Though I have been playing Michonne on my laptop. It's just not very powerful, so I probably won't be able to play Season three on it anyway.
Though I have been playing Michonne on my laptop. It's just not very powerful, so I probably won't be able to play Season three on it anyway.
To be fair, Telltale did the same with Michonne and it didn't spoil anything of the overall story, they just showed the first few minutes of the Episode.
State of forum pre-news state:
We need news! Literally anything will do!
State of forum post-stream announcement:
No! 8 minutes of … morethe episode is too much news!
Not that I'm calling anyone out, I agree that 8 minutes of content for a TellTale episode does seem a bit much.
8mins of gameplay!!! this is such a bullshit move Telltale. we need a motherfucking trailer to get us hyped. not a fucking 8 minutes gameplay to spoil the shit out of the game. I am excited af for this game and now after they release the fucking gameplay I would have to control myself to not watch it. its going to be an absolute if the waiting part was not torturing enough. ugh...
I am beyond pissed. if that makes any sense... . honestly they should just release the trailer and not some gameplay. because gameplay plus trailer equals player now knows half the story already...
State of forum pre-news state:
We need news! Literally anything will do!
State of forum post-stream announcement:
No! 8 minutes of … morethe episode is too much news!
Not that I'm calling anyone out, I agree that 8 minutes of content for a TellTale episode does seem a bit much.
You won't know half the story from a 8 minute preview, they did the same for the Michonne mini series and it didn't spoil the game. A trailer would most likely be more spoilery as it would contain footage from different pats of the episode rather than a small part of the beginning.
8mins of gameplay!!! this is such a bullshit move Telltale. we need a motherfucking trailer to get us hyped. not a fucking 8 minutes gamepla… morey to spoil the shit out of the game. I am excited af for this game and now after they release the fucking gameplay I would have to control myself to not watch it. its going to be an absolute if the waiting part was not torturing enough. ugh...
I am beyond pissed. if that makes any sense... . honestly they should just release the trailer and not some gameplay. because gameplay plus trailer equals player now knows half the story already...
Relax. These 8 minutes are likely to be the first minutes of the game and not likely to spoil anything of the story, just like with Michonne earlier this year. Seriously, just look up the first 6-7 minutes until the intro (what Telltale showed for Michonne beforehand) and tell me you got spoiled for anything.
Besides, if they release the trailer now, the wait would just be harder since the game is probably still a little over two weeks off. Trust me.
8mins of gameplay!!! this is such a bullshit move Telltale. we need a motherfucking trailer to get us hyped. not a fucking 8 minutes gamepla… morey to spoil the shit out of the game. I am excited af for this game and now after they release the fucking gameplay I would have to control myself to not watch it. its going to be an absolute if the waiting part was not torturing enough. ugh...
I am beyond pissed. if that makes any sense... . honestly they should just release the trailer and not some gameplay. because gameplay plus trailer equals player now knows half the story already...
I'm praying with all my might that Clementine's character is at least something of a priority for them, considerign how much they've been talkign about how this is 'javier's story'..
I really hope we (or the few among us) didn't scare Caroline (@mostlypoptarts) away. I can only imagine getting this job and on day one seeing this side of the forums.
Now as for The Walking Dead, I feel like spoilers will soon abound. @OzzyUK, will you, Blind, or others give a friendly "no spoilers" warning soon (or "forthcoming"... sorry, I couldn't resist)? It looks like I'll be tip-toein in my Jordan through the forums from now on.
Now as for The Walking Dead, I feel like spoilers will soon abound. @OzzyUK, will you, Blind, or others give a friendly "no spoilers" warning soon (or "forthcoming"... sorry, I couldn't resist)? It looks like I'll be tip-toein in my Jordan through the forums from now on.
Once we get details about the stream we can create a separate thread dedicated to discussing it so people have the option to avoid spoilers.
I really hope we (or the few among us) didn't scare Caroline (@mostlypoptarts) away. I can only imagine getting this job and on day one see… moreing this side of the forums.
Now as for The Walking Dead, I feel like spoilers will soon abound. @OzzyUK, will you, Blind, or others give a friendly "no spoilers" warning soon (or "forthcoming"... sorry, I couldn't resist)? It looks like I'll be tip-toein in my Jordan through the forums from now on.
I am sure @mostlypoptarts is a strong woman who has seen the darkest of humanity and come out the other side with a song on her lips and a skip to her step. Community managing is sort of like herding a large number of cats. Some cats are just a joy to be around...some are a joy because they are playful..some are a joy because they are assholes. But eventually you get them herded and moving ...usually by throwing shiny objects to distract them.
I really hope we (or the few among us) didn't scare Caroline (@mostlypoptarts) away. I can only imagine getting this job and on day one see… moreing this side of the forums.
Now as for The Walking Dead, I feel like spoilers will soon abound. @OzzyUK, will you, Blind, or others give a friendly "no spoilers" warning soon (or "forthcoming"... sorry, I couldn't resist)? It looks like I'll be tip-toein in my Jordan through the forums from now on.
I know but those 8 mins will spoil the continuous 8 mins of the story. I'd rather see only a few random parts of the story and for a shorter duration than 8 continuous mins.
Besides if we see 8 continuous mins of gameplay we will either see Javier or Clem. And if they are on screen for 8 fucking minutes then we will learn a lot about their character and the characters around them. And I think it would be great if we get to know them as we are playing and not beforehand.
And yeah I think rather than the trailer 'spoiling' the story will actually give us a little idea about wtf will happen in the game.
Anyway I didn't saw the gameplay they showed for twd michonne so I don't know... but if they showed the first 8 minutes of twd michonne it would've shown the scene where michonne puts a gun on her forehead and tries to kill herself and is saved by Pete ( now that's a spoiler too bruh).
You won't know half the story from a 8 minute preview, they did the same for the Michonne mini series and it didn't spoil the game. A traile… morer would most likely be more spoilery as it would contain footage from different pats of the episode rather than a small part of the beginning.
idk man I am just not convinced that it would be good to see the gameplay. I still think I should avoid it until the game comes out... you might be right or not. i don't know, I would love to watch it too but... 8 continuous minutes... I think i'll stick to the 2/2.5 minutes trailer.
Umm For an example it may show if kenny/ Jane will turn up or not and on Javier's side we may learn about Javier's character. till this point many people think of him as a pussy and other really like him. it would be great if these are answered in the real game and not a long ass gameplay showoff. if it were 3/4 mins I would have seen it. but 8 mins is a long time and it will tell us a lot about a character.
Relax. These 8 minutes are likely to be the first minutes of the game and not likely to spoil anything of the story, just like with Michonne… more earlier this year. Seriously, just look up the first 6-7 minutes until the intro (what Telltale showed for Michonne beforehand) and tell me you got spoiled for anything.
Besides, if they release the trailer now, the wait would just be harder since the game is probably still a little over two weeks off. Trust me.
usually by throwing shiny objects to distract them
These shiny objects are usually vague suggestions that say a little while not really saying anything at all, and this keeps us happy. However, us cats don't like certain shiny objects, such as "very, very, very, very soon" and seven-second vines released at three in the morning.
I am sure @mostlypoptarts is a strong woman who has seen the darkest of humanity and come out the other side with a song on her lips and a s… morekip to her step. Community managing is sort of like herding a large number of cats. Some cats are just a joy to be around...some are a joy because they are playful..some are a joy because they are assholes. But eventually you get them herded and moving ...usually by throwing shiny objects to distract them.
agreed. I can understand if Javier and Clem get like 70:30 screen time in episode 1 to establish who tf Javier is. it would be fine... but only for episode 1. From episode 2 they should cut the Javier's family bullshit and give Clem equal screen time. its her story afterall. And honestly the only reason I'm buying this game is because of Clementine if she wasn't it this I would have saved my money and seen a walkthrough instead.
I'm praying with all my might that Clementine's character is at least something of a priority for them, considerign how much they've been talkign about how this is 'javier's story'..
I am sure @mostlypoptarts is a strong woman who has seen the darkest of humanity and come out the other side with a song on her lips and a s… morekip to her step. Community managing is sort of like herding a large number of cats. Some cats are just a joy to be around...some are a joy because they are playful..some are a joy because they are assholes. But eventually you get them herded and moving ...usually by throwing shiny objects to distract them.
agreed. I can understand if Javier and Clem get like 70:30 screen time in episode 1 to establish who tf Javier is. it would be fine... but o… morenly for episode 1. From episode 2 they should cut the Javier's family bullshit and give Clem equal screen time. its her story afterall. And honestly the only reason I'm buying this game is because of Clementine if she wasn't it this I would have saved my money and seen a walkthrough instead.
I noticed something in one of the screen shots of the game (the one where Clementine and Javier are in this cattle barn thing) - in that screenshot, she still has her Ring Finger intact. However, in every other screen shot, Clementine's Ring Finger is missing. So, I like to think that she may have lost her finger when looking around that cattle barn with Javier (poking around where they shouldn't have been and Clementine was made an example of). I also would like to think that maybe it's a determinant that Clementine may or may not lose her finger.
EDIT: After looking at the wiki again, yes, it is a determinant.
8 mins? I would prefer those 8 minutes to be MY gameplay. I shall avoid the livestream, but good to know we are finally getting something and that's progress. That said this place is gonna be talking about those 8 minutes everywhere... so crap. Here's hoping the game comes out super soon after the livestream.
Just watch a minute or two of the first 8 minutes and close it after, there's your trailer!
"Its not the same".
I dunno play some dumb trailer music or some shit. Or just maybe not watch it...That's always an option. Don't blame Telltale for your poor impulse control.
8mins of gameplay!!! this is such a bullshit move Telltale. we need a motherfucking trailer to get us hyped. not a fucking 8 minutes gamepla… morey to spoil the shit out of the game. I am excited af for this game and now after they release the fucking gameplay I would have to control myself to not watch it. its going to be an absolute if the waiting part was not torturing enough. ugh...
I am beyond pissed. if that makes any sense... . honestly they should just release the trailer and not some gameplay. because gameplay plus trailer equals player now knows half the story already...
I really hope we (or the few among us) didn't scare Caroline (@mostlypoptarts) away. I can only imagine getting this job and on day one see… moreing this side of the forums.
Now as for The Walking Dead, I feel like spoilers will soon abound. @OzzyUK, will you, Blind, or others give a friendly "no spoilers" warning soon (or "forthcoming"... sorry, I couldn't resist)? It looks like I'll be tip-toein in my Jordan through the forums from now on.
yeah i know... but this is the only place where I can whine about the game and the decisions taken by TT
edit: and instead of doing all that why don't I just watch the actual trailer bro lol.
Just watch a minute or two of the first 8 minutes and close it after, there's your trailer!
"Its not the same".
I dunno play some dumb… more trailer music or some shit. Or just maybe not watch it...That's always an option. Don't blame Telltale for your poor impulse control.
don't get me wrong. I am all in for Javier being a central character. it would be great to explore a different story in the same setting but im just glad Clem's there and I hope she has a considerable part too.
8 mins? I would prefer those 8 minutes to be MY gameplay. I shall avoid the livestream, but good to know we are finally getting something an… mored that's progress. That said this place is gonna be talking about those 8 minutes everywhere... so crap. Here's hoping the game comes out super soon after the livestream.
So I don't know for sure, I'm preeeetty sure I just found a snippet from the 8 minute preview:
Man I'm so pumped ;_; this game is going to be awesome I can feel it.
I really DONT understand why everyone is so cranky. And hateful. They are telling us: "we know how this sucks, this is everything we can do right now and we are thinking about you." why so mean people. be happy for this news. and if you don't want spoilers, you are not going to get the whole plot out of 8 freaking minutes! BECAUSE, TellTale wouldn't want you to know the whole plot.
I really DONT understand why everyone is so cranky. And hateful. They are telling us: "we know how this sucks, this is everything we can do … moreright now and we are thinking about you." why so mean people. be happy for this news. and if you don't want spoilers, you are not going to get the whole plot out of 8 freaking minutes! BECAUSE, TellTale wouldn't want you to know the whole plot.
I am really happy that they told us this!
Can you please explain to me how anybody was being rude? We were just mad because we were well into November and we didn't get an ounce of news. People complaining are we justified.
It isn´t random
Oohh, sorry.
State of forum pre-news state:
We need news! Literally anything will do!
State of forum post-stream announcement:
No! 8 minutes of the episode is too much news!
Not that I'm calling anyone out, I agree that 8 minutes of content for a TellTale episode does seem a bit much.
To be fair, Telltale did the same with Michonne and it didn't spoil anything of the overall story, they just showed the first few minutes of the Episode.
So, there a finally news, and the news is 8 minutes of EP1?
8mins of gameplay!!! this is such a bullshit move Telltale. we need a motherfucking trailer to get us hyped. not a fucking 8 minutes gameplay to spoil the shit out of the game. I am excited af for this game and now after they release the fucking gameplay I would have to control myself to not watch it. its going to be an absolute if the waiting part was not torturing enough. ugh...
. honestly they should just release the trailer and not some gameplay. because gameplay plus trailer equals player now knows half the story already...
I am beyond pissed. if that makes any sense...
Telltale be like:
Don't worry, you can tell Telltale to blow up my Playstation if you want.
Well, I kind of just wanted an awesome trailer showing awesome parts of the game accompanied by awesome music.
But it's something about the game, so I am not complaining.
And if Kenny/Jane's death is going to be anything like Omid and Christa's "deaths", then we'll see it in the first few minutes.
You won't know half the story from a 8 minute preview, they did the same for the Michonne mini series and it didn't spoil the game. A trailer would most likely be more spoilery as it would contain footage from different pats of the episode rather than a small part of the beginning.
Relax. These 8 minutes are likely to be the first minutes of the game and not likely to spoil anything of the story, just like with Michonne earlier this year. Seriously, just look up the first 6-7 minutes until the intro (what Telltale showed for Michonne beforehand) and tell me you got spoiled for anything.
Besides, if they release the trailer now, the wait would just be harder since the game is probably still a little over two weeks off. Trust me.
Ever since I played episode 2 of Michonne earlier today, I've had the song A Gun In My Hand stuck in my head...
I'm praying with all my might that Clementine's character is at least something of a priority for them, considerign how much they've been talkign about how this is 'javier's story'..
I really hope we (or the few among us) didn't scare Caroline (@mostlypoptarts) away. I can only imagine getting this job and on day one seeing this side of the forums.
Now as for The Walking Dead, I feel like spoilers will soon abound. @OzzyUK, will you, Blind, or others give a friendly "no spoilers" warning soon (or "forthcoming"... sorry, I couldn't resist)? It looks like I'll be tip-toein in my Jordan through the forums from now on.
Once we get details about the stream we can create a separate thread dedicated to discussing it so people have the option to avoid spoilers.
Loved Michonne...and the music is catchy.
I am sure @mostlypoptarts is a strong woman who has seen the darkest of humanity and come out the other side with a song on her lips and a skip to her step. Community managing is sort of like herding a large number of cats. Some cats are just a joy to be around...some are a joy because they are playful..some are a joy because they are assholes. But eventually you get them herded and moving ...usually by throwing shiny objects to distract them.
I know but those 8 mins will spoil the continuous 8 mins of the story. I'd rather see only a few random parts of the story and for a shorter duration than 8 continuous mins.
Besides if we see 8 continuous mins of gameplay we will either see Javier or Clem. And if they are on screen for 8 fucking minutes then we will learn a lot about their character and the characters around them. And I think it would be great if we get to know them as we are playing and not beforehand.
And yeah I think rather than the trailer 'spoiling' the story will actually give us a little idea about wtf will happen in the game.
Anyway I didn't saw the gameplay they showed for twd michonne so I don't know... but if they showed the first 8 minutes of twd michonne it would've shown the scene where michonne puts a gun on her forehead and tries to kill herself and is saved by Pete ( now that's a spoiler too bruh).
idk man I am just not convinced that it would be good to see the gameplay. I still think I should avoid it until the game comes out... you might be right or not. i don't know, I would love to watch it too but... 8 continuous minutes... I think i'll stick to the 2/2.5 minutes trailer.
Umm For an example it may show if kenny/ Jane will turn up or not and on Javier's side we may learn about Javier's character. till this point many people think of him as a pussy and other really like him. it would be great if these are answered in the real game and not a long ass gameplay showoff. if it were 3/4 mins I would have seen it. but 8 mins is a long time and it will tell us a lot about a character.
These shiny objects are usually vague suggestions that say a little while not really saying anything at all, and this keeps us happy. However, us cats don't like certain shiny objects, such as "very, very, very, very soon" and seven-second vines released at three in the morning.
agreed. I can understand if Javier and Clem get like 70:30 screen time in episode 1 to establish who tf Javier is. it would be fine... but only for episode 1. From episode 2 they should cut the Javier's family bullshit and give Clem equal screen time. its her story afterall. And honestly the only reason I'm buying this game is because of Clementine if she wasn't it this I would have saved my money and seen a walkthrough instead.
This is my cat form waiting for news...
No its no just about Clem. This is Javiers story. Deal with it.
I noticed something in one of the screen shots of the game (the one where Clementine and Javier are in this cattle barn thing) - in that screenshot, she still has her Ring Finger intact. However, in every other screen shot, Clementine's Ring Finger is missing. So, I like to think that she may have lost her finger when looking around that cattle barn with Javier (poking around where they shouldn't have been and Clementine was made an example of). I also would like to think that maybe it's a determinant that Clementine may or may not lose her finger.
EDIT: After looking at the wiki again, yes, it is a determinant.
8 mins? I would prefer those 8 minutes to be MY gameplay. I shall avoid the livestream, but good to know we are finally getting something and that's progress. That said this place is gonna be talking about those 8 minutes everywhere... so crap. Here's hoping the game comes out super soon after the livestream.
So I don't know for sure, I'm preeeetty sure I just found a snippet from the 8 minute preview:
Man I'm so pumped ;_; this game is going to be awesome I can feel it.
Just watch a minute or two of the first 8 minutes and close it after, there's your trailer!
"Its not the same".
I dunno play some dumb trailer music or some shit. Or just maybe not watch it...That's always an option. Don't blame Telltale for your poor impulse control.
Wouldn't be surprised if "we" did. Lots of incredibly rude people on this forum.
yeah i know... but this is the only place where I can whine about the game and the decisions taken by TT

edit: and instead of doing all that why don't I just watch the actual trailer bro lol.
don't get me wrong. I am all in for Javier being a central character. it would be great to explore a different story in the same setting but im just glad Clem's there and I hope she has a considerable part too.
agreed. it shouldn't have been 8 fucking minutes. 3/4 would have been enough.
Oh gosh, that was so emotional...
And the graphics have really gone up a notch too! Maybe that's why they went so long without showing anything?
Edit: I thought Brenda died at the end of episode two though...
I really DONT understand why everyone is so cranky. And hateful. They are telling us: "we know how this sucks, this is everything we can do right now and we are thinking about you." why so mean people. be happy for this news. and if you don't want spoilers, you are not going to get the whole plot out of 8 freaking minutes! BECAUSE, TellTale wouldn't want you to know the whole plot.
I am really happy that they told us this!
I'm just grateful that we've finally gotten some news.
Can you please explain to me how anybody was being rude? We were just mad because we were well into November and we didn't get an ounce of news. People complaining are we justified.
Yeah, ever since Season 2 this subforum has gone to total walker-shit. And to think that people thought that Minecraft forum will be full of cancer.
That is one chilled cat.
Nobody ever denied that it was Javier' s story, the OP was just worried that Clementine wasn't also the priority, which is completely understandable.
Maybe read the comment better?