I think I read somewhere that Telltale were going to make a game from the DC Univers and the Marvel Universe and they chose Batman for DC a… morend Guardians of the Galaxy for Marvel. I don't know if they are going to make another game in the DC Universe but i think a Suicide Squad game would be great.
Also, for a future marvel team up, I was thinking an X-Men game might be a good idea. It's a similar idea to Suicide Squad with multiple characters and different moral decisions. They may have to be less dark than decisions in Suicide Squad though.
I think I read somewhere that Telltale were going to make a game from the DC Univers and the Marvel Universe and they chose Batman for DC a… morend Guardians of the Galaxy for Marvel. I don't know if they are going to make another game in the DC Universe but i think a Suicide Squad game would be great.
With Telltale exploring other franchises to build up the story. Some that could tie in to other franchises and others that could have freewill over it. This will heavily depend on how they can pull it off and will the franchise owner allows them to. These are the series Telltale should definitely do
Spider-Man: The Telltale Series
This is perhaps the most obvious one they should do. Since "Batman: The Telltale Series" I was able to form what I view Bruce Wayne/Batman should be. Both grayish characters but are willing to do what is right. I absolutely love what Telltale did with the Batman franchise because it was able to do what the comics, movies, and TV series were never able to do, and introduce new characters based on an existing one. Vicki Vale was a perfect example of it and I believe Telltale should continue doing original characters that would fit the story. I believe it has alot of potential to expand and for Batman to reach new territories. The same can be said with this, and for added measure would consider adding elements from the Spectacular Spider-man cartoon series, with Josh Keaton voicing Peter Parker/ Spider-Man
This can be applied to the Spider-Man franchise as well. Starting with the death of Uncle Ben and Peter as Spider-Man going after the killer, which you would be given the option to either web him up or kill him. Depending on the decision here would also affect the future story, and would give Telltale the opportunity to introduce a new villain into the mix.
Another factor would be Peter's profession as a scientist vs Peter's skills as a photographer. Both choices would also affect the story as both decisions would have benefits some situation would need. Example would be in Telltale's Batman series with Lucius Fox in episode 3 were he's either an inside man in Wayne Enterprise or works for Batman, and we see its effect in episode 4 were he either makes things easier for you to infiltrate Wayne Enterprises or gave you a Strobe Grenade. This could be applied here with two variants, but one exception is Peter getting a mentor that would benefit him. For photographer route, Peter works for the Bugle and meets the cast like Jameson, Betty Brant, Robbie Robertson, Ned Leeds, and Ben Urich as his mentor. As a Bugle photographer, Peter can make money out of it as a freelancer, but he would not get any new materials when it comes to facing a villain. For scientist route, Peter would work for Oscorp as an unpaid intern and meets the cast like Norman Osborn, Dr. Rajit Ratha, Sajani Jaffrey/Gwen Stacy, Donald Menken, and Otto Octavius as his mentor. As a scientist, Peter can create new materials that would help him face off against some villains, but he would not get any money
This is were another factor comes in to play involving this. Taking elements from "Tales from the Borderlands", Peter would have two bars the player would have to work with. The skills bar and the money bar. Both have uses the player needs to think of in certain situations, which will involve improving your skills to make out in a certain situation or buy equipment that would help you. Gameplay would have to change on that which will depend heavily on the choices the player would make
Next factor is the villains. Like with the Telltale Batman series involving Harvey Dent, the players should be given a chance to redeem a villain. The main example is with Otto Octavius, as any comic fan would know how he turns out. However, what if you could prevent that from happening, but that would also have to involve somebody else from being affected. Another situation that needs considering is what would happen if a villains can be altered depending on your decision and the relationship of the character. Like in the scientist route with Norman Osborn and the involvement of Harry Osborn. Depending on your relationship with Norman Osborn, which if its high would treat you better and more like a son, but that would also cause a strain on Harry Osborn as he's fueled with jealously and he becomes the Green Goblin instead of Norman Osborn. Same with the photography route were a different person becomes a villain, like Betty Brant for example.
Next example is the money issue. Because of the route you chose and being able to help out Aunt May wit the bills, or you just chose to be a greedy a-hole, the chance to steal some money. If not by civilians then why not criminals? Again, that also affects the decision that would carry out in gameplay. You can still continue on your own route, and buy stuff with your money, but since it's stolen that would have the characters judge you further
And lastly involves the romance. Whether or not you would commit to a romance. Sajani Jaffrey, Gwen Stacy, Liz Allan, or Mary Jane Watson. Again. That heavily depends if the player would want to or not, but certain situations would require an opportunity for such
This is my idea for a Telltale Spider-Man game if they would be interested in doing one. However, that would also require them to improve their game engine further because the Batman game has glitches that are known. So an improvement is needed to prevent it. Who here would be interested for a Telltale Spider-Man game?
Telltale' Star Wars
Who wouldn't want a chance to play a Star Wars character? The universe itself has alot of lore to expand upon, and since the franchise is owned by Disney/LucasArts the characters would have to be based on canon. If using canon characters then I would like for Telltale to include the option to play as a male or female characters. Both genders would follow the same story, but elements would have to fit the narrative. This would however depend on what setting Telltale would start with and what would later. This also depends on what kind of characters would Telltale use for this that would fit the canon but make the player own the story. With nearly all the Star Wars characters in different media now made non-canon and part of the Legends line I picked one male and one female from each group. Some are a complete unknown and are very difficult to find, but I think they could be used for the story
During the event of Episode 3 were Order 66 was in place, a number of Jedi's were being killed by the Clone Troopers being led by Darth Vader himself. However, a young Jedi Younglings manage to escape with the help of one Jedi Masters as s/he seek to escape offworld to survive. What happens after that is anyone's guess between the events of Episode 3 & 4
"Iguni" is a male character from TokyoPop's 2006 manga series "Star Wars Manga: Black - Evil Eye". Part of the "Infinities" line, Iguni is a brand new species and he looks really cool. I have some ideas of what his eyes and skin colour would look like as I imagine him based on TERA's castanic race. If done right he'll be quite a cool looking character to have, and would be nice to bring him in canon
"Pix" is a young female human from Dark Horse Comic series "Star Wars Jedi: Yoda". This character is part of the "Legends" line, and an awesome character to have. What else is that she dresses differently then most Jedi wore. Quite hard to pic a female character, but this one I think Telltale should give it a shot and would bring her back to canon
Imperial Army Defectors:
Before the events of Episode 4, a young Imperial cadet has surpassed all expectation and becomes a pilot of the Empire's elite flight squad and successfully completed numerous missions, until one mission with utter hesitation that the pilot sees just how far the Empire would go. And after the events of Episode 4 after the destruction of the 1st Death Star that the pilot's faith in the Empire has stopped and seeks to find and join the Rebels. If anybody knows the "Star Wars: Rogue Squadron" video game series then that's the plot they could use for this story
"Falback Kord" is a male character from Dark Horse Comic Star Wars series. Part of the "Legends" line, Falback is from Imperial-Occupied planet Tinnel Four and his father was a peer for Grand Moff Tarkin. In this version he's part of an elite squadron pilots of Tie Interceptors and later Tie Hunters and is considered to be one of the best pilots the Empire ever has, but since in one of his missions his faith in the Empire is shattered and has desires to defect, and with the 1st Death Star's destruction his decision to defect was solid as he wants to fight for a cause with a true purpose.
"Civé Rashon" is a female character that was mentioned from the 2003's PC game "Star Wars: Galaxies" and made an appearance in "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back" as one of the TIE pilots pursuing the Millennium Falcon during its escape from Cloud City. Another character from the "Legends" line, Civé is an elite TIE Squadron pilot and has lead Obsidian Squadron against the Rebels. Designated as OS-72-1 and baring the call sign "Howlrunner" she has lead a number of pilots against the Rebels since the start of her career. In this version, Civé still leads Obsidian Squadron and continues to succeed in her missions despite having doubts but never speaks up about it. In the aftermath of the 1st destroyed Death Star, her Obsidian Squadron attacked the Rebel based in retaliation. Only to be brought down by Luke Skywalker and crash landed with severe injuries. However, the impact has caused Civé to lose her memories as she cannot remember what happened
This is the idea I got so far. I had some more ideas, with one being a Kill Bill Telltale series involving the little girl from the first movie all grown-up and out for revenge, but I think it's too much to explain at this point. But anyhow, this was the idea I hope would be made because there is alot that can be done
I really hope Telltale would consider this if they can pull it off and I would like to see it develop more stories out of it
Spider-man wouldn't go with Telltale. Just because Batman went with them doesn't mean Spider-man could like Batman is a detective Spider-man is a teenage boy who goes around stopping crime like batman but with Spider-man he is so more acrobatic and players just want to swing around the city as him and have open world Telltale isn't known for doing that type of gameplay style. other company's such as beenox or insomniac are perfect to make a Spider-man game. Put it this way Batman is a detective who is trying to figure out stuff and he is also a big business man Bruce Wayne but with Spider-man its totally different.
With Telltale exploring other franchises to build up the story. Some that could tie in to other franchises and others that could have freewi… morell over it. This will heavily depend on how they can pull it off and will the franchise owner allows them to. These are the series Telltale should definitely do
Spider-Man: The Telltale Series
This is perhaps the most obvious one they should do. Since "Batman: The Telltale Series" I was able to form what I view Bruce Wayne/Batman should be. Both grayish characters but are willing to do what is right. I absolutely love what Telltale did with the Batman franchise because it was able to do what the comics, movies, and TV series were never able to do, and introduce new characters based on an existing one. Vicki Vale was a perfect example of it and I believe Telltale should continue doing original characters that would fit the story. I believe it has alot of potential to expand and for Batman to reach new … [view original content]
Stranger Things the TellTale Series. X-Files and here's one that only I would want (probably) Perry Mason. I mean if the CW can turn Archie into a teen drama.....TTG can do a Perry Mason game!
A "This War of Mine" kind of a game. Like many characters in a siege, trying to survive, taking a lot of hard choices. I know, telltale adapts series, they don't create them, but still, it would be kinda cool.
Thread: Afro Samurai or The Man With The Iron Fist Telltale
If Telltale would make a Afro Samurai Game spinoff or The Man With The Iron Fist, you already know the game would be so boss... right? I'm personally a big Kung Fu Fan and Wu Tang and a lot of other people are too. Telltale is already known for using songs on their episodes so to have Rza make the soundtrack for them for each episode would be so dope.. especially in the fight scenes.. let's all agree and get Telltale and to make this a dream come true
Recently I've been re-watching Dexter and it gave me the thought... wow what an outstanding game telltale could make with him. Think about it, you would make decisions such as helping the police with a case or pursue it on your own with your dark passenger with each choices ending having the possibility to end in a drastic conclusion.
Also now that Telltale clearly have some what of a deal with marvel (guardians of the galaxy) it would be quite easy to make a Dexter game as marvel own the character for their comics.
Please leave feedback on what you think of this idea
How about a dark bloody sci-fi game...perhaps a Warhammer 40k game where we play as an Inquisitor for the Empire in the ongoing battle to stop the influence of the Warp and Chaos. Ravenor series would be cool.
I think Telltale should make a Telltale Lost series. There could be many similar aspects to the TV show such as plane crash, mysterious island, and survival choices that can lead to the survival or demise of certain survivors. This doesn't need to be exactly like the TV show, such as the events or characters in the show, however, I feel like this would be one of the coolest Telltale games if it becomes a reality.
telltale should create saw game... your gameplay very suitable to this story... otherwise, there are no saw game yet.. it would be great if you create it 1st... that trapping someone and give a pain way to he escape.. it will be horror and exciting... that minecraft game u've created... its perfect, looking for more episode, i've all 8 episode tho, all already finished all of it... well done with your job and art...
John Carpenter's The Thing. I would love to see some kind of story based in that world. Possibly at another outpost or possibly some place in the mainland after the film takes place. Have the choices be really extreme since the ending is probably going to be bleak and then we can all have different experiences with characters.
Well, I think many will agree that Telltale scenarists can do wonders on the "Star Wars" universe. I drool so much of only the thought...
Another popular demand would be LucasArt's old adventure - "Full Throttle" , considering they've already made "Monkey Island" and "Sam&Max" from the same LucasArts
And my personal dream which will never happen - a collaboration with Sierra to make a "Space Quest" sequel.
Also, Sierra fairly recently have made a fairly successful sequel to their "King's Quest" franchise, so we can also expect something from them in the future...
John Carpenter's The Thing. I would love to see some kind of story based in that world. Possibly at another outpost or possibly some place i… moren the mainland after the film takes place. Have the choices be really extreme since the ending is probably going to be bleak and then we can all have different experiences with characters.
I would really like to see the TT game based on Elder Scrolls lore, Morrowind in particular.
I am a fan and think that there are rich story twists opportunities.
There is always the chance they could partner up in the future. Thanks
Also, for a future marvel team up, I was thinking an X-Men game might be a good idea. It's a similar idea to Suicide Squad with multiple characters and different moral decisions. They may have to be less dark than decisions in Suicide Squad though.
With Telltale exploring other franchises to build up the story. Some that could tie in to other franchises and others that could have freewill over it. This will heavily depend on how they can pull it off and will the franchise owner allows them to. These are the series Telltale should definitely do
Spider-Man: The Telltale Series
This is perhaps the most obvious one they should do. Since "Batman: The Telltale Series" I was able to form what I view Bruce Wayne/Batman should be. Both grayish characters but are willing to do what is right. I absolutely love what Telltale did with the Batman franchise because it was able to do what the comics, movies, and TV series were never able to do, and introduce new characters based on an existing one. Vicki Vale was a perfect example of it and I believe Telltale should continue doing original characters that would fit the story. I believe it has alot of potential to expand and for Batman to reach new territories. The same can be said with this, and for added measure would consider adding elements from the Spectacular Spider-man cartoon series, with Josh Keaton voicing Peter Parker/ Spider-Man
This can be applied to the Spider-Man franchise as well. Starting with the death of Uncle Ben and Peter as Spider-Man going after the killer, which you would be given the option to either web him up or kill him. Depending on the decision here would also affect the future story, and would give Telltale the opportunity to introduce a new villain into the mix.
Another factor would be Peter's profession as a scientist vs Peter's skills as a photographer. Both choices would also affect the story as both decisions would have benefits some situation would need. Example would be in Telltale's Batman series with Lucius Fox in episode 3 were he's either an inside man in Wayne Enterprise or works for Batman, and we see its effect in episode 4 were he either makes things easier for you to infiltrate Wayne Enterprises or gave you a Strobe Grenade. This could be applied here with two variants, but one exception is Peter getting a mentor that would benefit him. For photographer route, Peter works for the Bugle and meets the cast like Jameson, Betty Brant, Robbie Robertson, Ned Leeds, and Ben Urich as his mentor. As a Bugle photographer, Peter can make money out of it as a freelancer, but he would not get any new materials when it comes to facing a villain. For scientist route, Peter would work for Oscorp as an unpaid intern and meets the cast like Norman Osborn, Dr. Rajit Ratha, Sajani Jaffrey/Gwen Stacy, Donald Menken, and Otto Octavius as his mentor. As a scientist, Peter can create new materials that would help him face off against some villains, but he would not get any money
This is were another factor comes in to play involving this. Taking elements from "Tales from the Borderlands", Peter would have two bars the player would have to work with. The skills bar and the money bar. Both have uses the player needs to think of in certain situations, which will involve improving your skills to make out in a certain situation or buy equipment that would help you. Gameplay would have to change on that which will depend heavily on the choices the player would make
Next factor is the villains. Like with the Telltale Batman series involving Harvey Dent, the players should be given a chance to redeem a villain. The main example is with Otto Octavius, as any comic fan would know how he turns out. However, what if you could prevent that from happening, but that would also have to involve somebody else from being affected. Another situation that needs considering is what would happen if a villains can be altered depending on your decision and the relationship of the character. Like in the scientist route with Norman Osborn and the involvement of Harry Osborn. Depending on your relationship with Norman Osborn, which if its high would treat you better and more like a son, but that would also cause a strain on Harry Osborn as he's fueled with jealously and he becomes the Green Goblin instead of Norman Osborn. Same with the photography route were a different person becomes a villain, like Betty Brant for example.
Next example is the money issue. Because of the route you chose and being able to help out Aunt May wit the bills, or you just chose to be a greedy a-hole, the chance to steal some money. If not by civilians then why not criminals? Again, that also affects the decision that would carry out in gameplay. You can still continue on your own route, and buy stuff with your money, but since it's stolen that would have the characters judge you further
And lastly involves the romance. Whether or not you would commit to a romance. Sajani Jaffrey, Gwen Stacy, Liz Allan, or Mary Jane Watson. Again. That heavily depends if the player would want to or not, but certain situations would require an opportunity for such
This is my idea for a Telltale Spider-Man game if they would be interested in doing one. However, that would also require them to improve their game engine further because the Batman game has glitches that are known. So an improvement is needed to prevent it. Who here would be interested for a Telltale Spider-Man game?
Telltale' Star Wars
Who wouldn't want a chance to play a Star Wars character? The universe itself has alot of lore to expand upon, and since the franchise is owned by Disney/LucasArts the characters would have to be based on canon. If using canon characters then I would like for Telltale to include the option to play as a male or female characters. Both genders would follow the same story, but elements would have to fit the narrative. This would however depend on what setting Telltale would start with and what would later. This also depends on what kind of characters would Telltale use for this that would fit the canon but make the player own the story. With nearly all the Star Wars characters in different media now made non-canon and part of the Legends line I picked one male and one female from each group. Some are a complete unknown and are very difficult to find, but I think they could be used for the story
During the event of Episode 3 were Order 66 was in place, a number of Jedi's were being killed by the Clone Troopers being led by Darth Vader himself. However, a young Jedi Younglings manage to escape with the help of one Jedi Masters as s/he seek to escape offworld to survive. What happens after that is anyone's guess between the events of Episode 3 & 4
"Iguni" is a male character from TokyoPop's 2006 manga series "Star Wars Manga: Black - Evil Eye". Part of the "Infinities" line, Iguni is a brand new species and he looks really cool. I have some ideas of what his eyes and skin colour would look like as I imagine him based on TERA's castanic race. If done right he'll be quite a cool looking character to have, and would be nice to bring him in canon
"Pix" is a young female human from Dark Horse Comic series "Star Wars Jedi: Yoda". This character is part of the "Legends" line, and an awesome character to have. What else is that she dresses differently then most Jedi wore. Quite hard to pic a female character, but this one I think Telltale should give it a shot and would bring her back to canon
Imperial Army Defectors:
Before the events of Episode 4, a young Imperial cadet has surpassed all expectation and becomes a pilot of the Empire's elite flight squad and successfully completed numerous missions, until one mission with utter hesitation that the pilot sees just how far the Empire would go. And after the events of Episode 4 after the destruction of the 1st Death Star that the pilot's faith in the Empire has stopped and seeks to find and join the Rebels. If anybody knows the "Star Wars: Rogue Squadron" video game series then that's the plot they could use for this story
"Falback Kord" is a male character from Dark Horse Comic Star Wars series. Part of the "Legends" line, Falback is from Imperial-Occupied planet Tinnel Four and his father was a peer for Grand Moff Tarkin. In this version he's part of an elite squadron pilots of Tie Interceptors and later Tie Hunters and is considered to be one of the best pilots the Empire ever has, but since in one of his missions his faith in the Empire is shattered and has desires to defect, and with the 1st Death Star's destruction his decision to defect was solid as he wants to fight for a cause with a true purpose.
"Civé Rashon" is a female character that was mentioned from the 2003's PC game "Star Wars: Galaxies" and made an appearance in "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back" as one of the TIE pilots pursuing the Millennium Falcon during its escape from Cloud City. Another character from the "Legends" line, Civé is an elite TIE Squadron pilot and has lead Obsidian Squadron against the Rebels. Designated as OS-72-1 and baring the call sign "Howlrunner" she has lead a number of pilots against the Rebels since the start of her career. In this version, Civé still leads Obsidian Squadron and continues to succeed in her missions despite having doubts but never speaks up about it. In the aftermath of the 1st destroyed Death Star, her Obsidian Squadron attacked the Rebel based in retaliation. Only to be brought down by Luke Skywalker and crash landed with severe injuries. However, the impact has caused Civé to lose her memories as she cannot remember what happened
This is the idea I got so far. I had some more ideas, with one being a Kill Bill Telltale series involving the little girl from the first movie all grown-up and out for revenge, but I think it's too much to explain at this point. But anyhow, this was the idea I hope would be made because there is alot that can be done
I really hope Telltale would consider this if they can pull it off and I would like to see it develop more stories out of it
I highly recommend checking out Games as lit 101's channel. He's made a lot of great videos and topics about gaming.
Spider-man or Harry Potter or X-Men or X-files
I would love if Telltale made a WWE game. It would be;
Thread: Star Wars - The Telltale Series.
I would die of happiness if this happens.
Me too.
Spider-man wouldn't go with Telltale. Just because Batman went with them doesn't mean Spider-man could like Batman is a detective Spider-man is a teenage boy who goes around stopping crime like batman but with Spider-man he is so more acrobatic and players just want to swing around the city as him and have open world Telltale isn't known for doing that type of gameplay style. other company's such as beenox or insomniac are perfect to make a Spider-man game. Put it this way Batman is a detective who is trying to figure out stuff and he is also a big business man Bruce Wayne but with Spider-man its totally different.
So Same!!!!
Stranger Things the TellTale Series. X-Files and here's one that only I would want (probably) Perry Mason. I mean if the CW can turn Archie into a teen drama.....TTG can do a Perry Mason game!
A "This War of Mine" kind of a game. Like many characters in a siege, trying to survive, taking a lot of hard choices. I know, telltale adapts series, they don't create them, but still, it would be kinda cool.
Thread: Afro Samurai or The Man With The Iron Fist Telltale
If Telltale would make a Afro Samurai Game spinoff or The Man With The Iron Fist, you already know the game would be so boss... right? I'm personally a big Kung Fu Fan and Wu Tang and a lot of other people are too. Telltale is already known for using songs on their episodes so to have Rza make the soundtrack for them for each episode would be so dope.. especially in the fight scenes.. let's all agree and get Telltale and to make this a dream come true
Recently I've been re-watching Dexter and it gave me the thought... wow what an outstanding game telltale could make with him. Think about it, you would make decisions such as helping the police with a case or pursue it on your own with your dark passenger with each choices ending having the possibility to end in a drastic conclusion.
Also now that Telltale clearly have some what of a deal with marvel (guardians of the galaxy) it would be quite easy to make a Dexter game as marvel own the character for their comics.
Please leave feedback on what you think of this idea
I think Dexter and his friends would get mighty plot armor.
I'm fed up with Telltale titles. I wish they would focus on The Walking Dead and put more effort into it.
Afro Samurai or The Man with the Iron Fist... the episodes would have the best soundtracks RZA or Wu Tang
Who else would like a harry potter telltale game?
Maybe a Supernatural game?
They should make a Bates motel game
Garth Marenghi's Dark Place
Telltale: the telltale series
How about a dark bloody sci-fi game...perhaps a Warhammer 40k game where we play as an Inquisitor for the Empire in the ongoing battle to stop the influence of the Warp and Chaos. Ravenor series would be cool.
League of legends story mode
I think Telltale should make a Telltale Lost series. There could be many similar aspects to the TV show such as plane crash, mysterious island, and survival choices that can lead to the survival or demise of certain survivors. This doesn't need to be exactly like the TV show, such as the events or characters in the show, however, I feel like this would be one of the coolest Telltale games if it becomes a reality.
I think a Scream game would be really cool!
You'd have to guess who the killer is before it's too late!
A Buffy game would be awesome too!
telltale should create saw game... your gameplay very suitable to this story... otherwise, there are no saw game yet.. it would be great if you create it 1st... that trapping someone and give a pain way to he escape.. it will be horror and exciting... that minecraft game u've created... its perfect, looking for more episode, i've all 8 episode tho, all already finished all of it... well done with your job and art...
John Carpenter's The Thing. I would love to see some kind of story based in that world. Possibly at another outpost or possibly some place in the mainland after the film takes place. Have the choices be really extreme since the ending is probably going to be bleak and then we can all have different experiences with characters.
I would love a Telltale series about Jesse after the events of Breaking Bad
Something like Sonic the Hedgehog or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or even Transformers!
(I'm a fan of all those series!)
Oh god, this thread is still alive? Wow.
Also, Sierra fairly recently have made a fairly successful sequel to their "King's Quest" franchise, so we can also expect something from them in the future...
Black Sails would be really nice with Pirates and there treasures and the fights on the ships ____
I've said it before but I shall say it again.
Oddworld: The Telltale Game Series
Who's with me?
People are probably gonna hate me for this, but I think that a Telltale game set in the Runescape universe could be very interesting.
Runescape has a very rich world filled with lore and characters, and I think it could be interesting to visit in another not so grindy perspective
After seeing this pic ...
...yea, they could do Popeye xd
Although I posted this elsewhere(can't remember weather I was after or before this post) I support it.
The decisions made in this game would be nail bitingly fantastic!
Battle Royale ; )
I would really like to see the TT game based on Elder Scrolls lore, Morrowind in particular.
I am a fan and think that there are rich story twists opportunities.