I think most people will agree. But it's pretty similar. It's basically just Telltale cleaning house so they can get lazy with their writing for the rest of the season and not account for any of those "choices" that they brand so much.
But the complaint isn't strictly that they died, I think most assumed or at least feared that would be the case, it's the handling that's the problem here.
Thought you'd actually give some criticism other than 'Waah they killed off my favorite determinant character!'
Determinant characters are always either killed or put on a bus in Telltale games. That's the way it's always been.
They're must be different writers than for season 2.
They built up an entire story leading up to Wellington, and it's wiped out in under 3 minutes?
I'm pretty sure most of us here could write something better than this, jesus.
What I hate the most is that you barely play as Clem.
I think it would have been better to dedicate the first half of episode 2 to the flashbacks of Clem after that big fight. Instead they just throw in a random flashback to just explain away what happened to them. Like the storytelling is just really disappointing.
Why wouldn't they connect the trauma of Javi's sister to Clem dealing with what happened with Jane or Kenny? Why couldn't they connect the intense shootout with Clem's mental state from all the shit she went through. What the hell is telltale doing with this new season?
EDIT: Also, I think flashbacks working up to what happened would have been great for Clem. Gives them a opportunity to showcase Clem while still giving precedence to the new guy.
If you actually read half the thread you'd realize that people aren't mad that their "favorite determinant character" died, it was HOW they killed them off.
More notably, many feel that Janes death was out of character for her.
Thought you'd actually give some criticism other than 'Waah they killed off my favorite determinant character!'
Determinant characters are always either killed or put on a bus in Telltale games. That's the way it's always been.
Erasing the past and trying to shove a care for Javier in its place?
I haven't played the episodes yet so I'm waiting to judge until then, but everything I've seen in both the public relations between developers and fans, and their marketing model, has rubbed me the wrong way since the very first trailer.
What I hate the most is that you barely play as Clem.
I think it would have been better to dedicate the first half of episode 2 to the fl… moreashbacks of Clem after that big fight. Instead they just throw in a random flashback to just explain away what happened to them. Like the storytelling is just really disappointing.
Why wouldn't they connect the trauma of Javi's sister to Clem dealing with what happened with Jane or Kenny? Why couldn't they connect the intense shootout with Clem's mental state from all the shit she went through. What the hell is telltale doing with this new season?
EDIT: Also, I think flashbacks working up to what happened would have been great for Clem. Gives them a opportunity to showcase Clem while still giving precedence to the new guy.
On reflection, hours after completing the episodes, they weren't "bad". I think comparing this season to season 1 was a big mistake on my part, as TWD S1 has been one of my favorite games of all time since its release, so the standard there is way too high. Without this comparison, and thinking about TWD S3 as its own game, it isn't that bad. The story has clear direction, and you are still given enough choices that give replay-ability (for people who like that), although personally as of yet i haven't been faced with a choice that has been that gut-wrenching, and most have been obvious choices for me so far, which is a little disappointing, but i guess that is more on me than the game design.
I mean, i am still looking forward to the rest of the season, and want to see the conclusion to the story that was started in the first two episodes, along with find out the rest of the backstories of Javier and Clementine (between the events of S2 and S3) so the game isn't terrible in THAT regard :P. (I also liked the plot twist/cliffhanger at the end of S3 E2, even though i know others didn't)
I went in with no expectations and was still disappointed.
I understand that in an apocalyptic game, characters have to die (it'd be boring otherwise). However, the execution of how those deaths go down is important. Especially when it's of a well loved character who we've spent many hours of gameplay with. Kenny's death was just sloppy writing.
Fear not, child. Kenny will rise again in three days!
Hail Kenny, full of boats, the 'stache is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Duck. Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds now and in the hour of our bite, amen.
Just finished watching the walkthrough of the 2 episodes, and it seems Clem has become the new Nick. Every choice she makes seems to be a dumb one, and ends up getting someone hurt or killed. Javier on the other hand is just a generic bland character, I don't know why they pushed him on the player. Call me when Batman season 2 is announced.
The fact that you guys honestly expected anything different to happen is hilarious. We both knew from the moment they were determinant and a season 3 was confirmed that they would be killed off in some stupid way at the start. Just get over it and move on.
Honestly, this whole ordeal has left a pit in my stomach.
Four years. I've been on board with this game for four years. And it feels like everything they built in the first two seasons is just being torn apart. It feels like I'm seeing an empire just collapse right before my eyes. This shit's left me in a bad mood in real life, even. That's how much it's paining me to see it just crash and burn like this. I'm not even mad, necessarily-- just disappointed. It's like seeing a good friend succumb to addiction, or something like that. Seeing something you used to respect just fall apart, collapse in on itself. You're not angry, you're just sad to see something that you know has the potential to be so much more-- the potential to be something great-- slip into the abyss. I've seen it happen to a lot of other series I've liked, and I don't want to see it happen yet again. I don't want another series I've been a fan of to burn itself out. And not like this.
God do I hate to say this, but for all the crap they get about choices not mattering, they somehow managed to take it to a whole new level with Kenny/Jane's deaths. You've had 2 years to plan this out, and you're telling me the best death you could come up with for Jane was "she gets pregnant and decides to hang herself"? And Kenny, a major character that's been integral to this series for 4 years, gets a Nick/Sarah-tier death?
I still think Telltale is capable of making some great series. TWD S1, TWAU, TFTBL, Batman, even TWD S2 for me... all great stuff. But right now, it feels like they're taking a buzzsaw to TWD-- their flagship series.
I try to be as optimistic as I can. I try to stay loyal to the things I like as long as I can. And forgive me I'm sounding over-dramatic here, but I'm starting to near the end of my rope for this series. I sincerely don't want to jump ship after all this time, but I honestly don't know if I can hold out. I might still stick around for Telltale's other stuff, but right now, it feels like TWD's entering a nosedive. And I don't know if I want to be there when it hits the ground. Like I said, I don't want to walk away from this series after 4 years, but I'm honest-to-god considering it, just to avoid the heartache of seeing it fall any further from grace.
The fact that you guys honestly expected anything different to happen is hilarious. We both knew from the moment they were determinant and a… more season 3 was confirmed that they would be killed off in some stupid way at the start. Just get over it and move on.
The fact that you guys honestly expected anything different to happen is hilarious. We both knew from the moment they were determinant and a… more season 3 was confirmed that they would be killed off in some stupid way at the start. Just get over it and move on.
Everybody knew they'd die quick. But the deaths were very badly done. They were major characters and the writers had two years, but their deaths were still sloppily written. Honestly most people on the forums could write better endings for Jane and Kenny.
The fact that you guys honestly expected anything different to happen is hilarious. We both knew from the moment they were determinant and a… more season 3 was confirmed that they would be killed off in some stupid way at the start. Just get over it and move on.
Honestly, this whole ordeal has left a pit in my stomach.
Four years. I've been on board with this game for four years. And it feels like… more everything they built in the first two seasons is just being torn apart. It feels like I'm seeing an empire just collapse right before my eyes. This shit's left me in a bad mood in real life, even. That's how much it's paining me to see it just crash and burn like this. I'm not even mad, necessarily-- just disappointed. It's like seeing a good friend succumb to addiction, or something like that. Seeing something you used to respect just fall apart, collapse in on itself. You're not angry, you're just sad to see something that you know has the potential to be so much more-- the potential to be something great-- slip into the abyss. I've seen it happen to a lot of other series I've liked, and I don't want to see it happen yet again. I don't want another series I've been a fan of to burn itself out. And not… [view original content]
We knew there would be a time skip, so they wouldn't be the focus of the story anymore. They're determinant. Why focus their time on a determinant character, when they can focus their efforts on making a new story with new characters? People were pissed about christa and omid too, but they got over it. I think we all just need to calm down and wait for what the rest of the season will bring.
Everybody knew they'd die quick. But the deaths were very badly done. They were major characters and the writers had two years, but their de… moreaths were still sloppily written. Honestly most people on the forums could write better endings for Jane and Kenny.
Honestly, this whole ordeal has left a pit in my stomach.
Four years. I've been on board with this game for four years. And it feels like… more everything they built in the first two seasons is just being torn apart. It feels like I'm seeing an empire just collapse right before my eyes. This shit's left me in a bad mood in real life, even. That's how much it's paining me to see it just crash and burn like this. I'm not even mad, necessarily-- just disappointed. It's like seeing a good friend succumb to addiction, or something like that. Seeing something you used to respect just fall apart, collapse in on itself. You're not angry, you're just sad to see something that you know has the potential to be so much more-- the potential to be something great-- slip into the abyss. I've seen it happen to a lot of other series I've liked, and I don't want to see it happen yet again. I don't want another series I've been a fan of to burn itself out. And not… [view original content]
I KNEW that Jane and Kenny would die early in season 3, since one or the other could die in season 2. How could anyone NOT expect this? Since when has any determinate character NOT eventually die in a Telltale game anyway?
To me, Kenny's death sounds reasonable enough. Dude was a complete jackass through S1+2. Plus being out of his mind, what with losing his son, his wife, then his girlfriend, not to mention his eye. Was it any wonder that something foolish eventually got him killed? I liked Kenny in S1+2, but the guy was always impulsive and reckless. It finally caught up with him.
Jane.....well, I determined her to be a bit of a flake to begin with and she basically admitted to being selfish. Knowing what happened to her sister, seeing what happened to Sarah, her assumptions of what would happen to AJ, and then having yet another "burden" on the way just pushed over the edge and she took the selfish way out.
I felt kind of similar with the start of season 2 to be honest, i felt really let down with the first few episodes, and thought the entire season would be a train-wreck in comparison to season 1. However, the last few episodes picked up and ended the season in what i thought was a nice way, and made season 2 a really good season. I'm trying to hold onto some hope that season 3 ends the same way.
Honestly, this whole ordeal has left a pit in my stomach.
Four years. I've been on board with this game for four years. And it feels like… more everything they built in the first two seasons is just being torn apart. It feels like I'm seeing an empire just collapse right before my eyes. This shit's left me in a bad mood in real life, even. That's how much it's paining me to see it just crash and burn like this. I'm not even mad, necessarily-- just disappointed. It's like seeing a good friend succumb to addiction, or something like that. Seeing something you used to respect just fall apart, collapse in on itself. You're not angry, you're just sad to see something that you know has the potential to be so much more-- the potential to be something great-- slip into the abyss. I've seen it happen to a lot of other series I've liked, and I don't want to see it happen yet again. I don't want another series I've been a fan of to burn itself out. And not… [view original content]
Yeah. I'm one of the people that liked S2, and I don't keep that a secret. But S3 so far... I think I'm starting to understand your guys' perspective. Although, and not to sound like some self-absorbed asshole here, I think it hurts even more in this case because the series is further along-- at least for the people that didn't like S2, the series was only, what a year old at the time? Sure, it hurts to see a lackluster second season after a stellar first season, but at least you were able to jump ship not long after it sailed, so to speak. With S3, I've been with this series for four years, played two (in my opinion) great seasons, and to see it crumble now (again, in my opinion)... it's kinda heartbreaking. Man, I probably sound like some drama-queen here, but I don't know how else to put it.
Because people care about them. Supposedly the walking dead is about its characters and the setting, but that falls out the window when they treat the past like a old shoe. It's a part of Clementine's character and they decided to stick with her, half-assing the characters that mattered to her is a middle finger to those that care about the series and the narrative to that point.
We knew there would be a time skip, so they wouldn't be the focus of the story anymore. They're determinant. Why focus their time on a deter… moreminant character, when they can focus their efforts on making a new story with new characters? People were pissed about christa and omid too, but they got over it. I think we all just need to calm down and wait for what the rest of the season will bring.
Kenny, a major character that's been integral to this series for 4 years, gets a Nick/Sarah-tier death?
Exactly what I was thinking. From what i've seen, Kenny's death is basically the same as Sarah's. Random events that doesn't compliment their character arcs or characters in general. At least with Omid's death, he didn't actually have any arc to speak of and he died trying to protect Clementine from a bandit rather than a random accident.
Honestly, this whole ordeal has left a pit in my stomach.
Four years. I've been on board with this game for four years. And it feels like… more everything they built in the first two seasons is just being torn apart. It feels like I'm seeing an empire just collapse right before my eyes. This shit's left me in a bad mood in real life, even. That's how much it's paining me to see it just crash and burn like this. I'm not even mad, necessarily-- just disappointed. It's like seeing a good friend succumb to addiction, or something like that. Seeing something you used to respect just fall apart, collapse in on itself. You're not angry, you're just sad to see something that you know has the potential to be so much more-- the potential to be something great-- slip into the abyss. I've seen it happen to a lot of other series I've liked, and I don't want to see it happen yet again. I don't want another series I've been a fan of to burn itself out. And not… [view original content]
People did expect it, that's not the point of peoples complaints. It's that they died in odd ways with entirely rushed narratives that in large part ignored half of the player choices and earlier character development.
I KNEW that Jane and Kenny would die early in season 3, since one or the other could die in season 2. How could anyone NOT expect this? Si… morence when has any determinate character NOT eventually die in a Telltale game anyway?
To me, Kenny's death sounds reasonable enough. Dude was a complete jackass through S1+2. Plus being out of his mind, what with losing his son, his wife, then his girlfriend, not to mention his eye. Was it any wonder that something foolish eventually got him killed? I liked Kenny in S1+2, but the guy was always impulsive and reckless. It finally caught up with him.
Jane.....well, I determined her to be a bit of a flake to begin with and she basically admitted to being selfish. Knowing what happened to her sister, seeing what happened to Sarah, her assumptions of what would happen to AJ, and then having yet another "burden" on the way just pushed over the edge and she took the selfish way out.
Well you know, their deaths were lame, weak and out of character, they could've easily made them better without taking away from "Javier's story" just by doing a bit more brainstorming. I mean, Kenny dying because he was in a car accident? Can you picture a major character like Lee dying that way? No, because it's a cheap shot and it's bad writing.
We knew there would be a time skip, so they wouldn't be the focus of the story anymore. They're determinant. Why focus their time on a deter… moreminant character, when they can focus their efforts on making a new story with new characters? People were pissed about christa and omid too, but they got over it. I think we all just need to calm down and wait for what the rest of the season will bring.
"Miles away"? Buddy, the guy that shot her was just across the road. It's not like he was 3.5 miles away trying to compensate for the coriolis effect and shit.
Oh my God
I just noticed that whats-her-face niece dies to a headshot with an assault rifle... I see Tattletale don't know how guns work again...
Edited out the mistake
Well you know, their deaths were lame, weak and out of character, they could've easily made them better without taking away from "Javier's s… moretory" just by doing a bit more brainstorming. I mean, Kenny dying because he was in a car accident? Can you picture a major character like Lee dying that way? No, because it's a cheap shot and it's bad writing.
I never felt the way about season two like lots of people did. In fact, I preferred it over season one. But I also played season one for the first time a month before season two premiered so I didn't feel critical. But now after 2 years of waiting, I realize how it feels. I feel like anyone who just started and finished season one and two will probably like season three, because all this waiting hasn't made them bitter and have higher expectations.
I felt kind of similar with the start of season 2 to be honest, i felt really let down with the first few episodes, and thought the entire s… moreeason would be a train-wreck in comparison to season 1. However, the last few episodes picked up and ended the season in what i thought was a nice way, and made season 2 a really good season. I'm trying to hold onto some hope that season 3 ends the same way.
And done! I don't know why it won't the image alone here in the comment...
Edit: Apparently it doesn't like imgur links
I want this … moreas a thread banner now... Javi's face is pissin' me off, could've done better but had a lot of fun with brushes
Ikr I made a rant about this in my profile (It contains a lot of swearing) If Kenny or Jane died at the last episode in a very sad way I would be cool because at least we can spend time with them and then they finally die and then we die but no instead they had to die right away and that was what pissed me off
Well, technically it will be different. There are going to be 42 choice paths in S3. So while our choices from previous games will have a very small impact, one's choices during S3 WILL impact and alter one's course over the season.
The direction of the story, i like how they presented the story and added in some twists.
They have some very good characters to work with,
Great twist at the end of episode 2
Tough decisions throughout both episodes
They set up the New frontier as the villains pretty well
The ending to episode one was tense
*They killed characters WAY too fast
* Kenny and Jane did not the glorious deaths they deserved, well i never really liked Jane
* Javier is more bland than beans on toast
* Choices from the end of season 2 had disappointing payoffs
* Clem felt like a side character while they shoved Javier in our face
Overall decent episodes
Episode 1: good job when it came to setting up plot and introducing characters. Did it's job good but little else beyond that
Episode 2: good job at advancing the plot but dropped the ball in a few areas, the payoff for our choices in season 2 were just bad
I agree about the running off bit, but there's a difference between running away and killing yourself. Im just surprised that given what she went through, they way they wrote it was poorly done. Like Luke. they make him come off as a nice decent guy and all of a sudden, he turns selfish.
if you ask me it was exactly like her character to go out like that. she had a habit of running away from her problems, like kenny said in s2 "running away again? what a shocker, in the end you still only care about yourself." so yeah.
Thought you'd actually give some criticism other than 'Waah they killed off my favorite determinant character!'
Determinant characters are always either killed or put on a bus in Telltale games. That's the way it's always been.
I think most people will agree. But it's pretty similar. It's basically just Telltale cleaning house so they can get lazy with their writing for the rest of the season and not account for any of those "choices" that they brand so much.
And that's completely fair to complain about.
But the complaint isn't strictly that they died, I think most assumed or at least feared that would be the case, it's the handling that's the problem here.
They're must be different writers than for season 2.
They built up an entire story leading up to Wellington, and it's wiped out in under 3 minutes?
I'm pretty sure most of us here could write something better than this, jesus.
What I hate the most is that you barely play as Clem.
I think it would have been better to dedicate the first half of episode 2 to the flashbacks of Clem after that big fight. Instead they just throw in a random flashback to just explain away what happened to them. Like the storytelling is just really disappointing.
Why wouldn't they connect the trauma of Javi's sister to Clem dealing with what happened with Jane or Kenny? Why couldn't they connect the intense shootout with Clem's mental state from all the shit she went through. What the hell is telltale doing with this new season?
EDIT: Also, I think flashbacks working up to what happened would have been great for Clem. Gives them a opportunity to showcase Clem while still giving precedence to the new guy.
If you actually read half the thread you'd realize that people aren't mad that their "favorite determinant character" died, it was HOW they killed them off.
More notably, many feel that Janes death was out of character for her.
Erasing the past and trying to shove a care for Javier in its place?
I haven't played the episodes yet so I'm waiting to judge until then, but everything I've seen in both the public relations between developers and fans, and their marketing model, has rubbed me the wrong way since the very first trailer.
On reflection, hours after completing the episodes, they weren't "bad". I think comparing this season to season 1 was a big mistake on my part, as TWD S1 has been one of my favorite games of all time since its release, so the standard there is way too high. Without this comparison, and thinking about TWD S3 as its own game, it isn't that bad. The story has clear direction, and you are still given enough choices that give replay-ability (for people who like that), although personally as of yet i haven't been faced with a choice that has been that gut-wrenching, and most have been obvious choices for me so far, which is a little disappointing, but i guess that is more on me than the game design.
I mean, i am still looking forward to the rest of the season, and want to see the conclusion to the story that was started in the first two episodes, along with find out the rest of the backstories of Javier and Clementine (between the events of S2 and S3) so the game isn't terrible in THAT regard :P. (I also liked the plot twist/cliffhanger at the end of S3 E2, even though i know others didn't)
I went in with no expectations and was still disappointed.
I understand that in an apocalyptic game, characters have to die (it'd be boring otherwise). However, the execution of how those deaths go down is important. Especially when it's of a well loved character who we've spent many hours of gameplay with. Kenny's death was just sloppy writing.
Fear not, child. Kenny will rise again in three days!
Hail Kenny, full of boats, the 'stache is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Duck. Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds now and in the hour of our bite, amen.
"Your choices matter" is slowly becoming a meme...
Just like "Glass him"...
Just finished watching the walkthrough of the 2 episodes, and it seems Clem has become the new Nick. Every choice she makes seems to be a dumb one, and ends up getting someone hurt or killed. Javier on the other hand is just a generic bland character, I don't know why they pushed him on the player. Call me when Batman season 2 is announced.
Oh my God
I just noticed that whats-her-face niece dies to a headshot with an assault rifle... I see Tattletale don't know how guns work again...
Edited out the mistake
A minor difference in Jane's dialogue, they still stole food.
The fact that you guys honestly expected anything different to happen is hilarious. We both knew from the moment they were determinant and a season 3 was confirmed that they would be killed off in some stupid way at the start. Just get over it and move on.
Honestly, this whole ordeal has left a pit in my stomach.
Four years. I've been on board with this game for four years. And it feels like everything they built in the first two seasons is just being torn apart. It feels like I'm seeing an empire just collapse right before my eyes. This shit's left me in a bad mood in real life, even. That's how much it's paining me to see it just crash and burn like this. I'm not even mad, necessarily-- just disappointed. It's like seeing a good friend succumb to addiction, or something like that. Seeing something you used to respect just fall apart, collapse in on itself. You're not angry, you're just sad to see something that you know has the potential to be so much more-- the potential to be something great-- slip into the abyss. I've seen it happen to a lot of other series I've liked, and I don't want to see it happen yet again. I don't want another series I've been a fan of to burn itself out. And not like this.
God do I hate to say this, but for all the crap they get about choices not mattering, they somehow managed to take it to a whole new level with Kenny/Jane's deaths. You've had 2 years to plan this out, and you're telling me the best death you could come up with for Jane was "she gets pregnant and decides to hang herself"? And Kenny, a major character that's been integral to this series for 4 years, gets a Nick/Sarah-tier death?
I still think Telltale is capable of making some great series. TWD S1, TWAU, TFTBL, Batman, even TWD S2 for me... all great stuff. But right now, it feels like they're taking a buzzsaw to TWD-- their flagship series.
I try to be as optimistic as I can. I try to stay loyal to the things I like as long as I can. And forgive me I'm sounding over-dramatic here, but I'm starting to near the end of my rope for this series. I sincerely don't want to jump ship after all this time, but I honestly don't know if I can hold out. I might still stick around for Telltale's other stuff, but right now, it feels like TWD's entering a nosedive. And I don't know if I want to be there when it hits the ground. Like I said, I don't want to walk away from this series after 4 years, but I'm honest-to-god considering it, just to avoid the heartache of seeing it fall any further from grace.
That's a very... defeatist attitude. Yeah, it's not like we should expect decent writing from an entirely story-driven game or anything, right...?
I think you are confusing "expected" with "hoped," most here assumed they would die, or at least be seperated from Clem.
The complaint is the handling, not the deaths themselves.
Everybody knew they'd die quick. But the deaths were very badly done. They were major characters and the writers had two years, but their deaths were still sloppily written. Honestly most people on the forums could write better endings for Jane and Kenny.
Well...I guess you know how a lot of TWD S2 haters felt when they played and finished TWD S2. It's okay man, I've been there.
We knew there would be a time skip, so they wouldn't be the focus of the story anymore. They're determinant. Why focus their time on a determinant character, when they can focus their efforts on making a new story with new characters? People were pissed about christa and omid too, but they got over it. I think we all just need to calm down and wait for what the rest of the season will bring.
You'll get used to this feeling...
You should've seen that "Shame On you Telltale" thread a long ago... boy that was a shitstorm.
I KNEW that Jane and Kenny would die early in season 3, since one or the other could die in season 2. How could anyone NOT expect this? Since when has any determinate character NOT eventually die in a Telltale game anyway?
To me, Kenny's death sounds reasonable enough. Dude was a complete jackass through S1+2. Plus being out of his mind, what with losing his son, his wife, then his girlfriend, not to mention his eye. Was it any wonder that something foolish eventually got him killed? I liked Kenny in S1+2, but the guy was always impulsive and reckless. It finally caught up with him.
Jane.....well, I determined her to be a bit of a flake to begin with and she basically admitted to being selfish. Knowing what happened to her sister, seeing what happened to Sarah, her assumptions of what would happen to AJ, and then having yet another "burden" on the way just pushed over the edge and she took the selfish way out.
I felt kind of similar with the start of season 2 to be honest, i felt really let down with the first few episodes, and thought the entire season would be a train-wreck in comparison to season 1. However, the last few episodes picked up and ended the season in what i thought was a nice way, and made season 2 a really good season. I'm trying to hold onto some hope that season 3 ends the same way.
Yeah. I'm one of the people that liked S2, and I don't keep that a secret. But S3 so far... I think I'm starting to understand your guys' perspective. Although, and not to sound like some self-absorbed asshole here, I think it hurts even more in this case because the series is further along-- at least for the people that didn't like S2, the series was only, what a year old at the time? Sure, it hurts to see a lackluster second season after a stellar first season, but at least you were able to jump ship not long after it sailed, so to speak. With S3, I've been with this series for four years, played two (in my opinion) great seasons, and to see it crumble now (again, in my opinion)... it's kinda heartbreaking. Man, I probably sound like some drama-queen here, but I don't know how else to put it.
Because people care about them. Supposedly the walking dead is about its characters and the setting, but that falls out the window when they treat the past like a old shoe. It's a part of Clementine's character and they decided to stick with her, half-assing the characters that mattered to her is a middle finger to those that care about the series and the narrative to that point.
Exactly what I was thinking. From what i've seen, Kenny's death is basically the same as Sarah's. Random events that doesn't compliment their character arcs or characters in general. At least with Omid's death, he didn't actually have any arc to speak of and he died trying to protect Clementine from a bandit rather than a random accident.
People did expect it, that's not the point of peoples complaints. It's that they died in odd ways with entirely rushed narratives that in large part ignored half of the player choices and earlier character development.
Well you know, their deaths were lame, weak and out of character, they could've easily made them better without taking away from "Javier's story" just by doing a bit more brainstorming. I mean, Kenny dying because he was in a car accident? Can you picture a major character like Lee dying that way? No, because it's a cheap shot and it's bad writing.
"Miles away"? Buddy, the guy that shot her was just across the road. It's not like he was 3.5 miles away trying to compensate for the coriolis effect and shit.
I'm not denying that it isn't bad writing, all I'm saying is that it's to be expected that their deaths were going to be poorly written.
We should never expect a bad product.
And done! I don't know why it won't the image alone here in the comment...
Edit: Apparently it doesn't like imgur links

I want this as a thread banner now... Javi's face is pissin' me off, could've done better but had a lot of fun with brushes
I never felt the way about season two like lots of people did. In fact, I preferred it over season one. But I also played season one for the first time a month before season two premiered so I didn't feel critical. But now after 2 years of waiting, I realize how it feels. I feel like anyone who just started and finished season one and two will probably like season three, because all this waiting hasn't made them bitter and have higher expectations.
beautiful. i really love clem's expression lmao
Ikr I made a rant about this in my profile (It contains a lot of swearing) If Kenny or Jane died at the last episode in a very sad way I would be cool because at least we can spend time with them and then they finally die and then we die but no instead they had to die right away and that was what pissed me off
I didn't notice any variations.
*They killed characters WAY too fast
* Kenny and Jane did not the glorious deaths they deserved, well i never really liked Jane
* Javier is more bland than beans on toast
* Choices from the end of season 2 had disappointing payoffs
* Clem felt like a side character while they shoved Javier in our face
Overall decent episodes
Episode 1: good job when it came to setting up plot and introducing characters. Did it's job good but little else beyond that
Episode 2: good job at advancing the plot but dropped the ball in a few areas, the payoff for our choices in season 2 were just bad
I agree about the running off bit, but there's a difference between running away and killing yourself. Im just surprised that given what she went through, they way they wrote it was poorly done. Like Luke. they make him come off as a nice decent guy and all of a sudden, he turns selfish.