With AJ and Kenny after all we'd been through together there was no way I was leaving him and the fact that Jane's plan was so idiotic. 'Hey… more, if you pretend you killed someone's adopted son, they get pissed'. No shit. Jane started that entire fight and once she realised she couldn't win against Kenny (few people can, except maybe Lee, Larry and Molly) she tried to guilt trip Clementine into killing him. Sorry Jane, but I'd rather take a slightly unstable father figure over a pathological liar trying to replace her dead sister.
Also, Kenny summed it up best,
'Hey listen, I didn't want that to happen either, I thought she KILLED Alvie Clem, and at any point she could have stopped what was happenin' by saying he was fine. She wanted a fight.'
With AJ and Kenny after all we'd been through together there was no way I was leaving him and the fact that Jane's plan was so idiotic. 'Hey… more, if you pretend you killed someone's adopted son, they get pissed'. No shit. Jane started that entire fight and once she realised she couldn't win against Kenny (few people can, except maybe Lee, Larry and Molly) she tried to guilt trip Clementine into killing him. Sorry Jane, but I'd rather take a slightly unstable father figure over a pathological liar trying to replace her dead sister.
I dont know why but I laughed all the way through this. I just imagine your clementine looking at Jane while she calls for help like "Ha.... no"
I personally prefer the alone and stay at Wellington endings, but the latter intrigues me as much as letting the family stay at Lowe's. I play too often to remember which ending I went through first.
First thing to keep in mind is choices have a time limit, so there isn't a lot of time to think about it. I didn't like Jane much and tried to be as mean to her as possible. I decided to just let Kenny do it. Then I was surprised to see there was an option to shoot Kenny after and I just thought Kenny has lost it he needs to go, boom.
The best and only moral ending.
Putting Kenny down.
Going with Jane.
Letting the family in. Even if they tried something Clementine would outsmart them and Jane is a fighter.
Honestly it was tough call at the time, but I looked away and let Jane die because I knew even if Kenny was losing his mind he'd still be willing to do anything to keep Clem and AJ safe, while Jane would probably bail on Clem to save herself and definitely bail on AJ.
After that, found AJ in the car and decided to stay with Kenny. I'd rather be with the loyal psychopath than a questionable sociopath or on my own.
Then we got to Wellington. Even though it killed me a little, scratch that; a lot, inside I stayed there. The man begged me to, who am I to say no?
All and all that's my favorite ending and I'm shamelessly proud of the fact that I chose Kenny the first time around. #DoItForTheStache
Jane had to die the moment she hid (or killed, as we could have thought), I don't like manipulators. If you know that a guy is gonna flip the shit, you DO NOT provoke him to prove the point. It is obvious what is going to happen. And you do not make a little girl kill her only friend so she will be friends with you. That's just pure evil.
Also, stayed with Kenny to the end, there is no way I am leaving him. He is a little crazy, but I would trust him with Clem's and AJ's life over any Wellington any day.
First thing to keep in mind is choices have a time limit, so there isn't a lot of time to think about it. I didn't like Jane much and tried … moreto be as mean to her as possible. I decided to just let Kenny do it. Then I was surprised to see there was an option to shoot Kenny after and I just thought Kenny has lost it he needs to go, boom.
Didnt shoot Kenny. The moment Jane said "dont get in the middle of this" i realized she did something just to make Kenny mad, she herself said me to dont get between them in the fight, and it didnt make sense to me to stop a murder with another murder. Then I stayed at Wellington, and regreted it at the time, but now I realize it was a good choice. In the entire series Kenny's only objective was to keep the ones he care safe, and he failed (katjaa, duck, sarita). I just wanted him to be sure that Clem and AJ would be safe, and let he finnally have his moments of piece. I completely lost it the moment he gave me his hat, i cried like a baby.
Alone with AJ. I couldn't allow Kenny to kill someone on my watch no matter the reasons, plus it finally gave me the choice to get rid of Kenny since season 1 and for good this time so there was absolutely no hesitation for me. Then I dumped Jane because I don't like being manipulated to do something especially when I already knew that Kenny was a ticking bomb I didn't need you to tell me that, Jane. So, screw them both.
I stayed at Wellington and said goodbye to Kenny. As much as I liked him and almost had second thoughts about leaving him behind, it just seemed like the right thing to do and was obviously what he wanted. After everything he'd lost, and all the things he did to protect Clem it only seemed right to fulfill his wish.
Jane's actions proved that she was an absolute sociopath and manipulator, so I let her die knowing she brought it on herself. She couldn't have been trusted.
I ended up leaving Wellington with Kenny; I left with Kenny b/c Christa was not inside Wellington so I kept Clem with someone she knows.
When it came time to choose b/t Kenny and Jane I couldn't decide. When Clem points the gun at the two I was kinda confused about the options. I def wasn't gonna choose "shoot Kenny". But I thought that the "look away" option would still end with someone getting shot, but Clem not looking at who she was shooting. As volitle as Kenny was in that moment, I didn't feel that he deserved to be betrayed by Clementine, especially when Jane instigated the fight. When Jane enters the station w/o A.j., I couldn't believe she had let something happen. I mean, I know accidents can and will happen, but the way she spoke of it, it was like, "whoops..."; so I guess I understood Kenny's frustration and anger towards Jane. Now, if the choice hadn't been a life or death choice, I would've decided to go with Jane and left the baby with Kenny as there was no way Kenny was letting A.j go. I didn't necessarily want Jane to die, but my inaction resulted in her death. That was her downfall. She chose life over her own sister and wanted to use Clem as her redemption. Clem is what Jane wanted her sister to be, but she just didn't have the resilience or mental fortitude.
Pretty much what happened in my game. I did not look away. I watched Jane die to be sure she was dead and Ken alive. I imagine my Clem was holding a gun just to be sure to help Kenny out if Jane somehow starts winning.
With AJ and Kenny after all we'd been through together there was no way I was leaving him and the fact that Jane's plan was so idiotic. 'Hey… more, if you pretend you killed someone's adopted son, they get pissed'. No shit. Jane started that entire fight and once she realised she couldn't win against Kenny (few people can, except maybe Lee, Larry and Molly) she tried to guilt trip Clementine into killing him. Sorry Jane, but I'd rather take a slightly unstable father figure over a pathological liar trying to replace her dead sister.
I dont know why but I laughed all the way through this. I just imagine your clementine looking at Jane while she calls for help like "Ha.... no"
Shot Kenny, boy did I hate his guts since Season 1.
Went to Howe's with Jane, she didn't really have to prove herself that Kenny is dangerous, I already knew that. I understand why she did it, I only didn't like how she did it.
Invited the family, they seem kind of off, but I'm willing to take the risk.
The best part about this is that I have zero regrets about my decisions.
That's how I felt. You and I had very different outcomes. Although I was a wee sad about losing Jane, I didn't regret my decision. And then after playing each outcome that only solidified for me that my first choice was the right choice.
Shot Kenny, boy did I hate his guts since Season 1.
Went to Howe's with Jane, she didn't really have to prove herself that Kenny is dange… morerous, I already knew that. I understand why she did it, I only didn't like how she did it.
Invited the family, they seem kind of off, but I'm willing to take the risk.
The best part about this is that I have zero regrets about my decisions.
Jane def would bail on Clem and A.j.
We saw that in Amid the Ruins when Jane says she's up for saving Sarah, but quickly changes her mind as soon as they reach her and Luke.
Honestly it was tough call at the time, but I looked away and let Jane die because I knew even if Kenny was losing his mind he'd still be wi… morelling to do anything to keep Clem and AJ safe, while Jane would probably bail on Clem to save herself and definitely bail on AJ.
After that, found AJ in the car and decided to stay with Kenny. I'd rather be with the loyal psychopath than a questionable sociopath or on my own.
Then we got to Wellington. Even though it killed me a little, scratch that; a lot, inside I stayed there. The man begged me to, who am I to say no?
All and all that's my favorite ending and I'm shamelessly proud of the fact that I chose Kenny the first time around. #DoItForTheStache
Pretty much what happened in my game. I did not look away. I watched Jane die to be sure she was dead and Ken alive. I imagine my Clem was holding a gun just to be sure to help Kenny out if Jane somehow starts winning.
I chose to shoot Kenny. Definitely the hardest choice I have made in the Walking Dead Series. I really liked Kenny in Season 1 and I even had his back for most of Season 2. Sure, he made some mistakes but I thought he could come out of it by the end like he did in Season 1 when he saved Ben. Maybe he would have been fine if Sarita had survived but we will never know. All I could think of is that he was becoming less and less "Kenny" with every death that was close to him. I shot him because the way he was going after losing Sarita and AJ, I didn't think he would be a safe protector for my Clem. I didn't particularly like Jane but I knew she wouldn't actively try to hurt me for any reason and I couldn't say the same for Kenny. I thought Jane would be a decent protector Clem, although not a perfect one. She left me twice before but came back both times and I was hoping she had learned from her mistakes. I did not plan on her breaking my trust though. When I found out she had created this scheme, I did not hesitate to leave her. I kind of regret leaving her now because my Clem is all alone but I couldn't trust her. On my second playthrough, I kept Kenny alive and realized at the end that I was wrong about him. There still was some Kenny left and he brought us safely to Wellington. Wish I didn't shoot him now. RIP Kenny, a true friend.
Shot Kenny without any hesitation tbh. Was never a fan of him from the start, his character didn't really stand out to me. Plus, bringing him back denied the Cabin group any development.
One thing I don't understand in this thread though:
Why do people keep saying that Jane would abandon Clementine and AJ at a moments notice when Clem was 90% of the reason as to why she rejoined the group?
I stayed with Kenny. I couldn't leave that man behind, I didn't care what anyone said about him. He went through so much, way too much. Lost his wife, his kid, just mere moments apart. He thought his lost just about everything, regained hope thanks to Sarita, Clementine & AJ. Lost Sarita, nearly lost his life, and thought he lost AJ. I was tired of people acting like he was evil, like he was the worst. No. He's a goddamn human being who had to eat shit after shit, hardly any breaks in-between. I feel like too many people are quick to give up on someone rather than understand them. I understood Kenny, and I wasn't quitting on him. So I fucking hope that TTG makes the wait for season 3 worth it by not just killing off Kenny; hell I'll even hope that Jane survives too.
I stayed with Kenny. I couldn't leave that man behind, I didn't care what anyone said about him. He went through so much, way too much. Lost… more his wife, his kid, just mere moments apart. He thought his lost just about everything, regained hope thanks to Sarita, Clementine & AJ. Lost Sarita, nearly lost his life, and thought he lost AJ. I was tired of people acting like he was evil, like he was the worst. No. He's a goddamn human being who had to eat shit after shit, hardly any breaks in-between. I feel like too many people are quick to give up on someone rather than understand them. I understood Kenny, and I wasn't quitting on him. So I fucking hope that TTG makes the wait for season 3 worth it by not just killing off Kenny; hell I'll even hope that Jane survives too.
Oh man you can leave aj? If only you could go with Kenny and still leave the fucker behind its going to end up randomly appearing in s3 back with Clem even if you leave it sadly
Oh man you can leave aj? If only you could go with Kenny and still leave the fucker behind its going to end up randomly appearing in s3 back with Clem even if you leave it sadly
But how does it randomly appear back with Clem is the question. I'd prefer Clem without aj though, even though aj is a baby it gets her into to much trouble and nearly costs her life over and over, if anything it would be better survival for her to not have it. I dont want it to die though, just Clem give him to some other survival group to watch over. In that case though that she has the choice to leave aj with Kenny, Clem can be a "deadbeat" as an option although I wouldn't call it that at all.
I'd prefer Clem without aj though, even though aj is a baby it gets her into to much trouble and nearly costs her life over and over, if anything it would be better survival for her to not have it.
Technically, that had more to do with Jane, but whatever.
I dont want it to die though, just Clem give him to some other survival group to watch over.
Now that I can agree on.
In that case though that she has the choice to leave aj with Kenny, Clem can be a "deadbeat" as an option although I wouldn't call it that at all.
But how does it randomly appear back with Clem is the question. I'd prefer Clem without aj though, even though aj is a baby it gets her into… more to much trouble and nearly costs her life over and over, if anything it would be better survival for her to not have it. I dont want it to die though, just Clem give him to some other survival group to watch over. In that case though that she has the choice to leave aj with Kenny, Clem can be a "deadbeat" as an option although I wouldn't call it that at all.
It was Janes fault entirely at the ending. But aj had his moments with the accidental crying which alerted walkers and people alot and will likely continue that, it just makes surviving much harder, especially for a tween she shouldn't have to do that, although shes capable.
I'd prefer Clem without aj though, even though aj is a baby it gets her into to much trouble and nearly costs her life over and over, if any… morething it would be better survival for her to not have it.
Technically, that had more to do with Jane, but whatever.
I dont want it to die though, just Clem give him to some other survival group to watch over.
Now that I can agree on.
In that case though that she has the choice to leave aj with Kenny, Clem can be a "deadbeat" as an option although I wouldn't call it that at all.
I couldn't think of a more fitting word.
It was Janes fault entirely at the ending. But aj had his moments with the accidental crying which alerted walkers and people alot and will … morelikely continue that, it just makes surviving much harder, especially for a tween she shouldn't have to do that, although shes capable.
Logically you can assume that a baby is trouble in a zombie apocalypse. Its going to cry, need constantly fed, the list will go on. If you don't remember Aj made trouble the instant he was born as it attracted noise and led the walkers to the deck. Although not his fault Kenny would have never gotten killed or picked a fight with Jane if Aj was never there as Jane wouldn't of had an excuse to make him mad. It was constant trying to keep Aj safe which was a little annoying to me as it somewhat butted Clem out of the picture even though shes a kid too. There are alot of tiny moments that arn't as important but are caused by Aj aswell most of them being the characters including Clem nearly dying trying to protect like when she ran out to grab it in the middle of gun fire. Hell nothing bad that happened episode 3 and up would have happened if aj wasnt there. Carver would have never wanted to get rebecca back if she didn't have the baby, which means luke, alvin, literally all of the group that died would still be alive, kenny would have never lost an eye, they would have never been held captive, no injuries would have been caused on clem because of carver, rebecca wouldnt of had all the troubles that caused to the group of her being pregnant nor would she of died, aj is basicly an accidental murderer even when he wasn't born yet.
If you don't remember Aj made trouble the instant he was born as it attracted noise and led the walkers to the deck.
Technically, it was Rebecca's screaming rather than AJ himself, but whatever. Plus, there's the whole birth control issue that he has no control over.
I won't contest the risk of having a baby in the apocalypse or whether AJ overshadowed Clementine(which doesn't make much sense to begin with) because I don't have much to say about it.
Although not his fault Kenny would have never gotten killed or picked a fight with Jane if Aj was never there as Jane wouldn't of had an excuse to make him mad.
Well that's kinda victim blaming for Jane's darkness at that point, but I see your point. Actually, Jane's excuse for making Kenny mad was so she can "prove" her point to Clementine that Kenny is gonna snap so Clementine would go with her. And because her previous theory about Sarah turned out so well, she had to force the scenario by taking advantage of what they cared about.
Hell nothing bad that happened episode 3 and up would have happened if aj wasnt there. Carver would have never wanted to get rebecca back if she didn't have the baby, which means luke, alvin, literally all of the group that died would still be alive, kenny would have never lost an eye, they would have never been held captive, no injuries would have been caused on clem because of carver, rebecca wouldnt of had all the troubles that caused to the group of her being pregnant nor would she of died, aj is basicly an accidental murderer even when he wasn't born yet.
That's going a bit<>lot far there, mate. A baby is only a portion as guilty as the parents who decided to bring them into the world.
Logically you can assume that a baby is trouble in a zombie apocalypse. Its going to cry, need constantly fed, the list will go on. If you d… moreon't remember Aj made trouble the instant he was born as it attracted noise and led the walkers to the deck. Although not his fault Kenny would have never gotten killed or picked a fight with Jane if Aj was never there as Jane wouldn't of had an excuse to make him mad. It was constant trying to keep Aj safe which was a little annoying to me as it somewhat butted Clem out of the picture even though shes a kid too. There are alot of tiny moments that arn't as important but are caused by Aj aswell most of them being the characters including Clem nearly dying trying to protect like when she ran out to grab it in the middle of gun fire. Hell nothing bad that happened episode 3 and up would have happened if aj wasnt there. Carver would have never wanted to get rebecca back if she didn't have the baby, which mea… [view original content]
Thats interesting, why exactly? I mean killing Kenny after hed killed jane just seems bizzare.
That moment when you're about to start quoting individual lines but you hold yourself back because this isn't supposed to be a Kenny vs Jane thread.
That was actually almost exactly what I said while playing (especially because I genuinely thought AJ was dead).
I personally prefer the alone and stay at Wellington endings, but the latter intrigues me as much as letting the family stay at Lowe's. I play too often to remember which ending I went through first.
First thing to keep in mind is choices have a time limit, so there isn't a lot of time to think about it. I didn't like Jane much and tried to be as mean to her as possible. I decided to just let Kenny do it. Then I was surprised to see there was an option to shoot Kenny after and I just thought Kenny has lost it he needs to go, boom.
The best moral ending would be to let Jane die. Then kill Kenny. Then leave with AJ
Honestly it was tough call at the time, but I looked away and let Jane die because I knew even if Kenny was losing his mind he'd still be willing to do anything to keep Clem and AJ safe, while Jane would probably bail on Clem to save herself and definitely bail on AJ.
After that, found AJ in the car and decided to stay with Kenny. I'd rather be with the loyal psychopath than a questionable sociopath or on my own.
Then we got to Wellington. Even though it killed me a little, scratch that; a lot, inside I stayed there. The man begged me to, who am I to say no?
All and all that's my favorite ending and I'm shamelessly proud of the fact that I chose Kenny the first time around. #DoItForTheStache
This one:
Jane had to die the moment she hid (or killed, as we could have thought), I don't like manipulators. If you know that a guy is gonna flip the shit, you DO NOT provoke him to prove the point. It is obvious what is going to happen. And you do not make a little girl kill her only friend so she will be friends with you. That's just pure evil.
Also, stayed with Kenny to the end, there is no way I am leaving him. He is a little crazy, but I would trust him with Clem's and AJ's life over any Wellington any day.
Ouch that stuff is too harsh.
Didnt shoot Kenny. The moment Jane said "dont get in the middle of this" i realized she did something just to make Kenny mad, she herself said me to dont get between them in the fight, and it didnt make sense to me to stop a murder with another murder. Then I stayed at Wellington, and regreted it at the time, but now I realize it was a good choice. In the entire series Kenny's only objective was to keep the ones he care safe, and he failed (katjaa, duck, sarita). I just wanted him to be sure that Clem and AJ would be safe, and let he finnally have his moments of piece. I completely lost it the moment he gave me his hat, i cried like a baby.
Alone with AJ. I couldn't allow Kenny to kill someone on my watch no matter the reasons, plus it finally gave me the choice to get rid of Kenny since season 1 and for good this time so there was absolutely no hesitation for me. Then I dumped Jane because I don't like being manipulated to do something especially when I already knew that Kenny was a ticking bomb I didn't need you to tell me that, Jane. So, screw them both.
I stayed at Wellington and said goodbye to Kenny. As much as I liked him and almost had second thoughts about leaving him behind, it just seemed like the right thing to do and was obviously what he wanted. After everything he'd lost, and all the things he did to protect Clem it only seemed right to fulfill his wish.
Jane's actions proved that she was an absolute sociopath and manipulator, so I let her die knowing she brought it on herself. She couldn't have been trusted.
I ended up leaving Wellington with Kenny; I left with Kenny b/c Christa was not inside Wellington so I kept Clem with someone she knows.
When it came time to choose b/t Kenny and Jane I couldn't decide. When Clem points the gun at the two I was kinda confused about the options. I def wasn't gonna choose "shoot Kenny". But I thought that the "look away" option would still end with someone getting shot, but Clem not looking at who she was shooting. As volitle as Kenny was in that moment, I didn't feel that he deserved to be betrayed by Clementine, especially when Jane instigated the fight. When Jane enters the station w/o A.j., I couldn't believe she had let something happen. I mean, I know accidents can and will happen, but the way she spoke of it, it was like, "whoops..."; so I guess I understood Kenny's frustration and anger towards Jane. Now, if the choice hadn't been a life or death choice, I would've decided to go with Jane and left the baby with Kenny as there was no way Kenny was letting A.j go. I didn't necessarily want Jane to die, but my inaction resulted in her death. That was her downfall. She chose life over her own sister and wanted to use Clem as her redemption. Clem is what Jane wanted her sister to be, but she just didn't have the resilience or mental fortitude.
Pretty much what happened in my game. I did not look away. I watched Jane die to be sure she was dead and Ken alive. I imagine my Clem was holding a gun just to be sure to help Kenny out if Jane somehow starts winning.
Shot Kenny, boy did I hate his guts since Season 1.
Went to Howe's with Jane, she didn't really have to prove herself that Kenny is dangerous, I already knew that. I understand why she did it, I only didn't like how she did it.
Invited the family, they seem kind of off, but I'm willing to take the risk.
The best part about this is that I have zero regrets about my decisions.
That's how I felt. You and I had very different outcomes. Although I was a wee sad about losing Jane, I didn't regret my decision. And then after playing each outcome that only solidified for me that my first choice was the right choice.
Jane def would bail on Clem and A.j.
We saw that in Amid the Ruins when Jane says she's up for saving Sarah, but quickly changes her mind as soon as they reach her and Luke.
Me too. I didn't look away either as I wanted to see Kenny kill Jane as I thought he deserved it after the stunt she just pulled.
I chose to shoot Kenny. Definitely the hardest choice I have made in the Walking Dead Series. I really liked Kenny in Season 1 and I even had his back for most of Season 2. Sure, he made some mistakes but I thought he could come out of it by the end like he did in Season 1 when he saved Ben. Maybe he would have been fine if Sarita had survived but we will never know. All I could think of is that he was becoming less and less "Kenny" with every death that was close to him. I shot him because the way he was going after losing Sarita and AJ, I didn't think he would be a safe protector for my Clem. I didn't particularly like Jane but I knew she wouldn't actively try to hurt me for any reason and I couldn't say the same for Kenny. I thought Jane would be a decent protector Clem, although not a perfect one. She left me twice before but came back both times and I was hoping she had learned from her mistakes. I did not plan on her breaking my trust though. When I found out she had created this scheme, I did not hesitate to leave her. I kind of regret leaving her now because my Clem is all alone but I couldn't trust her. On my second playthrough, I kept Kenny alive and realized at the end that I was wrong about him. There still was some Kenny left and he brought us safely to Wellington. Wish I didn't shoot him now. RIP Kenny, a true friend.
Shot Kenny without any hesitation tbh. Was never a fan of him from the start, his character didn't really stand out to me. Plus, bringing him back denied the Cabin group any development.
One thing I don't understand in this thread though:
Why do people keep saying that Jane would abandon Clementine and AJ at a moments notice when Clem was 90% of the reason as to why she rejoined the group?
Reviving this thread near wd3 release so that all of us can have a flashback and start s3 with all the memories from previous seasons...nostalgic?
I stayed with Kenny. I couldn't leave that man behind, I didn't care what anyone said about him. He went through so much, way too much. Lost his wife, his kid, just mere moments apart. He thought his lost just about everything, regained hope thanks to Sarita, Clementine & AJ. Lost Sarita, nearly lost his life, and thought he lost AJ. I was tired of people acting like he was evil, like he was the worst. No. He's a goddamn human being who had to eat shit after shit, hardly any breaks in-between. I feel like too many people are quick to give up on someone rather than understand them. I understood Kenny, and I wasn't quitting on him. So I fucking hope that TTG makes the wait for season 3 worth it by not just killing off Kenny; hell I'll even hope that Jane survives too.
I refused to part with Kenny. Clementine, Kenny and AJ walked away from Wellington.
Really now?
No, Kenny wasn't really either of those--just an asshole.
Definitely agree.
Kenny's dead.
Anyone who could die is dead, because some players make the other choices.
If Kenny lived in your game, he dies at the beginning of the next one.
So you killed them both and left AJ to die? Wow, remind me to never group with you.
ClementineinJane'shead: Now stick your finger in there and twist it!
Oh man you can leave aj? If only you could go with Kenny and still leave the fucker behind
its going to end up randomly appearing in s3 back with Clem even if you leave it sadly
Probably because Clementine isn't a deadbeat.
But how does it randomly appear back with Clem is the question. I'd prefer Clem without aj though, even though aj is a baby it gets her into to much trouble and nearly costs her life over and over, if anything it would be better survival for her to not have it. I dont want it to die though, just Clem give him to some other survival group to watch over. In that case though that she has the choice to leave aj with Kenny, Clem can be a "deadbeat" as an option although I wouldn't call it that at all.
Yeah, what you said.
Technically, that had more to do with Jane, but whatever.
Now that I can agree on.
I couldn't think of a more fitting word.
It was Janes fault entirely at the ending. But aj had his moments with the accidental crying which alerted walkers and people alot and will likely continue that, it just makes surviving much harder, especially for a tween she shouldn't have to do that, although shes capable.
Such as...
Logically you can assume that a baby is trouble in a zombie apocalypse. Its going to cry, need constantly fed, the list will go on. If you don't remember Aj made trouble the instant he was born as it attracted noise and led the walkers to the deck. Although not his fault Kenny would have never gotten killed or picked a fight with Jane if Aj was never there as Jane wouldn't of had an excuse to make him mad. It was constant trying to keep Aj safe which was a little annoying to me as it somewhat butted Clem out of the picture even though shes a kid too. There are alot of tiny moments that arn't as important but are caused by Aj aswell most of them being the characters including Clem nearly dying trying to protect like when she ran out to grab it in the middle of gun fire. Hell nothing bad that happened episode 3 and up would have happened if aj wasnt there. Carver would have never wanted to get rebecca back if she didn't have the baby, which means luke, alvin, literally all of the group that died would still be alive, kenny would have never lost an eye, they would have never been held captive, no injuries would have been caused on clem because of carver, rebecca wouldnt of had all the troubles that caused to the group of her being pregnant nor would she of died, aj is basicly an accidental murderer even when he wasn't born yet.
I didn't think it would happen.
Technically, it was Rebecca's screaming rather than AJ himself, but whatever. Plus, there's the whole birth control issue that he has no control over.
I won't contest the risk of having a baby in the apocalypse or whether AJ overshadowed Clementine(which doesn't make much sense to begin with) because I don't have much to say about it.
Well that's kinda victim blaming for Jane's darkness at that point, but I see your point. Actually, Jane's excuse for making Kenny mad was so she can "prove" her point to Clementine that Kenny is gonna snap so Clementine would go with her. And because her previous theory about Sarah turned out so well, she had to force the scenario by taking advantage of what they cared about.
That's going a bit<>lot far there, mate. A baby is only a portion as guilty as the parents who decided to bring them into the world.