Not THAT fast, but yeah, these were nice years...GoT happened, TftB happened, Michonne happened and Batman started...
All this kept us occupied
Now that we're here, lets get ready!
No more Trump shit here. I came here to forget about reality and how a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, capitalist, sexist (and maybe even rapist) rich businnes man just won the elections of the most powerful contry in the world in a democratic way. Please, let me be happy for five minutes.
Maybe this is the "One loosely related to plunge into tomorrow" news Job mentioned about? TWD Pinball in VR?
Same here, there only a few things in any form of entertainment that can get me so hyped that I don't even care how much of a jackass I come off as.
Star Wars
Dr. Who
Telltale's TWD
that's about it.
Holy fuck imagine if Job just came out tomorrow saying "The Walking Dead A New Frontier Pinball confirmed!" then never talks about the actual ANF ever again.
Maybe this is the "One loosely related to plunge into tomorrow" news Job mentioned about? TWD Pinball in VR?
Maybe this is the "One loosely related to plunge into tomorrow" news Job mentioned about? TWD Pinball in VR?
Maybe this is the "One loosely related to plunge into tomorrow" news Job mentioned about? TWD Pinball in VR?
Holy fuck imagine if Job just came out tomorrow saying "The Walking Dead A New Frontier Pinball confirmed!" then never talks about the actual ANF ever again.
Maybe this is the "One loosely related to plunge into tomorrow" news Job mentioned about? TWD Pinball in VR?
Maybe this is the "One loosely related to plunge into tomorrow" news Job mentioned about? TWD Pinball in VR?
Maybe this is the "One loosely related to plunge into tomorrow" news Job mentioned about? TWD Pinball in VR?
When he said loosely did he mean as loose as sharing the product name and that's literally it? Why even bother saying that and getting everyone's hopes up Job? Come on....
Disappointed that the VR Pinball Game was the news today, but at least that other news for Season 3 is coming very soon. It has to be at least tomorrow or wendesday, because I can't really see them releasing something big during or after thanksgiving.
Not THAT fast, but yeah, these were nice years...GoT happened, TftB happened, Michonne happened and Batman started...
All this kept us occupied
Now that we're here, lets get ready!

All hail Blind Sniper.
Blind Sniper 2020 Make The Forums Great Again
Thou shall repeat thy act, for we receive more news.
The Cake is a Lie
Close it again! fast!
Lowkey freaking out but it's chill
Its like were in the eye of the storm here, it was panic and chaos all last week, and now the backside of hurricane Freak Out is about to hit.
No more Trump shit here. I came here to forget about reality and how a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, capitalist, sexist (and maybe even rapist) rich businnes man just won the elections of the most powerful contry in the world in a democratic way. Please, let me be happy for five minutes.
I knew that somebody will say It...
We're getting there people. Funny how no other game series can peak my interest more than this one. It's too good.
Same here, there only a few things in any form of entertainment that can get me so hyped that I don't even care how much of a jackass I come off as.
Star Wars
Dr. Who
Telltale's TWD
that's about it.
Maybe this is the "One loosely related to plunge into tomorrow" news Job mentioned about? TWD Pinball in VR?
Are you serious? Well...ok because the original ANF news is yet to come and i still think its release details
For me its ttg's ANY game, specially wd obviously
Holy fuck imagine if Job just came out tomorrow saying "The Walking Dead A New Frontier Pinball confirmed!" then never talks about the actual ANF ever again.
Who guessed pinball! Come right on up and claim your prize!
When do you think we will get some news on ANF?!
Pinball, it's what I've always wanted!
I love pinball. That looks fun
Nah, the big news is yet to come
He said we maybe this week
The bot is stupid, i tried it and it is worse than S Voice and doesnt actually understand anything. So maybe the answer to your qts is: THIS MONTH
Everyone who predicted TWD Pinball + Blind are Illuminati confirmed.
It's a joke! I just found it funny.
wow @Dont_Look_Back kind of guessed it lol
We just got Trolled by played!
Is this the "One loosely related" information?
Probably. Classic trolls.
Well, that News does preform as advertised.
Big news are coming.
When he said loosely did he mean as loose as sharing the product name and that's literally it? Why even bother saying that and getting everyone's hopes up Job? Come on....
Disappointed that the VR Pinball Game was the news today, but at least that other news for Season 3 is coming very soon. It has to be at least tomorrow or wendesday, because I can't really see them releasing something big during or after thanksgiving.