I may be really late to the show but since when do season passes no longer offer a discount? It used to be you bought it you got 5 dollars off. Now its 5$ for the first ep and another 19.99 for the pass?
Actually, in the release dates it is stated that Android version is going to be out December 20 as well so I guess they don't care that xbox360 and ps3 are more powerful.
Actually, in the release dates it is stated that Android version is going to be out December 20 as well so I guess they don't care that xbox360 and ps3 are more powerful.
Now don't say again we mobile users have to wait more 4-5 days for it guys it's horrible we waited for the batman finale too but not this one please telltale!
Now don't say again we mobile users have to wait more 4-5 days for it guys it's horrible we waited for the batman finale too but not this one please telltale!
Hi everyone! This is my first time buying a game from the TellTale Store and I'm having some issues. I've just finished playing Episode 1 but it won't let me start Episode 2, saying it's "coming soon". Is episode 2 not out yet on TellTale PC? And if it is, what should I do?
Come on Telltale! Do us a favor and make it quick. I can wait all game but not this game. We have been waiting for years. Release this game for all platforms now
Hi everyone! This is my first time buying a game from the TellTale Store and I'm having some issues. I've just finished playing Episode 1 bu… moret it won't let me start Episode 2, saying it's "coming soon". Is episode 2 not out yet on TellTale PC? And if it is, what should I do?
They don't have anything to say about it, unfortunately. If it was their choice they'd release it at the same time everywhere but platforms such as steam have their own point of view on when to do it. Also, if they're releasing it on steam, ps store, xbox store or whatever then it isn't up to Telltale at what hour it will be released. In other words... if you want to complain address it to companies that own such platforms. Telltale already released this game in their own store.
Come on Telltale! Do us a favor and make it quick. I can wait all game but not this game. We have been waiting for years. Release this game for all platforms now
Hi everyone! This is my first time buying a game from the TellTale Store and I'm having some issues. I've just finished playing Episode 1 bu… moret it won't let me start Episode 2, saying it's "coming soon". Is episode 2 not out yet on TellTale PC? And if it is, what should I do?
Ugh... Yes you're right. But we can't complain to app store etc. So let us complain here at least :P Ugh it is just horrible to wait this much... I am not also sure i will have it today... I saw spoilers i shouldn't have seen. You know this is not fair. And it pisses me off... I haven't played it yet and i know many things about s3 before i play it.
They don't have anything to say about it, unfortunately. If it was their choice they'd release it at the same time everywhere but platforms … moresuch as steam have their own point of view on when to do it. Also, if they're releasing it on steam, ps store, xbox store or whatever then it isn't up to Telltale at what hour it will be released. In other words... if you want to complain address it to companies that own such platforms. Telltale already released this game in their own store.
I know what you mean but there is nothing we can do about it. Neither Telltale. They promised us that this game will be released on all platforms in the same day but at what hours... not their call. Unless we're talking about Telltale Store.
Ugh... Yes you're right. But we can't complain to app store etc. So let us complain here at least :P Ugh it is just horrible to wait this mu… morech... I am not also sure i will have it today... I saw spoilers i shouldn't have seen. You know this is not fair. And it pisses me off... I haven't played it yet and i know many things about s3 before i play it.
Just got done with S3's premiere. As long as you keep an open mind about it, you'll have a lot of fun. People made it out to be a lot more terrible than it really is. Kinda disappointed at the ending but meh.
I may be really late to the show but since when do season passes no longer offer a discount? It used to be you bought it you got 5 dollars off. Now its 5$ for the first ep and another 19.99 for the pass?
It's due to release at some point today (December 20th).
Great!! Thank you
I hope it won't be as laggy as batman was
Actually, in the release dates it is stated that Android version is going to be out December 20 as well so I guess they don't care that xbox360 and ps3 are more powerful.
Everyone, we did it. The day has finally come when WALKING DEAD SEASON 3 is releasing!
I couldn't preorder, but I'm still excited for the game <3333 Oh it's gonna be good
What in the name of good god holy mother of...damn!
The site says its out on mobile
Dont expect it today. Android gamers are used to waiting for ttg's new releases much more than pc/console users
Dude come.on! Be a little positive. Think about the excitement of mobile users too
Now don't say again we mobile users have to wait more 4-5 days for it guys it's horrible we waited for the batman finale too but not this one please telltale!
I'm sooooo stoked!
6h and 15min
Maybe a few more hours bro
I'm downloading Episode 1 right now!!!!! I'm just screaming at my TV to load fucking faster LOLOLOLOL
As we enter the final few moments till the worldwide release, i take this time to say for the 10th and final time,
Hi everyone! This is my first time buying a game from the TellTale Store and I'm having some issues. I've just finished playing Episode 1 but it won't let me start Episode 2, saying it's "coming soon". Is episode 2 not out yet on TellTale PC? And if it is, what should I do?
Thread: Season 3 not on app store yet?
Can't seem to find it. Or am I just being too hasty this early in the morning?
Come on Telltale! Do us a favor and make it quick. I can wait all game but not this game. We have been waiting for years. Release this game for all platforms now
no shit xerox
Unfortunately, it seems like they will release it 11.59 pm on app store.
5 more hours? COME ON!
Me too ,episode 2 is "Coming Soon" even I've purchased full season
They don't have anything to say about it, unfortunately. If it was their choice they'd release it at the same time everywhere but platforms such as steam have their own point of view on when to do it. Also, if they're releasing it on steam, ps store, xbox store or whatever then it isn't up to Telltale at what hour it will be released. In other words... if you want to complain address it to companies that own such platforms.
Telltale already released this game in their own store.
Ya same problem here. Its probably a bug and needs to be fixed
Ugh... Yes you're right. But we can't complain to app store etc. So let us complain here at least :P Ugh it is just horrible to wait this much... I am not also sure i will have it today... I saw spoilers i shouldn't have seen. You know this is not fair. And it pisses me off... I haven't played it yet and i know many things about s3 before i play it.
The crew was better when Sniper King was around. ;p
I know what you mean but there is nothing we can do about it. Neither Telltale. They promised us that this game will be released on all platforms in the same day but at what hours... not their call. Unless we're talking about Telltale Store.
would be so good if ussop and sniper king could meet like just imagine it ;p
Even though it didn't say so, it turned out to be my shitty Wi-Fi's fault. There's too many walls in this house!
so im drunk atm yea and i think its made the 4 hours left on steam even harder to sleep on so rip me hahahaha
4 hours to go!
What the hell?!?! Why?!?!?!?
4h and 19min
So it is enjoyable and not as bad as the forum makes it seem?
"Now Available on PC, Consoles, & Mobile."
"& Mobile."
No, is not.
11:50AM here... Long day ahead