Arvo In S3
Arvo shooting Clem was probably the biggest thing that has happened in TWDG. I'm wondering how they'll fit that event into S3. I was thinking maybe they'll have a flashback where we see Arvo, Mike, and Bonnie, but now I'm not so sure.
After Clem got shot, Kenny, Jane, and I'm assuming Clementine were pissed off. But they didn't take revenge, on account of other pressing matters.(Fanfiction idea: Kenny, Jane, Clem, and AJ go after Arvo)
So I've been thinking that the dialogue choices between the time Clem put down Natasha, and Arvo put a bullet in Clem, would be the major factor. Maybe your treatment of Arvo will help shape Clementine. But I'm still not sure.
Can Clementine let it go? Did she forgive Arvo? Did she just blame it on the world she lives in? What do you think?
I really, really, REALLY would prefer if Arvo could just remain a little unexplored piece of the game that was never given any further inquiries about.
If he's in Season 3 I'm fucking murdering that son of a bitch, along with Mike and Bonnie.
If I see Arvo in S3 I won't immediately shoot him, but I'll tell him to take a hike and that if I ever see him again, then I'll shoot him.
Fuck him, that's what I think.
You want to fuck Arvo? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yeah, I want to take a shotgun and fuck him with it.
That's pretty kinky, dude.
I guess you could say that my Clementine would be in the middle on forgiveness towards Arvo. If they were to cross paths, she wouldn't exact revenge on him. She would simply never forget what he did to her, and would still feel unsafe and untrusting towards him. She emphasized with the situation he was in back then, and would never harm him, but she would never be able to form a stable and friendly relationship.
But uh, either way, I don't think that I would want Arvo to return. There are some characters that I am more open to the return of, but Arvo isn't really one of them. I don't mean this to be rude, either.
EDIT: Well, my previous answer was a little off topic. On topic response, her I come!
At this point, Clementine has experienced many near-death experiences. However, Arvo shooting her is the only one which we know of where someone alive deliberately got that close to killing her. (She has been harmed and attacked by others before, but the results were never this dire. Well, erm, as dire as this event should have been.)
I feel that Arvo shooting her is something that she would like to keep out of mind, although nonetheless it would occasionally rear its ugly head. I feel that her realizing, hey, this shot was a few inches away from killing me, would cause her some anxiety over how fragile her life is. I get that this is obviously drilled in by the many deaths of others, but I assume the fact that this happened to her would make everything seem more personal and real.
Also, she would probably feel a deep anger towards Arvo. While she sympathized with his position before the shooting, it's kind of hard to absolve someone of guilt when they deliberately try to physically harm or kill you.
I didn't mean him physically returning, as I don't really see a reason for him to be in S3. It would be about 2 years since the incident, and it would be too much of a coincedence for us to meet up with him by chance.
I just meant what kind of an impact would Arvo leave on Clementine, in S3.
Bonnie is dead in some people's plays. Arvo was injured and weakly. How could he survive outside of a group, let alone find Clementine? A chance meeting would be retarded after we already found Kenny. I know some people were making a big deal out of not being able to kill Mike anymore in the PS3 game, but why would the developers bring back the most one-note character in the entire series? I think Bonnie, Mike, and Arvo are dead ... or undead. The only thing that could have saved them is if someone took them in or if they had the supplies from the house.
Should've picked a better title.
I'm curious to know who you would like to see in future games.
I actually would like Clem's shooting to be explored, at least a little bit. Sweeping it under the rug, and claiming it as shit happens, is a little lazy, imo.
My Clementine wouldn't forgive Arvo, because there's nothign to forgive
It was an accident, and even if it was, it was a mistake. Kenny did worst thing for smaller stuff, are you really going to blame a broken, dead inside teenager (who was also beaten almost to death BEFORE HE DID ANYTHING [oh, come on! of course his group wanted revenge! they stole his sister medicine! Acording with translated dialogs, Natasha DID have a painful blood illness, and needed medication! What Arvo's group did is the same Rick's {Old Rick, not actual boring Rick} group would do!] by a crazy guy that was taking all his anger on him because he was weaker [Kenny was a typical bully here] WHO ALSO KILLED HIS SISTER!! [acording with translated dialogs] BECAUSE HE WAS ANGRY!!)
Nothing to forgive, Arvo. You can be happy now, I'm gonna protact you from haters from now
It really depends on Clementine's current state for me. We'll be returning with her again after not seeing her for a couple of years. If she's still the rational person I played her as, I'll see some forgiveness in Arvo, so long as he's changed.
Won't want revenge now though, my Clementine wouldn't ever go that far.
I really don't see how you can forgive someone literally trying to kill you.
IMO Mike and Arvo are must haves in Season 3.
Well. I would definitely hurt Arvo more worse than Kenny did. And let Mike go with minor injuries.
But it wasn't an accident. He shot her with full intent. It's not like poor little Arvo tripped, dropped the gun and it went off, shooting Clementine by pure mistake. He aimed, pulled the trigger and shot an 11 year old, before running off like a coward, afraid of the repercussions of his actions.
Oh! I'm really sorry about that. I read the description, but the general trend of previous comments seemed to be about Arvo returning, and I think that caused my mind to shift gears a little. Sorry for any frustration. I think that I'll just type up an edited section on my original post that pertains more to your topic.
I don't want to get too off-topic here, but since you asked, I'll try to offer an answer.
I've frequently shifted my stance on the topic of returning characters, but currently I reside somewhere in the middle. There's no one that I really want to see, but I'm not fervently against the concept of someone returning like other users. Returning characters really push the suspension of belief, especially if a reunion has already been had. I don't mind if a story forgos realism as long as it serves to better the story. If it's not done well or thoughtfully, the negatives of an unbelievable plot-line will just out-weigh the good.
The character that I'm most open to return of is Lily. This is mainly because I'm extremely biased towards her character, but I also feel that she could provide many opportunities story-wise. If they were to continue to develope Lily without butchering her previous characterization, forcing her into a role, pushing her into the spot-light, or throwing her in without a plan that serves the greater good, then they might as well leave her out.
I felt that Lily was a very complex character, and that her exit from Season 1 left many questions unanswered. While I feel that these questions could very well remain unanswered, I also believe that explaining them won't soil the tone of the game. Christa's disappearance, for example, also left many events unexplained. I feel that this adds greatly to the bleak, yet hopeful mood of the game. The unknowing and ambiguousness of her departure is something that I really enjoy, and don't want to be altered. I don't want to say that Lily's departure didn't hold the same weight as Christa's. It was just...different. Both of her exits were very emotional and well-done, in my opinion, but I feel like she could be explored more than Christa, for example, because her existance or lack therof doesn't weigh as heavily on the foundation of this game's themes. (I don't think I'm wording this well)
Lily, if still alive, must have gone through many changes since our last encounter with her. With the way her mental state was when we abandoned her or when she left the group, it makes me really curious as to how she would be now. Her character could possibly add to the development of Clementine, what with Lily shooting either Carley or Doug. Could Clementine trust her? Would she welcome Lily with open arms? Would she remain more wary of her former group member? Could there be a determinant sub-plot of aiding in recovery? Clementine choosing to trust or not trust an old friend, or deciding to nurture or disregard someone in need of guidance could speak heavily of who she has become. But then again, I suppose you could do this with a new character.
But with all of this said, I don't feel a strong need for any character to return, let alone Lily. While I feel like that she's the best option, I still don't think that she needs to be in there. Because of how unlikely the scenerio is, if she isn't handled extremely well, then it's not that good of a choice. If any character were to return, they would have to hold up as a good continuation of their character, while simultaneously advancing the plot and staying away from the forefront. Telltale needs to focus on developing new characters instead of those long gone. Now callbacks to old characters? Those I am completely fine with, no matter the character. Sorry for the length of this.
As would a lot of things. Season 2 already has several instances of that, too.
Apparently, there was a shot or two in nicer playthroughs implying Arvo pulled the trigger on an impulse, which I don't accurately recall outside of Arvo's expression being different when Mike looks back at him on meaner playthroughs. As a matter of fact, I do know that the dummied out option to kill Mike has Arvo freeze up for a bit to take in what just happened before he stumbles off into the woods, so I guess that counts.
Of course, very few people really cares what he thought at that point since the deed was already done. Kinda hard to take back shooting someone, let alone a [admittedly badass] little girl.
Arvo is a bit of an overrated character if I'm being honest, but not without reason.
Honestly, one thing I hope Season 3 takes advantage of is flashbacks that develop previous characters in addition to Clementine. One of the many issues I had with Season 2 as it proceeded was that Clementine's character, opinions, and feelings about certain things felt like they were being ignored or downplayed in favor of giving Kenny and Jane prominence at every other junction. This even extended to certain characters, like Sarah, Mike, and Arvo himself, being boiled down to the basic characteristics and biased views for the sake of just having things happen with them without actually focusing on their characters.
So, if Arvo does show up again, I hope they'll do the fair thing and try to develop him a little while he does whatever it is his role entails.
I'd shoot Arvo on sight, its not even a question for me. I didnt like that guy from the moment I saw him and was severely dispointed I couldn't kill him while I was robbing him. Was disappointed I couldn't help Kenny kick the shit out of him. I understood when he shot Clem though, we kind of had that comming at that point.
But Arvo dies on sight if I have anything to say about it.
What? This scumbug probably die after 10 minutes in the wood with him injured leg.
I think Mike leave him after he shoot Clem. Alone he's no way to survive, he become a food for wolves i hope
Simultaneously, bringing Arvo back is heavily unrealistic.
Well, this sounds great!
The gunshot is definitely something that I want to see explored.
Lee makes me sick in that GIF.
It'd be interesting if he happens to be one of the captured people (iirc, Javi's family was captured based on interviews) and he's in one of the cells in the slaughterhouse and so you're presented a choice of letting him go free or leaving him to rot.
Are you kidding?
Was he supposed to take yet another beating from the one-eyed asshole?
It's because some are able to understand his motivation and mindset, actually.
Similar to Yvette's case, I suppose?
I actually dunno who that is. lol
Fear The Walking Dead?
A character from TFTBL
Well, I guess I know what sort of person you are.
That's accurate to one of my predictions!
...Maybe? Nah, I'm kidding.
At least I'd probably be something resembling a fair fight that time.
Can you imagine how outraged players would've been if Arvo had stayed instead of "running off like a coward," then Kenny had attempted to attack him and Arvo shot him in self-defense?
Exactly! Yvette is from Tables from the Borderlands.