What the trailer lacked was good pacing and build up. It had neither. It practically just threw you in thh deep end so you're just drowning in it. It's difficult to enjoy the first time but after a couple replays I enjoyed it some more.
This trailer doesn't excite me. Too fast, too much action. Meh.
Do you remember why season 1 was so popular? Do you, Telltale? Not becaus… moree of shootings, explosions or zombie killing techniques. Characters were interesting, building bonds, difficult moral choices and good dialogues. If this won't come back in 3rd season then it will be waste of time.
The predominant focus on Javier, honestly. It's been 2 years since the last season, I can't say I've been waiting for a followup third season focused on the troubles of a new guy. It's tougher to care about some guys troubles when the first installments got me invested in someone else.
Just because she's staying composed doesn't mean she's not sad. She's just more used to it now so she's not gonna be bawling like she did when she killed Lee. And she doesn't have to kill someone in every play through, this could easily be determinant.
I might be going crazy, but the girl who says "You told me where to hide" sounds like she has a bit of a Spanish accent, so I'm guessing it's not Clem but either the girl in the truck or maybe even Javier's niece from the Game Awards trailer.
Some notes:
* David's a dick.
* Villain's are 'The New Frontier' or something. Since Clementine says they 'were good people' I guess w… moree can speculate that Clementine WAS with them and eventually departed.
* Family is separated, we see that one girl going off in a car with Javi saying 'Get her to Richmond(?)'. Beanie boy seems to be still with Javi though.
* Clem and AJ surrounded by walkers in a flashback maybe?
* Marking on Clementine's hand - could this have been a similar branding to the Capricorn symbol? Maybe The New Frontier have AJ hostage, and the branding is a symbol of remembrance imposed by them onto Clementine.
* Javi burying a grave. Guess this is what we saw in the concept arts?
* Blond guy with a rifle seems to be on our side several times throughout the trailer.
* End of trailer - group walking to Capricorn base without Clementine in sight.
* Ominous last shot with a person's side. I'm guessing it's Christa or Lil… [view original content]
You're not crazy, I don't think it's Clementine either since she has dialogue with the rest of Javi's family, it just really sounded like her to me and obviously I can't match voices or faces to names.
I might be going crazy, but the girl who says "You told me where to hide" sounds like she has a bit of a Spanish accent, so I'm guessing it's not Clem but either the girl in the truck or maybe even Javier's niece from the Game Awards trailer.
This trailer doesn't excite me. Too fast, too much action. Meh.
Do you remember why season 1 was so popular? Do you, Telltale? Not becaus… moree of shootings, explosions or zombie killing techniques. Characters were interesting, building bonds, difficult moral choices and good dialogues. If this won't come back in 3rd season then it will be waste of time.
Oh no, I wasn't planning on buying season 3 for a while now. It wasn't your fault, lol. I was hoping the trailer would change my mind, but it didn't. Not to mention, I also don't care about comic characters. Telltale should keep the games and the comics separate, in my opinion. I hope Jesus is at least just a small role like Glenn and Hershel in season 1(even smaller preferably).
This is the location that we have seen on multiple occasions, where Javier resides, first seen in the blue screenshot of Javier and two of his relatives. You can recognize it due to the wrecked shipping containers.
In this scene, Javier is collecting three of his surviving family members—Kate, Noah, and in the background Eleanor—who were hiding under the trapdoor of what appears to be a restaurant, going by the checkered black and white tiles. This is possibly the bar of "Schulenburg" that @EpicMustacheGuy found.
While being held hostage by the antagonists, whom we previously knew as Capricorn Farm and now as The New Frontier, Javier looks at a second person held captive. The antagonists are holding the protagonist captives at the junk jard also known as Schulenburg.
By the far right, somebody is trapped and seemingly unconscious in the car. Judging by their skin tone and hair color, I would say that they're one of Javi's relatives.
We can see Clementine and Javier running toward the gate of Schulenburg; notice that there are other inhabitants reaching the door before our two protagonists.
Javier and this man that appears several times in the trailer—whom we will momentarily name John—are speaking as smoke emerges in the middle of the night.
Javier is pulling off a Norma.
In this shot, Javier shouts at the driver of this barricaded vehicle to take Kate away, possibly shortly before the appearance of The New Frontier.
Here we can see that Jesus, Noah, Clementine, Javier and John are escaping in the dark, possibly fleeing Schulenburg after the arrival of our beloved goat farmers.
Alvin Junior inside a backpack!
Edited section
I edited things up after realizing that the junk yard and Schulenburg are the same.
I dont understand this way of thinking. Clementines Story will continue. We just play as someone else, who btw seems to be by her side for the majority of the time. Javier will get to know her, like we did in S1 with the difference, that he doesnt know the "innocent" Clementine from S1 but the hardened Survivor that she became. We may even see Clementine in an antagonistic way, when they first meet each other, which is far more interesting, than just a straight continuation with different survivors.
The predominant focus on Javier, honestly. It's been 2 years since the last season, I can't say I've been waiting for a followup third seaso… moren focused on the troubles of a new guy. It's tougher to care about some guys troubles when the first installments got me invested in someone else.
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Trailer
What You Might Not Have Noticed
This is the location that we have seen on multiple occasions,… more where Javier resides, first seen in the blue screenshot of Javier and two of his relatives. You can recognize it due to the wrecked shipping containers.
In this scene, Javier is collecting three of his surviving family members—Kate, Noah, and in the background Eleanor—who were hiding under the trapdoor of what appears to be a restaurant, going by the checkered black and white tiles. This is possibly the bar of "Schulenburg" that @EpicMustacheGuy found.
While being held hostage by the antagonists, whom we previously knew as Capricorn Farm and now as The New Frontier, Javier looks at a second person held captive. The antagonists are holding the protagonist captives at the junk jard also known as Schulenburg.
By the far right, somebody is trapped and seemingly unconscious in the car. Ju… [view original content]
Well, we've already seen an extended look at Javiers experience with the things that happened in season 1, I'm not sure it's safe to say we'll be spending the majority of the time with her considering the insistence telltale has made that this is Javiers story, and the little we've seen of her.
All of that aside, yea, getting to see Javier get to know her the way we did in season one might be interesting, for someone new. It might not be, since they have no reason to care about who she is. Regardless, we already know who she was. We met her in season one, and shaped her through two seasons. All that's out the window, because this is his story, and she's seemingly going to have a determinant attitude based on her flashback segments in this season. So newcomers are seeing her based on the choices we make now. I hope I'm wrong.
I dont understand this way of thinking. Clementines Story will continue. We just play as someone else, who btw seems to be by her side for t… morehe majority of the time. Javier will get to know her, like we did in S1 with the difference, that he doesnt know the "innocent" Clementine from S1 but the hardened Survivor that she became. We may even see Clementine in an antagonistic way, when they first meet each other, which is far more interesting, than just a straight continuation with different survivors.
It was not fixed, it was the whole scene dude, everyone was crying after all, look at the flashback of Javier and you'll se he and David have shining eyes.
Clementine's eyes were shiny the very first preview we had. Nobody's eyes look that glasslike when they cry. They probably decided not to spend their time editing that scene since that was already completed.
It was not fixed, it was the whole scene dude, everyone was crying after all, look at the flashback of Javier and you'll se he and David have shining eyes.
You can joke about terrorism, you can joke about misogeny, misandry, racism, etc, you can joke about the kids on Africa starving, but don't you dare to joke about Christa!
The fact that the guy they introduced is apparently from the comics is another alarm bell for me as the Michonne game suffered from exactly the same problems you said (too fast, too much action, not enough building bonds and good dialouge)
This trailer doesn't excite me. Too fast, too much action. Meh.
Do you remember why season 1 was so popular? Do you, Telltale? Not becaus… moree of shootings, explosions or zombie killing techniques. Characters were interesting, building bonds, difficult moral choices and good dialogues. If this won't come back in 3rd season then it will be waste of time.
Looks like they're keeping with the Capricorn Farm thing since the logo is on the truck that bursts through the camp. (This might have been obvious but I missed it the first time lol)
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Trailer
What You Might Not Have Noticed
This is the location that we have seen on multiple occasions,… more where Javier resides, first seen in the blue screenshot of Javier and two of his relatives. You can recognize it due to the wrecked shipping containers.
In this scene, Javier is collecting three of his surviving family members—Kate, Noah, and in the background Eleanor—who were hiding under the trapdoor of what appears to be a restaurant, going by the checkered black and white tiles. This is possibly the bar of "Schulenburg" that @EpicMustacheGuy found.
While being held hostage by the antagonists, whom we previously knew as Capricorn Farm and now as The New Frontier, Javier looks at a second person held captive. The antagonists are holding the protagonist captives at the junk jard also known as Schulenburg.
By the far right, somebody is trapped and seemingly unconscious in the car. Ju… [view original content]
Actually, that isn't the antagonist's compound. It's the airport settlement, and the New Frontier is attacking it. From the looks of it, Javier comes out to talk to them, shit happens, and they end up ramming a zombie-filled truck through the gate, effectively walker bombing the place. The scene of Javier and Clementine running are them trying to get back inside.
At least, that's what I think is going on. They definitely rammed the gate, but whether or not that scene with Javier and Clementine happens before or after that, I dunno.
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Trailer
What You Might Not Have Noticed
This is the location that we have seen on multiple occasions,… more where Javier resides, first seen in the blue screenshot of Javier and two of his relatives. You can recognize it due to the wrecked shipping containers.
In this scene, Javier is collecting three of his surviving family members—Kate, Noah, and in the background Eleanor—who were hiding under the trapdoor of what appears to be a restaurant, going by the checkered black and white tiles. This is possibly the bar of "Schulenburg" that @EpicMustacheGuy found.
While being held hostage by the antagonists, whom we previously knew as Capricorn Farm and now as The New Frontier, Javier looks at a second person held captive. The antagonists are holding the protagonist captives at the junk jard also known as Schulenburg.
By the far right, somebody is trapped and seemingly unconscious in the car. Ju… [view original content]
What the trailer lacked was good pacing and build up. It had neither. It practically just threw you in thh deep end so you're just drowning in it. It's difficult to enjoy the first time but after a couple replays I enjoyed it some more.
That's exactly what I am saying.
The predominant focus on Javier, honestly. It's been 2 years since the last season, I can't say I've been waiting for a followup third season focused on the troubles of a new guy. It's tougher to care about some guys troubles when the first installments got me invested in someone else.
Just because she's staying composed doesn't mean she's not sad. She's just more used to it now so she's not gonna be bawling like she did when she killed Lee. And she doesn't have to kill someone in every play through, this could easily be determinant.
She looks more hurt than sad. Still a proper emotion if she were about to kill Jane or Kenny
Oh fuck, I completely forgot about Nate.
I guess that's one way to make 400 days relevant again.
This became my new desktop background.
I might be going crazy, but the girl who says "You told me where to hide" sounds like she has a bit of a Spanish accent, so I'm guessing it's not Clem but either the girl in the truck or maybe even Javier's niece from the Game Awards trailer.
Aren't there two people on last pic? Hand on the left is darker. Someone's checking Clem's tattoo.
Girl in the back is Christa, I called it.
You're not crazy, I don't think it's Clementine either since she has dialogue with the rest of Javi's family, it just really sounded like her to me and obviously I can't match voices or faces to names.
How are you so sure?
No exactly sure but it does looks like a flashback (it's in black and white) and it looks like its in wellington (the heavy clothing).
To me it looks like the little girl from the extended look (Grandpa's cup was empty.)
Maybe the action-y parts were all they felt like showing, because the rest was too spoiler-y?
Screw all y'all I'm a hopeless optimist to the end
No, it's the little girl from the extended trailer.
Oh no, I wasn't planning on buying season 3 for a while now. It wasn't your fault, lol. I was hoping the trailer would change my mind, but it didn't. Not to mention, I also don't care about comic characters. Telltale should keep the games and the comics separate, in my opinion. I hope Jesus is at least just a small role like Glenn and Hershel in season 1(even smaller preferably).
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Trailer
What You Might Not Have Noticed
This is the location that we have seen on multiple occasions, where Javier resides, first seen in the blue screenshot of Javier and two of his relatives. You can recognize it due to the wrecked shipping containers.
In this scene, Javier is collecting three of his surviving family members—Kate, Noah, and in the background Eleanor—who were hiding under the trapdoor of what appears to be a restaurant, going by the checkered black and white tiles. This is possibly the bar of "Schulenburg" that @EpicMustacheGuy found.
While being held hostage by the antagonists, whom we previously knew as Capricorn Farm and now as The New Frontier, Javier looks at a second person held captive. The antagonists are holding the protagonist captives at the junk jard also known as Schulenburg.
By the far right, somebody is trapped and seemingly unconscious in the car. Judging by their skin tone and hair color, I would say that they're one of Javi's relatives.
We can see Clementine and Javier running toward the gate of Schulenburg; notice that there are other inhabitants reaching the door before our two protagonists.
Javier and this man that appears several times in the trailer—whom we will momentarily name John—are speaking as smoke emerges in the middle of the night.
Javier is pulling off a Norma.
In this shot, Javier shouts at the driver of this barricaded vehicle to take Kate away, possibly shortly before the appearance of The New Frontier.
Here we can see that Jesus, Noah, Clementine, Javier and John are escaping in the dark, possibly fleeing Schulenburg after the arrival of our beloved goat farmers.
Alvin Junior inside a backpack!
Edited section
I edited things up after realizing that the junk yard and Schulenburg are the same.
I dont understand this way of thinking. Clementines Story will continue. We just play as someone else, who btw seems to be by her side for the majority of the time. Javier will get to know her, like we did in S1 with the difference, that he doesnt know the "innocent" Clementine from S1 but the hardened Survivor that she became. We may even see Clementine in an antagonistic way, when they first meet each other, which is far more interesting, than just a straight continuation with different survivors.
Christa became a little cuban girl!
I like the last picture, of Javier blowing the zombies brains out.
Has anyone else noticed the eyes aren't shiny anymore? Nice job to the animators for fixing that.
Well, we've already seen an extended look at Javiers experience with the things that happened in season 1, I'm not sure it's safe to say we'll be spending the majority of the time with her considering the insistence telltale has made that this is Javiers story, and the little we've seen of her.
All of that aside, yea, getting to see Javier get to know her the way we did in season one might be interesting, for someone new. It might not be, since they have no reason to care about who she is. Regardless, we already know who she was. We met her in season one, and shaped her through two seasons. All that's out the window, because this is his story, and she's seemingly going to have a determinant attitude based on her flashback segments in this season. So newcomers are seeing her based on the choices we make now. I hope I'm wrong.
You guys really don't know how to take a joke... @ReTaLiN @Davissons @AronDracula @Hawkes
Jokes do bother the hype LOL
It was not fixed, it was the whole scene dude, everyone was crying after all, look at the flashback of Javier and you'll se he and David have shining eyes.

should've added an /s at the end so i know you were sarcastic ;p
Clementine's eyes were shiny the very first preview we had. Nobody's eyes look that glasslike when they cry. They probably decided not to spend their time editing that scene since that was already completed.
You can joke about terrorism, you can joke about misogeny, misandry, racism, etc, you can joke about the kids on Africa starving, but don't you dare to joke about Christa!
Ups doble post.
The fact that the guy they introduced is apparently from the comics is another alarm bell for me as the Michonne game suffered from exactly the same problems you said (too fast, too much action, not enough building bonds and good dialouge)
Yes, they did, actually.
"Sometimes you just get separated and you never see people again." #realism
Tribute to the fallen:
Looks like they're keeping with the Capricorn Farm thing since the logo is on the truck that bursts through the camp. (This might have been obvious but I missed it the first time lol)
So after this trailer, is it a safe bet to make that David and Hector are dead in the present?
They haven't been seen outside of that extended look at all.
I ship Clem and Ellie....just need a ship name.
Actually, that isn't the antagonist's compound. It's the airport settlement, and the New Frontier is attacking it. From the looks of it, Javier comes out to talk to them, shit happens, and they end up ramming a zombie-filled truck through the gate, effectively walker bombing the place. The scene of Javier and Clementine running are them trying to get back inside.
At least, that's what I think is going on. They definitely rammed the gate, but whether or not that scene with Javier and Clementine happens before or after that, I dunno.
Don't forget the asian-big-nose Clementine!