Issue 165 Discussion
Holy fucking fuckity fucked fuck. That last panel. I can't believe Andrea is a goner now... Looks like she's gonna have her TV death in the comics, too. Comment what you thought about this issue.
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Sherry and the Fucktard Brigade finally making their move. I hope Dwight stomps their shit in. Those sheep are prepped for FACTION EXTINCTION.
Andrea. An OG Atlanta survivor. Damn. That's heavy.
Uhm...I guess Rick and Negan are pals now?
That post was horribly all over the place, so I'll just say I liked it overall.
Damn.... Andrea got fucking bit. On the neck. Fuck. She's one of my favorites and we've known her from all the way back in the original Atlanta group. But I'm honestly somewhat glad that her and Eugene didn't get out of that herd unscathed, because that would've been way too unrealistic. We've been due a major death for a while. Hopefully she will either go out like a bamf or be able to say goodbye to Rick and go in peace.
So much frustration in this issue. Siddiq using the radio for no goddamned reason other than his curiosity; he didn't even ask for help or say they were in danger or anything. Just, "Duhhhh, I'm not Eugene, cya!". Sounds like Stephanie might keep her promise and break off all communications.
Oh, and the asshole Saviors are back. Can someone remind why in the world that guy hates Dwight so much?
For fucks sake. That's fucking shitty. I really fucking liked Andrea. I hope this brings Rick back into the fray though.
Guys, remember when Kirkman led us to think that Rick would die back in All Out War when Dwight shot him with a supposedly infected bolt? I think he's kind of doing the same thing now, the wound on Andrea's neck could be the result of a stray bullet hitting her. I genuinely hope I'm wrong, but this is a possibility.
For the first time in a while, I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue. Can't wait for Dwight to give hell to those fuckers.
I actually thought about this when I saw that panel, and hell, you just might be right. At this point, I believe Kirkman would do anything to establish a character's impeding death, then just cop out like Rick in the example you gave.
Indeed, I've known Robbie too long, if there's a guy who could pull a trick like this for the sake of a shock moment, it's him.
As much as I love Andrea, I'd be pretty pissed off if this isn't a bite. Kirkman seems too scared to kill characters off now, and I believe this was a good gut punch. It'll seem like an unnecessary shock if it was just a bullet wound and in fact, isn't a bite.
I also liked the reference to Pete and his boat
That's right. If it is what I dread it is, and Dwight bites the dust instead to make some space for Negan, I'm done paying for TWD.
The neck is clean on the "bitten" side, that's all I'm saying,
I know it sounds bad...but I'm happy kirkman is killing off important characters again
That's totally acceptable. Character deaths and the threat of a fan favourite getting axed adds intrigue and keeps you coming back. If each character is safe in a zombie survival series, then what's the point in reading it?
You people asked for it right? Kept complaining that nothing was happening... YOU HAPPY NOW?!
Also fuck Sherry.
I'm pretty sure they would leave a detail like that off a cover to prevent spoilers.
He could have placed Andrea on the right and Rick on the left, so her wound would be covered, prevents spoilers, but he didn't.
If Andrea actually dies I would be happy. I like her, but by now all she did was being Rick's excuse to expose all his grandiose plans of leadership.
And yeah, fuck Sherry.
I said something similar to this in The Walking Dead Subreddit and it was a borderline orgasmic feeling to be that right. People downvoted me 'cause they knew it, too. And that isn't me being full of myself, because that's all they'd do: Downvote me without presenting a counterargument.
They bitched, and bitched, and bitched...Then Kirkman finally responded.
Heath has both legs on the cover of issue 122 despite having a leg blown off in issue 120 so i still think it's spoiler thing, plus covers are normally misleading to not spoil too much anyway.
It's especially true on here. Holy crap the amount of complaining and complaining. Talking about how the comics are shit now because nothing too exciting happened in the past few issues.
And now of course since people can never be happy people are bitching about why Andrea had to be the one to die.
Show me one comment of a person complaining that Andrea is the one that's gonna die.
Sorry meant to say that I saw those comments on Reddit. There were a few people who were pissed that she was gonna die.
What Lupin said.
Just go to the subreddit and its littered with complaints.
Oh well. You reap what you sow.
That's all I have to say, that's all I CAN say. Just...fuck, that was a punch to the gut. I really thought it was going to be Eugene, which would have been bad, but seeing Andrea with the bite, that made it a hell of a lot worse. While I don't want to see Andrea go as she's one of my favorite characters, I really hope this isn't one of Kirkman's usual fake outs.
I mean, there have been issues where characters who aren't even alive is on it. Alpha is an example (I'm pretty sure.). So that is not really an issue (no pun intended).
I can't believe she was bit though. Although it's good to see that even the atlanta 3 can get hurt. Hopefully, it something reddiculous isn't going to happen. Like a reveal that it actually was Eugene who bit her in panic or something... -_-
ufff... Okay...
O-Okay, I'm fine.
Just... It's not fair... and she didn't even die in the war... her death will have no meaning... this is shit.
In another note, the second or so letter hack... just... ugh.
sorry i could't help it sorry plz sorry
but seriously lydia and sophia fighting to death over carl... it's so ridiculous.
If Andrea lives through being bitten or is not bitten at all for the sake of shock value I'm just going to call bullshit on the entire franchise. Still this was a better issue than recent ones
Yeah, there's been a lot of misleading issues in the past, but this is bigger than Heath losing his leg and way easier to conceal.
Guys it was Eugene's knife that cut Andrea. She wasn't bit at all. Check out the panels on the previous page from where it shows her cut and you will see Eugene's left arm is stretched out not far away from Andrea's neck and there are blood droppings on the edge of his knife. That also was the first time he used his knife in the entire issue as he was on horeseback prior to that.
Andrea is fine. Don't fall too easily for Kirkman's tricks.
God I cant wait for the backlash cause of this.
Can you post pictures?
Can't find any pictures up online about it yet but here is a video of the issue online. Go to 10 minutes and 7 seconds of the video to see the point where that panel is.
As you can see not only is the blood on the knife dripping away from Andrea's direction (indicating that the momentum of his arm was coming from a point that was closer to Andrea. But they also shaded in the area of Andrea's neck that would show the cut mark on Andrea in the panel on the next page.
I think they are just trying to see how closely people pay attention to details.
I just think kirmans scared to do fucking anything at this point.
To a point that is definitely true. He has definitely become a lot more careful with the main characters over the years. I think he probably realizes that a lot of the readers who have stayed with the comic for this long are extremely invested in particular characters by now and if a one of the very core characters in the entire series dies at this point it needs to be a very satisfying death. That is why I knew almost right away this was just a fake out because there is no way he would kill off Andrea from the series by means of a zombie bite that was neither seen by the reader or acknowledged by the character until someone else had to point it out to them.
On the other hand, you can see Eugene use the knife against some walkers, so if it's really Eugene's knife that scratched Andrea, wouldn't she be infected anyway?
I'm more keen on thinking that Andrea was grazed by one of Magna's shots.
He didn't use it on the Walkers though until after that panel however. Prior to that he was on horseback and he fell off his horse immediately before that panel with the blood dripping knife. Also it isn't the Walker blood that gets people sick. It is the Walker saliva that gets them sick. If it was Walker blood that got them sick they would all be dead by now.
Did you forget All Out War and the whole shabang about Rick dying because Dwight was supposed to muck his bolts in zombie guts and he didn't? Remember that Nicholas died because of an infected knife that slashed his back?
I remember that. However you must be forgetting the scene that they set it up with. Negan and the Saviors didn't infect their weapons with zombie guts. They infected it with zombie saliva.
Remember the panel where Negan was running Lucille along the zombies mouths?
They cover themselves up with zombie guts in order to keep themselves from being noticed by zombies. If all of a sudden it was the zombie guts that caused them to die then that would be one huge and I mean huge contradiction.
They do cover themselves with guts, but of course none of that goes into their mouth, nor they've every applied it on their wounds, so it has no way of entering the bloodstream.