Steven Universe Thread
Steven Universe is a show created by Rebecca Sugar for Cartoon Network.
note: idk if there is a thread for it, but I did it anyway:), I'm a huge SU fan and I would love to discuss anything relating to the show here.
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I recently went through it and it gets pretty great, can't wait for the new episode on Friday.
yessss!!!! I was kinda disappointed with how the latest episode went, but "storm in the room" is what I want!
Great show. Amazing animation, strongly tackling sensitive subjects and amazing music. Every kids show should be as risky and important as Steven Universe. Not the best cartoon ever made nor is it the best kids show ever made, but god damn if it isn't fantastic. Just wish they'd quit doing it in such short bursts and work for a consistent schedule.
It's an okay show to me. The animation is not something that great, but comparatively to what other things are on the channel? Yeah, I'd watch SU anytime. As for the message each episode has, meh.
For a team of 3 animators working from the little attention Cartoon Network gives them, the animation is actually really amazing. It's colorful, bright, smooth and well drawn.
See, I've gotta disagree again. The messages they teach are pretty important. Be confident in who you are, don't discriminate people of different sexualities and races, it's okay to be who you are, you're not perfect, how to cope with loss and death, PTSD issues, depression, etc. The show tackles some very sensitive subjects that hardly any kids shows even hint to tackling. Now, most of these lessons have been taught in shows like Courage the Cowardly Dog, The OG Powerpuff Girls and Avatar: TLA far before Steven Universe taught them, but two of those shows are aimed towards more teens and adults than kids, and the Powerpuff Girls is far too old now so young children wouldn't get the message without being irritable. Steven Universe is a really needed show, especially in a time where a lot of people are fighting each other over pointless things and people are so bitter all the time. It helps to have a show that teaches the needed lessons and still delivers a well written story and fun animation.
I know right!
I thank you for not only sharing your opinion, but also for willing to explain to me without getting mad.
I love rebecca sugars songs they are so distinct I wish she still worked on adventure time full time because I miss them
stronger than you, giant woman; among others are amaaazing. I love the ending theme tho, ''love like you.''
the show has a certain charm to it! you can at least relate or aspire to be as one of the characters. I love that it caters to both kids and adults
Steven Universe is my second favorite show of all time, the thing I love the most is how each character, even the minor and secondary ones all feel unique and impactful in their own ways
The animation just keeps getting better, the character development is top notch and the songs have all been great so far (although I think some of the earlier S1 songs were not the greatest but were still good). I can't wait for tomorrow's episode (well, technically today).
Steven Universe is absolute garbage with a fanbase so toxic it makes the Juggalos look like articulately respectful members of a debate board.
So, if I don't like a show you like, I'm a troll huh?
Congrats, you seem to be one of the many Steven Universe zealots I was referring to.
It's fine if you don't like the show or the fanbase (I don't either). But do ya really gotta be such a dick about it?
No, I choose to be a dick about it, that's why it's called an opinion.
You don't have to agree with it, but rather than calling someone a troll for their vocal crudeness, try actually discussing things intelligently.
I'll personally disagree with you on the show but depending on where you go the fanbase can be pure garbage, driving someone to suicide over artwork is definitely one of the scummier things you can do.
Okay fine. I apologise for assuming you were trolling.
This is more akin to your "tactful" opinion.
Of course man. I'd never get mad over a simple opinion unless the other party was being disrespectful, and you most certainly were the opposite. You were very respectful in stating your opinion.
Let's stop this before the conversation gets out of hand.
...Now I relinquish the power to you to make the next decision as to how to handle my apparently itchy trigger finger...
Thank you for your respectful comment, I am nothing if not respectful towards people who can address the things they like in a calming manner even if I vehemently dislike those things...
Holy shit I remember that. Those people were absolutely vile.
Yeah, that was pretty scummy and I've basically decided to write off the entire fanbase and just watch the show at this point. Luckily she's alive and doing a lot better recently according to her twitter, though I have no doubt those White Knights will return to try and finish her off like the scumbags they are.
Can I ask why you despise the show so much? Just wondering.
For me, it's difficult to dissect a show like Steven Universe mainly because I don't particularly keep myself up-to-date on cartoons or TV shows for that matter.
I've seen episodes and find the conflict that arises to be both extremely uninvesting as well as forced more often than not. In particular the character of Steven is grating and annoying.
The plot never seems to grow as much as it does settle itself and resets itself, much like a sit-com yet I find elements jarring when characters refer to previous episodes yet never contain any development within the episode.
That's a part of it anyways.
That was a good chocolate commercial.
That's fair I suppose. I personally see it otherwise but I completely respect your opinion and views on the show. I was really just wondering why you didn't like it and I got a respectful and calm answer, and I thank you for that.
As well as yourself.
don't get me started about the characters development. I really appreciate the creator for keeping it real in that regard.
is the new episode out yet?
I respect your opinion, people are not the same too, just like opinions. don't generalize the fandom with the minority whom you dislike.
please, this thread is made to discuss the show we love, I don't want negativity and toxic discussions
, I'm new to the show so I haven't been interacting all that much with SU community, but let's try to make it positive here even if we disagree on the content or whatever, I respect others opinion but don't be a shag about it 
Did you know the fanbase got angry because a conservative in SU was shown as a good guy
I'd probably give the show a chance if it wasn't for the awful art style.
this thread is about the actual show and content. not people who are fighting in the internet. please.
I had thoughts about watching it but there are already quite a few shows in my my list. Who knows, maybe one day...
but it is about the actual show and content?
I didn't really say anything super disrespectful, I was specifically calling out the people that drove that girl to suicide. I've actually been very respectful.