It's still November last I checked. I'll admit to being... perturbed at the 11/11/16 tweet saying we'd be seeing or hearing something this w… moreeek, which is pretty much over unless they are putting something out on a Saturday. Next week is Thanksgiving, and maybe we'll hear something on Black Friday about a release on the 29th, literally the last day in November of this year.
At this point I'll be happy if it even comes out this year.
Like I've said before, I dislike delays, but understand they are oftentimes necessary, it's the total lack of any communication that bites my ass. But like I've said before, given all the platforms it's coming out on, they may be prevented from making statements due to contractual issues.
So I guess just keep our fingers crossed...
To be honest, I'd just like to know if the game's gonna be delayed. I'd be fine if they just kept us informed. I have some games I'd like to play that I'm holding back because of TWD, at least I'd like to know the release date.
To be honest, I'd just like to know if the game's gonna be delayed. I'd be fine if they just kept us informed. I have some games I'd like to play that I'm holding back because of TWD, at least I'd like to know the release date.
Do you think it is possible that they have some finincial problems and these problem may affect TWD3? I'm saying this because according to Steamspy they have sold about 88,799 copies of Batman. That isn't many copies compared to the other games: Minecraft - around 203,694; GoT - 577,664; Borderlands - 579,541; TWD2 - 1,161,711 .
Do you think it is possible that they have some finincial problems and these problem may affect TWD3? I'm saying this because according to S… moreteamspy they have sold about 88,799 copies of Batman. That isn't many copies compared to the other games: Minecraft - around 203,694; GoT - 577,664; Borderlands - 579,541; TWD2 - 1,161,711 .
I do hope the Kenny/Jane thing is being kidnapped and not killed. This could be Telltale's chance for a determinant character to last longer than 3 episodes. Have them pretty much off screen but show a little cutscene of them being tortured or something and then a big reuniting at the end and hopefully Kenny or Jane could carry onto season 4.
All I would like is for Telltale to give us some communication. I don't mind when the game comes out, as long as Telltale actually mentions it. I'm seriously frustrated by their silence.
3 episodes + 1 episode = 4 episodes + 3 characters of two projects (2 from them in new season together), 2 story, the effect of ending the third season also makes it BIG.
I wouldn't count on it. Next week is Thanksgiving, and Telltale employees will only be there until Tuesday to get out Batman (Wednesday is the first holiday). After the release of Batman on the 22nd, they'll be back after Thanksgiving and the weekend on the 28th. I honestly don't expect news before the Video Game Awards on December 1st.
I will kill the next person that says "communication" in a post on this thread.
Don't reply "communication" to this very comment; that's not funny; you might employ irony and believe that you're blowing people's minds, but you're really not.
I will kill the next person that says "communication" in a post on this thread.
Don't reply "communication" to this very comment; that's not funny; you might employ irony and believe that you're blowing people's minds, but you're really not.
I'm reopening this thread to post this news.
If things get too crazy again it may be closed so please behave yourselves
I'm reopening this thread to post this news.
If things get too crazy again it may be closed so please behave yourselves
I think it's the only thing we can do now....
The dislikes of the video speak for themselves.
To be honest, I'd just like to know if the game's gonna be delayed. I'd be fine if they just kept us informed. I have some games I'd like to play that I'm holding back because of TWD, at least I'd like to know the release date.
That's what we all hope for. For some communication.
Yeah..some communication would be nice.
Silence - this is a valid option.

Not from someone with no information...but you know from the damn company.
I am wondering if WB demanded a no compete clause in exchange for the Batman license...would explain the silence in some ways.
Do you think it is possible that they have some finincial problems and these problem may affect TWD3? I'm saying this because according to Steamspy they have sold about 88,799 copies of Batman. That isn't many copies compared to the other games: Minecraft - around 203,694; GoT - 577,664; Borderlands - 579,541; TWD2 - 1,161,711 .
I don't think thats the case. But im prettu sure releasing twd will boost it. I know for sure my 25$ Are ready.
I do hope the Kenny/Jane thing is being kidnapped and not killed. This could be Telltale's chance for a determinant character to last longer than 3 episodes. Have them pretty much off screen but show a little cutscene of them being tortured or something and then a big reuniting at the end and hopefully Kenny or Jane could carry onto season 4.
I can't help but think if we're supposed to get news, it will be after Batman EP4 releases otherwise TWD might overshadow it
All I would like is for Telltale to give us some communication. I don't mind when the game comes out, as long as Telltale actually mentions it. I'm seriously frustrated by their silence.
...and what's wrong with that?
I have no idea what you just said.
Maybe they will release it the week after batman episode 4? or even some news next week?
I think after Batman Ep 4 premieres, Telltale might finally give TWDG the attention it so desperately deserves.
I don't even want to speculate anymore to not get disappointed even more..
It's an error I think, make in 1st shot an episode of Batman against in 2nd Shot a first episode of a new game.
I wouldn't count on it. Next week is Thanksgiving, and Telltale employees will only be there until Tuesday to get out Batman (Wednesday is the first holiday). After the release of Batman on the 22nd, they'll be back after Thanksgiving and the weekend on the 28th. I honestly don't expect news before the Video Game Awards on December 1st.
I will kill the next person that says "communication" in a post on this thread.
Don't reply "communication" to this very comment; that's not funny; you might employ irony and believe that you're blowing people's minds, but you're really not.
What else do you want us to say?
say nothing and be respectful, i guess?
Just pretend that Telltale's silence isn't a problem. (Even though it is.)
This^ I'm sick of people defending telltale.
How can we be respectful if they don't respect us?
Man TWD side of the forum is a "House divided" See what I did there?
And? That doesn't give you the right to disrespect your fans. I fail to see your point.
Oh, I get it. That's a good one.
This thread is taking a break until people chill out and Telltale actually gives us something to discuss.
I'm reopening this thread to post this news.
If things get too crazy again it may be closed so please behave yourselves
Could this mean a trailer...
Big news?
Okay, I'm done crying now
Wow. I'm actually impressed wasn't expecting anything, but woo any news is good news. Hooray for tomorrow!
Everyone's reaction to lack of news can be equally measured to the episode of SpongeBob where they all flip shit in his head.
So, Straw poll!
What big news can we expect tomorrow/this week?
Picture both...
Please don't overuse pictures now. Just please don't! Please.