Kirkman likely won't want the TellTale series to jump ahead of the comics in the timeline
If there is a season 4 and they choose to have season 4 still have Clem in it it will be interesting to see when they have it take place. Season 3 isn't too far away from where they currently are in the comics timeline wise. The game takes place at some point during the timeskip and as of issue 162 the comic will be about four or five months post timeskip.
ANF takes place probably several months prior to when the timeskip ends and issue 162 will takes place about seven or eight months after what we are currently seeing happen in this game. I'm doubtful Kirkman would want the game to jump ahead of the comic so I'm guessing that for a season 4 there will not be a couple year time jump like we saw in season 2 and this game.
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Unless Kirkman makes another big time skip in the comics soon...
That's not happening though. Kirkman has said that after the Whisperer War storylines are all finished the next main story will be them finding out about this Ohio group where Stephanie is from.
I wished that the game series would be its own thing honestly like the first Walking Dead. I mean yeah Lilley was in that game but many didn't know that she was in the comics. I don't read the comics or watch scary movies. The only zombies that I can tolerate are in games.
Kirkman could, God forbid, kill Rick Grimes. If he so chooses to do so, Carl will be the new protagonist, and he could skip a decade into the future with an adult Carl leading the way. This, though just a theory based off of literally zero evidence (and my prediction), would be enough time for Telltale to create an adult Clem and jump even further into the future.
The Lilly in The Telltale Game Series is a completely different Lilly than in the comics.
If that's true, Kirkman can still create a time jump, after we learn about this Ohio group.
While true the Lilly in the game was indeed originally intended to be the Lilly in the comics. She only became a separate character after Road To Woodbury was released.
I'm really starting to believe that Kirkman is going to try to bring Clementine into the comic in some capacity. He even made a statement in one of the Letter Hacks in the last several months when someone mentioned bringing Clementine into the comic. Kirkman responded by saying they can't bring her into the comic until she is done with the games.
I've always disliked that annoying Kirkman change so I still just consider the game and comic Lilly to be one in the same because it makes the game's events tie in smoothly with the comic events like with Glenn and Herschel. If they were always meant to be different then the names should had been changed.
Yeah I am hoping that happens, since it would make the comics and games really feel like a more neatly intertwined universe. I would Imagine comic Clem would be drawn similar in depiction to how she has been animated from the games.
All of this would be great for telltale to prevent any more video game time jumps. There has been enough time skips already for both the game and comic I believe. Time skips almost feel like some sort of lazy fast forward for the writers.
I just hope Clementine and any other game characters stays out of the comics.
Well ANF takes place right after All Out War in the comics....and there is what a year or 2 time skip before the Whisperers show up? So the game is like a year or 2 behind.
No season 2 took place right around the time of All Out War. ANF takes place much closer to where they currently are in the comic. Clem was eight when the series began and now she is about thirteen.
If ANF took place around the time of All Out War Jesus wouldn't be in the game because he would be in Alexandria helping fight Negan.
No according to TellTale's behind the scenes ANF is right after AOW.
Also Kirkman fucked up. The time just in the comics was indeed more than 2 years.
Ugh Rick Grimes is an old hag who does nothing but limp around all day. Kill Rick and let Maggie take the spotlight please.
This doesn't make much sense though since Clementine only ages two years but the time jump in the comics was more than 2, he recently stated this. I think Kirkman messed up.
Just after AOW can mean lots of different things. It can basically mean anytime during the timeskip of the comic. The simple fact though is that Clem couldn't be 13 years old if it took place right after AOW and still be 8 years old at the start of the apocalypse.
In anycase it doesn't really matter because they have said in game that it has been four years into the apocalypse. All Out War took place just about two years into the apocalypse.
Have you read the comics?
Really? What makes you say that?
He recently stated it was more than 2 years.
The timejump was about two and a half years. ANF takes place around the timeframe of two years into the timeskip.
He's old and frail, I want Rick to die but then again I don't want him to die. All I know is it won't be anytime soon for that to happen.
I'd rather Carl take over but only if there is a big time skip for him to do so. He can't be a 13 year old leading a community. He just can't.
Let Carl die too. Been in these comics since day one and barely any real character development. His Character is done, used and annoying honestly. Maggi'es has potential.
As long as they give Rick and Carl an amazing death. How about make Negan kill them so that gives the story a "no mercy" feel. That would be dark and fitting for the franchise honestly. But nah they're just going to keep dragging it out in good ol' Virginia.
'Cause 9 + 2 1/2 = 13. Alright.
The time frame in the comics and game is a big mess honestly.
"Two years have passed but the characters have aged four years!!"
No you can figure the timeline out in the comics pretty easily if you pay attention to details. As Kirkman does go on a pretty considtent seasonal cycle.
An easy way to figure out the timelines is to just remember that Clementine and Sophia were both 8 years old when the comic started, So however old Sophia is in the comic is how old Clementine would roughly be as well.
Currently they are about four or five months post timeskip in the comic so the total time has been about five years.
And you are absolutely correct. Let me do the math:
This is the timeline we have and it doesn't make that much sense to me, especially taking into account what has been confirmed:

The "official" timeline doesn't make much sense to me and so I created my very own timeline using rough estimates and dates:

This is a very rough timeline that makes more sense than the one presented everywhere else.
This is my lengthy explanation for the timeline I've created:

Anyone agree with this assessment?
Sure, but Kirkman has basically (not literally) confirmed Carl will be the lead once Rick dies
I don't follow the comics and I have no idea how fast each issue is released, but even if ANF is only a few months before the latest issue, season 4 will most likely only be here for another two years from now (considering there's still a few months before ANF even ends). By that time, wouldn't the comics advance in time as well? I doubt it that in 1 or 2 years time, the comics will still be in the same time frame as of now.
Exactly, that's what I keep thinking!
Times like these I wish Telltale could do their own thing in terms of the timeline, and put raptors in TWDG.
Also kirkman can tell Telltale what he intends on doing for future unreleased issues. So if he intends on making an upcoming, let's say, 3 year time skip, then telltale could make their game three years in the future. That way when it actually releases, the issue with the 3 year time skip would have just released. So technically they didn't go ahead.
I honestly hope there won't be a season 4. This game series is sadly dead to me
They is right after aow...that means it is early in the time skip...Jesus has not changed his wardrobe or cut his hair.
You and I are going to fight.
Oh shut up Dan...if you don't like it...then go cry somewhere else.
But Lilly wasn't the same Lilly anyway because they have different fathers.
Stop with your logical jibber jabber. Logic = boring peaceful posts.