What episode would you rewrite?
No fancy name this time. Sue me.
Anyway, everyone has their favorite episodes, their least favorite episodes, and their episodes that, while good, could've been that much better with a tweak or two. Not to steal thunder from dan's topic here, but if you could rewrite any episode from Season 1, 400 Days, Season 2, or Michonne, which one would you pick?
Note: This isn't a pick your poison type of thing. Pick one episode to talk about in one post, then feel free to pick another to talk about in the next. Just try and keep it short if you wanna talk about more than one episode in the same post. Enjoy!
6/04/17 EDIT: Okay, I know it's been a while since anyone's been here and I'm sure you're all dying to contribute your own ideas, but I gotta set some ground rules:
- Try not to talk about only a single character in a post unless you plan on elaborating on their story arc in an episode with notes hinting as to if/how it will be continued in the next episode(s). I don't want to risk this to become yet another wasted character thread when that's not what this is for, but I'm not saying you can't do it at all if it's necessary for you at the time.
- Given that ANF is complete now, feel free to talk about it but try to remember to designate what Season/Installment you're talking about in a post. Bold letters at the very top of the post can help.
- If you're talking about a single episode, try to talk about at least two arcs in it if it's not gonna be very long. However, you don't have to do equally short/long passages; I just want to encourage some decent productivity.
- Try not to discuss multiple seasons/installments in a post since that can get pretty confusing. Only do so if it involves a common plot point or whatever that's relevant.
- Be creative! That's not really a rule so much as a pep talk type of thing...except really short. ....Yeah, I got nothing else to say here.
Have fun otherwise!
In Harm's Way.
I'll get back to you on why later.
EDIT:This was an astoundingly disappointing follow-up to the previous episode if only because its bare as fuck. The story is that the Cabin and Ski Lodge groups have been captured by Carver and are transported back to his settlement within Howe's Hardware. Faced with the rigorous conditions of their imprisonment, entire days of nothing but forced labour, the dubious credibility of the other prisoners, the varying work ethic of the guards, and the psychopathic tyranny of the cult leader himself, Clementine, Kenny, and Luke must work together so that they may escape this harsh settlement before an approaching walker herd hits it. That's the entire story in a huge nutshell and yes that is a damn shame because it can summed up in two words/sentences or rather an entire genre: jail break. Since the plot is much more detailed than the story itself, I'll talk about each of the major story developments and how each has their problems that I feel need to be tweaked. First of all, notice how I neglected to name 80% of the cast? That's because unless your name is Kenny, Carver, Bonnie, ClementineKenny, Rebecca, or Sarah, then You! Do Not! Matter! And its sad too, cause I think quite a few of those other characters had potential to be something more but either didn't get an oppurtunity to really shine or when they did, another character came running up and photobombed for five minutes.
I dont know really, I think the episodes overall were fine direction wise but certain character arcs needed work or changing, different ones in each episode
Amid the Ruins.
I can't forgive the writers of that episode for what they did to 2 of my favorite characters.
Well, I've actually tried to adapt both Amid The Ruins plot and What We Deserve plot (and got some not yet written ideas for No Going Back), the former in order to make it more chaotic, dark and depressing while keeping the episode's main topics and also to get rid of the stupid characters deaths (Sarah's second on and Nick's), and the latter in order to make it more branched (since the original was really underwhelming in that aspect (which, to be fair, is totally justified if they wish to use characters like Sam, Alex, Paige and James in season 3)).
Now, I'm not sure what you want for this thread. Do you want us to specify what we would exactly change in the episodes and how we would do it, or just the basic general idea? 'Cause if it's the former I'm ready to expand this, as Mr. Trump would say, 'bigly'.
Oh and I'd also change Alvin's whole character arc in In Harms Way and make him live until No Going Back by giving him proper characterization and a proper arc (I have half of it done, I was usually gonna post it on the character arc's thread but I just dropped it ...)
I wouldn't rewrite any of the episodes as a whole, but I would fix the character development definitely.
No Going Back (I'd make the choice Luke vs Kenny instead of Jane vs Kenny, I'll figure out how to make it work story wise somehow)
Amid The Ruins. I'd fix the bad writing on Nick and Sarah.
EDIT: I'd have Nick survive until episode 5 and die in the shootout. Sarah's death in episode 4 not determinant and have her die her second death.
I think the main reason Kenny vs Luke didn't happen is because Luke was just way too morally 'good' (in the masses perception of 'good') to actually ever try to actively kill Kenny. Though, it's not entirely impossible to set up a scenario where it could actually play out without ooc behavior.
Let's say Luke can be saved from the ice lake. Clem, Bonnie and Luke all need a fire and Kenny as usual goes onto violent rant mode. Instead of blaming Arvo for getting Luke killed, he'll blame him from almost getting three people killed. As in the original game, the situation escalates once Arvo sticks up to Kenny and Kenny starts beating. Mike (because of the weird obsession he had for Arvo in the original game) tries to help Arvo and free him from Kenny. Kenny ends up pulling him away making him trip which results in Mike hitting his head on the fireplace and breaking his neck (or maybe even have his head hit the corner of the fireplace resulting on him having his skull cracked open! Human... Which would be more brutal?). Mike is now dead, everyone is completely speechless and shocked. Kenny, looking completely stunned manages to mumble some words ('Oh god... I didn'- I'm so so sorry... I-) before running away into the woods. The crew gives Mike a proper burial and they all mourn him together. Finally, Luke claims they're moving on and heading back south to which Clementine objects that Kenny is still out there and that they should look for him. Everyone will gang up on Kenny saying that he is too far gone and that he's probably miles away by then and Clem has the option to object telling em all that what happened with Mike was an accident (which it was) or gradually agreeing with them. Regardless, she is presented with the choice of agreeing to take off without looking for Kenny or insist that they must try to get Kenny back into the fold (which results in Luke disagreeing further and say that they won't look for him after what he did and also claiming that it's already decided that they're all going South). Either way, Kenny appears Justin Time ('You're not taking her anywhere'). Kenny and Luke discuss and they both loose their nerve. Clementine, like in the usual Kenny vs Jane fight, tries to intervene but they just won't listen. The fight resolves quite similarly to Kenny vs Jane. Kenny manages to pin Luke in the ground, he grabs him by the throat and starts squeezing. Kenny's nails start piercing Luke's neck. [Shoot Kenny] [Look Away]. If Clem doesn't shoot Kenny, Kenny rips Luke's neck open (I'm just a sucker for brutal deaths!) And the rest is history.
Now, the one flaw I can see in this is Jane and Bonnie not taking part on the fight. If anyone can find a good reason for those two not be able to intervene or for them two not being present at all, that'd be great!
Now not wanting to boast or anything but I think this would also manage to make Kenny vs Luke not such an easy choice (because let's be real, flawless good guy vs Kenny. THE Kenny? Not hard at all!) because Luke's acts are based on something Kenny did by accident. It kinda reverses the roles. In the original Kenny attacks and condemns Jane for something she (claims) she did by accident and in this case Luke acts against Kenny based on something that was clearly an accident (a terrible one).
Sure! Please go into as much detail as you'd like!
Admittedly, I wasn't quite sure how much detail I wanted to go into myself. However, since dan#####'s topic was specificallu about character's, I thought a topic about entire episodes would be useful. Especially with the number of people who have come out and said they didn't like Season 1 Episode 4 and No Going Back.
See the link in the thread description for dan's topic.
No Going Back.
I'd need a lot of time, coffee, money, and more time. Because every-single-thing would need drastic overhauls to get the episode in even mediocre condition, let alone make it a proper finale to the season rather then what was shat out.
Oh yeah. That was something I tried to address in my fifth and sixth contributions to Dan's topic. Which was made easier by the fact that it was technically evident in Episode 3: basically, Mike seems to have a thing against youths needlessly risking their lives or being put in dangerous situations.
Wow. Is that a take that to Lee's Sandra situation in the first episode?
I noticed. Jeez, if Luke wasn't already my second favorite Cabin Group member, I'd probably save him just to avert that!
I was wondering about that myself. I guess for the sake of taking advantage of a dropped point in this post, they can probably be consoling Arvo over losing Natasha AND Mike. Well, at least Bonnie can. Not sure about Jane, who I assumed was on ice until you mentioned her just now.
Hopefully with more focus, closure, and consequences than in the actual game. Which is to say more than none.
Then feel free to check out Dan's topic or zombiebonnie's topic then. I've made quite a few contibutions there myself!
Believe it or not, I'd think that wouldn't require an entire rewrite of the episode, just their characters. Sure, some scenes could stand to be tweaked and strengthened, but I thought what the episode set out to do was fine, its the unfocused treatment of certain characters, sloppy execution of certain scenes, skewed by bias morality, and the improper follow up to those things that dragged the episode down in my opinion.
Here's dan#####'s topic and zombiebonnie's topic
Amid the Ruins - I hate that dialogue between Kenny and Clem + "situation" with Luke and Jane
Really now? What would you do to change/improve them?
I think that I would have to do a total rewrite...first thing I would change is Pete...Pete would live til episode 4. Pete was a good character. Nick would be the character I would rework to make him earn Clementine's friendship. Nick the young hothead would become the man he needed to be...it would be he, who would fight Kenny...no silly hide the baby...it would be because Kenny tries to kill Arvo who I would take the time to turn him into a real character.
Gonna pick an episode outside of Season 2 since it's way too easy to make fun of it and cherrypick writing flaws with Season Two. I'd personally rewrite Starved For Help. Not that I don't like that episode, but there are a ton of smaller writing flaws as well as a few major ones that I feel the episode would be a lot better without.
EDIT: And while thinking of episodes that'd be better with a few minor writing changes, while I loved TWD Michonne, the first episode nearly dragged the series down for me because of the minor writing errors. I'd also change up In Too Deep.
Interesting. I deliberately left the description vague because 1. this is loosely inspired by dan#####'s thread and 2. I wanted to see what people legitimately didn't like about Season 1.
You're the first, if I'm not mistaken.
Feel free to elaborate!
Yeeeah...I kinda figured that'd be the case. So I deliberately made it so that people could talk about more than one episode, preferably keeping it to one extensive episode rewrite per post.
Hmm, interesting. Characters like Carley, Pete, and even Sarita or Natasha are those I personally feel content leaving the way they were for the most part since they contributed something meaningful with their deaths. However, that's why I'm always game to see what others would want to see with them. Feel free to expand on those ideas, however basic!
Arvo is right up there with Sarah as a character I find to have a relatively decent foundation but with an execution that feels like it halfassed or even outright skipped a few steps. Curious as to your thoughts, both before and after your touch.
I just added what I would do in Dan's topic.
All that remains: That brat michelle should've killed clementine instead of omid!
To me...Arvo was just in a bad situation...what was his status with his group? Why hide the meds...unless he did not trust the others.
Care to expand on those concepts?
...K. Any quick suggestions as to how you'd change any minor thing?
Agreed. A neutral bystander without the nerve to actually do anything truly bad at worse who slowly descends into actual villainy after an unlucky encounter with the "heroes"(Jane specifically, obviously) spirals out of control.
There are theories and "theories" about that. Some involve him stealing from his group(which just doesn't make much sense in my opinion), some involve him preparing a new/additional base.
My personal thoughts on that involves his group having something of nebulous separate pasts(due to Buricko's tatoos and Vitali's psychosis contrasting with Arvo's passivity and Natasha's reasonableness), Buricko being the leader, traveling to Wellington at some point(due to the duffel bags being the same type) looking for shelter/supplies, having/finding that abandoned house to hold up in, Natasha legitimately having sickle cell anemia (the medication, described symptoms, and Arvo's sudden aggression when Jane threatens to take it in spite of him bringing her up), Arvo trying to hide that bag where he did for safekeeping on the dumb assumption no one would bother it while he makes the trip back again, Natasha being the one to suggest confronting the group in outrage for Arvo and her medicine being threatened, and Buricko deciding to rob the group back because he thinks they deserve it (or because he's a dick; either way works given the translated dialogue). Mostly just assumptions of varying cohesion to evidence provided, though.
He hates Clementine because he blames her for the deaths of Lee and Omid.
Oh, okay. I saw him in the Arvo thread and he had quite the replies there. I just assumed he hated children and teens in the Walking Dead in general, to be honest.
Also, kinda unorthodox to kill off your main character ten minutes into the first episode, but I'll bite!
Probably just bits of episode 4, just make the deaths that happened in it seem more satisfying. If season 3 doesn't answer the question somehow I'd definitely change the Arvo encounter, there are just too many holes in it for it to make sense. Why walk to that specific trash can to hide meds when his hideout was pretty far away? Why is Arvo hiding this stuff as the gruff Russians don't seem to hate his sister so I doubt they'd do anything to harm her? If he was trying to hide it from them why later tell them about the encounter (it could have been a slip of the tongue, but since it's not mentioned this comes off as weird)? There are just too many weird things about it that they never bothered to explain, I would mind episode 4 a lot less if 5 had explained at least some of these.
Episode 3, But it wouldnt just be a rewrite. I would split it into 2 episodes because my major gripe is that its to short. So the season would be 6 episodes long. The third episode would be a bit boring, but would have more world and character building to tee up the new 4th episode.
I would open the same and keep everything up until the first morning exactly as it was written.
I would open the next day with breakfast. The prisoners would be served a gruel like food while establishing that the inhabitants of Howes are eating better stuff.
I would give Reggie lots of dialouge here. I would have him establish a lot of world building here, the hierarchy of Howes, where Tavia and Troy fit into the scheme of things, how the work details are handed out, when meal times and bathroom breaks are given out.
After breakfast, I would go right into the Sarah gets slapped by her dad scene with no changes, next we would end up with Bonnie in the armory, I wouldnt change any dialogue but I would establish that they work together for a few hours before Clem gets her next work detail. Which would not be the scene in the greenhouse. I would have her work with another 400 days cast member. After another time skip of a few hours and some dialogue with who ever you work with we move on to the greenhouse scene. After that scene goes by unchanged I would have the day be over. Clem reports what happened to Reggie to the group and Bonnie but then a new day begins. This day is just another day of hard labor.
On the third day I would have the walker attack in the expansion and the talk with Carver. Afterwards we work with Rebecca and use that time to make her and Clem much more friendly.
On the next day we work with Sarah and Becca. This is a setup by Carver to see how Clem reacts when Becca is rough on Sarah. In my playthrough it would end with Becca and Clem fighting, but choices presenting other options would be available.
At this point Luke shows up, but instead of going strait for the radio that night, the mission is to get Luke some food. The next day the food count is off and what ever random NPC or 400 days character is in charge of the food gets punished by Carver severely. That night the group resolves to escape and the episode ends.
The new fourth episode would begin with Clem meeting Luke and making the plan to steal a radio, later Kenny does his bit and we decide to use the herd to escape. Clem completes her mission and on the next day Luke is found and Kenny gets beat. Kenny remains unconscious for a couple days.
Durring this time we see Clem work but we also see Carver more. We learn some backstory and we find out that Carver really does want Clem to join his community and earnestly believes her much more capable than anyone besides himself. Basically Carver gets how much a Badass Clem is more than anyone else.
After Kenny wakes up and Luke is better we find out that Carver plans to publicly execute Luke soon, so we make the plan to escape using the PA system, the rest of the episode plays out the same from here.
Its not perfect but I really do think this arc at Howes hurts everything that follows. With more time to let the story breathe the payoffs of AJ's birth and the Kenny/Jane fight wiuld have more weight behind them.
Just I hate that feeling that the best friend blame you, for something that you didn't do it. And that situation with Luke, it was just WOW. I'd never thought these two characters would....
Sorry, if there are some mistakes, my English is weak 
Knowing him, step one would be "Burn everything related to No Going Back into ashes. Then dissolve the ashes in acid. Scrub down the floors in bleach. Leave no trace that the old NGB ever existed. Just wipe it off the face of the earth, like the comet that killed the dinosaurs."
Yeah, I have my own thoughts of varying cohesion regarding him. Due to how I solid think the foundation of characters like Arvo, Sarah, and a few others were, I can sometimes make a faux educated guess at the intentions.
Like, Arvo is, from my personal understanding, a random bystander who becomes something of an adversary to Clementine due to a misunderstanding encouraged by shady circumstances. Having him suddenly come back with own group with sorta intimidating appearances and dialogue, but kinda understandable views of their adversaries (based on the translated dialogue) combined with the presence of a woman who could be his sick sister would make you question how truthful Arvo was being earlier and be a little on edge due to not being able to understand his group. Having the other Russians die, with Arvo paying special attention to the woman, without anything beyond "You robbed that boy Arvo, so now we're gonna take whatever we want from you!" being established about them would continue to send mixed messages about whether they were villainous or if you just wiped out the group of a neutral guy you did technically rob earlier for being angry at you for doing so.
However, the one step I think was necessary to have, whether you sympathize with them or not, is a definitive answer in the form of their house. Pictures, guns, blueprints, stolen belongings, remains of recently used medication, anything that proves one way, another, or even both as to the status of the Russian Group before the encounter between Clementine, Jane, and Arvo. The supplies sorta fill that role a bit, especially once you realize they're the same basic type of bags given out at Wellington, but I'm talking about something that comments on who Buricko, Vitali, and Natasha really are when they're not going after an enemy. I think it would've been more effective to the story if it was one with a sprinkle of the other: personal things showing that this is indeed their unfinished house after immigrating to America, but also some things makes you wonder whether you were one of the first groups who they had to fight against or just their latest victim.
K. Also, the Reply button is your friend: use it!
Clementine: Needed more focus devoted to talking about her opinions and feelings on certain things, namely her relationships and history, as well as more emphasis on her as a character that will be developed.
Quick explanation: See any mentions of her below because laziness. The basic ideas include: a forgiveness arc, a trust arc, her mutual faith in Kenny being tested, closer relationships with certain characters, having her patience tested (Clementine the [Supposed] Brute), and just having more character put into her. Specific things I want to bring are her remorse concerning the death of Omid, her feelings of coldness brought on by her emotional and physical separation from Christ, her friendship and mentoring relationship with Sarah, her confidant and encouraging role towards Nick, her sibling like partnership with Luke, her support of Rebecca concerning her stress over her family, her chance at closure on the topic of Christa and Omid, and her animosity with the likes of Carver and Troy.
Kenny: PISS OFF--naw, I'm kidding.
Honestly, I thought he was okay, just give some more screentime and development to the other characters to compensate and I'm golden.
Quick explanation: Okay, I lied a little bit. He does have a small arc revolving around how much faith he has in Clementine and himself and a few things revolving around the Ski Group including "Kenny and Sarita", but that's it. For now.
Carver: Actually follow-up on all of the buildup leading to the third episode. Make him less black and white in terms of morality and make us believe he was a great leader at one point. Actually go into his implied history with Luke, Carlos, and Alvin since it was clearly the source of most of their intended development.
Quick Explanation: Little things like "George," his history with the Cabin Group, and the "reformation" of Michelle and Mike(whose just being himself, but whatever) would help better uphold Reggie and Bonnie's insistence that he is a good leader to play with the player's interpretations for a bit but the truth will gradually be revealed to represent that he really was something resembling a decent leader once but he grew into a psychopathetic control freak as time went on.
Bonnie: I thought she was kissablefine for the most part. Maybe go into her drug problems and what happened with Leland for continuity sake. Describe how she got into Carver's good graces and why she felt dedicated enough to defend him at first.
Rebecca: Make her change in attitude towards Clementine less sudden and more natural. Explain her relationship with Carver so that we have a better idea of what her dilemma was.
Sarah: Maybe give her a more concentrated focus, go into deconstructing her place in the group compared to everyone ese a little more, [please] don't get too black and white with her, and, as I was recently reminded of, have her actually be available to talk to in between action sequences.
Quick explanation/Sneak peak for future plans: The same basic stuff that happens in the game except with an added subplot (" Sarah's Corruption") revolving around her slowly accepting Carver's ways but not wanting to believe in them due to her heart telling her its wrong. There's few minor things implying that she's trying to mature a bit due to helping Rebecca, Nick, and Sarita with their issues. Also, she may determinately kill/injure Becca unintentionally, but that's more of a rough idea than an concrete addition, so ignore it for now.
Mike: Went into him in depth in dan's topic. Aside from that, better develop his dynamic with Kenny, Bonnie, Clementine, and Arvo so that his betrayal means more. 9 Days later, the Ski Cabin Group arrive and he comes into conflict with Clementine, Rebecca, and Kenny.
Quick explanation: His original past as "Ralph" is kept to continue the themes established by Walter in the previous episode and to give both him and Clementine an arc based around trust and forgiveness. His added connections to Michelle is another determinate choice that impacts their friendship, which in turn highlights his protectiveness of youths. Basically, he's set up as a foil to Lee who failed to do what he knew was the right thing and is now paying for it.
Luke: Some actual non-story based interaction with him so we can actually learn who he is in the first couple of episodes. Make him more of a character, less of an icon. On that note, make him less white and black as well so people can shut the fuck up.
Quick explanation: There would be a little more conversation/interaction with him after he shows up, possibly through the walkie talkies. For those who couldn't convince Walter, there would be a small subplot revolving around "The Murder of Nick," which has him question whether he was ever a good friend to have allowed Nick to get himself killed like that. Nothing too serious in this episode obviously, but I thought it was something that needed addressing.
Troy: Meh. I thought he was fine, just have his relationships with Carver, Tavia, Bonnie, and Mike mentioned a bit.
Quick explanation: He has one line that I'm trying to jump hurdles concerning how long the group are held at Howe's, so we'll see where that goes. I considered having him kill Becca/Michelle/both, but I think just having him be a hick is enough. Also, the originally intended connotations regarding him and Jane are being left out of personal preference, since I feel it cheapens the creepy badass loner vibe she had goin on and robs him of the overcompensatory vibe he seemed to have.
Nick: Honestly, I thought he was fine compared to most of the other characters. Definitely give him more screentime in Episode 3 so that the events of the next episode means more. Plus, follow-up on his thoughts after the events of the previous episode(Again, future plans
Sneak peak for those future plans: After the hostage situation in which Walter, who spared Nick's life despite the loss of Matthew, was killed by Carver in reaction to Kenny killing Johnny, Nick has a case of survivor's guilt over how many good people have died or gotten hurt due to his reckless actions. This is part of the reason he just kinda loafs around in the episode and just reacts to things: he feels like he should've been the one who died instead of Walter or Matthew due to his guilt complex. It is this feeling of regret that causes him to encourage Clementine to forgive Mike for what he was a part of and maybe even Michelle to follow Walter's example because you never know when the chance to make it up to someone will be taken for you. Still trying to think of a way to implement the whole "Nick's Redemption" plot without falling into the same alternating traps that his "canon" death and Kenny's presence fell into, though.
Jane: KILLITWITHFIYA!--no, don't. Again, went into her plenty of times in the past. Just make her less unintentionally unsympathetic and you're probably good.
Reggie: Okay, I actually do wanna talk about him at some point(FUU-TUURE! PLAAAANS!). Going by some of the comments I've seen about him, I can sum up my answer to some of that talk with having the group spend a decent amount of time with him and make him NOT seem delusional.
Sneak peak for those future plans: Something I've wanted to talk about for a little while is people's reaction to him: namely, the fact that it's rarely brought up but negative and deriding the few times I've seen it. So, there will be a more time devoted to having him interact with the group to help get his personality across better than it apparently did. This involves him having his overall good nature underscore with some shady traits that make it clear that he's just making the best of a truly bad situation. This involves him confiding in Clementine and Sarita/whoever-else-I-decide-to-use about his complicated feelings toward the Cabin Group: basically, he does have some bitter feelings that he's just too nice to fall back on when they show up again. The idea is that he did initially want to hate them for just leaving him behind but he couldn't himself to hold it against them for very long out of understanding, hence his comment towards Nick claiming it's his fault. He'd also have his friendship with Mike fleshed out a little, up to the point of knowing about Michelle's presence and "reformation" from before Mike got captured but not having the heart to tell him what's happened to her.
Becca: How is life under Carver compared to Roman? What is her history with Sarah? I mentioned my...bizarre execution of many fans' desire in dan's topic.
Quick explanation: She's there to show what type of citizen Carver's leadership is breeding and make the citizenry of Howe's feel relevant. She's little more than a nuisance meant to make Clementine and/or Sarah blow their stack and give her what for. Basically, a take that moment for the people who didn't like her attitude. I originally considered her determinately dying for various reasons, but I realize that I really don't feels its that necessary or even fair from a moral standpoint, even if it's to show how corrupted Carver/Sarah has/is become/becoming. So again, just assume she just gets smacked or curbstomped or something and then just decides to leave them alone.
Russell: Did his trust of Tavia pay off? Is his encounters with Steve and Nate still haunting him?
Quick explanation: He has a minor role in the determinate Michelle subplot for arc-welding reasons. Nothing too major, but I saw an opportunity to make him feel like a little more than just an "after school special protagonist" (I'm sorry, you few Russell fans, but he and Nate bother me for exactly that reason) and took it. He's there alngside Tavia when Clementine and Michelle determinately fight but he doesn't do much to help restrain Michelle for those same reasons.
Sarita: More screentime spent learning her backstory and developing her as her own character. Also, follow-up on her comments about her time with Kenny(Future Plansx3)
Sneak peak for those future plans: Okay, so she still plays something of a supporting role, but like Mike in the actual game, she's a professional supporting character only with more defined depth to her. Three traits I really want to play up are her stern presence in the face of danger, and her the innocence of youths, standards regarding, and things like vengeance. For an example of all three being utilized at once, she actually attacks Michelle at one point!
Carlos: Some time to learning about his backstory and more screentime that shows his redeeming qualities.followed up on. See dan#####'s topic for elaboration.
Alvin: Talk about his relationship and history with Rebecca. Also, one word: George (Future plans, maybe).
Michelle: Not really important, just something I wouldn't have minded seeing expanded and/or followed up on. See dan#####'s topic for elaboration.
Quick explanation: She's there to show the type of ex-con Carver's reform program is creating and make the laws of Howe's feel relevant. Admittedly, she functions as something of a deliberately bad example to make the roles and behavior of Carlos, Mike, Reggie, Bonnie, and for a bit Carver look better, as well as give Clementine a legitimate moment where she can choose to be flat out aggressive about something or try to find the strength we know she has to forgive and/or move on. She initially seems to have matured into a helpful member of the community, but suddenly being approached by Clementine after they've been through since their initial encounter causes her to show her hostile side again and go as far as to outright assault her due to a grudge. Basically, she's an evil counterpart to Clementine and Sarah who was faced with the "mean" nature of the more agrressive survivors and just accepted it as necessary.
Taavia: Give her more screentime, period. Maybe explain how much things have changed since she brought Bonnie to Howe's and give us an upfront experience of how she does her job. Personally, I'd think she'd be a middle ground between Bonnie and Troy(future plans for a square).
Sneak peak for those future plans: She's relatively abrasive and no-nonsense against any potential trouble, but neutral otherwise. She and Russel are present during the determinate confrontation of Michelle, showing her more serious and even angry side.
Shel: Has she found a suitable place to let Becca grow up the way she wanted?
Quick explanation: She's around. No specific plans for her outside of talking with Becca a few times, implying that their relationship is suffering a bit but that it's still tight, possibly improving again after Becca stops bullying Clementine, Sarah, and Michelle. I originally considered having her be present when Becca was determinately killed just to reinforce that someone cared for her, but again, I thought that would be waaay too mean to poor Shel, so ignore it.
Pete: Go more into what he contributed to the team before his death and what his history with both the Cabin Group and Carver entails.
Christa: Maybe have a bit more time devoted to having her be with Clementine so that we can have an idea of how she got through those 16 months before her disappearance.
Quick explanation: There's a hope spot regarding her survival due to Mike being incapacitated by her attacking him before running off with Victor struggling to go after her. Her survival is neither confirmed nor denied by Mike because of this, making it clear that she got away.
Walter: Another character I thought was fine(not in that way).
Quick explanation: He's mentioned by Kenny and Sarita a few times. He's also discussed positively by Nick in you convinced him or negatively by Luke if you didn't. If you didn't, Luke gets angry with him about killing Nick and Clementine can help remind him that Walter was a good man who just didn't know if he could bring himself to spare Nick and that he just lost hope when he learned Matthew wasn't coming back.
Matthew: Go more into his relationship with Walter and friendship with Sarita and Kenny.
Quick explanation: He's mentioned by Sarita and Kenny a few times. One little thing I want to add to the previous episode is crediting him with controlling the windmills.
Just so you know.... i dont hate arvo for shooting clementine, i have my reasons to hate arvo's character and no....! i dont hate childrens.... (just clementine, the character i hate the most!) i cant believe i used to like her character!!
FYI i like AJ, i hope nothing bad happens to him.... thats why i choosed the wellington ending, beacuase it looked like a good place for him to grow up safe but i guess that wont matter anymore! because no matter what we choose, he will end up alone with clementine!
No Going back with some changes in Amid the ruins. ((Does that even count O_o oh well))
Changes in Amid the ruins: Have nick survive his offscreen death by clem and Jane finding him when he s attacked by the probable zombie that killed him and shoot the zombie Nick makes it back with the others and since Nick would be there there would be no option to Leave sarah and Nick would just force her out of there . Sarah would be inside with Kenny when rebecca s giving birth instead of being outside for no reason standing there doing nothing . Effectivelly changing her death ((Plus having another scene where Clementine makes Her practice shooting again and also extra members of Arvo s russian group for something in no going back))
No going back: BURN BABY! ok but for real now the episode would open normally but in the scene where Luke would propose for Clem to cover him it would be instead a double determinant choice to save Nick or sarah ((Nick would have been shot in the arm by arvo and Sarah would have froze up for a second before creating courage to actually try to shoot)) Save sarah = Clem shoots one of the members of the Russian group effectivelly killing him while Nick tries to run in to grab the gun he would have dropped due to being shot in the arm thus getting him also shot in the leg instead of Luke Buriko would try to Line up the shoot to finish Nick off but would get Shot by Sarah who would have gotten enought courage to shoot ((Arvo who was shooting Nick would have started running up to Natasha and have the same anger he has for he clem in the original episode)). Clem would then run up to him and try to get the blood that s coming off his leg to sterelize and fail to do so if she doesnt have Arvo s Painkillers to stop Nick from passing out in the cold which would be what kills him.
Save nick= Clementine runs up and shoots Natasha and then sarah would stop being frozen and line up the shot and shoot Natasha in the stomach while getting shot in the head. ((OH YEAH AND LET S NOT FORGET PEOPLE ACTUALLY MENTIONING SARAH DIED and referencing it in the future)) also Arvo s role would still be the same althought the group would be alot more skeptical towards him due to him Shooting Nick and possibly almost killing him.
The scene where you put the eyepatch on Kenny would have free roam to talk to Nick and Sarah .
The birthday scene would have you being accompanied by either Sarah or Nick depending on who you picked to convince the others to come back to the fire.
Luke s death would not exist due to him not being shot in this version and Kenny wouldnt beat up Arvo althought Mike would still attempt to leave with Arvo because of Kenny mistreating him .
Bonnie would stay with the group since luke s alive ((WAIT I FORGOT TO MENTION JANE! WELL KILL HER WITH FI- JK . her character arc would be the same as the normal episode))
Nick would go with you to check the noise when you wake up since he would also be awake .
Arvo would shoot both of them which would kill a determinant Patched up Nick due to reopening his wound while making it a more serious one .
´´one Lee flashback later´´
Clem and nick wake up with a rather crownded car with Sarah sitting in Bonnie s lap due to the lack of space and Clem realizing she s sitting on Luke on an ankward moment.
They would all get separated like in the original episode and then Jane s plan would also come into play and when you get to the part where you have the choice to shoot kenny or look away you would hear a very low sound that might be a voice that Clem cant hear right due to the adrenaline she was in and how far away the voice was.
If you choose to Shoot Kenny you would see Bonnie running up to try to stop the fight and see her getting shot ((Her last words would be telling Clem it was not her fault due to what happens in 400 days and her not wanting Clem to have that kind of guilt .))
Luke would arrive with Nick/Sarah and murder Jane and ken- just kidding again . Then the last choice would be between going south Back to Howe s or going to wellington . ((Jane will leave if you choose to look for Wellington and Luke will protest a bit while still going and if you chose to go to Howe s Everyone would go while Kenny goes a bit angry and rambling a little))- The end.
EDIT: If you chose to look away you would hear Bonnie running up to try to stop the fight with Luke following closely Behind and then there would be a dot for you to click to go help them stop the fight ((If you dont you just see a brief cutscene of Luke and Bonnie stopping the fight)) and then you would get to the same choice i ve talked about in the shoot Kenny option but with some extra dialogue from Bonnie Supporting going back to Howe s