Everyone should be free to express their opinions - if people have complaints about Clementine, and really like her, their views are just as valid as someone who thinks she's overrated.
Honestly at this point I don't even care if the story is crap, I just want a game without a sh*t ton of bugs. I can't even finish Batman cause the damn thing keeps crashing.
Right now, I'm playing Resident Evil 4. People say Resident Evil 6 is the worst Resident Evil game of the franchise but when I watch this game on youtube, it just looks so funny to play.
Oh come on, you can observe issues in games without having played them. I can appreciate the issues with say, No Man's Sky despite having not played it.
Yeah maybe they can't fully say 'the characters didn't draw me in' but they can still critique story choices, the impact of player decisions, soundtrack, graphics, length, etc. etc.
I don't see the point in getting the gaming experience through watching someone else play the game and then talk about the specific problems… more in a game that you never played. You should be all like 'oh great, i've saved myself some money here, now I don't have to pay to play this garbage'
Looking at it now it says buy it and own it forever or play it for now. I'm guessing they only did it because they released two episodes and so players can get a good idea of what they're in for. I'll definitely buy it when I can though as I want to support Telltale.
Well in my opinion it has good gameplay, when you consider it as it is a survival action game as opposed to classic RE survival horror. The story was nothing to write home about but the diversity in gameplay between each character's own story was fun because you get to fight the classic zombies and the new more "mutant" variety of them as well as the classic RE monsters of course.
I think Resident Evil 7 is going to revitalise the series for sure though and I'm getting it for to try it with PSVR too!
Right now, I'm playing Resident Evil 4. People say Resident Evil 6 is the worst Resident Evil game of the franchise but when I watch this game on youtube, it just looks so funny to play.
Right now, I'm playing Resident Evil 4. People say Resident Evil 6 is the worst Resident Evil game of the franchise but when I watch this game on youtube, it just looks so funny to play.
Looking at it now it says buy it and own it forever or play it for now. I'm guessing they only did it because they released two episodes and… more so players can get a good idea of what they're in for. I'll definitely buy it when I can though as I want to support Telltale.
Sure, people can do that, I just dont see the point in it. No point getting invested in things about a game you didnt like you didnt have to pay for anyway.
Oh come on, you can observe issues in games without having played them. I can appreciate the issues with say, No Man's Sky despite having no… moret played it.
Yeah maybe they can't fully say 'the characters didn't draw me in' but they can still critique story choices, the impact of player decisions, soundtrack, graphics, length, etc. etc.
That's true, though people are invested in the story as a whole and particularly in Clementine and the choices we've made, so I can understand their frustration
Sure, people can do that, I just dont see the point in it. No point getting invested in things about a game you didnt like you didnt have to pay for anyway.
Honestly I almost always disagree with majority of the Walking Dead forums. But everyone's opinion is different, if you don't like it, then fine just don't try to ruin everyone else's fun. This isn't directed towards you btw, the Walking Dead forums in general.
I guess. After all, i'm coming from the perspective of someone who's more than happy with these episodes. Kinda difficult for me to see it from their point of view.
That's true, though people are invested in the story as a whole and particularly in Clementine and the choices we've made, so I can understand their frustration
I've got no idea. The trial downlods the full episode but I think it's only for a limited time so you'll likely have to when it's over but I have no idea.
Fixed camera angles are hilarious though, I mean I love running into walls all the time. Seriously though I will need to check this youtuber out, could be a good laugh.
Yeah, it's definitely not like the previous games.
* No typewriters
* No annoying camera angles
* No cheesy controls in RE4
I watched my favourite youtuber, Swingpoynt, playing this game and made me laugh my ass off.
Oh my god. When its any other day of the year, my phone is dry. But now all of a sudden, "Hey man, are you free on the 20th? Hey dude can you help me with shopping on the 20th? Bro on the 20th I'm having a-" ... NO.
My life has to suck socially for one day longer! I can't give into their pleading when I'm this close, this...agonizingly close. I...I'll BUILD A WALL! That's right! I'm Donald-Trumping-Pink-Floyding this shit. The Wall will protect me from social interaction for just a day longer. Nothing gets in, nothing gets out. We're so close, friends. We can make it! Together...Brick by brick...
Fixed camera angles are hilarious though, I mean I love running into walls all the time. Seriously though I will need to check this youtuber out, could be a good laugh.
I've got no idea. The trial downlods the full episode but I think it's only for a limited time so you'll likely have to when it's over but I have no idea.
Oh my god. When its any other day of the year, my phone is dry. But now all of a sudden, "Hey man, are you free on the 20th? Hey dude can yo… moreu help me with shopping on the 20th? Bro on the 20th I'm having a-" ... NO.
My life has to suck socially for one day longer! I can't give into their pleading when I'm this close, this...agonizingly close. I...I'll BUILD A WALL! That's right! I'm Donald-Trumping-Pink-Floyding this shit. The Wall will protect me from social interaction for just a day longer. Nothing gets in, nothing gets out. We're so close, friends. We can make it! Together...Brick by brick...
1 Like = 1 Brick.
Everyone should be free to express their opinions - if people have complaints about Clementine, and really like her, their views are just as valid as someone who thinks she's overrated.
Honestly at this point I don't even care if the story is crap, I just want a game without a sh*t ton of bugs. I can't even finish Batman cause the damn thing keeps crashing.
You wanna know how I'll punish Telltale for making Season 3 become a let down? I'll buy Resident Evil 6 instead.
If you do let me know what you think, I'm considering getting it :P
You'll end up punishing yourself that way.
Oh no I just thought it was pretty funny you got to play the entire first episode through a trial.
Right now, I'm playing Resident Evil 4. People say Resident Evil 6 is the worst Resident Evil game of the franchise but when I watch this game on youtube, it just looks so funny to play.
Oh come on, you can observe issues in games without having played them. I can appreciate the issues with say, No Man's Sky despite having not played it.
Yeah maybe they can't fully say 'the characters didn't draw me in' but they can still critique story choices, the impact of player decisions, soundtrack, graphics, length, etc. etc.
no probs, hope you enjoy it!
Looking at it now it says buy it and own it forever or play it for now. I'm guessing they only did it because they released two episodes and so players can get a good idea of what they're in for. I'll definitely buy it when I can though as I want to support Telltale.
Well in my opinion it has good gameplay, when you consider it as it is a survival action game as opposed to classic RE survival horror. The story was nothing to write home about but the diversity in gameplay between each character's own story was fun because you get to fight the classic zombies and the new more "mutant" variety of them as well as the classic RE monsters of course.
I think Resident Evil 7 is going to revitalise the series for sure though and I'm getting it for to try it with PSVR too!
I think that if you consider it as what it is, a dumb action adventure zombie game instead of a survival horror you'd probably appreciate it more.
That's interesting advertisement.
Sure, people can do that, I just dont see the point in it. No point getting invested in things about a game you didnt like you didnt have to pay for anyway.
That's true, though people are invested in the story as a whole and particularly in Clementine and the choices we've made, so I can understand their frustration
There's a free trial too
Honestly I almost always disagree with majority of the Walking Dead forums. But everyone's opinion is different, if you don't like it, then fine just don't try to ruin everyone else's fun. This isn't directed towards you btw, the Walking Dead forums in general.
I think this a better song for the forums currently personally
Yeah, it's definitely not like the previous games.
I watched my favourite youtuber, Swingpoynt, playing this game and made me laugh my ass off.
I guess. After all, i'm coming from the perspective of someone who's more than happy with these episodes. Kinda difficult for me to see it from their point of view.
I've got no idea. The trial downlods the full episode but I think it's only for a limited time so you'll likely have to when it's over but I have no idea.
Fixed camera angles are hilarious though, I mean I love running into walls all the time. Seriously though I will need to check this youtuber out, could be a good laugh.
I don't care! I WANT IN!!!!
Oh my god. When its any other day of the year, my phone is dry. But now all of a sudden, "Hey man, are you free on the 20th? Hey dude can you help me with shopping on the 20th? Bro on the 20th I'm having a-" ... NO.
My life has to suck socially for one day longer! I can't give into their pleading when I'm this close, this...agonizingly close. I...I'll BUILD A WALL! That's right! I'm Donald-Trumping-Pink-Floyding this shit. The Wall will protect me from social interaction for just a day longer. Nothing gets in, nothing gets out. We're so close, friends. We can make it! Together...Brick by brick...
1 Like = 1 Brick.
I'm guessing the trial is only for a limited time.
You definitely should. He is the best Telltale let's player in my opinion.
Ah then fair enough, people should probably have tried that, though I think a fair few have, and more will tomorrow
and it feels so sweet, cause the world is but a treat, when you're on easy street !
Ey kid, I think yer took a wrong turn. This here's the territory of the 'Sean Vanaman 4 Lyfe' crew. Best turn around if yer know what's good fer yer.
Well i meant will buying it unlock the full game so to speak
Are you going to make your friends pay for it?
Jane would most likely find a different way of abandoning Kenny and AJ in that situation.
Well I downloaded and got to play the whole first episode so I think so. I believe it's for a limited time though.
That's right! For every single person that asks, that's another episode!
They keep it up, then it'll be the season pass!