It's a long shot, but definitely one I'd be most excited for it if happened! If the writers from Blizzard would be willing to work with the Telltale team in throwing together a fun collection of maybe even sequences from the past I feel like it'd be just the right story mode I need for the game that I feel like Blizzard has no interest in making.
An idea that's often popped into my head is the idea of Telltale making a series based on Overwatch. That game has a lot of lore and basical… morely no single-player content. But I do understand that its style as a team-based shooter could make adding single-player content difficult. I think Telltale could do the game a lot of justice in allowing players to experience the story.
Obviously Harry potter, star wars, pirates of the caribbean and maybe.... The matrix :P Imagine the crazy quick time events. Or like a horror based game, maybe SAW since you have a lot of dillemas etc.
A Spider-Man Game, that focuses on him as a hero and as Peter Parker who is in High school, which potential love interests like MJ, Gwen Stacy, maybe even Liz Allan, and then it can go further by having Black Cat as a potential love interest for Spider-Man. The fighting style can work in the way Telltales Batman game works and they could POSSIBLY have buttons to press when he reacts to his spider senses. I think it'd be great to be able to choose if you go on this mission or go to class and keep up your grades and giving you the option to react certain ways around Flash Thompson. Also it'd be cool having the symbiote in like episode 3 or 4 affecting Peter's life as Peter Parker in school and as Spider-Man. It could be Earth 616 Spider-Man OR it could be Ultimate Spider-Man which could also have more love interests like Kitty Pryde or more friends like Johnny Storm and Bobby Drake, I just think having a Telltale Spider-Man game would be great and there are so many things they could do to make it great.
Well I tried to look over all the posts in this thread so that I wouldn't add ideas that have been already mentioned, but I still might unintentionally copy from other posts since this is a huge thread. Hopefully I might come up with something original but on the bright side, if I do copy from someone else's post by mistake at least there will be more than one chance that Telltale games would consider creating a game for that idea.
First, I was thinking about having a James Bond (good old 007) game made, not just because it's in my profile name, it's just that James Bond could give Batman a run for his money.
Second, what about a series that features everyone's favorite Italian boxer, "The Italian Stallion," Rocky Balboa? What if some of those iconic boxing matches went differently from the movies? For example if Clubber Lang lost the first match, would Michael "Mickey," Goldmill still be alive to witness Rocky's other great fights? Think about it, maybe instead of the Apollo Creed disaster happening due to Ivan Drago, Mickey would have died from one of the angry Russian's punches. Just a thought and don't get me wrong I don't want to screw with the Rocky timeline, I just think it would be cool to see some different outcomes. However when it comes time to Hulk Hogan, Telltale should definitely get rid of the name "Thunderlips," because that was just wrong in begin with, since it was a boxing/wrestling match and not a kissing contest.
Third but not least, it's a bird, no it's a plane, no it's Superman coming to save the day! He's faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Apologies if this has been mentioned already, but The Darkness? The story and atmosphere were fantastic, Imagine would telltale could do with jackie estacado with the power of darkness, making choices of which darkling to conjure, whether to unleash your power or not and of course whether or not to eat peoples hearts. But seriously, playing through the first darkness was one of the best gaming experiences ive ever had and it's a perfect game for telltale to tackle as it's already a comic series.
Also coming to mind because of same game developer, the chronicles of riddick could prove a worthwhile telltale game as well.
I've been nostalging recently, and I think I found a good licence for Telltale's younger audiences. Inspector Gadget! Of course I'm talking about the original animated series, but this could work as either a full 5 episode season (as one story arc, or 5 separate ones) or a smaller mini-series of sorts. The premise -- for those unaware -- is a bionic man outfitted with various "Gadgets" throughout his body, allowing him to perform different types of tasks, while solving crimes and stopping the evil organisation MAD. He is accompanied by his genius niece Penny, who also has an incredibly smart dog, appropriately named Brain that helps her and Gadget by keeping them out of danger from MAD agents (he acts in a similar manner to Scooby-Doo). They all stop nefarious plans from the group called MAD, run by a guy called Dr. Claw. His face is never seen, and is always shown sitting in a chair ordering his henchmen through a computer screen. He usually has a cat on his lap, and a metal claw on his right(?) hand.
The episodes are kind of your typical animated premise [location -> problem -> enemies -> solution -> light ending note], so that's why a mini-series may work better for it, (unless Telltale gets a good large plot going). But in terms of more E-E10+ games for Telltale, this could work.
In addition to my Overwatch idea, I've also thought of Telltale making a Dungeons & Dragons themed game. Particularly if they were to make their own setting instead of one of the more commonly used ones. Minecraft Story Mode has gotten me pretty interested in the idea of Telltale doing more games in settings with little to no true canon, giving them a blank canvas to work with.
I'm about to get a little weird here. I'm actually not sure whether a DnD game would be a great idea or a terrible one. Mostly because of the alignment system.
On one hand, I think it would be interesting if after everything is said and done, you receive a ranking stating your alignment. (You and X% of players are Lawful Good, You and X% of players are True Neutral, etc.) But at the same time, Telltale's love for moral greys might make tagging on explicit Good or Evil labels to choices a bad idea. Not to mention that no doubt some of the more... passionate players would probably get angry at being labeled with an alignment they consider wrong. Particuraly if they were labeled as evil, but think themselves good.
Thread: What about Mortal Kombat the telltale series?
What about Shao kahn marry Sindel.Scorpion forgives Subzero or HORRIBLY BO RAI CHO winning the MORTAL KOMBAT tournament.It will be fun playing with mk characters with telltale style.would'nt it?
Just I don't know three minutes ago an idea came to my head - and it's really awesome idea because of different factors - Telltale team have to make "Twin Peaks" series!
I'm absolutely sure that they can do this series perfectly - because of great success of "The Wold Among Us".
Why Twin Peaks?
1) interesting story
2) lots of diologues
3) beautiful style
4) amazing characters
5) investigation
6) plot twists and mysteries
3rd season is coming up at 21st of May so it will be popular again (of course it's still popular)
I'm presonally a fan of Twin Peaks so I totally will buy this game.
Another ideas - Sherlock Holmes and Stranger Things - advantages are the same as with Twin Peaks
Guys, sorry if somebody already offered this and big respect
Thread: HL3 - A TellTale story... wouldnt it be awesome
at this point, after so many years, wouldnt it just be cool if TT could work their magic and finish up the HL series story for Valve? I think many who even care, just want to know how the story ends. It doesnt even need to be a FPS game... and who better to tell that story than TT!!
Thread: HL3 - A TellTale story... wouldnt it be awesome
at this point, after so many years, wouldnt it just be cool if TT could work th… moreeir magic and finish up the HL series story for Valve? I think many who even care, just want to know how the story ends. It doesnt even need to be a FPS game... and who better to tell that story than TT!!
paultheuglydog Simpsons wouldn't work because its not the type of universe were they go around and solve problems. Crazy stuff happens and they also do unrealistic stuff. Dont get me wrong some of Telltales games are unrealistic but simpsons is just a bit over the top. Take Batman for example he works as a Telltale game because he is a detective and has interesting story's he has villains that take thinking to figure out. He also has a secret identity that's were it gives you the option to go to places as Batman or Bruce. If you need another example then here take BTTF which is a franchise were the main character (Marty) is trying to go back to his timeline while getting his mom to marry his dad. Now with that type of story line there is a lot you can do. Think of it like this
Cause and effect + figuring out genre + suitable universe = A Telltale Game!
Thread: Do you think that Telltale Games should do a Simpsons game?
It would be neat if they could afford to have the actors that play in the tv show play in the game.
It would be awesome if we could get that because we haven't been getting any Star Wars games other then Star Wars the force awakens Lego.
things to do in this game!!!
1. The story line is based around New characters that we have never seen before in another part of the galaxy that is unknown.
2. The Story should be this. When an army of evil force users find out about a new part of the galaxy they decide to search it looking for other force users. They use the force to look for these other force users and find them. After the force users find out evil force users are trying to hunt them down everything changes.
3. The game mechanics should be the same as always. Picking what to say, Picking Choices, etc...
The last Doctor Who game was ages ago and its time for a new one. Doctor Who could be good for Telltale because Telltales game mechanics are perfect for Doctor Who.
What are your thoughts?
I was thinking the other day what about a Discworld series. Such a rich "universe" to draw from the stories that could be told (or re-told) would be endless.
How about a Jungle Book game? You can make a story based off the original Rudyard Kipling book, and add some interactive gaming elements for when you play as either Mowgli, Baloo, Bageerah, or one of the wolves.
I even thought up a cast.
Mowgli - Collin Dean/Max Mittleton
Bagheera - Troy Baker
Baloo - Travis Willingham
Shere Khan - John Dimaggio
Raksha - Laura Bailey
Father Wolf - Robin Atkin Downes
Akela - Dwight Schultz
Grey Brother - Lucien Dodge
Chil - Zach Villa
Kaa - Keith Silverstein
Hathi - JB Blanc
Tabaqui - Chris Cox
Buldeo - Gavin Hammon
The Banderlog - Dee Bradley Baker, Zach Villa, Jason Spisak, Krizia Bajos, Melissa Hutchison, Christian Lanz
Additional Voices - Dee Bradley Baker, Jason Spisak, Debra Wilson, Anthony Ingruber, Krizia Bajos, Erin Yvette, Christian Lanz, Donnetta Lavinia Grays, Adam Harrington, Fred Tatasciore
Check this out. A original character who came up with the Death Note and is pursued by N. You are the Kira Character, and your choices will define if you win against N ou not. If you become de God of the New World or is caught.
How about a Star Wars game based on Rogue One?
Elder Scrolls Adventure series, a sequel to Redguard would be preferable.
Saints Row
I wonder if anyone mentioned Harry Potter or the Godfather
It's a long shot, but definitely one I'd be most excited for it if happened! If the writers from Blizzard would be willing to work with the Telltale team in throwing together a fun collection of maybe even sequences from the past I feel like it'd be just the right story mode I need for the game that I feel like Blizzard has no interest in making.
Obviously Harry potter, star wars, pirates of the caribbean and maybe.... The matrix :P Imagine the crazy quick time events. Or like a horror based game, maybe SAW since you have a lot of dillemas etc.
idk, but i hope tt makes nd have a go at a COMPLETE-BY-SCRATCH idea... it would be interesting
The soprano's would be awesome and with game of thrones you already know hbo.
Something I'm not familiar with. I like learning about new franchises.
Taken: A Telltale Series?
DISCWORLD (Not Rincewind).
A Spider-Man Game, that focuses on him as a hero and as Peter Parker who is in High school, which potential love interests like MJ, Gwen Stacy, maybe even Liz Allan, and then it can go further by having Black Cat as a potential love interest for Spider-Man. The fighting style can work in the way Telltales Batman game works and they could POSSIBLY have buttons to press when he reacts to his spider senses. I think it'd be great to be able to choose if you go on this mission or go to class and keep up your grades and giving you the option to react certain ways around Flash Thompson. Also it'd be cool having the symbiote in like episode 3 or 4 affecting Peter's life as Peter Parker in school and as Spider-Man. It could be Earth 616 Spider-Man OR it could be Ultimate Spider-Man which could also have more love interests like Kitty Pryde or more friends like Johnny Storm and Bobby Drake, I just think having a Telltale Spider-Man game would be great and there are so many things they could do to make it great.
Well I tried to look over all the posts in this thread so that I wouldn't add ideas that have been already mentioned, but I still might unintentionally copy from other posts since this is a huge thread. Hopefully I might come up with something original but on the bright side, if I do copy from someone else's post by mistake at least there will be more than one chance that Telltale games would consider creating a game for that idea.
First, I was thinking about having a James Bond (good old 007) game made, not just because it's in my profile name, it's just that James Bond could give Batman a run for his money.
Second, what about a series that features everyone's favorite Italian boxer, "The Italian Stallion," Rocky Balboa? What if some of those iconic boxing matches went differently from the movies? For example if Clubber Lang lost the first match, would Michael "Mickey," Goldmill still be alive to witness Rocky's other great fights? Think about it, maybe instead of the Apollo Creed disaster happening due to Ivan Drago, Mickey would have died from one of the angry Russian's punches. Just a thought and don't get me wrong I don't want to screw with the Rocky timeline, I just think it would be cool to see some different outcomes. However when it comes time to Hulk Hogan, Telltale should definitely get rid of the name "Thunderlips," because that was just wrong in begin with, since it was a boxing/wrestling match and not a kissing contest.
Third but not least, it's a bird, no it's a plane, no it's Superman coming to save the day! He's faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Boardwalk Empire? Thoughts?
Apologies if this has been mentioned already, but The Darkness? The story and atmosphere were fantastic, Imagine would telltale could do with jackie estacado with the power of darkness, making choices of which darkling to conjure, whether to unleash your power or not and of course whether or not to eat peoples hearts. But seriously, playing through the first darkness was one of the best gaming experiences ive ever had and it's a perfect game for telltale to tackle as it's already a comic series.
Also coming to mind because of same game developer, the chronicles of riddick could prove a worthwhile telltale game as well.
I've been nostalging recently, and I think I found a good licence for Telltale's younger audiences.
Inspector Gadget! Of course I'm talking about the original animated series, but this could work as either a full 5 episode season (as one story arc, or 5 separate ones) or a smaller mini-series of sorts. The premise -- for those unaware -- is a bionic man outfitted with various "Gadgets" throughout his body, allowing him to perform different types of tasks, while solving crimes and stopping the evil organisation MAD. He is accompanied by his genius niece Penny, who also has an incredibly smart dog, appropriately named Brain that helps her and Gadget by keeping them out of danger from MAD agents (he acts in a similar manner to Scooby-Doo). They all stop nefarious plans from the group called MAD, run by a guy called Dr. Claw. His face is never seen, and is always shown sitting in a chair ordering his henchmen through a computer screen. He usually has a cat on his lap, and a metal claw on his right(?) hand.
The episodes are kind of your typical animated premise [location -> problem -> enemies -> solution -> light ending note], so that's why a mini-series may work better for it, (unless Telltale gets a good large plot going). But in terms of more E-E10+ games for Telltale, this could work.
In addition to my Overwatch idea, I've also thought of Telltale making a Dungeons & Dragons themed game. Particularly if they were to make their own setting instead of one of the more commonly used ones. Minecraft Story Mode has gotten me pretty interested in the idea of Telltale doing more games in settings with little to no true canon, giving them a blank canvas to work with.
I'm about to get a little weird here. I'm actually not sure whether a DnD game would be a great idea or a terrible one. Mostly because of the alignment system.
On one hand, I think it would be interesting if after everything is said and done, you receive a ranking stating your alignment. (You and X% of players are Lawful Good, You and X% of players are True Neutral, etc.) But at the same time, Telltale's love for moral greys might make tagging on explicit Good or Evil labels to choices a bad idea. Not to mention that no doubt some of the more... passionate players would probably get angry at being labeled with an alignment they consider wrong. Particuraly if they were labeled as evil, but think themselves good.
I dunno. What do you guys think?
Thread: What about Mortal Kombat the telltale series?
What about Shao kahn marry Sindel.Scorpion forgives Subzero or HORRIBLY BO RAI CHO winning the MORTAL KOMBAT tournament.It will be fun playing with mk characters with telltale style.would'nt it?
Thread: Hey telltale!!!!
When is a Doctor Who Series coming?
I support this....this right here I support....I support this 100% Did I mention I am behind this 100%
I know that the whole T.V. games thing might be overdone. But as far as Telltale stuff, I think that Supernatural would fit Very well.
Just I don't know three minutes ago an idea came to my head - and it's really awesome idea because of different factors - Telltale team have to make "Twin Peaks" series!
I'm absolutely sure that they can do this series perfectly - because of great success of "The Wold Among Us".
Why Twin Peaks?
1) interesting story
2) lots of diologues
3) beautiful style
4) amazing characters
5) investigation
6) plot twists and mysteries
3rd season is coming up at 21st of May so it will be popular again (of course it's still popular)
I'm presonally a fan of Twin Peaks so I totally will buy this game.
Another ideas - Sherlock Holmes and Stranger Things - advantages are the same as with Twin Peaks
Guys, sorry if somebody already offered this and big respect
I wouldn't mind a MAD MAX Telltale series, based on the movies.
Thread: HL3 - A TellTale story... wouldnt it be awesome
at this point, after so many years, wouldnt it just be cool if TT could work their magic and finish up the HL series story for Valve? I think many who even care, just want to know how the story ends. It doesnt even need to be a FPS game... and who better to tell that story than TT!!
Detective Pikachu: The Telltale Series, starring Danny DeVito as Detective Pikachu.
Or better yet, Waluigi: The Telltale Series.
Nah, I'd rather have a true Half-Life 3 instead. Also I want Gordon to remain a mute.
paultheuglydog Simpsons wouldn't work because its not the type of universe were they go around and solve problems. Crazy stuff happens and they also do unrealistic stuff. Dont get me wrong some of Telltales games are unrealistic but simpsons is just a bit over the top. Take Batman for example he works as a Telltale game because he is a detective and has interesting story's he has villains that take thinking to figure out. He also has a secret identity that's were it gives you the option to go to places as Batman or Bruce. If you need another example then here take BTTF which is a franchise were the main character (Marty) is trying to go back to his timeline while getting his mom to marry his dad. Now with that type of story line there is a lot you can do. Think of it like this
Cause and effect + figuring out genre + suitable universe = A Telltale Game!
fite me m8. Waluigi numbah one!
Let's go! Spray Paint fight m8
Alright, you and me bro, 1v1, I'll wrek you- SHIT!
It would be awesome if we could get that because we haven't been getting any Star Wars games other then Star Wars the force awakens Lego.
things to do in this game!!!
1. The story line is based around New characters that we have never seen before in another part of the galaxy that is unknown.
2. The Story should be this. When an army of evil force users find out about a new part of the galaxy they decide to search it looking for other force users. They use the force to look for these other force users and find them. After the force users find out evil force users are trying to hunt them down everything changes.
3. The game mechanics should be the same as always. Picking what to say, Picking Choices, etc...
The last Doctor Who game was ages ago and its time for a new one. Doctor Who could be good for Telltale because Telltales game mechanics are perfect for Doctor Who.
What are your thoughts?
I was thinking the other day what about a Discworld series. Such a rich "universe" to draw from the stories that could be told (or re-told) would be endless.
Wrestling? WWE? Crazy, but interesting
How about a Jungle Book game? You can make a story based off the original Rudyard Kipling book, and add some interactive gaming elements for when you play as either Mowgli, Baloo, Bageerah, or one of the wolves.
I even thought up a cast.
Mowgli - Collin Dean/Max Mittleton
Bagheera - Troy Baker
Baloo - Travis Willingham
Shere Khan - John Dimaggio
Raksha - Laura Bailey
Father Wolf - Robin Atkin Downes
Akela - Dwight Schultz
Grey Brother - Lucien Dodge
Chil - Zach Villa
Kaa - Keith Silverstein
Hathi - JB Blanc
Tabaqui - Chris Cox
Buldeo - Gavin Hammon
The Banderlog - Dee Bradley Baker, Zach Villa, Jason Spisak, Krizia Bajos, Melissa Hutchison, Christian Lanz
Additional Voices - Dee Bradley Baker, Jason Spisak, Debra Wilson, Anthony Ingruber, Krizia Bajos, Erin Yvette, Christian Lanz, Donnetta Lavinia Grays, Adam Harrington, Fred Tatasciore
What do you guys think?
I was thinking about a Death Note game.
Check this out. A original character who came up with the Death Note and is pursued by N. You are the Kira Character, and your choices will define if you win against N ou not. If you become de God of the New World or is caught.
What you guys think?