It's fine. I'm from Virginia, so I'll help you out.
Alexandria is in the northeastern section of the state, near the border with Mary… moreland and Washington D.C.
Wellington is allegedly in Ohio, which is the northwestern corner of the map. Howe's was said to be Tennessee, which is the in the southwestern part of the map. The Moonstar Lodge was in the Blue Ridge Mountains, which are a little east of the border with West Virginia. I'm pretty sure a lot, if not all, of the first episode of Season 2 was in North Carolina.
Anyway, they did say this game takes place in the Alexandria area, but the fact that Clementine and Javier already know each other when it starts (at least that's the impression I got), tells me that they didn't necessarily meet there.
Javier does not seem to me like the type to allow a sassy teenager have the last word, to be honest. I'm looking forward to lots of hilarious arguments; both of them speaking over each other like nothing.
The release date at Gamestop is 15 Nov. so, its promising I guess, some other online retailers have the same site. At least console release date can be news about mobile
Javier does not seem to me like the type to allow a sassy teenager have the last word, to be honest. I'm looking forward to lots of hilarious arguments; both of them speaking over each other like nothing.
Okay, thanks!
I always thought the game would start before they met.
Darn, what I should've said was "Good shit's still shit"
Y'know... That's what Danny (400 days) says.
This is some pretty elegant shit.
I hopped on board too
Am I the only one already shitting in my pants in terror for what could happen in the season finale?
Pretty sure I'm doing it correctly.
(For future reference
... How could you?
one screenshot surfaces
That's...Just one single screenshot...Can you imagine when Telltale releases a trailer.
Blind Sniper's feed will remember that (?).
I think people are just really excited and taking whatever crumbs they can get. Who can blame them?
Heh... I thought it said "Mt. Everett"...
No, you are not.
Okay, I'm not shitting my pants, that's a bit extreme.. But I am worried.
Elegant shit's still shit.
Plus everyone has a swanky new profile picture.
Yeah, I was just exaggerating, I'm not actually shitting myself, but I am very worried.
Not you too, Dojo! NOOooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Telltale has given us such little information, we will eat up ANYTHING that is new, or we haven't seen yet.
I saw an opportunity for glasses and a beard, no one will take that from me!
Only vomiting from the sheer anxiety.
So how many people have changed their profile pics?
Javier does not seem to me like the type to allow a sassy teenager have the last word, to be honest. I'm looking forward to lots of hilarious arguments; both of them speaking over each other like nothing.
This shit is deep man.
Upside down Clementine reporting in
No shit.
Okay, we should probably stop here.
I think there's 6 members in the club.
It's so awesome that so many people have this avatar!
And fainting.
After the Trailer drops.
Where did they posted this??
One day too late telltale... One day too late...
Am I the only one who is extremely eager to make Clementine a cursing machine?
You mean "upside down camera".
I guess its been a while since she last used one...
I can't wait for the hilarious arguments between Clem and Javier as they try to get along.
And immense sweating.
I have!
And shaking... Don't forget shaking.
And spasms uncontrollably.
Yes. Yes you are.
Why would you even want to do that anyway?
I'll only make her swear if its really necessary.