Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • I freaking like Lilly's character I ship her with Lee if it wasn't for Carley
    I don't like Javiers family that much I am glad with just Kate and that boy I am like... Sure kid whatever

  • I think Season 2 is somewhat better but then again, I'm relatively used to that.

    ulop22 posted: »

    I don't like the new art style/graphics, they just don't fit the game. Season 1 had the best art style in my opinion.

  • edited January 2017

    Finally someone else that hates the season 3 graphics. Finally!

    ulop22 posted: »

    I don't like the new art style/graphics, they just don't fit the game. Season 1 had the best art style in my opinion.

  • Sorry I'm late mate, but I can't read the rest of your post.

    Clem and Ben yes, but honestly i don't give a s*** about Sarita and Sarah and Arvo didn't mean much to me. Becca is overrated, but for me Kenny and Lilly are the best characters in the game in terms of being unique, each in their own way

  • Carver is the man.

  • edited January 2017

    Despite never being the leader, everyone always looks to him for approval of their ideas and plans

    Never really seems to get too upset or too mad, just keeps his emotions perfect (doesn't even shed a tear when he has to kill his own brother)

    I dunno, it's just a general feeling

    DabigRG posted: »

    Uh....no. Still, what be your reasoning?

  • edited January 2017

    HE MAD ^^

  • I relate to Clementine a lot this season, but mostly in terms of relationships with others.

  • edited January 2017
    Wrong thread, mate.
  • Eh, I suppose I can see what you're getting at and I believe I did think the concept over with him in mind at one point. But here's the distinction: He's not perfect or even hypercompetent.

    • He was humorously clumsy at first, but improved over time
    • Not everyone likes him immediately. In fact, some never really liked him.
    • He makes mistakes and bad choices from time to time
    • His marriage had been failing for a while
    • He has lost his cool in the past, ruining his life, and he can/will lose it again at points
    • Some people outclass him in different areas
    • Some people have/had what he wanted but never got

    There are probably other reasons that factor into that sum up, but that should get the point across.

    Louche posted: »

    Despite never being the leader, everyone always looks to him for approval of their ideas and plans Never really seems to get too upset or

  • What relationship?

    I relate to Clementine a lot this season, but mostly in terms of relationships with others.

  • I think Ben was well on his way to redeeming himself and could've become an awful survivor if he'd got the chance.
    Omid deserved what he got.
    I wish they'd tortured Arvo and Bonnie to death.
    Oh, and I ALWAYS leave Duck to reanimate.

    Dude, what the heck?

    rwnz posted: »

    I really don't think The New Frontier is that bad. Sure, the episodes aren't long enough and I'll definitely say that that isn't fair. If Ep

    • I like both Jane and Kenny in a neutral way. I don't have a favorite or hate one or other because of their fight or because their personalities doesn't match, and that's probably why I prefered the alone ending when I was first playing S2E05, I think both were wrong.

    • I think that Jane and Kenny could have got along just fine, but... well, plot. Why the fuck Jane prefers to die than telling Kenny AJ's alive?

    • I don't think S3 Clem is cool/interesting as people say she is, I honestly think her salvation is Melissa, bcz her interpretation builds Clem's personality. I love Clementine, but mostly due to Melissa acting, not cuz of Telltale's writing. I MEAN, '' They call themselves the New Frontier. They used to be decente people, but now they are... something else. '' SOMETHING ELSE CLICHE SHIT. EVERYTIME I SEE THIS LINE IN SOME KIND OF TRAILER I JUST LAUGH LIKE CRAZY. Some people can think I'm exaggerating, but yeah, i'm telling the truth.

    • I consider a lot of dialogue in A New Frontier to be cringe worth, and not because they're funny or something like that, but because it's bad written.

    • I didn't care for the Cabin group at all in S2 besides Sarah and Alvin. I mean, I didn't hate them at all, I just didn't think they were interesting characters.

    • I think gameplay in action parts are getting minimal season by season ( Is that an unpopular opinion? ).

  • Is Jesus even gay/bi himself? Now I'm curious.

    Nixks posted: »


  • Exactly.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What relationship?

  • I prefered the alone ending when I was first playing S2E05, I think both were wrong.

    I definitely agree with this much.

    Why the fuck Jane prefers to die than telling Kenny AJ's alive?

    I think its somewhat inferrable that she had mental and psychosocial problems for quite a while.

    I didn't care for the Cabin group at all in S2 besides Sarah and Alvin. I mean, I didn't hate them at all, I just didn't think they were interesting characters.

    Eh, I mostly agree. I definitely get the appeal of Nick now and I definitely like Luke as well, but I believe most of them could've been more interesting given more concentrated focus.

    VectorXP posted: »

    * I like both Jane and Kenny in a neutral way. I don't have a favorite or hate one or other because of their fight or because their personal

  • edited January 2017
    • I prefer Javier as an playable protagonist in Season 3 because I didn't like very much playing as Clementine, I missed the times that I saw in the screen "Clementine will remember that." for example, I also love playing as Clementine only in flashbacks because I wouldn't like that borderlands style on switching protagonists. It's not that I dislike playing as Clementine but I miss having her as an normal main character that I care most about the others more than a playable one. (But I hate that she became another Jane instead of the Clementine I wanted.) Also, Javier is a fresh start. What we need more is not more playable Clementine in my opinion but more focus on her and be able to talk with her during the game and not only in the scenes.
    • I prefer the old artstyle that Season 1 and 2 had. It's not that I dislike the graphics themselves and I don't dislike the artstyle either, but it's not good changing the artstyle while you make the series, if you start with season 1's artstyle in my opinion the game must end in the same artstyle, it's not like before and it doesn't feel the same. If it was like Batman that had that artstyle from the start I wouldn't have any problems. But it's not.
    • I liked Season 3 more than Season 2 but not Season 1. (Season 1 > Season 3 > Season 2)
  • edited January 2017

    I really like Javier as the protagonist and wish the story was more about him and his family as the first 20 or so minutes are the strongest part of A New Frontier so far and was more interesting then another "Can this Dysfunctional group survive?!" story.

  • I prefer the old artstyle that Season 1 and 2 had. It's not that I dislike the graphics themselves and I don't dislike the artstyle either, but it's not good changing the artstyle while you make the series, if you start with season 1's artstyle in my opinion the game must end in the same artstyle, it's not like before and it doesn't feel the same. If it was like Batman that had that artstyle from the start I wouldn't have any problems. But it's not.

    Agreed. I liked how Season 2 improved upon that artstyle as well.

    * I prefer Javier as an playable protagonist in Season 3 because I didn't like very much playing as Clementine, I missed the times that I sa

  • Conrad is an asshole anyway.

  • I think Clementine is the antagonist of Season 3.

  • I feel like Jane's baby was likely Troy's

  • Daze also made that argument and given certain things I've noticed over the months, that would explain a few things.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I feel like Jane's baby was likely Troy's

  • I never really bought into Luke's charm and I found him to be a selfish coward most of the game.

    He disagrees about the shed decision but doesn't actually take a stand and do the right thing until it's too late. He wants to hide Matthew's murder and lie to a good man who housed them and fed them, despite Nick wanting to immediately do the right thing and tell Walt. He chooses not to help Kenny fight Carvers group and gets caught trying to steal food of all things. He screws Jane during walker duty and gets defensive about it. And he generally just said stupid shit, like "you just dont kill dogs that maul you" and "I would've killed Carver too but Kenny should have killed him less".

    He did end sacrificing himself for Clem in my game, so I forgive it all.

  • edited January 2017

    I think its somewhat inferrable that she had mental and psychosocial problems for quite a while.

    Honestly, it's most due plot other than anything, since she always was an survival wannabe or whatever we wanna call. Doesn't makes sense to me, that's basically why I tought her flashback was out of character. Trying to prove something and manipulating Clem to shoot him, ok, but putting her life in extreme danger knowing she can avoid that? Don't know, just seems dumb considering it's Jane.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I prefered the alone ending when I was first playing S2E05, I think both were wrong. I definitely agree with this much. Why th

  • Same lol. I feel you bro :|


  • Oh no, I now remember how he saved (my) Clementine.

    That broke my broken heart. :'( :'(

    I never really bought into Luke's charm and I found him to be a selfish coward most of the game. He disagrees about the shed decision but

  • We oughta start a coalition or something, Telltale's Forum for Friendless Folks, or the 4F.

    Marsh16194 posted: »

    Same lol. I feel you bro

  • I never really bought into Luke's charm and I found him to be a selfish coward most of the game.

    I never really bought into Luke's charm and I found him to be a selfish coward most of the game. He disagrees about the shed decision but

  • Maybe in Season 3 we'll get introduced to two guys where one wears a suit and the other wears a banana hammock.

    ...A what?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Sam's breasts ruin her character. I've realized that it's not that they're breasts and they're big, it's that they're anime breasts...on a t

  • Heck, I was happy that female seen around with Randall [who looks like Aerith a bit] has wide hips.

    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    Oh goodness, now I can't unsee that.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    You miss the point though. It's not that they're big, it's that they look anime fake compared to other female character busts that Telltale

  • Alvin was my favorite survivor from the cabin group.

  • Clementine and Gabe should get together.

  • I totally agree. Is that really unpopular? Who else would be the favorite?

    Alvin was my favorite survivor from the cabin group.

  • I did really like the old art style and the new one was very jarring at first, but it grew on me.

    ulop22 posted: »

    I don't like the new art style/graphics, they just don't fit the game. Season 1 had the best art style in my opinion.

  • He'd be like three or four years old, though.

    Douug posted: »

    My unpopular opinion is that AJ should be the new Anakin Skywalker. Gets fed so much bullshit by the New Frontier (or wherever he is) and becomes the new antagonist in Season 4 (if there is one).

  • Jesus is gay.

    Is Jesus even gay/bi himself? Now I'm curious.

  • Same.

    JackTTR posted: »

    I like Gabe.

  • Luke, Sarah, and Nick tended to have a following for various reasons. However, I can see why Alvin would be someone's pick; he was the only one I completely liked on the first day, after all.

    I totally agree. Is that really unpopular? Who else would be the favorite?

  • I agree.

    Clementine and Gabe should get together.

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