Season 2 was Clementine's story, Season 3 is the continuation of her story AND the introduction to Javier's story. Just because the focus is set on another character doesn't mean that Clementine's story is suddenly put to a halt.
S3 will be about Javier's story and not Clementine's? Are you kidding me? So season 2 and 3 wasn't about Clem's story, it was about settin… moreg Clem up to meet Javier so we could learn about him. Do they not realize that people play this game because of her character and her story.
Might as well have made a totally new game about a new guy. Tbh I usually have faith in TTG but they really took a sharp left this time. Dammit. I was hoping this wouldn't happen.
Yeah he said that, so it goes like:
S1: Clem depends on Lee
S2: Clem is on her own
S3: Clem is responsible and mature enough that someone else depends on her i.e. Javier
Wright Micah^ abandon Build 17 (change Rynna post for more clarity) telltale community (Windows server 2008 Vista)
thick you & sorry … moreRynna that people are attacking you at less you were trying to be calm & reasonable.
I have been looking at the community. for the last week and found aggressive comments, including attacking others users.
thick you 1740559. you made a bitter explainable tune i did. below Karnedg2013
for someone who has PDSD, i was in-sharkt of how badly Javier was tranted. Nobody knew this fucking guy. OK i complacently understand. why people love clementine like i do. but If i play the game i look aware of clementine. who cares if we play as him. That he may tell clementines deepest darkness self from her past that not even clementine herself want's people to knew about.
the point is every time i look at Clementine. i get super uncomfortable from my past haunting me. I stall played the game and happily don… [view original content]
Am I the only one actually alright with S3 focusing more on Javier? We know Clementine's story and we still get to play as her and explore i… moret further, I don't mind a new character to get the spotlight - at least that ensures they'll have character development lol
If he's introduced as this major character in Episode One, I hope that's continued and not dropped to the point where he becomes a secondary character with few interactions.
I know he said Javy was gonna be playing a bigger role than Clem, but did he specify that Javy was going to play more of a role in the whole season? If he didn't specify then I hope it's a bigger role in only episode 1.
So much fuss over a title and shared story, seriously though, why don't we all give the game a chance before resorting to judgement - we haven't even seen a second of the game and we're all deciding that we don't like or like where the course of the Season is going.
I'm trying to keep an open mind towards this new season, but I don't like what they are doing so far (removing Season 3's name to appeal new… more players, make Javier be the main protagonist and keep Clementine a bit in the back...).
I always thought that Telltale's The Walking Dead protagonist was Clementine. If they wanted to appeal to a new audience who hasn't played the previous seasons, they could've just released a spin off game without messing up with Clem's story.
Oh wait oh fuck, Job said that they "hope" to get it out sometime in November and no "exact" date has been set and that they getting it out by the end of the year. Delay confirmed? Lol
Yasss! Even in Season One Clementine was still trying to discover who she was, it wasn't really until Season Two that her character started to fully shape - Lee's story in Season One mostly encouraged the direction of her change, at least that's how I like to see it.
I'm actually okay with the idea of Javier having a larger role than Clementine.
It could mean that since Javier is the main focus, this m… moreay help give Clementine some more depth in her character when we don't play as her, so she would be able to have a mind of her own instead of being too influenced by our past choices.
As a player character in Season 2, she felt too much like a blank slate where we could make her do whatever we desired, as opposed to being true to herself.
If you look back to Season 1, it was really about you know, becoming this surrogate caretaker Lee and protecting Clementine, and really givi… moreng her this help that she needed and this hope and knowledge to survive, and Clem needed you. So after going through a second season and then effectively starting anew in Season 3 we have a character like Javier who’s strong but, I still think that he’s still a little lost, and I think the roles are very much reversed and as the player you’re going to find that Javier needs Clem.
This game is going to kill me. I c-can’t, the words are chocolate! CHOCOLATE!
Am I the only one actually alright with S3 focusing more on Javier? We know Clementine's story and we still get to play as her and explore i… moret further, I don't mind a new character to get the spotlight - at least that ensures they'll have character development lol
I hope the Whisperers will make an appearance in the game. And, since Telltale made a whole three episode mini series to introduce Michonne to people who don't watch the show or read the comic, I have a strong feeling she might pop up.
lack of focus in one of the main characters; now Tales balanced this perfectly, I feel like I saw as much of Fiona as I saw of Rhys,
Look, I agree with pretty much everything you said but this, we did see a lot of Rhys and Fiona in Tales, but at least I thought there was a clear bias to Rhys more than Fiona, he got the more interesting story with Handsome Jack, and the story more or less focused around him and Fiona just got pulled into it.
I feel like giving my two cents on everything we know so far. Read if you care : )!
Two playable protagonists, Clementine and Javier - I … moredon't see it as a bad thing, but also don't see it as a good one yet. I'm sure that having two protagonists will affect the game's original atmosphere that is focusing on a small group and interact with things from one sole prespective. In the past two seasons you, as the player, have only experienced things from one prescpective, one place, one sole relationship between a character, etc., changing that will definitely affect the game's original essense, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse, but it won't feel the same.
Pros about this:
* exapanding the universe horizons, which wouldn't have worked in the past seasons since we were more focused on one sole group, but will definitely work now that we're in a 'society of communities' setting;
* having two relationships with the same character (… [view original content]
It's all but confirmed that the network of communities will make an appearance, so it is likely that Michonne will appear! This should be interesting! Especially for the casual players who don't read the comic series but did play Michonne Miniseries and don't expect her to come back.
I hope that we're not required to enforce revenge at all.
It seems like we're playing as Javier in the four year timeline, and I believe it could be unrealistic for him to punish a crippled young adult for something that didn't even affect him nor his family.
lack of focus in one of the main characters; now Tales balanced this perfectly, I feel like I saw as much of Fiona as I saw of Rhys,
… more Look, I agree with pretty much everything you said but this, we did see a lot of Rhys and Fiona in Tales, but at least I thought there was a clear bias to Rhys more than Fiona, he got the more interesting story with Handsome Jack, and the story more or less focused around him and Fiona just got pulled into it.
I certainly would mind, especially since they said it'd be November. They didn't even announce the month until fairly recently, if they reneged on that it'd be pretty lame.
Ultimately we have zero control over it though and we'll all play it together when it does come out.
I think it's cool. We get to see Clem (now, an experienced survivor than when she used to be a little girl needing protecting) from a different perspective, as a character who we don't exactly know. Plus, we still get to play as Clem too, so that's a bonus. Giving her more character development alongside Javi.
Am I the only one actually alright with S3 focusing more on Javier? We know Clementine's story and we still get to play as her and explore i… moret further, I don't mind a new character to get the spotlight - at least that ensures they'll have character development lol
Season 2 was Clementine's story, Season 3 is the continuation of her story AND the introduction to Javier's story. Just because the focus is set on another character doesn't mean that Clementine's story is suddenly put to a halt.
The Clementine Trilogy
lol'd so hard
Yeah i saw it
No your not the only one. I want to see how it's like to play as someone who is just as strong as Clem but with a different personality.
If he's introduced as this major character in Episode One, I hope that's continued and not dropped to the point where he becomes a secondary character with few interactions.
This literally happens before the release of every Telltale game xD
So much fuss over a title and shared story, seriously though, why don't we all give the game a chance before resorting to judgement - we haven't even seen a second of the game and we're all deciding that we don't like or like where the course of the Season is going.
Maybe that's why there's no trailer yet? xD I wouldn't mind getting the game for December though
Yasss! Even in Season One Clementine was still trying to discover who she was, it wasn't really until Season Two that her character started to fully shape - Lee's story in Season One mostly encouraged the direction of her change, at least that's how I like to see it.
When I first read that, I imagined Clementine showing Javier how to stitch up his own arm x.x
I hope so! One way they could make choices have a lasting effect is letting determinant characters live through the entirety of the Season.
Sadly people like to use the 'This is just your opinion' card if people even so much as forget to add imo. It happens ALLOT in Forums x.x
I don't...
Nah man. I'm stoked for something a bit fresh.
I hope the Whisperers will make an appearance in the game.
And, since Telltale made a whole three episode mini series to introduce Michonne to people who don't watch the show or read the comic, I have a strong feeling she might pop up.
It just means that pretty much all they talked about at NYCC was info that we already knew, except for a few small details.
If they did, those characters probably wouldn't have much involvement with the story.
I don't lol
Revenge plot? Is this fake news or not? Either way, who is to say it's about AJ. Maybe the Arvo haters are getting their wish.
Look, I agree with pretty much everything you said but this, we did see a lot of Rhys and Fiona in Tales, but at least I thought there was a clear bias to Rhys more than Fiona, he got the more interesting story with Handsome Jack, and the story more or less focused around him and Fiona just got pulled into it.
I'm not annoyed by Javier. I love him.
It's all but confirmed that the network of communities will make an appearance, so it is likely that Michonne will appear! This should be interesting! Especially for the casual players who don't read the comic series but did play Michonne Miniseries and don't expect her to come back.
I hope that we're not required to enforce revenge at all.
It seems like we're playing as Javier in the four year timeline, and I believe it could be unrealistic for him to punish a crippled young adult for something that didn't even affect him nor his family.
When everyone hates you and you haven't even been introduced yet.
Javier: Pero no se cómo decir PENDEJA-DE-MIERDA en english!!
No you're not.
I never thought I would dread a new season of The Walking Dead but with each passing update I slide further and further down the scale.
I certainly would mind, especially since they said it'd be November. They didn't even announce the month until fairly recently, if they reneged on that it'd be pretty lame.
Ultimately we have zero control over it though and we'll all play it together when it does come out.
Just how everybody feels on their first day of school
I don't hate him.
I think it's cool. We get to see Clem (now, an experienced survivor than when she used to be a little girl needing protecting) from a different perspective, as a character who we don't exactly know. Plus, we still get to play as Clem too, so that's a bonus. Giving her more character development alongside Javi.
Were can I find all the information you guys are talking about? I couldn't see the panel but I can't find anything about it now...

Isn't there anything official or with more details?
No, not really. Here's what Ozzy recorded. You can watch that.