Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • Oh, definitely no sex. Carl scored already and it was...uncomfortable.

    The cute and adorable stuff I'd like to see though.

    As long as it dosen't go too far, it should be fine.

  • Yeah, I'd say at least wait until they're 17 or older to have sex. And yeah, that sex scene with Carl and Lydia was cringy as hell. :p

    But some nice moments, like dancing in the moonlight or having a nice talk about how they feel about each other would be cool.

    Crips posted: »

    Oh, definitely no sex. Carl scored already and it was...uncomfortable. The cute and adorable stuff I'd like to see though.

  • Being old enough and being allowed by her die hard fan parents are two very different things.

    I think Clementine is old enough to have a boyfriend.

  • Is it, tho?

    Being old enough and being allowed by her die hard fan parents are two very different things.

  • edited December 2016

    What happens offscreen, stays offscreen. :P Honestly? I'd be surprised if anybody has talked to her about such situations now that I think of it. She was nine when the zombie apocalypse happened.

    Yeah, I'd say at least wait until they're 17 or older to have sex. And yeah, that sex scene with Carl and Lydia was cringy as hell. But

  • Where are A New Day and Around Every Corner in the middle of this?

    Is A New Day just sitting in its room, listening to Linkin Park? Is Around Every Corner locked in the basement cellar?

  • Wtf?!

    Yeah, I'd say at least wait until they're 17 or older to have sex. And yeah, that sex scene with Carl and Lydia was cringy as hell. But

  • I think it would be really cute if Luke was still alive and how'd he would react to Clementine being nice to Javi.

  • Da fuck did I just walk in on?!


  • What's so wrong with it though? She's 13, not 5.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Da fuck did I just walk in on?!

  • No, I'm talking about that comment about Carl and Lydia(?).

    What's so wrong with it though? She's 13, not 5.

  • I was talking about the comics.

    DabigRG posted: »

    No, I'm talking about that comment about Carl and Lydia(?).

  • Ookay then.

    I was talking about the comics.

  • Do you wanna know what happened or should I spare you the cringe?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ookay then.

  • I like Seasons 2 and 3 despite their flaws. The same way I love Season 1 despite its flaws.

  • At least it moves the story and they don't ignore her death after coughsarahcough.

    WE ARE NOR "OK"!!

  • edited December 2016

    Season one episode one was the most boring episode.

  • Since it's the comics, go ahead. This is apparently an Xrated board anyway. :p

    Do you wanna know what happened or should I spare you the cringe?

  • Yeah, that is definitely up there. Going to the motel is probably the highlight.

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    Season one episode one was the most boring episode.

  • Season 2 is a masterpiece and is even better than 1. The way they set it up with the end being so depressing and then you being in charge of Clem was epic. Choosing whether to reveal your past to new characters had a big sense of weight to it. When I booted up the main menu and heard that deputheme I immediately knew I was in for an incredible ride.

  • edited December 2016

    Once upon a time...

    There are 2 characters, both 13 years old, named Carl, the son of one of the main characters who once got his eye shot out, and Lydia, the daughter of a tyrannical kid-killer.

    One time, Lydia asked if she could see Carl's missing eye. So he let her see it. And then she called it sexy. And then suddenly climbed on top of Carl and then asked him if he's ever had sex. He didn't answer her.

    Lydia then asked Carl if she could show him, and Carl said yes. And then they fucked.

    And thus was the beginning of one of the most cringeworthy ships of all time.

    The end.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Since it's the comics, go ahead. This is apparently an Xrated board anyway.

  • What in the actual fuck?! That sounds like that one writeup someone posted about Kenny and Jane a while back.

    Once upon a time... There are 2 characters, both 13 years old, named Carl, the son of one of the main characters who once got his eye sho

  • Yup. Pretty cringy shit right there.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What in the actual fuck?! That sounds like that one writeup someone posted about Kenny and Jane a while back.

  • I think Conrad was a totally wasted character and could have been expanded upon greatly. He could have been someone who had appeared in a more positive light as a good man who wanted to help Javier find his family as well as be totally bitter about the New Frontier. I would have written him as an assist to Eleanor opposed to some sleazy bar owner who was shown in a tragic broken state after the loss of his wife swearing vengeance on TNF. Instead of antagonistically pointing a gun to Gabe's head and giving you the very much forced option to shoot him or sell Clementine out, he could have instead just argued and vented his frustrations and resentment giving you a morally understandable reason as to why to side with him for sympathetic reasons. I know the majority would most definitely favor being loyal to Clementine but it would paint him as a more complex, grey character.

  • edited December 2016

    We never should say Season 1 didn't have any flaws.

    ralo229 posted: »

    I like Seasons 2 and 3 despite their flaws. The same way I love Season 1 despite its flaws.

  • I actually prefer Javier over clementine but I agree with you I don't mind having her in it still.

    I vastly prefer playing as new people than Clementine, and I have zero problems with her as a backside character.

  • Agreed. He is an example of how Clementine unintentionally takes away from some of the drama and how some of the choices are waaay too biased to her benefit.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I think Conrad was a totally wasted character and could have been expanded upon greatly. He could have been someone who had appeared in a mo

  • A lot of people on this forum sure think that or act that way. Lots of them act like Season 1 was a total holy grail of gaming that had absolutley no flaws or mistakes whatsoever and then act like Seasons 2 and 3 are the worst thing since the black plague.

    AronDracula posted: »

    We never should say Season 1 didn't have any flaws.

  • Personally, I think the flaws and mistakes of Season 1 are a good example of Franchise Original Sin: problems that would carry over to following installments, but were minor enough in their inception to not drag down the story, tone, and characterization of the original.

    ralo229 posted: »

    A lot of people on this forum sure think that or act that way. Lots of them act like Season 1 was a total holy grail of gaming that had abso

  • edited December 2016

    I'm relieved to not be playing as Clementine. Telltale did absolutely terribly at having a child protagonist.

    Clementine is a little too OP and badass at times in season 3 for my tastes. It feels like fanservice and I'm wary of it getting worse as the season goes on. Plus if you raised a softer Clem, a lot of her actions just feel really off. What was the point of the choice, then?

    The way Conrad was treated was unfair. Tripp's reaction to his death should have been much, much stronger. Everyone is trusting Javier and Clementine way too easily considering they brought most of the chaos to their doorstep.

    Telltale is wasting their time trying to set up a situation where it'll be someone vs Clem. It'll never work.

  • edited December 2016

    Telltale is wasting their time trying to set up a situation where it'll be someone vs Clem. It'll never work.

    In before they make a decision where it's basically everyone against Clementine.

    (!) You and 95% of players decided to nuke Richmond at Clementine's request.

    Rynna posted: »

    I'm relieved to not be playing as Clementine. Telltale did absolutely terribly at having a child protagonist. Clementine is a little too

  • edited December 2016

    First time around in my save file, Javier left with Kate and Gabe rather than protect Clementine. Family comes first after all.

  • Isn't Clem 14 though?

    What's so wrong with it though? She's 13, not 5.

  • 13

    GBDillon posted: »

    Isn't Clem 14 though?

  • I don't think you're alone. JackSepticEye chose to leave with family.

    Spiegel1 posted: »

    First time around in my save file, Javier left with Kate and Gabe rather than protect Clementine. Family comes first after all.

  • Agreed.

    Rynna posted: »

    I'm relieved to not be playing as Clementine. Telltale did absolutely terribly at having a child protagonist. Clementine is a little too

  • I like season 3 so far, it's not perfect but there's still room for improvement.

  • uhhh. Not sure if you've played season 3 yet, but if you end S2 with jane you get a flashback that begs to differ with your "I doubt Jane wouid abandon Clem" statement. :|

    * For me, Jane is the best character in Season 2 and she has great character development. I honestly don't understand why so many people on

  • I think TV Tropes is taking over your life

    DabigRG posted: »

    Personally, I think the flaws and mistakes of Season 1 are a good example of Franchise Original Sin: problems that would carry over to follo

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