge into questio… [view original content]
Actually, as I stated in the post, that is a concept from an older thread. I simply cited it as an example of how keeping a former villain around could lead to moral dilemmas.
I like how you expanded on this topic!
Despite this, I am against replacing Arvo with Troy. If the general of people reacted how they did… more to a crippled young adult with a sick sister, no wonder how they would have reacted to a man who was shown to be violent and bidimentional in the previous episode.
But everyone knows that by episode 2 they were pretty kool about it. The problem is that Larry didn't take the time to learn about lee. He just judges him.
But everyone knows that by episode 2 they were pretty kool about it. The problem is that Larry didn't take the time to learn about lee. He just judges him.
I typically find myself wishing that TWDS2 could've stuck to the tone set up in the phenomenal No Time Left and favored a more minimalist form of story-telling in which Clementine and Sam traveled around throughout the majority of the season searching for some kind of salvation.
I guess then we wouldn't have had that interesting set up (that eventually went nowhere) in which the cabin group and Clem met. Still, could've been a genuinely interesting story.
I typically find myself wishing that TWDS2 could've stuck to the tone set up in the phenomenal No Time Left and favored a more minimalist fo… morerm of story-telling in which Clementine and Sam traveled around throughout the majority of the season searching for some kind of salvation.
I guess then we wouldn't have had that interesting set up (that eventually went nowhere) in which the cabin group and Clem met. Still, could've been a genuinely interesting story.
I didn't really get the question. You mean, how would I develop him if I would work on this game? It's hard to tell but I certainly wouldn't kill him so soon. I feel like he's a really wise man and he could be the voice of reason of the group.
Okay, that's the gist of what I can imagine. Unlike say Natasha, his death didn't really give us much of anything other than the implication he was always ready to commit suicide when the time was right, so I definitely list him as a character who should've had more done with him. However, Chuck also is one of those characters where the role he plays in the plot is so minor yet major that I honestly have a hard time brainstorming how to include him in later scenes.
I didn't really get the question. You mean, how would I develop him if I would work on this game? It's hard to tell but I certainly wouldn't kill him so soon. I feel like he's a really wise man and he could be the voice of reason of the group.
Alvin. I was actually quite happy when he helped Clementine in my playthrough and he pretty much accepted her as part of the group in ep. 2. I would have love to see this giant nerdy guy kick some ass to protect his family, but sadly never got the chance. O well, at least Alvin got to die a bad ass if Clem saves him.
Alvin. I was actually quite happy when he helped Clementine in my playthrough and he pretty much accepted her as part of the group in ep. 2.… more I would have love to see this giant nerdy guy kick some ass to protect his family, but sadly never got the chance. O well, at least Alvin got to die a bad ass if Clem saves him.
Sorry dude, I guess the joke didn't get across very well. The point was that you said one of the problems with Season 2's setup and I recall that show having a magic word of the day, so I used it as if you won the lottery.
But yeah, that's part of what make the presence of Sarah(and to a lesser extent, Michelle, Becca, and Arvo) that much more interesting. And Kenny's a bit more baffling.
The Way I see it, Ben had some great potential as a character, the way he told off Kenny showed some serious character development as Ben wasn't just a spineless coward. Not to mention his family life would've been interesting to delve into. The way he died in episode 5 was...disappointing, as it seem Ben was actually getting somewhere as a character. Had he survived to Season 2 somehow, I would've loved discovering more about him as a Well-seasoned Survivor, not just as a Detriment.
I think Both Omid and Carly had so much potential but they both died to early in my opinion.
Chuck and Pete easily. Sarah also would have been a great character in due time. I agree that Christa and Omid were killed off too soon. Carley, Matthew, and Walter were also missed opportunities. Carley should have been in Christa's place in season 2.
Troy would've been a "nice" addition to the team had Jane not decided he outlived his usefulness.
I don't know about Troy. Wasn't he third in command after Talia ? He would have been a wild card in the group, not to be trusted. I don't like Jane, yet I agree with her killing Troy. He would have started shooting them and he was a walker distraction for a little while. He made Jane please him in his room to give her moments of freedom, so he was as dastardly as Carver was.
Is it wrong that my first complaint with this was "Did Troy have a room?"
I'm sure he did. Talia did and she was second in command. Troy was third, they loved Carver and he rewarded them.
When da foq was dis?!
Talia has her own office and is given lots of freedom to act as a second Carver and by the strong belief that Carver is a good leader, both Talia and Troy remind the group constantly to not question Carver. They probably have nice rooms from Carver.
Did we actually see this at some point ?
Talia had her office were the walkie talkies were. Vince and the rest did not share living spaces with the group, neither did Bonnie. This leads me to believe that trust and success is rewarded from Carver. This is similar to how a store manager of a retail store will reward good employees.
Hmm, I just assumed that was a storage bin she was hanging out in at the time.
The whole cabin group, Chuck, Omid and Christa.
Anyway, having Troy, Mike, and Jane(and arguably Sarah...) on the team at once would help bring forward more moral complexity to the team by having many of them be untrustworthy. Whereas Mike is a mystery due to dummied out plot elements and Jane is just suspicious in general, Troy had made little to no attempt to make friends with any of the Cabin, Ski Lodge, and Howe's Hardware group members(with the possible "exception" of Jane) and would be the token evil teammate who would have to earn the trust of the group and learn to interchange respect with others without fear and domination being the motivator. Given that he has the distinction of actually having some decent interaction with Clementine(grumpily saving her from walkers, slapping her for going into the comic shot after he caught her doing so before, butting her/Sarita in the face for attempting to stop Carver), it would call her willingness to trust, forgive, or begrudge into question.
Here's an example from an old thread:
Duck....we coulda had a season of him and Clementine solving problems.
I like how you expanded on this topic!
Despite this, I am against replacing Arvo with Troy. If the general of people reacted how they did to a crippled young adult with a sick sister, no wonder how they would have reacted to a man who was shown to be violent and bidimentional in the previous episode.
Actually, as I stated in the post, that is a concept from an older thread. I simply cited it as an example of how keeping a former villain around could lead to moral dilemmas.
Bloody Mary. Oh wait, wrong game.
A real puzzle game with them, that would be great.
But everyone knows that by episode 2 they were pretty kool about it. The problem is that Larry didn't take the time to learn about lee. He just judges him.
The funny thing about that is, if you play your cards right, Larry was actually on the interstate to the road of getting over that.
Actually, I'm curious: what would you, or anyone for that matter, want to do with Chuck?
I know Molly's not dead, but I still think she's worth mentioning (even though Jane was/is pretty much Molly 2.0).
Sarah. Nick. Sarita. Literally everyone from Season 2
I typically find myself wishing that TWDS2 could've stuck to the tone set up in the phenomenal No Time Left and favored a more minimalist form of story-telling in which Clementine and Sam traveled around throughout the majority of the season searching for some kind of salvation.
I guess then we wouldn't have had that interesting set up (that eventually went nowhere) in which the cabin group and Clem met. Still, could've been a genuinely interesting story.
Wow. You never notice how sloppy something looks until you see it up close.
I didn't really get the question. You mean, how would I develop him if I would work on this game? It's hard to tell but I certainly wouldn't kill him so soon. I feel like he's a really wise man and he could be the voice of reason of the group.
It would be great if Clementine would be friends with Duck. She only interacts with adults
Okay, that's the gist of what I can imagine. Unlike say Natasha, his death didn't really give us much of anything other than the implication he was always ready to commit suicide when the time was right, so I definitely list him as a character who should've had more done with him. However, Chuck also is one of those characters where the role he plays in the plot is so minor yet major that I honestly have a hard time brainstorming how to include him in later scenes.
Alvin. I was actually quite happy when he helped Clementine in my playthrough and he pretty much accepted her as part of the group in ep. 2. I would have love to see this giant nerdy guy kick some ass to protect his family, but sadly never got the chance. O well, at least Alvin got to die a bad ass if Clem saves him.
You know, just because someone where's glasses doesn't automatically make them a nerd. Just sayin.
But I agree.
lol true.
Who the fuck is Talia?
He meant Tavia. I guess he has a lot of Batman on the brain. Good eye there, mate!
Yes, I know about Sarah. But I can't temember if Clementine had nay other kid friends. I want her to have someone her age as her friend.
he could have been the Carl from the comics of telltale's TWD
Sorry dude, I guess the joke didn't get across very well. The point was that you said one of the problems with Season 2's setup and I recall that show having a magic word of the day, so I used it as if you won the lottery.
But yeah, that's part of what make the presence of Sarah(and to a lesser extent, Michelle, Becca, and Arvo) that much more interesting. And Kenny's a bit more baffling.
Okay, I don't watch the TV Show, but I do know that Carl isn't a very liked character. Just sayin.