Favorite quote from season 2?
So what are you guys favorite quotes from season 2?
my favorite is: ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER -Kenny
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So what are you guys favorite quotes from season 2?
my favorite is: ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER -Kenny
Ha, the good old Pulp Fiction reference. Had to pause the game to laugh at that once Kenny said it
Kenny :"I was thinking we go with Alvin Junior" - Clementine: "Yeah, real creative"
Kenny: "You know what Lee sacrificed for you? What I did?"
Pete: "Sooner or later you're going to have to realise a simple truth" - Nick: "What that you're an asshole?"
i agree wtih every one of those quotes
Why do you like it? Not, seriously, I can't think in a way someone can like the meaning of that phrase, I find it racist and rude. But that's because I'm me and you're you, and our mind is different, we see things in a different way. I don't want to start a fight, I would just like to know what does that phrase have that you find atractive enough to consider it you're favourite quote of the season.
Please no hate...
Didn't we already have a thread dedicated to quotes in general?
To be fair, I'm pretty sure that was aimed at Vitali, who was pretty much ignoring the fact that Kenny had taken Arvo hostage in favor of killing the whole group.
However, for the occasions where he was talking to Arvo, because Witty'Kenny'Dialogue! Because THAT totally makes up for bad writing.
Though, "Don't speaka de English?" is hilarious for all the wrong reasons.
"Do it... just, just do it."
-Kenny, the indomitably evil bearded one. 2015.
i dunno havent seen that one.
"Just take the kids. Please...just take the kids. It's too dangerous out here for 'em. It's just a little girl and a baby boy! You can make room for that! You can take back the supplies you gave us, if that helps! Please, just...I need them to be safe! And it's safe in there! I know that. Just...ask someone, please? They won't make it out here. Please!"
That line showed me just how selfless and caring Kenny really is.
Here it is.
"You know... Jaime... Sarah... I'm not going to stick around and- and watch it happen to you too. (...) You take care of yourself. I mean that... (...) Here. Versatility is NOT overrated." - Jane, Amid The Ruins.
"There are people out there who are scared. Who don't know what to do. You could be helping them, but instead you're just... sitting in a dark tent feeling sorry for yourself."
"Sorry for myself? The hell do you know, Clementine?"
"I had to shoot Lee! So don't be an asshole and pretend you're the only one who has lost people!" - Clem and Kenny, Amid The Ruins.
"Rebecca! Our baby deserves to be raised in a place of safety!" - Carver, A House Divided.
"I'm worried about Kenny. He's... He's in a dark place. (...) You're the only one that he trusts, that he REALLY trusts. That means you're the one that's gonna have to pull him back." - Jane, No Going Back.
"Do you... remember when you saw me first? Back at the lodge? I felt real bad you believed me. 'She can't hurt anyone'. (...) You ever done something you regret? Even when it's something you knew you had to do?" - Bonnie, No Going Back.
"That group is cracking... I've seen it before. (...) You don't wanna be here when they start... turning on eachother. Turning on you." - Jane, Amid The Ruins.
" (Talking about Kenny) I've seen that look before."
"I've seen it too. A few times."
"Then you know what's about to happen. I know Kenny's a nice guy, Clem... I bet Carver was a nice guy too, once... Probably had a nice job, a nice, pretty wife. Then all this happened and one day he caved some kid's face in and realised he could sleep at night."
"We can still make this work."
"All I'm saying is, start thinking about what happens if you're wrong." - Jane and Clem, No Going Back.
"Killing one in order to save many is... part of survival. It's one of the though decisions a weaker person couldn't make. It's why it falls to people like us to lead them to safety. (...) They are weak and we are strong..." - Carver, In Harms Way.
"Clem... you made the right choice... I let you down... I let everyone down..."
"Why did you make me do this?!" - Kenny and Clementine, No Going Back.
"I used to think that... That maybe all the horror hadn't gotten to you yet... But you watched your friend murder Carver. Not just kill him but... Clem, you didn't even blink! (...) He (Carver) was a bad man. No question about that. I just hope we don't become the same." - Luke, Amid The Ruins
"You're going to be a good mom."
"We sure have come a long way since we first met, uh? You're a good kid, Clementine. I'm glad you'll be there to watch out for this baby" - Clementine and Rebecca, Amid The Ruins (This one is particularly heartbreaking knowing that everyone that was there during his birth aside from Clem is now dead, missing or worse. Clementine is the only person that remains to tell AJ about his parents, about the man who baptized him, about the people who protected him...)
"That's not the Kenny I know in there. I wish... I thought... I could save him."
(A few episodes later)
"You know the thing about people like you, Kenny? You're just a bomb waiting to go off. Everyone talks about you behind your back because they're afraid of you. Mike. Bonnie. Sarita!" - Sarita, In Harms Way and Jane, No Going Back.
Seems we always wanna talk about the end, don't we?
I just discovered this line several days ago. And it is amazing!
Huh. Who said that?
Jane says it in Episode Four when you ask her what happened to her sister
"Go on, and wait outside"- Kenny in episode 3 when he is about to kill Carver
"Everyone I grew up with... it all happened to them. Now, it's gonna happen to us. We're all so fucked. This world is fucked. I mean, what's the point? We'll just march to some new place and somebody else will die. It's never gonna stop. And eventually, it'll be our turn." - Nick
It was just a funny line, don't take it too seriously.
Kenny: I bring 'em a workin' truck and they act like I just shit in their cereal!
Damn right it did.
Kenny: "I was just in darkness and you showed up with some light but I thought I needed to stay a little longer, when I should've went with you."
Luke: "There's not one part of that son of a bitch I don't hate but that does not make this right!"
Clementine: "No one who died is anyone's fault, we all wanted to be together and it just went bad, but we owe it to them to try and make the best of this!"
...ok, I guess...
When did he say that? I can't remember.
It's funny that the same woman that shows that level of awareness to social cues and can properly dissect the mental nature of curiosity under dire circumstances in episode 4 would be the same idiot that hides an infant in a truck and haphazardly pins herself for death just to prove a point most of the audience knew about the danger posed by Kenny.
Almost as though the people who wrote episode 5 just said "fuck it."
Great quote nonetheless.
Funny line, hypocritical humor.
Well, when you put it like that...
Mine is either "Sometimes you gotta play a role...even if it means people you love hate you for it"-Pete All that remains or "still. not. bitten-Clementine all that remains
Not a favorite line, considering I just discovered it, but it's worth noting.
Clementine: You wanna hug?
Sarah: ...
Clementine: Okay, well I owe you one for later then. You might not know its coming though, but I could just sneak up on you when you're not expecting it.
"I had to shoot lee, so don't be an asshole and pretend you're the only one who's lost people." -Clementine to Kenny.
It's a determinate line. Most people don't get it. In EP5 when they make camp and Kenny apologizes for how he acted when Sarita died, you have to pick "You really hurt me"
Oh, well I said "You don't have anything to apologize for. I know you didn't mean it.
Luke: How did we get here?
Clementine: We walked.
Do not test me girl! I will pass everytime! -Carver
Almost everything this guy says is freaking gold.
Admittedly, yes, he does have some decent dialogue. Too bad he's so one-note otherwise, though.
The game not once allows the player to communicate that Clementine is aware of the inevitable danger that being with Kenny is. It is entirely reasonable that she would want to demonstrate this to Clem, isn't it? She was not showing the audience.
He was a cool villian imo. Particularly because of his dialogue. Reminds me of a full grown school bully that could back his shit up.
Or an insufferable asshole whose higher than average ACT scores, combined with his fascination for the nature channel, Mobster movies, and dictator documentaries, made him think he had the right to lord over everything.
Carver built his castle, so he's gonna lord over it. Nobody can stop him and nobody wants to stop him.... till Clem and Kenny.
If this isn't selfless, I dunno what the fuck is.
That's a funny way to spell Kenny.
You're absolutely correct, many players thought Kenny posed no conceivable threat so my previous claims are henceforth void.
What was I thinking?