Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • So do I.

    brunaht posted: »

    i really like Gabe and his friendship with Clem

  • Kinda wanna actually see more of it, honestly.

    brunaht posted: »

    i really like Gabe and his friendship with Clem

  • edited January 2017

    I have no problem with it, and on that note I find the overprotective "if Gabe so much as touches Clementine I'm ripping his head off" comments extremely annoying. There's nothing to suggest he has a crush on her or vice versa, calm the hell down.

    brunaht posted: »

    i really like Gabe and his friendship with Clem

  • edited January 2017

    I hate Christa.
    I prefer that no old characters come back.
    I liked as much the season 2 as the season 1.

  • Despite its flaws, I enjoyed ANF episodes so far.....

    Shit. I'm dead, right?

  • I think Clementine should die in A New Frontier.


    * I fucking despised Luke and Jane. Since Amid the Ruins. * I think Clementine should die in A New Frontier. * I hated the Michonne minise

  • I kinda like ANF, I think it's mainly because I didn't feel that attached to neither Kenny nor Jane so the flashback scenes didn't really affect my vision towards the game.
    Hmm let's see what other thing people don't like...Clementine being the same despite different choices, when I first heard of that I thought maybe it's because of the huge time skip she grew up adapting to the apocalypse in a way so if she was kind in S2 it wouldn't matter in S3 since so much time has passed but shit idk anymore damn
    Hmm...people seem to want more of Clem or they want her to be the protagonist, I don't think that would work since we don't know what happened to Clem all these years and we wouldn't know what Clem would do in a certain situation, I like her being a support character but I don't like how we just make choices based on her (accept her deal, trust her about Prescott, cover her when she kills Eli etc), because we've known her for two seasons and I don't think they can change that, might be too late now, we're too biased towards her.
    I like Javi and his family (maybe Gabe not so much) and I think he makes a good protagonist.

    Umm I guess you can burn me at the stake now...

  • My unpopular opinion is that AJ should be the new Anakin Skywalker. Gets fed so much bullshit by the New Frontier (or wherever he is) and becomes the new antagonist in Season 4 (if there is one).

  • Well I love Clementine as much as anyone but I've sided against her in this game more than once.

    I kinda like ANF, I think it's mainly because I didn't feel that attached to neither Kenny nor Jane so the flashback scenes didn't really af

  • Hey I get you, she acts like a dick in the first part of the game, she lies about The New Frontier but I saw that after I played the game like 2 or 3 times, the first time I only sided with her maybe cause I missed her so much I don't know :)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Well I love Clementine as much as anyone but I've sided against her in this game more than once.

  • Agreed.

    Despite its flaws, I enjoyed ANF episodes so far..... Shit. I'm dead, right?

  • You know what, I think that may just be in the potential future all things considered. I'm sure people already had a similar thought.

    Douug posted: »

    My unpopular opinion is that AJ should be the new Anakin Skywalker. Gets fed so much bullshit by the New Frontier (or wherever he is) and becomes the new antagonist in Season 4 (if there is one).

  • You hating Michonne Series is the opinion of most youtubers,

    * I fucking despised Luke and Jane. Since Amid the Ruins. * I think Clementine should die in A New Frontier. * I hated the Michonne minise

  • Me too.

    So do I.

  • Two words: plot armor.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I think Clementine should die in A New Frontier. Why?

  • Yeah, no

    Two words: plot armor.

  • It just dosen't seem fair that everyone except Clementine dies season after season and so forth. So...yeah.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yeah, no

  • That's how it is. Clementine is TTG's TWD.
    But maybe we'll have 2 main characters surviving this season. How 'bout that?

    It just dosen't seem fair that everyone except Clementine dies season after season and so forth. So...yeah.

  • You're right. AMC and Skybound keep a lot of characters alive for the next seasons and Telltale just kills everyone except the main protagonist.

    It just dosen't seem fair that everyone except Clementine dies season after season and so forth. So...yeah.

  • edited January 2017

    I agree as well (at least in season 2) though she screwed up royally when she made me choose between her and Kenny lol

    Flog61 posted: »

    Jane has excellent character development.

  • edited January 2017

    The Wellington ending where you leave Kenny is a more emotional ending to me than Lee's death.

  • No I wasn't pissed at her or anything, it just felt like the right thing to do.

    Hey I get you, she acts like a dick in the first part of the game, she lies about The New Frontier but I saw that after I played the game like 2 or 3 times, the first time I only sided with her maybe cause I missed her so much I don't know

  • Gabe's a piece of shit.

  • I think that's a pretty popular opinion around here, actually.

    MrNoodles posted: »

    Gabe's a piece of shit.

  • I agree but damn if starved for help didn't have me shaken and afraid for most of the episode

    * I like Season 2 almost as much as Season 1 * I enjoyed playing as Clementine more than Lee. * In Harms Way is an amazing episode. * Sta

  • The only hope for Season 3 is Negan

    The game doesn't have to be the same timeline as the comics

  • It's realistic for others (Javi's family, etc) to be incompetent compared to clem

  • Agreed. Especially when compared to Clementine. Because otherwise, what's the point of milking her?

    kymopoleia posted: »

    It's realistic for others (Javi's family, etc) to be incompetent compared to clem

  • I really don't think The New Frontier is that bad. Sure, the episodes aren't long enough and I'll definitely say that that isn't fair. If Episode 1&2 were a single episode I would actually be really stoked with Season 3, but unfortunately that's not the case. However I don't really get all the hate for the new characters etc. I think Tripp is fine, while maybe a bit boring, and I thought Javi, Kate and his little sister (forget the name, I'm really bad at names) were all quite cool characters, and while the little brother is a whiny cunt who shouldn't have survived 4 years in the ZA I can buy that very rarely a group will sort of fly under the radar and not run into any hugely troubling situations if they don't take many risks and avoid conflict. I will also say that the Clementine flashbacks were extremely unsatisfying in terms of making our Season 1/2 choices make a difference especially since it was hyped to have "such and such many different starting points" but choices have never mattered before so I wasn't truly expecting that to change. Would I prefer to play as Clementine? Yeah, because I'm more attached to her after so many years, but I think having her as an important side character who the protagonist is seeing for the first time gives a new perspective on Clem. You can react differently to her depending on how you play your Javi, you can alienate her and insist she is trouble and ultimately betray her for what you see as the greater good or you can welcome her into your heart and try to get her to join your family. As long as it is handled well and we still get a lot of Clem and develop her character more then I'll be happy.

    So, yeah. Basically I don't think it's awful. Not much worse than Season 2 really with the only truly unforgivable thing being the length. Seriously, the whole releasing two tiny episodes together to make it seem longer was a shitty, shitty move. They would've been PERFECT as a single introduction episode, with the cliffhanger of Ep2 being an excellent stopping point. I think I speak for a lot of the older fans when I say that we'd rather have a 3 month per-episode wait and get 2 hour episodes than have them rushed out at only an hour. I heard the excuse that "players want to do the episodes in a single sitting" or something on here and I say that's bull. A two hour episode could be done in one sitting, and how many of us played Ep1 and 2 in one sitting? 80%? Ugh. Really disappointed in that regard. But as for the characters? I like the family so far. I'm interested to see how David's appearance as the leader of NF will effect the Kate/Javi dynamic. I thought Conrad was believable in his grief and how he basically didn't/doesn't give a fuck after his wife died. I'm always keen to see Clementine interact with a group of survivors and I'd like to see if this group can break her "curse" that she clearly feels affects anyone around her.

    I thought the addition of Paul Monroe AKA Jesus was actually a really cheap way to try and draw in a few comic book fans who might not have got into the Telltale series yet, and with Kirkman even plugging the damn thing in Letter Hacks it actually made me feel a bit sick. Glen was believable because he was from that area in canon, and while the way he left because he "had to" was a bit contrived it was a nice cameo. Even Lily (before Kirkman decided that oh, actually, that's not the REAL Lily because this new book has a Lily backstory now) was cool, because we figure she stumbled onto Woodbury after being left/taking off from the group. But throwing in fan favourite Jesus just for the sake of it, in a completely random part of the country and essentially fucking with the timeline completely was just cheap. Man, I guess I do have several issues with New Frontier but to be fair I had a lot of issues with Season 2 and I still really enjoyed it and I'm enjoying this season nearly as much. Certainly a lot more than the Michonne series (another cheap attempt to cash in on a fan favourite character by throwing them into a little adventure on their own which was ultimately pointless) and if the episodes were longer, and therefore we had more hubs and puzzles, I'd probably like it MORE than Season 2.

    As for other unpopular opinions... Well, I don't know how "popular" various opinions are but here we go:
    I think Ben was well on his way to redeeming himself and could've become an awful survivor if he'd got the chance.
    Omid deserved what he got.
    I wish they'd tortured Arvo and Bonnie to death.
    Jane killing herself like a week after forcing Clem to kill her friend of 2 years is just the worst writing on the planet.
    Kenny's carcrash death was actually a decent ending for him, and the line "I'm not gonna let you watch these assholes chew me up" or whatever was just excellent.
    AJ is a little shit and should be chucked down a well.
    Sarah was awesome.
    Carlos was completely forgettable.
    Nick is becoming a danger to the group.
    Oh, and I ALWAYS leave Duck to reanimate.

  • edited January 2017

    I may get flayed for this, but I think Lee is a bit of a mary sue

  • Glenn in A New Day probably could've been replaced with Doug.

  • Tbh I still think Tripp's reaction to Conrad's death was much more real than Luke's reaction to Nick's death

    Rynna posted: »

    I'm relieved to not be playing as Clementine. Telltale did absolutely terribly at having a child protagonist. Clementine is a little too

  • I could argue (lol peacefully) that you're leaving a 13 y/o kid alone with a pistol while the NF have full-auto rifles and unnecessary means of destruction (e.g. a pipe bomb). But I understand why many would go with their family.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    I've played the game three times and i always leave. Family > Clementine if i'm Javier.

  • I liked Alpha. When I read forums and pages I saw alot of just dislike for the character. I enjoyed her scenes

  • Heh, that went well didn't it? :3

    Davissons posted: »

    I don't really like Mariana and appreciate her more for the role she'll play in the development of Javi, Gabe and Kate rather than her actua

  • That's actually a good point.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Glenn in A New Day probably could've been replaced with Doug.

  • Uh....no. Still, what be your reasoning?

    Louche posted: »

    I may get flayed for this, but I think Lee is a bit of a mary sue

  • Especially since Javi can say "I did whatever I had to do to protect them...kept them out of trouble the best I could...
    It's clear that they were shielded from the things around them by Javi so it feels natural for them to be less experienced.

    kymopoleia posted: »

    It's realistic for others (Javi's family, etc) to be incompetent compared to clem

  • I don't like the new art style/graphics, they just don't fit the game. Season 1 had the best art style in my opinion.

  • I actually agree with you, Season 3 art style is just unusual.

    ulop22 posted: »

    I don't like the new art style/graphics, they just don't fit the game. Season 1 had the best art style in my opinion.

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