That's my girl! I raised her to be independent and not to take crap from no one. I also think that Clem and Javier are not particularly close friends or friends at all in the beginning. I am calling it right now that Javier might lose his sister or something like that. Lol
That's my girl! I raised her to be independent and not to take crap from no one. I also think that Clem and Javier are not particularly clos… moree friends or friends at all in the beginning. I am calling it right now that Javier might lose his sister or something like that. Lol
How do I do it lol is it possible on iPhone or do I need to use my computer? Lol also I hope TellTale and Skybound release Action Figures of Teen Clementine and Javier!
How do I do it lol is it possible on iPhone or do I need to use my computer? Lol also I hope TellTale and Skybound release Action Figures of Teen Clementine and Javier!
Perhaps he was sheltered in an enclosed society (akin to Wellington) with his family ever since the start of the apocalypse, and only knows … morehow to survive in an urban setting; whereas Clem seems to be extremely accustomed to surviving in any setting.
I believe you've reached the correct answer!
Molly was very capable from what we saw, but that was strictly Savannah; would she really be any good at tending a fire, hunting small animals, lifting shelter out of nothing and purifying water?
They said its in the Alexandria area, right?
I can see that being a determinate way for Clem and Javier to cross. If you had the alone ending in S2.
Ehh, I'm not too good with American areas, so... (I'm Australian)
That's my girl! I raised her to be independent and not to take crap from no one. I also think that Clem and Javier are not particularly close friends or friends at all in the beginning. I am calling it right now that Javier might lose his sister or something like that. Lol
I love how much Clem has grown! She is gonna be so sassy in Season 3, I just know it! xD
Heh... I... Err, don't know how S2 ends so... I guess I should stop making theories.
I am literally shaking in excitement over this screenshot!! I can't think straight, I have so many thoughts!
My heart literally skipped 10 beats when I first laid eyes on the new screenshot with Clementine and Javier.
She looks so grown up compared to Season 1..
(Sorry I couldn't find a better picture)
My little girl is growing up..

Are you... Still breathing...?
Probably not....but WHO CARES I'M SO EXCITED!!
All this talk of having your heart skip a beat....
What the hell Larry why are you still here you did nothing to "protect" Clem from Lee if anything you enhanced their relationship lol!! XD
...I have a new wallpaper!
EDIT: It didn't work as a wallpaper, but it's still an awesome picture.
Hot diggity damn that screenshot looks good!
I've got a new avatar!
So do I!
Acheive you copy cat I was going to do the same thing lmao
I love this new picture.
Let's all do it together!
Yeah! The more the merrier!
Me too! I love Clementine's sassy pose!
Everything (about it) is AWESOME!
Hey, does anyone know how to get that limited-run TWD S3 poster yet?
How do I do it lol is it possible on iPhone or do I need to use my computer? Lol also I hope TellTale and Skybound release Action Figures of Teen Clementine and Javier!
You need to sign up for Gravatar, make sure you use the same email address as the one you used for your Telltale account.
They are releasing it for purchase I am totally buying that when it releases hopefully it comes in the season pass disc!!
I'm guessing those were for people who attended one of the previous events, like Pax or Comic Con.
How do I sign up for Gravatar?
I agree with you too!
Okay... I think I'm going crazy.. BUT WHO CARES!? I'M EXCITED!!!
I hope not... Or I won't be able to get it...
It probably won''t come with the game but I am totally buying it too!
I went insane when the teaser came out in June. I AM DERANGED NOW!!!! IM SO EXCITED!!!
This video should help. just click the link on my last comment and follow the video's instructions.
Ahhh. The code has possibly been cracked. (Though I still think there's more to the "Javier is dependant on Clem" situation.)
I was at Comic Con and I never got it