Wtf's up with Clem
Why did they make her so cringeworthy this season? She really has this loner personality with all the default answers like "It's complicated... I don't like being in groups. They all fall apart. We all die. That's just how it is"
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Think about what she's been through
The groups from season 1 and 2 agree with her.
She's awesome, that's what.
Why did I even try here
Are you asking, or stating? Cause I can't answer one but I can accept the other.
Play the first two seasons and it will make sense. I'll wait.
Too vague? Fair enough. The psychology behind Clementine's doom and gloom views in this case are perfectly understandable. Every single group she's come across has gotten wiped out or it fell through somehow. Even Wellington, Kenny, and Jane eventually bit the dust. She blames herself for the fall of every group she has come across, and with Javier and others showing up, Clementine is starting to get the vibes of "Oh fuck, it's gonna happen again." At this point, its just a waiting game...waiting for everyone to die, thus making her alone once more. It's really fucked up and sad when you think about it.
So to answer your question, that's why Clementine is "cringeworthy" this season, and her feelings of doubt and scorn towards new people are in no way, shape, or form understandable. Nope. Not at all.
I think her developement is very interesting and understandable. She's careful because she went through hell. No wonder she act's like this.
You don't have to.
I can understand your view of her attitude this season.
She's doing this thing where females in certain forms of fiction that are placed into positions of confrontational personalities to the main character can't exhibit their colder demeanor too much, so their distant views of self-preservation quickly become "I've finally found my family."
I knew Clem would fall under this spectrum (the same one Jane went through) but she is admittedly quite uninteresting even with that developmental arc.
Little constitution to her character (she mostly serves to hang around the group even with little to no motivation any self-preservative survivalist would have), dialogue that is brooding and boring, and a seeming interest in one of gaming's most recent pussies makes her overall character seem flat.
I can't form C2 level Cambridge sentences like this so thank you. This is what I exactly mean
You have to remember she's only 13, most adults couldn't even function if they went through what she's been through. You can't expect her to be all smiles and giggles, it wouldn't be realistic
You can do anything if you set your mind to it, just look at Clemmy.
She set her mind to blandness and reached her goal of double-taking back at a nerd with more hormones than her and fucking nailed it.
If a character as inspired and interesting as she was can do it, so can you!
It's not her that's cringeworthy it's the dialogue it's cliche-y as hell.
"Clementine's my friend" said Javi the hostage that knew her for 5 minutes in the game world. And that Asian Doctor (I forgot her name) sounds like she only did that dialogue in one take and that's it, I swear you can hear her smacking her lips.
Yeah. So of course she'll act the same in every playthrough
Not between two underage teens, very un-giggity.
yeeeaaahhh, the sexualization of these two needs to stop.
This bothered me a lot when I first played. Yeah, I vouched for her and got locked up with her, but I didn't want to say that either then or at the junkyard considering I knew her for all of... Half a day. If that. It's just weird. And again, with her second flashback. Ava, literally THIRTY SECONDS after meeting her and having the bonding experience of a life time blocking the door together: "Well, I guess we make a pretty good team."
This can be repeated again when you're walking through the tunnels and Clem shows you the brand, one of Javi's dialogue options is something like... "You lied to me, Clem! How could you? After all we've gone through?" She should be like:
"...Dude. I've known you for two days. I have no obligation to you. Back up."
Hey, she's similar to Jane now.
kinda late but thats me
Perfectly described.
The only thing I hope gets corrected and discovered in the next episode or two is finding out why Clementine, in addition to this response of loneliness, turns morally darker to the point where she kills people without flinching or remorse.
I'm sure that will be explained in her relationship with The New Frontier, otherwise her behaviour in ANF can contradict her entire established character in Season 1 and Season 2.
Nobody said a word when Kenny calls you a good friend after knowing you for a day...
Because that never happens in real life.
Hey it's Kenny...he is a God.
You know... that's actually a good point, now that I think about it.
Yeah....I thought I liked this characterization at first but the more I think about it the more I grow annoyed with it.
Post S1 Clementine is...not very interesting and her moodiness kind of comes off as a silly way to make her seem "badass."
The way she ate that apple after she rescued Javier was just cringeworthy the more I think back to it.
She has in no way shown interest in him in the game. All she did was have a normal conversation with him. Doesn't mean she likes him. Jeez.
Considering during the course of that one day, Lee (well, my Lee at least) saved his son from walkers, vouched for his son and stood up to Larry in the drug store, gave his son an energy bar, and expressed vocal concern for his well being inside the drugstore, I would say that makes Lee a pretty good friend.
Ugh, I fucking hate this too. Clem's probably thinking "um dude I've known you for a day, lay off." It's incredibly annoying.
Kenny/Jane/Wellington could easily have been the breaking point for her. She seemed pretty happy in all the flashbacks, and all 3 of them went to shit. So with everything buried under her, it's extremely possible that whatever happened in your flashback was the one that broke the dam.
She doesn't have much of a personality in S2 or S3.
The circumstances Kenny and Clementine were in were very different. Apocalypse just started, people were looking for someone they could trust and stick with to make groups, people haven't become crazy murderers yet.
Now, four years in, people naturally distrust others. So to see Javier be all "partner in crime" with Clem after less than 24 hours is annoying and unrealistic.
Speak for yourself but the death of Edith's ear muffs absolutely fucking crippled me.
Also, everything you're saying is right, but you're missing the biggest part. TNF. We still don't know what happened during that time and that's what seems to have changed her to who she is today. We'll find out why eventually. I don't like that we're finding out in the middle of the season either, but that's what happens with these shit episode lengths.
Didn't Clem spend a year or something with Edith in Wellington before she was again on her own? I mean, I understand where you're coming from because I feel the same way about Javiers family, they're sorta just there. I think the most drastic change is Kenny's ending considering they mention AJ not speaking yet. I don't agree at all that there's no time left to explore why she hates ANF so much though. Even if most of my time is wasted on Javier, there's at least 3 hours left to conflict with the drunk guy from the porch and burn down another community while finding out what they did to her.
Javi: "Clem's my friend."
Clementine shoots Javier.
Clem: "I got triggered."
Tell that to the hordes of people who are already identifying their interactions as signs of attraction.
You don't need to try and put my mind at ease.
Yeah, it seems there is a difference between those two timelines.
"The director said 'Here, eat an apple. It'll make you look like even more of an asshole"
A character enters what should be a serious situation for them, and yet seems completely bored with the events. Instead of giving the occasion his full attention, they seem more invested in the snack they happen to be eating. Apples, potato-chips, or any other food that's particularly noisy are popular for this since the obnoxiously loud crunching can drown out what's going on around the eater. -Jeremy Scott Cinema Sins