I already said this to a reply above, but I am also making a new comment for more prominence - check back on the Michonne Episode 1 Waiting … moreThread to see similar trends going on.
Unfortunately, with this extended silence, we might be looking at another Michonne situation. I hate to be the bearer of bad (rhetorical) news, but I may as well rip the band-aid off now.
Of course, nothing is officially confirmed and this is just my own personal speculation!
Excerpt from News section on Michonne Ep 1 Waiting Thread:
December 3rd
* [Game delay is officially announced]
December 2nd
* Tweet from Job: A lot of questions about Telltale's .@TheWalkingDead: Michonne series coming in from fans... Answers later this week? Definitely.
November 20th
* Tweet from Job: More news on The Walking Dead: Michonne Mini-Series also coming very soon!
November 18th
* Tweet from Job: Major news on #GoT coming VERY soon. #TWD: Mi… [view original content]
I would normally agree, but some people are reporting the new placeholder date as being February. I don't know for absolute certain, but I wanna wait this out and see.
Regardless, if there is a delay, Telltale could probably just help people by directly reaching out and saying to expect an update on the game's progress at X date.
This week is the week of Thanksgiving for Americans, so keep in mind, Telltale will only be in office for like half of the week. Furthermore, their main focus will immediately be the launch of Batman Episode 4, so that will take a lot of man hours for promotion, technical support, and the usual stuff from Telltale. They usually don't give news over holidays like Thanksgiving, and Batman's fourth Episode is out this week, so expect lots of promotional focus on that (and let's not complain about it either). Looking back, one exception is that we did get the Game of Thrones Season 1 launch dates and Trailer over Thanksgiving 2014, but don't expect that twice.
With that alongside the lack of Episode ratings (similar to how Michonne did not have episode ratings as an early indication of a delay), I suspect they might have pushed it back by a few weeks at minimum.
I already said this to a reply above, but I am also making a new comment for more prominence - check back on the Michonne Episode 1 Waiting … moreThread to see similar trends going on.
Unfortunately, with this extended silence, we might be looking at another Michonne situation. I hate to be the bearer of bad (rhetorical) news, but I may as well rip the band-aid off now.
Of course, nothing is officially confirmed and this is just my own personal speculation!
Excerpt from News section on Michonne Ep 1 Waiting Thread:
December 3rd
* [Game delay is officially announced]
December 2nd
* Tweet from Job: A lot of questions about Telltale's .@TheWalkingDead: Michonne series coming in from fans... Answers later this week? Definitely.
November 20th
* Tweet from Job: More news on The Walking Dead: Michonne Mini-Series also coming very soon!
November 18th
* Tweet from Job: Major news on #GoT coming VERY soon. #TWD: Mi… [view original content]
I wish it isnt delayed. Wd with ttg's batman style engine will be really cool, i tried to imagine wd with batman's graphics and wow it will be so cool. I wish some of you are right about nov.29 release
I think we all just took that tweet the wrong way. Maybe they were "meeting [this] week" in private to eventually show us something down the line. At this point, I would give up interpreting that tweet to mean that they were showing us something this week.
This is still very misleading to the fans and they had to of known that. Or they had to of seen everyone thinking the news was this week and they should have said something about it.
From this point on I'm not going to believe anything TTG's says because even what they directly say isn't true apparently.
I think we all just took that tweet the wrong way. Maybe they were "meeting [this] week" in private to eventually show us something down the… more line. At this point, I would give up interpreting that tweet to mean that they were showing us something this week.
It's kind of sad we're being indirectly lied to now. I would seriously hope this isn't a marketing strategy because it's worse than Rockstar. In fact, I said a few days ago I couldn't agree with their business practices anymore and wouldn't be playing season three. As of this point, I stand by that. This is horrible. All the fans want is a little communication but most of the time it turns out to be a flat out lie or misdirection into something else. I mean it was kind of frustrating a few years ago with season 2 but this is so much worse. At this point even if they told me it's coming out next week I wouldn't believe them.
This is still very misleading to the fans and they had to of known that. Or they had to of seen everyone thinking the news was this week an… mored they should have said something about it.
From this point on I'm not going to believe anything TTG's says because even what they directly say isn't true apparently.
In the US the week ends on Saturday and starts on Sunday because 'Murica. That along with the fact that we have nothing - no (vague) teaser nor an official announcement - makes me almost certain that the gameplay thing was a slip up. This situation really feels like Michonne all over again, and if I'm honest I'm almost certain now that the game is delayed and that Telltale won't give us any news about it whatsoever until the Game Awards.
But some things are different and make the situation kind of bizzare. For Michonne we really had nothing, not even small hints like a rating, only the occasional "News coming soon guys!" Tweet. But it's just so different with Season 3.
We already had a release month. Yes, it may very well be and probably has been changed. But for Michonne, it was only ever "Fall 2015", whereas we were actually given a more concrete window with ANF (November) months in advance.
Building on the first point, we also shortly had an actual release date this time: November 15. This was evidently changed, and if the new listing dates are correct, then we won't see the game before late February.
The Season Pass Disc has already been rated. Again, for Michonne nothing of the sort ever happened. It may very well be possible that the first Episode requires and additional rating, but I don't understand why: after all, what else could the board possibly have rated?
The Episode is in a (relatively) playable state, or Job couldn't have played it. It might not be perfected yet, but the voice acting must be done and the worst bugs and glitches fixed if anyone can play it.
Robert Kirkman did change his statement of "this month" earlier in November to "this autumn" only recently, but even so, autumn still ends on December 21. While that is a longer wait, it is considerably shorter than the February release date we seem to be facing right now.
Melissa Hutchison stated that she thought that Telltale hadn't announced it yet, but she thought they'd be releasing A New Frontier on November 15. Obivously this didn't happen, and I doubt that Hutchison had any real knowledge about those information, but fact is that she knew enough to make an educated guess in late October. Unless, of course, she only thought that because of the false listings in the first place.
Job's gameplay Tweet. Again, even if this seems to have turned out to be a slip up and was never really meant to be seen by the public, it proves that there is gameplay that they consider good enough to show off behind closed doors (presumably).
More importantly, Job promising a "forthcoming" news update. Right now, my best guess is that it was just their way of saying "Game Awards", but why so vague? (though I guess that's what it always comes down to with Telltale)
All in all, I really don't understand how this delay happened, because let's face it, it did. The situation is kind of similar to Michonne's, but at the same time very different. The main point I'm trying to make is that we had enough information to reasonably assume a on time release, whereas with Michonne we had nothing this time last year and were slowly starting to accept a delay.
Instead of giving us some actual communication, which is ALL I ask of Telltale at the moment, they give us lies and excuses. They simply cannot keep us in the dark for this long. We cannot just let this slide.
It's kind of sad we're being indirectly lied to now. I would seriously hope this isn't a marketing strategy because it's worse than Rockstar… more. In fact, I said a few days ago I couldn't agree with their business practices anymore and wouldn't be playing season three. As of this point, I stand by that. This is horrible. All the fans want is a little communication but most of the time it turns out to be a flat out lie or misdirection into something else. I mean it was kind of frustrating a few years ago with season 2 but this is so much worse. At this point even if they told me it's coming out next week I wouldn't believe them.
What happened Telltale?
I'm more hurt now than I am angry. It's strange to say that but that's how I feel. I always thought of Telltale as the very talented underdogs who built themselves up to popularity. The Walking Dead Season 1 means so much to me in my life and definitely affected me emotionally deeper than most television shows or films ever have. Season 2 doesn't have that for me but it still does matter to me. When Kenny returned or Lee appeared in the flashback, I really did tear up and most things can't do that for me.
So I guess for me it's almost like they're saying "To hell with the fanbase. They'll buy it no matter how we treat them or if we lie to them. It's just about the money." Whatever happened to courtesy and communication? We all care passionately about the series and it comes off like none of that matters because they can't give us the truth. If it's delayed why the hell couldn't you tell us earlier or if it's not, what in the world were you thinking as far as marketing and PR? I'm so sad about this. I loved these guys. It's a shame really but I can't support them. I really can't. It's becoming one of those bad trends you see make top tens at the end of the year.
Instead of giving us some actual communication, which is ALL I ask of Telltale at the moment, they give us lies and excuses. They simply cannot keep us in the dark for this long. We cannot just let this slide.
In the US the week ends on Saturday and starts on Sunday because 'Murica. That along with the fact that we have nothing - no (vague) teaser … morenor an official announcement - makes me almost certain that the gameplay thing was a slip up. This situation really feels like Michonne all over again, and if I'm honest I'm almost certain now that the game is delayed and that Telltale won't give us any news about it whatsoever until the Game Awards.
But some things are different and make the situation kind of bizzare. For Michonne we really had nothing, not even small hints like a rating, only the occasional "News coming soon guys!" Tweet. But it's just so different with Season 3.
* We already had a release month. Yes, it may very well be and probably has been changed. But for Michonne, it was only ever "Fall 2015", whereas we were actually given a more concrete window with ANF (November) months in advance.
* Building on the first point, we al… [view original content]
Telltale's The Walking Dead series has changed my life forever. The writing is so brilliant, and I have become so attached to the characters, I will always love Telltale for that. But their behavior towards the fanbase with Season 3 is seriously becoming insulting. I know that Telltale has always had a cryptic marketing strategy, but they need to make serious changes to that.
I'm more hurt now than I am angry. It's strange to say that but that's how I feel. I always thought of Telltale as the very talented underdo… moregs who built themselves up to popularity. The Walking Dead Season 1 means so much to me in my life and definitely affected me emotionally deeper than most television shows or films ever have. Season 2 doesn't have that for me but it still does matter to me. When Kenny returned or Lee appeared in the flashback, I really did tear up and most things can't do that for me.
So I guess for me it's almost like they're saying "To hell with the fanbase. They'll buy it no matter how we treat them or if we lie to them. It's just about the money." Whatever happened to courtesy and communication? We all care passionately about the series and it comes off like none of that matters because they can't give us the truth. If it's delayed why the hell couldn't you tell us earlier or if it's not, what in the world were you… [view original content]
Right. That would make much more sense. It wasn't Job's usual teasing, but just a normal conversation they were having. (though who can really tell.... he's a sly devil)
I think we all just took that tweet the wrong way. Maybe they were "meeting [this] week" in private to eventually show us something down the… more line. At this point, I would give up interpreting that tweet to mean that they were showing us something this week.
They just want to make themselves seem worse and worse with each day that they remain silent. They know what they need to do, they just aren't doing it.
You make some good points. With all this silence and superstition of delays going on round here, I'm starting to believe it all myself. Though if it does end up like Michonne, I just hope it's case isn't as extreme. Delayed to December, end of story, please.
In the US the week ends on Saturday and starts on Sunday because 'Murica. That along with the fact that we have nothing - no (vague) teaser … morenor an official announcement - makes me almost certain that the gameplay thing was a slip up. This situation really feels like Michonne all over again, and if I'm honest I'm almost certain now that the game is delayed and that Telltale won't give us any news about it whatsoever until the Game Awards.
But some things are different and make the situation kind of bizzare. For Michonne we really had nothing, not even small hints like a rating, only the occasional "News coming soon guys!" Tweet. But it's just so different with Season 3.
* We already had a release month. Yes, it may very well be and probably has been changed. But for Michonne, it was only ever "Fall 2015", whereas we were actually given a more concrete window with ANF (November) months in advance.
* Building on the first point, we al… [view original content]
Honestly, I think what it comes down to is that this thread is where people expect to find news, so people post random things to keep this thread near the top. If we only posted on here if there were news, this thread would be buried beneath several pages of threads right now, and it would encourage people to make their own news thread. In my opinion, I think we should just treat this thread as a thread that can also accommodate idle chit chat (as long as it isn't absolutely aimless), because I doubt people are going to want to idle chit chat on a separate thread where they are not guaranteed to find the most recent news updates.
Do you guys just want me to go ahead and make that "Whatever's On Your Mind - Walking Dead edition" thread, like what BetterToSleep was prev… moreiously proposing? Unlike Waiting Threads, that thread would actually be okay to use as a chat room, make off topic posts to pass the time, and do other social stuff like how people used to do in Character Shipping threads or Fan Fiction threads. This thread is supposed to be used for people to discuss news or the wait, but people are using it to make filler posts.
This thread isn't supposed to be for off topic chat even though some people feel that way, but if I made the "WOYM - Walking Dead Chat" thread, that would be an acceptable thread for you guys to post random things in.
I really hope that if the game is actually getting delayed it's because they're fine tuning the engine. What happened and what is happening with Batman is absolutely unacceptable at this point. It's been 4 years and we're still getting really bad technical problems. In fact I'm pretty sure the "updated" engine is actually running worse in some aspects! Every episode so far in Batman has had some sort of technical problem, with Episode 1 and the literal game breaking Codex bug, Episode 2 with the low poly models and missing audio dialogue in the bar and Episode 3 with the stuttering batmobile scene which was the same for everyone.
I love Telltale. They've been my favourite game devs since 2012 but seriously. Fix your engine.
We have rules here, as well as expectations of posting quality; it's not a free-for-all chatroom:
Please do not overuse gifs, large le… moretters, memes, etc - Posts will be flagged as Spam for over using large letters.
It's okay to pass the time and make small talk, but please try to have actual conversation based around Walking Dead. In other words, please don't post random things just for the sake of posting. It's okay if there is nothing new to discuss for a while.
On their Twitter there are like two dozen tweets talking about Batman and so I think it is safe to say we wont see TWD anytime soon. Which was painfully obvious when they werent giving us a release date. While I do not condone insulting any staff members or ad hominem attacks of any kind. the frustration by the fans expressed here is understandable. And I am disappointed in Telltale not having enough respect and consideration for the fans who love this game to at least give an update. Even if it entails letting us know nothing will come out until 2017, have the professional courtesy of informing your fans, ESPECIALLY after YOU were the ones who announced to expect a November release. It's not like we just made that up and are now frustrated OUR OWN prediction did not come true. YOU said November and people have every right to expect it and when you dont deliver, gripe and post and ask and be pissed off.
They could also be working on their transferring save files thing! Many of us played it on the previous console generation or playing on a computer that won't run this new season, so I'm guessing they want that to be ready for the launch!
But anyway, we won't get any news till batman is released, I'm guessing that if w have anything for a release in november, we won't get any news before next friday...
But still, that'd be weird of them to just throw the game only 4 days after that, they usually tease us a lot before the launch of a new game.
I think we can bet on a december release.
Been there since TWD S1, getting used to that attitude from TTG !
If you want my personal guess (for outsiders - moderators are not staff and we are just community volunteers), I speculate they might just b… moree fine tuning their updated engine after the problems and issues they encountered with Batman's launch.
Michonne was delayed, I presume, so they could release episodes monthly and do the backend work to get Michonne running as its own standalone title instead of it being Walking Dead Season 2 DLC. With New Frontier, however, the episodes were already going to be monthly and it is already a standalone game, so the engine is the only other thing I see them needing to fix.
That, or maybe they just started to panic after seeing all the people complain that Clem wasn't the star of the show anymore, and Telltale cracked the whip on their writers to rewrite the Season script to make it 95% Clem and 5% Javi.
I totally agree.Or let this thread be the Whatever's on Your Mind thread,and create one that is reserved for news,talking about news,discussing things related to TWD.Seeing 100 new comments about how TellTale sucks and Batman sucks and so on gets a bit annoying when this isn't the point of this thread.
Do you guys just want me to go ahead and make that "Whatever's On Your Mind - Walking Dead edition" thread, like what BetterToSleep was prev… moreiously proposing? Unlike Waiting Threads, that thread would actually be okay to use as a chat room, make off topic posts to pass the time, and do other social stuff like how people used to do in Character Shipping threads or Fan Fiction threads. This thread is supposed to be used for people to discuss news or the wait, but people are using it to make filler posts.
This thread isn't supposed to be for off topic chat even though some people feel that way, but if I made the "WOYM - Walking Dead Chat" thread, that would be an acceptable thread for you guys to post random things in.
I thought that Job said on his twitter that there will be 8 minutes of gameplay for TWDS3 this week it's sunday right now last day of this week and gameplay isn't out yet?? well somewhere is error.
I can see a delay, but one not nearly as long as Michonne. It could still hit sometime December or mid January.
I would normally agree, but some people are reporting the new placeholder date as being February. I don't know for absolute certain, but I wanna wait this out and see.
Regardless, if there is a delay, Telltale could probably just help people by directly reaching out and saying to expect an update on the game's progress at X date.
Pretty impressive for a blind sniper, right? HARHARHAR
[Crowd throws tomatoes at Blind Sniper]
Right now the game coming out is like a distant dream, so I can't even imagine it. Right now I'm just excited for a new statement
This week is the week of Thanksgiving for Americans, so keep in mind, Telltale will only be in office for like half of the week. Furthermore, their main focus will immediately be the launch of Batman Episode 4, so that will take a lot of man hours for promotion, technical support, and the usual stuff from Telltale. They usually don't give news over holidays like Thanksgiving, and Batman's fourth Episode is out this week, so expect lots of promotional focus on that (and let's not complain about it either). Looking back, one exception is that we did get the Game of Thrones Season 1 launch dates and Trailer over Thanksgiving 2014, but don't expect that twice.
With that alongside the lack of Episode ratings (similar to how Michonne did not have episode ratings as an early indication of a delay), I suspect they might have pushed it back by a few weeks at minimum.
Snipey come on!
I wish it isnt delayed. Wd with ttg's batman style engine will be really cool, i tried to imagine wd with batman's graphics and wow it will be so cool. I wish some of you are right about nov.29 release
That's all I want from Telltale at the moment: A new statement or update about A New Frontier.
Is today (Saturday) the official and final day TTG has to release the 8min tease or is Sunday still open?
I'm hoping that Sunday could be the day, but I have a feeling that Telltale will continue to give us the silent treatment.
I think we all just took that tweet the wrong way. Maybe they were "meeting [this] week" in private to eventually show us something down the line. At this point, I would give up interpreting that tweet to mean that they were showing us something this week.
This is still very misleading to the fans and they had to of known that. Or they had to of seen everyone thinking the news was this week and they should have said something about it.
From this point on I'm not going to believe anything TTG's says because even what they directly say isn't true apparently.
If they don't release it tomorrow it's going to be funny seeing people try to defend TTG now.
Exactly. Telltale has been giving us false hope for far too long.
It's kind of sad we're being indirectly lied to now. I would seriously hope this isn't a marketing strategy because it's worse than Rockstar. In fact, I said a few days ago I couldn't agree with their business practices anymore and wouldn't be playing season three. As of this point, I stand by that. This is horrible. All the fans want is a little communication but most of the time it turns out to be a flat out lie or misdirection into something else. I mean it was kind of frustrating a few years ago with season 2 but this is so much worse. At this point even if they told me it's coming out next week I wouldn't believe them.
What happened Telltale?
In the US the week ends on Saturday and starts on Sunday because 'Murica. That along with the fact that we have nothing - no (vague) teaser nor an official announcement - makes me almost certain that the gameplay thing was a slip up. This situation really feels like Michonne all over again, and if I'm honest I'm almost certain now that the game is delayed and that Telltale won't give us any news about it whatsoever until the Game Awards.
But some things are different and make the situation kind of bizzare. For Michonne we really had nothing, not even small hints like a rating, only the occasional "News coming soon guys!" Tweet. But it's just so different with Season 3.
We already had a release month. Yes, it may very well be and probably has been changed. But for Michonne, it was only ever "Fall 2015", whereas we were actually given a more concrete window with ANF (November) months in advance.
Building on the first point, we also shortly had an actual release date this time: November 15. This was evidently changed, and if the new listing dates are correct, then we won't see the game before late February.
The Season Pass Disc has already been rated. Again, for Michonne nothing of the sort ever happened. It may very well be possible that the first Episode requires and additional rating, but I don't understand why: after all, what else could the board possibly have rated?
The Episode is in a (relatively) playable state, or Job couldn't have played it. It might not be perfected yet, but the voice acting must be done and the worst bugs and glitches fixed if anyone can play it.
Robert Kirkman did change his statement of "this month" earlier in November to "this autumn" only recently, but even so, autumn still ends on December 21. While that is a longer wait, it is considerably shorter than the February release date we seem to be facing right now.
Melissa Hutchison stated that she thought that Telltale hadn't announced it yet, but she thought they'd be releasing A New Frontier on November 15. Obivously this didn't happen, and I doubt that Hutchison had any real knowledge about those information, but fact is that she knew enough to make an educated guess in late October. Unless, of course, she only thought that because of the false listings in the first place.
Job's gameplay Tweet. Again, even if this seems to have turned out to be a slip up and was never really meant to be seen by the public, it proves that there is gameplay that they consider good enough to show off behind closed doors (presumably).
More importantly, Job promising a "forthcoming" news update. Right now, my best guess is that it was just their way of saying "Game Awards", but why so vague? (though I guess that's what it always comes down to with Telltale)
All in all, I really don't understand how this delay happened, because let's face it, it did. The situation is kind of similar to Michonne's, but at the same time very different. The main point I'm trying to make is that we had enough information to reasonably assume a on time release, whereas with Michonne we had nothing this time last year and were slowly starting to accept a delay.
Instead of giving us some actual communication, which is ALL I ask of Telltale at the moment, they give us lies and excuses. They simply cannot keep us in the dark for this long. We cannot just let this slide.
I'm more hurt now than I am angry. It's strange to say that but that's how I feel. I always thought of Telltale as the very talented underdogs who built themselves up to popularity. The Walking Dead Season 1 means so much to me in my life and definitely affected me emotionally deeper than most television shows or films ever have. Season 2 doesn't have that for me but it still does matter to me. When Kenny returned or Lee appeared in the flashback, I really did tear up and most things can't do that for me.
So I guess for me it's almost like they're saying "To hell with the fanbase. They'll buy it no matter how we treat them or if we lie to them. It's just about the money." Whatever happened to courtesy and communication? We all care passionately about the series and it comes off like none of that matters because they can't give us the truth. If it's delayed why the hell couldn't you tell us earlier or if it's not, what in the world were you thinking as far as marketing and PR? I'm so sad about this. I loved these guys. It's a shame really but I can't support them. I really can't. It's becoming one of those bad trends you see make top tens at the end of the year.
This is one big hot mess that telltale seems to keep digging themselves a bigger hole in.
Telltale's The Walking Dead series has changed my life forever. The writing is so brilliant, and I have become so attached to the characters, I will always love Telltale for that. But their behavior towards the fanbase with Season 3 is seriously becoming insulting. I know that Telltale has always had a cryptic marketing strategy, but they need to make serious changes to that.
Right. That would make much more sense. It wasn't Job's usual teasing, but just a normal conversation they were having. (though who can really tell.... he's a sly devil)
They just want to make themselves seem worse and worse with each day that they remain silent. They know what they need to do, they just aren't doing it.
You make some good points. With all this silence and superstition of delays going on round here, I'm starting to believe it all myself. Though if it does end up like Michonne, I just hope it's case isn't as extreme. Delayed to December, end of story, please.
Why do people keep saying Sunday starts a new week? That is not true at all. There are 7 days in a week. I can't believe I have to say this.
The US and Canada count from Sunday to Sunday, the rest of the world from Monday to Monday.
Well shit, I am learning new things everyday.
Honestly, I think what it comes down to is that this thread is where people expect to find news, so people post random things to keep this thread near the top. If we only posted on here if there were news, this thread would be buried beneath several pages of threads right now, and it would encourage people to make their own news thread. In my opinion, I think we should just treat this thread as a thread that can also accommodate idle chit chat (as long as it isn't absolutely aimless), because I doubt people are going to want to idle chit chat on a separate thread where they are not guaranteed to find the most recent news updates.
September 2016 - November 2016 will forever be known as "The Great Depression" or "The Great Silence" for TWD side of the forum.
How about "Silence: Periods of Paranoia and Hysteria"?
That's better.
I really hope that if the game is actually getting delayed it's because they're fine tuning the engine. What happened and what is happening with Batman is absolutely unacceptable at this point. It's been 4 years and we're still getting really bad technical problems. In fact I'm pretty sure the "updated" engine is actually running worse in some aspects! Every episode so far in Batman has had some sort of technical problem, with Episode 1 and the literal game breaking Codex bug, Episode 2 with the low poly models and missing audio dialogue in the bar and Episode 3 with the stuttering batmobile scene which was the same for everyone.
I love Telltale. They've been my favourite game devs since 2012 but seriously. Fix your engine.
post "quality". oh my god...
On their Twitter there are like two dozen tweets talking about Batman and so I think it is safe to say we wont see TWD anytime soon. Which was painfully obvious when they werent giving us a release date. While I do not condone insulting any staff members or ad hominem attacks of any kind. the frustration by the fans expressed here is understandable. And I am disappointed in Telltale not having enough respect and consideration for the fans who love this game to at least give an update. Even if it entails letting us know nothing will come out until 2017, have the professional courtesy of informing your fans, ESPECIALLY after YOU were the ones who announced to expect a November release. It's not like we just made that up and are now frustrated OUR OWN prediction did not come true. YOU said November and people have every right to expect it and when you dont deliver, gripe and post and ask and be pissed off.
For telltale after reading above comments that raise my suspicion of wd3 delay... I already said i'll post this if wd gets delayed

I know delay isnt confirmed yet but still...its pretty late for a november release. I doubt if they'll even tease any more this month
Im guessing this is why they dont post anything very much because people freak out constantly over a reply on twitter.
They could also be working on their transferring save files thing! Many of us played it on the previous console generation or playing on a computer that won't run this new season, so I'm guessing they want that to be ready for the launch!
But anyway, we won't get any news till batman is released, I'm guessing that if w have anything for a release in november, we won't get any news before next friday...
But still, that'd be weird of them to just throw the game only 4 days after that, they usually tease us a lot before the launch of a new game.
I think we can bet on a december release.
Been there since TWD S1, getting used to that attitude from TTG !
To be honest, people who can wait just dont post anything. Its only impatient people posting right now
I totally agree.Or let this thread be the Whatever's on Your Mind thread,and create one that is reserved for news,talking about news,discussing things related to TWD.Seeing 100 new comments about how TellTale sucks and Batman sucks and so on gets a bit annoying when this isn't the point of this thread.
I thought that Job said on his twitter that there will be 8 minutes of gameplay for TWDS3 this week
it's sunday right now last day of this week and gameplay isn't out yet?? well somewhere is error.