Will Javi get laid?
Yes, the big question on everybody's minds. Not if stuff with David will blow up like crazy or if Kate will be okay. Not if Clemmy will one day stop being a drifter, or if we'll ever find out where the heck is Christa...but will Javi, ever get laid? And if so with who!?
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I hope so. And with Kate, of course. I mean, she can't die, c'mon.
Blue Balls, mate. Javier's a masochist.
He used to be a baseball player, probably a famous one... Lots of girls around him. Then, 4 years later... Poor guy, he must be suffering
Okay, nevermind.
Maybe someone else like Eleanor I mean that's the only girl and Javi and her have some chemistry or maybe it's just she is nice to Javi.I don't know but he will get laid Telltale never fails about characters having relationships... or maybe iI just hoping they don't do nothing bad about that....ah who I saying it s Telltale but pls don't Telltale yes on the laid,No,on the hoping nothing else bad happens
I hope no, i don't want to Javi get some STD's from this junkie whore.
But Eleanore look much better health and beauty, i don't mind with her.
Junkie whore? Are you even for real? A joint every once in awhile is not exactly junkie status...and whore is well inaccurate to say the least.
I don't think he is,if people want him to play him has that
Yes Eleanor is better more chemistry with her was showed in the game and I kinda like that about her character
I'm joking. I'd rather it'd be Javi and Eleanor truthfully.
Some guys in this forum are real gentleman's
Yep, i don't know but She looks like on heroin, not just a weed.
WUT? She flirt's with Javi in front of her husband. It's enough for me to brand her a whore.
I don t think a joint is consider a junkie that's just wrong and whore?i don't so I mean she was having marriage problems
Yeah me too
So where in this zombie apocalypse did she find a sustainable stash of heroin? THINK! And bad marriages do not make people whores.
If there is a Batman style sex scene in The Walking Dead I want a refund.
So I guess it should have been called "The Walking Sex".
Godforbid I go four years without sex and I wanna get laid. Looks like I'm a whore now.
No, you aren't. Hahahaha we have the rights too, my friend.
Late one rainy night at Javier's apartment, he wakes to frantic knocking at the front door.
Up he gets to opens it and seeees, Kate soaked to the bone, and with mascara running down her face.
Kate: Javi! Oh thank god! Me and David had a huge fight and I didn't know who else to go to! Can I please come inside?

-"Wanna stop? It'll just take a minute"
+"Nah for a minute ain't worth it"
My sides
I can assure you I'm anything but that.
Fuck that, Imma slam that door lmfao.
Wait...we do? If a guy strays or is in a bad relationship...it is ok...but a woman is just a slut...I mean isn't that how it is supposed to work?
I concur.
omg this gif xD
I don't know about you, but I don't like to think this way. I believe both men and women can and can't do certain things. Isn't right sleep with another guy just because your marriage is going downhill, of course. Same if you are a man, it is not right with your wife. But I'm not talking about marriage lol
My vote's on Kenny. Like you said, they can both be lucky, real lucky, together.
It's not about getting laid per se. It's about the how and when. A man is just as much a slut if he finds a random woman and ***** her as a woman would be with a random stranger.
Clem is becoming a woman, and hell I'd hate it if Gabe made a move but if they get to know each other and whatever not, and then decide to "do it". Hell, so be it.
But if Clem feels the urge and just takes a randomer because "of need"? She'd lose respect heavily from me.
^ An Example of how and when.
Sure. I mean, it ain't like he don't got charm coming out of his ass.
Was joking of course.
Exactly! I'll not judge anyone, but some things doesn't seems right to me. Especially what some people do in this forum, yk? They call Kate slut because what she told to Javi. They know each other, they are not like two strangers, right? And what about David? He's not a saint. We don't know what he did before.
I chose Kenny, it makes about as much sense as someone co-casually smoking hemp and discussing the horrible plight of not having some strange dick in my...
Hope Javier likes his waves rough and taken in the stern.
If the scene is like that Catwoman scene in Batman, I sure don't mind having it with Kate. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Plus it has been 4 years...as far as they knew David was dead.
I want to see a model swap of that with TWDG characters I swear lol.