Some notes:
* David's a dick.
* Villain's are 'The New Frontier' or something. Since Clementine says they 'were good people' I guess w… moree can speculate that Clementine WAS with them and eventually departed.
* Family is separated, we see that one girl going off in a car with Javi saying 'Get her to Richmond(?)'. Beanie boy seems to be still with Javi though.
* Clem and AJ surrounded by walkers in a flashback maybe?
* Marking on Clementine's hand - could this have been a similar branding to the Capricorn symbol? Maybe The New Frontier have AJ hostage, and the branding is a symbol of remembrance imposed by them onto Clementine.
* Javi burying a grave. Guess this is what we saw in the concept arts?
* Blond guy with a rifle seems to be on our side several times throughout the trailer.
* End of trailer - group walking to Capricorn base without Clementine in sight.
* Ominous last shot with a person's side. I'm guessing it's Christa or Lil… [view original content]
She has tanned as a result of the harsh Virginia summer rays, and grown a coat of fur to endure the December snows of Virginia. Lilly is now more beast than woman.
Tbh, I would assume instead of losing a finger they would just kill Kenny if they decide to bring him back at all. Maybe they decide to kill Kenny AND cut Clem's finger off...Thank God I don't work for Telltale
Yup, I mean if we end up there no matter what, maybe they do but itll be different.
For example, what if the only way you dont lose the f… moreinger is if you left with Kenny, arrive at the New Frontier with Kenny, get in trouble or whatever, Kenny takes blame, and he loses a finger instead.
This trailer doesn't excite me. Too fast, too much action. Meh.
Do you remember why season 1 was so popular? Do you, Telltale? Not because of shootings, explosions or zombie killing techniques. Characters were interesting, building bonds, difficult moral choices and good dialogues. If this won't come back in 3rd season then it will be waste of time.
I was a little confused too, but I think A New Frontier (like the Michonne mini series) is set in the 2 year time skip after the end of All Out War in the comics. Jesus could have been out scouting for new people during this time skip and ran into Javi and Clem.
This trailer doesn't excite me. Too fast, too much action. Meh.
Do you remember why season 1 was so popular? Do you, Telltale? Not becaus… moree of shootings, explosions or zombie killing techniques. Characters were interesting, building bonds, difficult moral choices and good dialogues. If this won't come back in 3rd season then it will be waste of time.
This trailer doesn't excite me. Too fast, too much action. Meh.
Do you remember why season 1 was so popular? Do you, Telltale? Not becaus… moree of shootings, explosions or zombie killing techniques. Characters were interesting, building bonds, difficult moral choices and good dialogues. If this won't come back in 3rd season then it will be waste of time.
I hope so, i dont mind if comic characters make an apperance but i really dont want them around for too long. I like TWD games with original characters that telltale creates
This trailer doesn't excite me. Too fast, too much action. Meh.
Do you remember why season 1 was so popular? Do you, Telltale? Not becaus… moree of shootings, explosions or zombie killing techniques. Characters were interesting, building bonds, difficult moral choices and good dialogues. If this won't come back in 3rd season then it will be waste of time.
omg good catch! Dude I can't wait for the flashback sequences. Perhaps this is when she meets the New Frontier people, but that's assuming she has been with them for a while (since AJ was still an infant) by the time Javier shows up. (I'm trying to offer up alternatives so I don't have to accept that Kenny/Jane are dead ;_;)
I hope so, i dont mind if comic characters make an apperance but i really dont want them around for too long. I like TWD games with original characters that telltale creates
I don't know if someone else noticed this or not but it seems like the mark is on the wrong side?

The girl you see in the truck is the same girl that has been appearing over and over, I bet she's Javier's sister.

Wasn't her name Eleanor?
She has tanned as a result of the harsh Virginia summer rays, and grown a coat of fur to endure the December snows of Virginia. Lilly is now more beast than woman.
LOL. Can't unsee it
This hurt me.
You can clearly see her scar here.
If this is an actual tattoo I swear to jebus... Clem = Ellie
Aj was already giving me some serious Yoda vibes.
Tbh, I would assume instead of losing a finger they would just kill Kenny if they decide to bring him back at all. Maybe they decide to kill Kenny AND cut Clem's finger off...Thank God I don't work for Telltale
Yeah I guessed as much.
It's either Eleanor or Kate. I don't want to start calling names until I know for sure though.
It may not matter where the mark is exactly.
Also, Javier may not even get the branding anymore, we'll need to see.
Is the trinity complete?
Javier=Holy Spirit
That is one sick dab.
Hold up, what if its Nate?
yo that looks messy as hell lol
Damn Clem missing finger in the first pic.
This trailer doesn't excite me. Too fast, too much action. Meh.
Do you remember why season 1 was so popular? Do you, Telltale? Not because of shootings, explosions or zombie killing techniques. Characters were interesting, building bonds, difficult moral choices and good dialogues. If this won't come back in 3rd season then it will be waste of time.
I was a little confused too, but I think A New Frontier (like the Michonne mini series) is set in the 2 year time skip after the end of All Out War in the comics. Jesus could have been out scouting for new people during this time skip and ran into Javi and Clem.
Damn. I really hate that I may actually have to skip this "season"
What is putting you off so badly?
What's going on when Javier opens a vault and his 2 family members, the older girl and the beanie boy, are under?
THIS is a flashback!! You can tell because she's holding AJ and he's still in his original blanket! She's clearly shooting someone... important. Shit.
Season 1 trailers had a lot of action going on as well not just later seasons. It's to bring more hype.
It's too early to tell right now how they are going to do it.
Agreed. The trailer didn't get me hyped at all.
I'll just stick to watching some Let's Plays, instead.
I hope to god, its not who I think it is.
Whoever doubts that Jesus is real, then why he has the magical ability to change his hat color?

She's putting Jane or Kenny down right there, I'm calling it.
I hope so, i dont mind if comic characters make an apperance but i really dont want them around for too long. I like TWD games with original characters that telltale creates
Jane is the antichrist?
I'm gonna pre-order this game on PS4 when I'm done with my fucking history thesis tuesday.
And also because it seems to be black and white.
whispers Yeh boi
Felt the same, the trailer lacked drama, and the introduction of the places, characters and enemies were too fast.
She doesn't look sad though, and who would she put down in the Wellington ending? Christa?
Hopefully he is a cameo
And I think she is wearing the coat bonnie gave her.
omg good catch! Dude I can't wait for the flashback sequences. Perhaps this is when she meets the New Frontier people, but that's assuming she has been with them for a while (since AJ was still an infant) by the time Javier shows up. (I'm trying to offer up alternatives so I don't have to accept that Kenny/Jane are dead ;_;)
I believe they were planning to play on Play Station 3.
Damn people keep going on about Christa. Didn't the writers confirm a while ago that we won't ever see her again?
I don't want discourage anyone from buying. Just to show what's important. Action - yes, but as a culmination of episode, not a filler.
Eh he's my favorite twd character so I want him to be more than just "look a comic character how cool