Season 3 Intro music...
Is anyone else disappointed that there was no intro with music for this season of the walking dead?
Ever since Wolf Among Us was released there has been an intro piece for almost every TellTale game since then and they gave us a cool one for the Michonne game, so I wonder why there wasn't one for Season 3 of The Walking Dead.
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They're getting lazier and lazier with each game they are putting out.
I mean what the hell is that menu for TWD: S3? Exact same menu as Batman with slight differences (artwork).
Every dialogue choice pretty much has the same response. (TWD: S1 had different responses for each)
Choices are mattering less and less (TWD: S1 had different character attitudes determined by your choices).
Episodes are getting shorter and shorter with each game. (The last game they had with 2-hour episodes was Tales from the Borderlands in 2014/15.)
They're just... getting lazy.
Because they probably couldn’t even finish the story on time, so they salvaged some Parts, put them together and charged 6.49€ for two, 1-Hour episodes.
Sorry, i couldn’t resist.
Game of Thrones was good, but yes overall they are getting worse and this 3rd walking dead series is so far the worst.
It's disappointing. Also, bring back credit songs! Did they run out of songs at the music factory?
After first watching the Michonne game intro early last year I was thinking "WHOA imagine one for Clementine and S3".
But no, no intro at all, just an all round poor effort for what is turning out to be a joke of a season.
I honestly didn't think after their previous mistakes that they could bottom out season 2 for being worst but we cannot underestimate these guys anymore I suppose. Next thing ya know the season 4 episodes will be 20 minutes long divided into 3 episode one parts clocking in at about 7 minutes each with no choices, only three new boring characters with one of them getting killed off in just the second episode which is likely also the season 4 finale.
Then they will think their 2 episode season 4 should win game of the year for 2021.LOL
I didn't buy season 3 because I knew there would be a great chance of it sucking so I watched it on YouTube instead, right decision made!
They are finished to be honest and will never be as good as they were back in season 1.
Shit happens I'm afraid.
Sometimes greatness can only be achieved once. It is such a shame the comics and show can still go on strong but the games are struggling and suffering currently when at the beginning I felt they were the best and beat the show in some areas. I just don't know what or who can be the hero to save this series from sinking. maybe TTG needs to call back Sean Vannaman and the same exact writing team of season 1 and present a financial offer they could not refuse and even throw Kirkman himself in that mix for good measure. I think they'd be the only cavalry of saviors to bring the games back to their rightful place.
I don't know if it's just me, but I honestly prefer the way they've done the intros for the main games. Just a quick THE WALKING DEAD splash screen, and that's it. I don't think this series needs a flashy intro sequence. I mean, it has fared just fine without it so far.
The Michonne intro was cool, don't get me wrong, but as a whole, I feel the way they do it now is better than a dedicated intro sequence. It just feels more fitting for the type of game TWD is.
Besides, the lack of an intro sequence is something that's been consistent through all three seasons so far. Might as well keep something in this series consistent, right?
Yeah exactly. The main series never had an intro before so I think it makes sense. Sure, it would definitely be nice to have one but ya know, a lack of an intro is a pretty minor inconvenience.
Honestly, I think people are looking for any excuse to get on S3's ass right now
Not that I'd blame them, but surely there's better things to be criticizing than the lack of an intro, right?
Yes there are better things to criticise but they have all been covered already, the intro one hasn't.
Everything you said.
Still can't believe one episode needed 8 writers in Season 3. Goddamn.
The game isn't even struggling, it's doing fine.
Just a bunch of unnecessary hate towards the game with only two episodes out.
It's literally every small detail is getting called out.
The biggest and in my opinion, only, problem that S3 has is the lack of character decelopment and the length of the episodes.
The main way to fix this is simply add more down time to talk and a puzzle hear and there.
Other than that, the game is fine, and it's doing fine as far as everyone BUT the forumers state.
I actually prefer not to have a music intro. I rather jump into the episode, brief title card and done. But I do miss having a song during the credits Anadel was so damn good, those bastards had me tearing up easily lol.
The whole point of an episodic game is to point out its flaws while it is releasing so they can be fixed in the future episodes. If you expect us to keep out mouths shut about the episodes and to not establish an opinion on it until all 5 episodes release then what's the point of releasing them periodically?
Episode would have been way too long if it had an intro. If they added an intro I wouldn't be able to play it in one sitting which would ruin the experience or me. Glad they kept it short.
This Volatic Milk guy must work for TellTale and he must also like plastic games with shitty standards.
Hmm 8 you say? Are you certain that's not how many for the whole season?
Well it was 7 - miscounted. After you finish the episode it tells you who it's written by in the credits.

When the biggest problem in a character driven RPG is character development and game time, you've got a huge problem.
Actually the character development isn't bad, the main problem is that we don't know the back story of some of the new characters.
Javier, Tripp, Kate, Gabe, Clementine? They are all very fleshed out characters, it's just that we need more down time to interact with them more and learn small things about them.
As far as time goes, the first two episodes were split into parts leading me to believe they planned on making it one episode, but it was too long, so I'd like to believe the next episodes will be 1:30-1:45.
I still think releasing 5 episodes with 2 of them allegedly being a split episode is pretty dirty considering the length. But yea, Javier and Clem were done well in episode 1, Javiers the main character so we spent a lot of time with him and Clems Clem, a lot of people are here for her. Kate and Gabe, I dunno, they come off as pretty typical characters with personalities unfitting people 4 years in, and the majority of the first episode is spent trying to get back to them, she's almost immediately shot and remains incapacitated throughout much of episode 2.
Tripp, I like, he definitely seems like a helpful character but he could easily end up being a rash, violent type akin to Kenny. He can handle himself and seems decent enough, but by episode 2 Javier has to step in between him and Clem before he can attack her. I didn't like that I couldn't outright tell him what happened to Conrad, and now I feel like this could be a trigger for him later.
Also on wikipedia :

I guess they are getting quite desperate with shoving a bunch of writers on only one (or two parts of 1) episode. But a bunch of writers isn't great news. Because if all those writers can only come up with what we have got then the rest of the season looks a bit gloomy. Only name I recognize is Nick Breckon. He wrote a couple of season 2's episodes and those were usually considered decent. Oh and also Mr. Pierre Shorette he worked on the third episode from the second season of the game and the Wolf Among Us video game.
Well I suppose we just have opposite thoughts on the game, but do understand that I do not hate the game. I plan on buying each episode even without a season pass because I've admired this game series too much to give up on it just yet (I might give up if season 4 is somehow even worse than New Frontier). But I believe the video game series is still showing highly noticeable symptoms of struggling to get back to it's outstanding roots of story telling that it once had with of course the first season. The only thing that has improved immensely with every progressing season so far is the animated graphics and the quick time events that you go through during action sequences. Season 2's were better than season 1's and New Frontier is way better than season 2 was with the action scenes I have noticed and that is about it.
It's like they were scribbling and shoving each other to write an episode on one piece of paper...
Your comment reeks of sarcasm...
I love it.
The other Telltale games have even worse graphics.
The only real problem with Season 3 is the episode length. Fix that, the game is fixed.
It's not struggling though, the fact of the matter is, the only problem with this game is Episode Length.
Fix it by...
Other than that, this whole thread is dumb. The intro, really? Season 1 was literally a stationary picture, yet people never bat an eye.
I can expect real hate, not this "Title Screen" hate.
Yeah, I like the ominous, foreboding hum accompanied by The Walking Dead logo. The walking dead is never truly about the music and TV-ness, it has always been about establishing relationships with characters and surviving as a team. Giving it a whole intro like their other series would be fine, but if it ain't broke...
Plus, many of their episodes have some good intros, where the game continually goes on without the need for a special opening credits. S1EP2's intro is my favourite TWD opening they have done. The action happens, and it immediately cuts to the title screen when Travis gets grabbed and screams, (or the teacher). A creepy moment that would otherwise be ruined by music.
sorry for the triple edit, Deltino.. My spelling OCD kicked in.
yeah... no....
Even if they did fix the length (which they probably won't) the main plot of this game is still missing...
and also a lot of people don't care about the current cast which is understandable...
To be fair, they aren't exactly relaxed and taking their time with fans demanding the game non-stop, with other projects and games in development as well. But I mean, TWD Season 3 intros (so far) compared to the Tales From the Borderlands intros? Come on...
Actually the plot is well liked by many, the forums isn't the majority, it's the miniority.
I posted a thread about Tripp yesterday, and it exploded. Most love Tripp and hope for him to see the light of day to the end of the season. People really like Javier, and love seeing Jesus.
But... there is no plot... What is the plot? I swear if the answer is survival, I don't think we should continue this conversation
Well yes, but I am talking about the majority people here (then again even Steam and other forums don't like it) still you are right on that one.
Well some of the regulars here avoid those... like how some avoid the wait thread, and like "Clem's a cutie" threads... I don't hate tripp bit I don't care about the guy, usually guys like that in this game just die... poorly... But hey I've been wrong before so we'll see.
And I hate that they put Jesus in this here ughhh
first aid kit songs were really good too
The plot is survival, like Season 1 and Season 2.
Season 3 focuses on Javier trying to protect what's left of his family at all costs. He meets Clementine along the way, and in a way, you get the option to make her important to Javier or not. After you reunite with your family, Mariana dies and then gives charactization to these bandits, they are TNF, and they seem to have their own ways of handling things that are not good. The main pupose however is to protect Javier's family. Kate, who is dying, is in dyer need of help. At this point Prescott is no longer an option, and Javier needs to find a place that will help Kate. Clementine tells you about Richmond, and that begins your journey to Richmond. You find out Richmond is under TNF's control now creating a conflict with the core group, especially Clementine. Conrad stops Clementine, where you have to decide whether or not to do whatever it takes to protect your family, or save this little girls life.
Overall, the plot is... Javier wants to protect his family at all costs, he also wants to find a safe place that they could call home, as evident by the constant reminder that they hate being in the car. During the game, you get the choice to do whatever it takes to protect your family, or something else.